Showing posts with label Jupiter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Leo Full Moon Feb 3: The Circle of Life

"What I know...if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come."
Oprah Winfrey

"Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology, but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion...intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention."
Deepak Chopra 

The following information pertains to the lunation period beginning on Feb 3 and ending Feb 17.
AstroActivator 2002© by Kathryn Andren
The second Full Moon of the season arrives on February 3...this one an elemental fire Moon bringing intense emotions, high creativity, both individually and collectively, inspiration, and a desire to be seen, appreciated, acknowledged and loved. Yes...the field will be full of the Leo vibe this lunation.

This Full Moon also marks a shift in the normal "Full Moon follows New Moon" sequence. Every 18 months or so, either the New or Full Moon crosses the degree threshold between the end and beginning of an astrological sign, 29° and 0°, respectively. This New Moon moves across this 29<>0 threshold shifting the overall focus for the next 16 months.

When such a shift in degree occurs, the New and Full Moon dynamics switch. In this case, we now switch to a "Full Moon precedes New Moon" scenario, where the Full Moon rather than the New Moon becomes the theme setter for the entire lunar cycle. As such, the next New Moon will position again in the same sign as last month...Aquarius. This unusual vibe continues until the next switch in June 2016. Hence, for the next 16 months the Full Moon sets the tone for the ensuing 28 1/2 day lunar cycle. That ought to get our collective heads spinning in a different direction. Also, this oddity mirrors a persistent and unique Yod geometry in play through mid March (see "significant challenges" below).

Ruled by the Sun, the Leo Archetype points to children, creativity, passion, magnetism and romance. It fuels the heart's desire for acceptance, acknowledgment, leadership and command. This Full Moon shines its light on these vibrations. Many actors in the realm of cinema and stage have more than one

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Leo New Moon July 26: The Heart-felt Roar of the Lion

"Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love." Leo Buscaglia (1924-98) Author

"Rejoice" photo by Joseph Mina
Has there ever been a more compelling time for humans on Earth? Energy is moving rapidly these days. Everything seems exaggerated and fast. People are connecting in ways unthinkable just 10 years ago. Life appears larger than life.

We now arrive at that magical time of the year when the New Moon visits Leo and its deep well of heart-felt love. This time around, and not since 2003, Jupiter awaits the Sun and Moon. What expansive, optimistic opportunities of the heart await you over the coming year? Here’s the astro 411 for this lunation:

Where: Leo New Moon at 4° Leo: Passion, creativity, self-importance, royalty, radical love, heart-felt generosity, dignity with power, leadership, romance, play/fun are qualities of Leo and the focus of this lunation. Archetypal Sun rules Leo, which further underscores the strength of this external vibration.

When: July 26 12:42 pm Hawaii; 3:42 pm PDT; 6:42 EDT; 10:42 pm GMT; 12:42 am on the

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sagittarius New Moon December 2: Honoring The Inner Teacher

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
Sagittarius New Moon occurs in Hawaii on Dec 2nd at 2:22:22 PM! 
(4:22 Pacific, 7:22 Eastern, and on the 3rd in Western Europe 12:22a UTC, east to the International Date Line)

It is the weekend after Thanksgiving. The good news: things are starting to lighten up from the intensity of November and the Mercury Retrograde. Last month was full of serious Scorpio energy near the north node destiny point. Fortunately, now with Sun in fiery Sagittarius through December 21, there is a more optimistic outlook on the road ahead.  Mercury moves through Sagittarius December 4 - 24 to uplift thought forms and motivate a lighter mood. Enjoy and optimize this time! The first few weeks of December offers an opportunity to get moving on projects before a long series of personal planet retrograde cycles commences on the coming Solstice through May 2014.

December New Moon at 11° Sagittarius is an invitation to explore the question of what is the truth.  What do I believe and what is right?  Sun and Moon in Sagittarius create a tight square to Chiron, the healing point, in Pisces. This square injects a deeper sense of compassion into Sagittarius’ otherwise strong directed energy. It indicates a greater depth of expanding vision to be of service to others. The glyph for Sagittarius is the arrow, a reminder and reflection to aim high. Set your sights higher; focus on a

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Leo Full Moon Jan 26: Heart Awakening

“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don't you?”
― Rumi

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
by Kathryn Andren Mina

Leo Full Moon is January 26, 2013 at 6:38 PM in Hawaii and 8:38 in the Pacific time zone. Leo Full Moon illuminates heart felt playfulness.  How creative are you?  Who are your playmates? Allow yourself some time and space this weekend to go play!  This expressive and playful spirit of Leo Full Moon is also strongly supported by Uranus in early Aries and Jupiter in Gemini.  Expect the unexpected and be open to new opportunity, as things may happen quickly.

The ruler of Leo is the Sun. Sun is at 7° Aquarius, near Mercury at 13° Aquarius.  With magnetic Mercury involved, this implies fuel for creative expression and conscious communication. 

