Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Moon. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2020

Solstice June 2020: what in the world is going on???

"For my part I know nothing with certainty but the sight of the stars make me dream" 

- Vincent Van Gough

Greetings Fellow Earthlings and Lovers of the Night Sky

Police brutality protests
Black Lives Matter protest in St. Louis
It’s been quite the chaotic dance since I last wrote in early March. Lockdowns, border restrictions, oodles of information and misinformation, global pandemic spread leading to over 8.5 million infected and near 500,000 related deaths, unprecedented social protests, and a lot of stay-at-home realities triggering massive layoffs, school and business closings and significant social reorganization. And we're not even at the half-way mark of the year!

At the moment I’m residing in the western suburban area of Philadelphia with my younger sister and husband, since South Africa’s borders are temporarily closed to tourist and non-residents alike. This is the longest stretch for me in the USA since 2017. Such a different reality here than South Africa. I had thought I’d be in South Africa by now enjoying its extraordinary star-filled winter night sky. But the Universe had other ideas and plans!

So what in the world is going on for the next six months? I’ll state it up front: based on the coming astrological cycles of 2020’s second half, and further fueled by the chaotic intensity from the first half, amplified events await! Yet generational-changing opportunity becomes more available through renewed group focus and intention. 

We are part of an extraordinary shift in consciousness now underway whose social, economic and political ramifications cannot yet be fully understood. This is more evident today than it was in 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn and the world financial structures mightily shook. This is fertile virgin ground for significant global changes over the next 10 years.  What

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Total Solar Eclipse Super New Moon March 8...Pisces Flood

"Infuse your life with  action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own  future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your  beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come  down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen...  yourself, right now, right down here on Earth." Bradley Whitford, Actor and Political Activist

#supermoon #totaleclipse #PiscesNewMoon

Aloha Everyone

This update is rather out of the fact, quite Uranian. I haven't created an update here for a year as I have focused on other pursuits instead of astrology writing. Yet thanks to a rather recent and persistent voice in my head, I’ve decided to weigh-in on today’s significant total solar eclipse. That voice was fueled in part by a very recent unexpected last minute astrology consultation for a new client whose significant Piscean natal aspects just happened to be exact to this eclipse position.

As an aside, I'll surprisingly drop-in here once in a while as the spirit moves or nudges me, offering my Aquarius big picture thoughts about certain significant astrological events. If you are looking for the astrological nitty-gritty (usually Virgo types do), there are plenty of other astrologers writing on a much more frequent basis. An internet search will hook you up with them.

Before I get to the eclipse, I want to mention I expect 2016 will prove to be more intense than the

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Aquarius New Moon & Mercury Retrograde Jan 20: Planetary Vision 101

“Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”  Gandhi

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King

"Hawai'i Day's End" by Joseph Mina
Sometimes creating these astrology updates takes on a rather surreal vibe. Poet Robert Burns once wrote "the best laid plans of mice and men" alluding to life's unexpected changes. Perhaps he wrote it during a Mercury Retrograde? Fast forward>>>Yesterday, I set out to prepare this update. My intention was to complete it unscathed by that thing called "Mercury Retrograde" and its rep for communication and travel snafus. Ha!! Well, right on time, the electrical power to the house cut out near sunset...instant computer shutdown...bye-bye plans...power finally restored 11 hours later. Turns out a driver, allegedly inebriated from football partying, decided his pick-up truck and a nearby utility pole needed to talk to each other. But I digress. Mercury Retrograde...unexpected changes in plans. The gift...amazing night sky full of stars across the sweep of the Milky Way, and early to bed for a longer than usual night's sleep (my body was happy). Mercury Retrograde indeed!

And in the spirit of "indeed"...we are coming to the end of quite an intense lunation begun at the Cancer Full Moon 2 weeks ago. And take heed...more strong headwinds are in the offing as we enter an enhanced Aquarian/Pisces vibration over the coming weeks.

Aquarius points to social justice and equality. Pisces underscores the global consciousness and our interconnection within the field of oneness. This combination strongly reflects current events making headlines, as well as shifts and changes flowing through many people's lives right now. As with any

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Solstice and Capricorn New Moon Dec 21: Stepping into the Unknown

"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director Hayden Planetarium, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, speaker

Image illustration courtesy of NASA
Well said NDT! Anyone attempting to logically understand the current state of world affairs would be best served by writing the above quote 100x on the cosmic blackboard.

This past year has proven to be the year of intensity, breakthroughs, social unrest, and new beginnings around the globe...all accompanied with many surprising twists and turns. And let me say this up front: the same will hold true for 2015. The astrological headwinds say so.

Back in 2010, when the 2012/Mayan Calendar vibe was starting to build, I looked ahead at the coming astrological cycles. I readily noticed the years 2014 and 2015 as being much more significant than what was anticipated by many for 2012. Further, I referred to this coming 2 year period as "pay attention years", i.e. strong theme setting periods for what would eventually unfold

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sagittarius New Moon Nov 22: Optimistism vs Realism

"Optimism means better than reality; pessimism means worse than reality. I am a realist."
Margaret Atwood, poet, novelist and environmental activist (1939 - )

"If I advocate cautious optimism it is not because I do not have faith in the future but because I do not want to encourage blind faith."
Aung San Suu Kyil Political/social activist, head of Burma's National League for Democracy (1945 - )

AstroActivator 2002©by Kathryn Andren
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" pens Charles Dickens in his famous novel A Tale of Two Cities. And such is the current state of planet Earth. Technological breakthroughs and a more connected world society share news headlines with reports of social, environmental and economic strife or havoc around the globe. These are extraordinary times...and equally, perhaps the most challenging period of time ever faced by humanity.

Usually, a Sagittarius New Moon infuses a strong surge of optimism into the cultural psyche. Occurring near the end of the calendar year when the Sun transits Sagittarius, the most optimistic of signs, we look to the coming year with high expectations, hopes and dreams for something more meaningful or perhaps more enriched. Yet, at this particular New Moon, a theme emerges filled with strong challenges and astrological headwinds overriding any sense of blind optimism for what is emerging in our global consciousness.

For anyone desiring the wide-perspective for this lunation, here's the Cosmic 411:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Partial Solar Eclipse Scorpio New Moon Oct 23: Diving Deep

"Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become an endless night. Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul. 
Victor Hugo, French novelist and poet (1802-85)

"I was born during an eclipse. I believe very much in astrology. If you were born on an eclipse it indicates your destiny is chaotic."
Gloria Vanderbilt, (1924 - )  Artist, Author, Actress, Socialite and Fashion Designer

"Elephant Power" ©Joseph Mina 2014, all rights reserved
Chaos indeed, Gloria! Solar Eclipse energy fuels the shadow. It reveals an inner world of mystery and intrigue. In the "as above, so below" it brings our gaze inward to reexamine priorities and fuel and deepen our inner journey. It's the reflective pause before moving forward. It connects us to our primal juice...the very fuel that enriches life.

At this New Moon, the 4th and last eclipse of 2014 arrives. Like its April counterpart at the Taurus New Moon, it is a partial solar eclipse. This eclipse follows the same energetic theme/path as the other 3 eclipses of 2014, ushering in a period of chaos, introspection and uncertainty. Additionally, the Scorpio vibe adds drama and intensity to the mix!

At 0° Scorpio, the partial solar eclipse activation signals a dramatic shift in energy from Libra and its typical more light-hearted approach to life, to a deep, dark, mysterious Scorpio. For North America, this partial eclipse will be visible and noticeable, particularly for those living in the western part of the continent. For those in the Eastern US and Canada, be prepared for a partially blackened Sun at sunset.

Archetypal Scorpio brings us into the depths of our being, our soul, our reality. It shows us the shadow. "Intense" is a common description of Scorpio types. They play hard...and with

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Leo New Moon July 26: The Heart-felt Roar of the Lion

"Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love." Leo Buscaglia (1924-98) Author

"Rejoice" photo by Joseph Mina
Has there ever been a more compelling time for humans on Earth? Energy is moving rapidly these days. Everything seems exaggerated and fast. People are connecting in ways unthinkable just 10 years ago. Life appears larger than life.

We now arrive at that magical time of the year when the New Moon visits Leo and its deep well of heart-felt love. This time around, and not since 2003, Jupiter awaits the Sun and Moon. What expansive, optimistic opportunities of the heart await you over the coming year? Here’s the astro 411 for this lunation:

Where: Leo New Moon at 4° Leo: Passion, creativity, self-importance, royalty, radical love, heart-felt generosity, dignity with power, leadership, romance, play/fun are qualities of Leo and the focus of this lunation. Archetypal Sun rules Leo, which further underscores the strength of this external vibration.

When: July 26 12:42 pm Hawaii; 3:42 pm PDT; 6:42 EDT; 10:42 pm GMT; 12:42 am on the

Friday, June 27, 2014

Cancer New Moon June 27: The Evolving World Community

"It is in our hands -- yours and mine, each person here today -- to make a decision to work, to work together, and to work with others around the whole world, to build friendship, and love, and understanding among all people."  Alice Bartow Hobensack, Author

Aloha Friends of the Night Sky

New Oxford Dictionary's definition of "Community":
• a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
• a particular area or place considered together with its inhabitants, eg. a rural community.
• a body of nations or states unified by common interests
• a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals

sign of Cancer
AstroActivator© 2001 by Kathryn Andren
Over the past 10 years, the very concept of community has rapidly evolved into an extraordinary awareness of the human family. In the on-going building Aquarian vibration of the 21st century, the circle of connection around the Globe has become greater and smaller simultaneously. Technology, and its child "social media" has stretched the parameters of our connections to every habitable corner of the Earth.

Today, it is quite easy to have a video chat with someone living on the other side of the Globe, or to collaborate with a team of people from a variety of locations. Yes...we are embracing a new concept of Community...the global human family. In turn, this is preparing us for a much bigger that embraces our connection to other civilizations in the cosmos.

This Cancer New Moon provides the opportunity to reflect and celebrate the growing web of human connection, diversity, and inter-relationships. It is also a time to honor the traditions and gifts of the past, as well as embrace the new wave of co-existence and inter-dependency beginning to unite the human family. Peter Russel's description of the Global Brain and this unfolding unification is more relatable  and revealing

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Astrology Gemini New Moon May 28th: Mercury Retrograde Nears

“Nothing endures but change.” ― Heraclitus

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein

Turbulent Waves, Hookena Beach, Hawaii
iPad Energy Sketch by Joseph Mina
The season of Gemini-style change is upon us. Gemini energy imbues change into everyday life. It's Gemini's nature.

Ruled by Mercury, Gemini thrives in the realm of communication, thoughts, movement and ideas. Usually, this playful nature manifests as spontaneous, humorous, connective, highly creative and changeable.  Yet, these are no ordinary times. In this current vibration, Gemini becomes a ninja-like shape shifter, ready to turn the energetic tables in the blink of an eye. Are you ready for more spontaneous change???

This Gemini New Moon also brings Neptune in Pisces into the conversation, evoking Neptune's connection to imagery, dreams, inspiration, and most importantly, confusion. "What is real and what is not?" will be a powerful theme generator in the coming months, especially in Pisces' realms of spirituality and illusion.

Gemini New Moon arrives on the 28th at 8:40 am in Hawaii, 11:40 am PDT, 2:40 EDT, 6:40

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Aries New Moon March 30: Are You Ready???

"Re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem, and have the richest fluency, not only in words, but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes, and in every motion and joint of your body." - Walt Whitman, Preface to Leaves of Grass

"Let the beauty we love be what we do...there are hundreds of ways to knell and kiss the ground". Rumi

AstroActivators© 2002 Kathryn Andren
We arrive at the Aries New Moon. A gong sounds...loudly. We begin anew...yet this time the ground is highly fertile and ripe for significant shifts in your individuated expression, how you relate to others, what fuels your persona in the world, and what nurtures you to the core.  Yes...cardinal sign energies are building for the Cardinal Cross of late April...this fiery Aries New Moon opens a significant door for that vibration, rippling its vibration through early June. Wow O Wow!

Archetypal Aries is raw, primal, highly creative, in the moment, passionate about their inner dance and ready to set the world on fire. Abraham Hicks might have been considering Aries-types when this came through "people will love you...people will hate you...and none of it will have anything to do with you." And I'll add "your life won't be boring"!

Pure Aries is entirely self-focused on individuated growth and experiences. To others it may seem narcissistic or self-absorbed. Yet, someone has to take the lead...someone has to get the ball rolling in a particular direction or trend. Oh yes...Aries types are rarely around to see things completed, especially anyone with Ascendant, Venus or Mars in this individuated vibration. "On to the next greatest thing" is their fuel and passion, and sometimes their greatest challenge. As such, following impulsive urges can prove to be a 2 edged sword. Learning the art/balance between discernment and action is very helpful for the Aries mojo.

This New Moon invites you to conjure new ways of expressing your passion in the world. How do

Friday, February 28, 2014

Pisces New Moon Feb 28: Sensitivity 101

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

"Integration Station" iPad sketch by Joseph Mina
"To everything, turn, turn, turn, there is a season, turn, turn, turn...." Pete Seeger, American folk singer and activist, penned then sang these mystical words back in the 1950's. His recent death in late January brings to mind how seasons end...then begin anew. As we reach the Pisces New Moon on February 28, we embrace both the end of the astrological procession through Pisces...and await the new and seemingly exciting season to come through Aries. Turn...turn...turn....

Pisces calls us home to be part of the greater collective. Yet, despite its sensitive, compassionate and peaceful magnetism, this calling occurs in a sea of great planetary uncertainty, intensity, change and transformation. In some quarters, such as the Ukraine, Syria, Iraq or Pakistan, a boiling fervor ignites a call for freedom from oppression, while in other areas highly

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Aquarius New Moon Jan 30 2014: Year of the Horse

"Remember the Divine in everything you do."

"Ask for everything, like a child asks its Mother for everything, without shame. Do not stop at peace of mind, or purity of heart, or surrender. Demand everything."
Mother Meera, from the book Answers Part I

JosephMinaPhoto2014©, all rights reserved
Aquarius New Moon January 30, 2014 - Elevating Mind & Heart

Aquarius New Moon January 30, 2014 suggests a time to elevate thoughts. The air signs in the Zodiac relate to the mind and the mental element. As the last air sign, this New Moon at 10° Aquarius supports the intention to uplift consciousness for a greater good.

This day also signals the beginning of the Chinese New Year: the Year of the Wood Horse. Horse energy is about movement with purpose and passion. The transformative cycles of 2014 have great potential to shift the human perspective into a more uplifting vibration.

Aquarius also relates to friendships and associations.  This Aquarius New Moon, consider who are your playmates. Be sure you are positioning yourself with fellow humans who have similar vibration

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sagittarius New Moon December 2: Honoring The Inner Teacher

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
Sagittarius New Moon occurs in Hawaii on Dec 2nd at 2:22:22 PM! 
(4:22 Pacific, 7:22 Eastern, and on the 3rd in Western Europe 12:22a UTC, east to the International Date Line)

It is the weekend after Thanksgiving. The good news: things are starting to lighten up from the intensity of November and the Mercury Retrograde. Last month was full of serious Scorpio energy near the north node destiny point. Fortunately, now with Sun in fiery Sagittarius through December 21, there is a more optimistic outlook on the road ahead.  Mercury moves through Sagittarius December 4 - 24 to uplift thought forms and motivate a lighter mood. Enjoy and optimize this time! The first few weeks of December offers an opportunity to get moving on projects before a long series of personal planet retrograde cycles commences on the coming Solstice through May 2014.

December New Moon at 11° Sagittarius is an invitation to explore the question of what is the truth.  What do I believe and what is right?  Sun and Moon in Sagittarius create a tight square to Chiron, the healing point, in Pisces. This square injects a deeper sense of compassion into Sagittarius’ otherwise strong directed energy. It indicates a greater depth of expanding vision to be of service to others. The glyph for Sagittarius is the arrow, a reminder and reflection to aim high. Set your sights higher; focus on a

Friday, October 18, 2013

Aries Full Moon October 18: Communication Breakdown Continues

"There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honour." Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), former prime minister of England and Leader of the Conservative party.

Note: On today's Full Moon in Aries, specific details about this lunation and the coming Mercury Retrograde may be found in our October update, released in late September.

Irony seemingly knows no boundaries. A 19th century quote from a very conservative politician about the then state of politics and inter-party clashes in England mirrors quite poignantly the recent political strategy employed by 87 very conservative politicians in the US House of Representatives. This strongly aligned "Tea Party" group actually succeeded in shutting down most of the US Government for 16 days this month. In the end, in typical, unorthodox Mercury Retrograde fashion, nothing was accomplished by these 87 upstarts, other than deferring once again unresolved Federal debt and budget issues.

This dynamic action of a government shut down represents a text book example of how Uranus in Aries (rebellion and change) and Pluto in Capricorn (melt down of no-longer working politics, governance, business structure, rules etc) create mayhem, chaos and strong clashes every 35 years or so when they

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gemini New Moon June 8: Water 101

Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.
Lao Tzu, Father of Taoism

"Touching the Waves" Joseph Mina©2013, all rights reserved
The other day I was flying to Hawaii after 3 weeks in Japan. Below me wrapped in darkness was the mighty Pacific, an immense body of water beyond comprehension; its liquid power holding tremendous sway over the weather systems sweeping planet Earth. Above this massive water engine brilliant star fields filled the night sky.

Scorpio and Sagittarius framed my window, standing upright in the south...starry sentinels pointing to Galactic Center...the engine fueling our galaxy's movement. As below. In that moment I realized these enormous energy fields, both close and afar, set the tone and direction of our day to day human choices and experiences while barely registering on our human perception radar. Fortunately, Astrology, as a cosmic weather report, helps us understand and correlate these universal movements and cycles into form so we can make sense or anticipate the ebb and flow of energy of what lies before us.

At this New Moon lunation, a changing of the energetic guard begins to take place. The

Monday, March 11, 2013

Pisces New Moon and Equinox, March 11: Endings and Beginnings

“You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.”   Alan Wilson Watts, Philospher (1915-73)

"Refuge Light" photography by Joseph Mina
The past month we have been awash in the murky and endless dreaminess of Pisces. This cosmic soup of feelings, sensitivity, dreams, ethereal art and music,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Aquarius New Moon Feb 9: Heavenly Grace

"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans; in one aspect of You are found all the aspects of existence. Kahlil Gilbran
The various members of our solar system are in a constant dance with the passage of time and each other. Some members move quite quickly around the Sun; others cover similar ground over decades. Yet, all move in synchronicity with grander rhythms, following the Sun on its epic 240 million year journey around the Galaxy. Astrology in part interprets these grand sky patterns to reveal the workings of your inner Universe. We call it the "cosmic weather forecast".

Once in a while, these seemingly endless planetary movements offer us a more compelling look into this synchronistic realm. This month's Aquarius New Moon  opens that very cosmic door into the watery, dreamy, fantasy realm of Pisces and its connection to grace

Over the next 30 days, up to seven planetary energies dwell in this watery realm. This unusual surge culminates on the Pisces New Moon, reflecting to you a dynamic theme pervading the bigger field of conscious awareness...the oneness of life and your connection to everything. 

At this current New Moon, Aquarius encourages you to think big. I mean "really big". The sign of the water bearer attunes to the widest possible perspective of life, literally perceiving the vast perspective of the cosmos. It also shine its

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Capricorn New Moon January 11: Respect Yourself

January 2013 Astrology Update by Kathryn Andren Mina

Aloha friends and fans of the Sky story

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
This month's Gemini Awakening Astrology Update covers Astrology news you can use for the Capricorn New Moon on January 11, 2013. (9:43 AM Hawaiian time, 11:43 AM Pacific, GMT 7:43 pm), and on the 12th from Nepal east to the International Date Line.

January 2013 Astrology begins with a high concentration of the Capricorn vibration and peaks with five planets in Capricorn on the New Moon January 11.  Wow, that’s plenty of planets in one earth sign!  Sun, Pluto and Mercury are in Capricorn at the turn of the year. Pressure is on to get organized and down to Earth. Then, Venus and the Moon add more to the mix as they enter the sign of Capricorn January 9th.

A grouping of three or more planets conjoined in the same sign is called a stellium. Several stelliums occur early in the year for Astrology 2013. Now, let’s consider the New Moon and concentrated Capricorn vibration.

Capricorn relates to rules, finance, business, structure, law, politics, government, and order.  Work hard and play hard is a theme for Capricorn.  “Make hay while the sun shines” mirrors the Capricorn desire for efficiency. This New Moon may be an opportunity to contemplate your relationship to rules and

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sagittarius New Moon: 12/12/12 and Solstice 12/21/12: Truth Serum 101

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
Richard Bach "Illusions".

Joseph Mina Etheric Sketches©2012, all rights reserved

The calendar reads 12/12/12 today. That's the 13th time this century we have reached a numerical date of similar digits (1/11/11 is included too). And, this will be the last time this century these multiple, resonant dates are part of the NOW consciousness.

Rather extraordinary to witness how the significance of these date sequences have snowballed throughout the human consciousness over the past 12 years (since 01/01/01). I wonder if people assigned any similar meaning to the calendar back in the early years of the 19th or 20th centuries when interconnection was perhaps a flicker of possibility in someone's psyche? 

Yet, here we are in the 21st century, more connected than ever, amidst a rapidly expanding world population beyond anything ever imagined. Current

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Total Eclipse Scorpio New Moon: Revelations 101

Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the truth.

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.
Martin Luther King

©AstroActivator by Kathryn Andren Mina
all rights reserved
Aloha from Tokyo, Japan 

Life has moved at a very rapid pace since the Taurus Full Moon. Perhaps the current Mercury Retrograde bridging life force Scorpio and truth driven Sagittarius has something to do with it. Nonetheless, today marks the Scorpio New Moon, one that sends the shadow of the Moon earthbound. Yes, a total eclipse of the Sun greets this day adding another layer of energy to a conundrum of recent news events that seem stranger and stranger.

Eclipse energy induces shifts and changes over the subsequent 6 months. For example, consider the changes that have occurred in your life since the last major eclipse cycle this past May. This one will be no different in its intensity. Its passage will be over the eastern parts of northern Australia and the South Pacific before ending at sunset over southern Argentina. This is a good