Sun and Mercury in Aquarius opposite Leo Full Moon create a square to serious Saturn at 11° Scorpio (see Full Moon chart below). What is the meaning when planets create a T-square?  Saturn suggests a reality check, to stay grounded

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Aries Full Moon Sept 29 2012: The Door Opens

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds meet.

The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.

AstroActivator©2001 by Kathryn Andren Mina
Aries Full Moon arrives on the 29th setting the stage for a potent October and November. Aries is the most "now" focused sign of the zodiac. Neither past nor future are of concern. This Full Moon occurs at 5:18 pm in Hawaii, 8:18 on the West Coast, and on the 30th in Canada's Eastern Maritime east to the International Date Line,

This particular lunation includes a very intense connection with the Uranus Pluto square as the Moon positions almost exact to Uranus in Aries. The last time the Full Moon conjunct Uranus was in September 2008 in the sign of Pisces.

As a theme builder, the Moon adds a potent emotional content to this transgenerational duo, raising their energy to palpable levels over the next 2 weeks. I expect events and weather on the world stage, which have been intense over the past few months, to continue at the same level or higher.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces: Insanity & Inspiration

Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces September 2010 - Jan 2011
Dear Friends,

AstroActivator©2002 by K. Andren
Are you feeling bursts of sudden inspiration?  Are you going with the flow, or does it seem you're swimming upstream when making practical plans?

Today, September 18, 2010, two retrograde planets Jupiter and Uranus meet at 28 Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac. In May, Jupiter neared Uranus in Pisces just before they both moved into the Cardinal sign of Aries for the 2010 Cardinal Climax. Now they have moved back into watery Pisces where they remain in the range of 23 - 29  degrees through mid January of 2011. Refresh yourself with more specific details here.
When two planets conjoin or come together, their qualities blend. It's like mixing colors in a paintbox and a new color is created.  Intensification of unpredictability, blessings from unusual sources and expansion of divine inspiration are some indicators of this Jupiter and Uranus pairing in Pisces.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jupiter and Uranus meet again - expanding reality's envelope

“Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me.” Carl Sandburg (American Historian, Poet and Novelist, 1878-1967)

“None of us knows what the next change is going to be, what unexpected opportunity is just around the corner, waiting a few months or a few years to change all the tenor of our lives." Kathleen Norris - (Poet and Essayist)

Jupiter amps Uranus
Shortly after releasing this blog in late April, Jupiter revealed its Uranian side to the visible world. As it emerged from the glare of the Sun, scientist were amazed to discover Jupiter's southern equatorial belt had once again disappeared (last time was in the 1990's). This adds to a host of other physical changes occurring on this gas giant. Today (5/20) Jupiter is 2 degrees away from Uranus and closing.

In late April, Jupiter and Uranus at 22 and 28 degrees Pisces, respectively, moved into "orb", amplifying their interaction over the next 8 months.

As I've posted in other articles on this blog, Jupiter energy is expansive and sometimes optimistic (depends on the energy dynamic). Long the ancient ruler of Pisces, it is considered now the modern ruler of Sagittarius. As it continues its one year passage through Pisces, it expands the impact of water and emotions in our life. Also, it once again catches up to slower Uranus (approximately every 12 years) to add further emphasis to Uranus' unpredictability and quirkiness.

The last time these two were together was February, 1997 (came into orb in early Jan) in Aquarius. This meeting accelerated the rapid expansion of the ill-fated dot Com technology bubble. And in Uranian fashion, where energy manifests suddenly, but doesn't last (ever had one of those intimate Uranian relationships???) this unsustainable, optimistic fervor abruptly ended in March 2000.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beauty & Fury - the Pisces Wave

As the current Pisces wave of Jupiter and Uranus continues to build to their June 8th meeting at 0 degrees Aries, I'm using the initiating energy of Mercury and Venus in Aries to embed a video I created titled Beauty & Fury.

Neptune, ruler of Pisces, also rules imagery, photography etc. With Neptune at the very end degrees of Aquarius (technology), this video uses the medium of social networking (Aquarius) to distribute the content out into the world community (Pisces).

Behind the content: this past January, a strong winter storm to the north of Hawaii, brought significant ocean swells to the islands, amplifying the size and intensity of the waves. In the early AM, I spent 4 hours at Honomalino Beach in South Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii photographing these strong impulses arriving every 15 minutes or so. This video incorporates that energy interspersed with other images I have taken of Big Island over the past 2 1/2 years (photography has been a passion of mine for the past 35 years). The accompanying music by Telku is appropriately called "Life Force".

Next Blog March 28 - Libra Full Moon - the amplification of the Moon energy meets the transformative force of Pluto and the restructuring dynamic of Saturn.


Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
March 22, 2010
©Gemini Awakening 2010 all rights reserved

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Saturn and Pluto: The Dance of Death and Transformation

"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers" James Thurber

Introduction: Saturn and Pluto and the 2010 Cardinal Climax

On January 31st, Saturn and Pluto trigger the 2nd of 3 very intense squares. This blog examines the dynamics of this potent combo, and their role as part of this summer's potent Cardinal Climax.

What is the Cardinal Climax?? Astrologically, "Cardinal" refers to the 1st signs of the 4 seasons (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). "Climax" is the pinnacle, crest, culmination or apex of critical tension generated by a powerful phenomena. Visualize a building wave ready to break.

The Cardinal Climax aka the "Twenty-Ten Turning Point" is comprised of the simultaneous interactions between the planetary energies of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto during June and July 2010 in Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Aries and Libra. Five distinct critical tension points make up this very rare super cycle. They are:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Annular Solar Eclipse - The Next Big Step

A significant  Annular Solar Eclipse occurs over Africa and Asia on January 15th. At greatest eclipse, annularity totals 11 minutes and 8 seconds. This is the longest solar eclipse until December 23, 3043.

This particular event is quite complex. Hence, I have provided additional background content for anyone wanting more information. For those wanting to "cut to the chase", I've provided a synopsis a few sections down titled The 411 - Reader's Digest Version

Eclipse dynamics:

As with every total or annular solar eclipse, and total lunar eclipse, the Sun, Moon and Earth are in direct alignment at the maximum eclipse moment. This is called "syzygy" (pronounced sizz-a-gee) - a gravitational alignment of 3 or more celestial bodies. Incidentally, this was my oldest daughter's favorite word when she was in grade school, due to its lack of a vowel and spelling difficulty.

Adding to this alignment, the Earth reached recently its closest orbital point to the Sun (perigee was Jan 5), while the Moon at the eclipse will be close to its farthest point from Earth (apogee). Combined, these dynamics produce a Moon only 92% of the Sun's disk. This means the Moon takes longer to travel across the face of the Sun resulting in a very long annular eclipse.

Long duration eclipses symbolically represent a deepening of vibration and intent. Occurring in late degree Capricorn, this eclipse points its laser-like intensity toward Capricorn themes of finance, industry, rules, authority, politics and self-sufficiency.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hubble's New Eyes

Through the "as above, so below" mysteries, we look outside of ourselves for indicators of inner change and opportunity. Today, the Hubble telescope shows us the way.

Over the past year, Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune have travelled together in the sign of Aquarius. At this time, they are essentially at the same degree (22-24) in Aquarius. They will continue moving as a group through early January when Jupiter moves on to the sign of Pisces. Another few hundred years will pass before this trio is together again in Aquarius.

Jupiter vibration carries the quality of expansion and optimism. Chiron represents the healing dynamic of energy. While, Neptune, in part the ruler of photography and imaging, offers us the gift of vision and the dreamtime. Their trek together in the cosmic sign of Aquarius has been showering us with grace for healing humanities vision for how we co-exist and prosper together.

This past May, the Hubble telescope underwent a significant upgrade (healing) in its optics (Neptune) and other scientific instruments. This was akin to getting a cosmic (Aquarius) makeover. The improvement in optics has been astounding (Jupiter). At the time of the repair, Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune were closely together, as they are once again.

Today, the Hubble Imaging Team demonstrated the fruits of this upgrade. In September, Hubble was pointed toward a relatively "empty" area of the sky (it had imaged this area about 5 years ago with less sensitive optics). What returned is an image filled with even more galaxies than the initial image, each an island of innumerable stars. Note, every point of light in this image is a galaxy, like our own Milky Way Galaxy. Now that's what I call a "Jupiter effect"!

As Hubble looks deep in the cosmos, we are given the same opportunity to look deeply within ourselves. Using the collective energy of the Aquarius trio this month, the time is ripe to enhance and heal our inner vision for a healthier quality of life for all.

in light,
Starman, Joseph Mina

Monday, October 19, 2009

Planetary Cycles - October 19 - 25

Astrology Planetary Cycles

October 19 - 25

Moon begins the week in the life force
dynamics of Scorpio. By week's end, it is immersed in the Aquarius grouping of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron. In between, the Moon revisits Sagittarius' quest for the truth and Capricorn's desire to be organized and down-to-earth.

Meanwhile, Mars (visible as a ruddy point of light high in the eastern pre-dawn sky) moves now in the heart-driven sign of Leo. Because of its coming December retrograde, Mars remains in Leo through next May. This 5 month inner journey's theme is "your heart passion and how you express it in your life". Venus remains in Libra this week, now moving away from its intense square with Pluto. What did you learn last week about relationships in your life?

Soon, Saturn moves into the sign of Libra. The Venus relationship lesson of last week provides content for this coming 2 1/2 year reevaluation period in the realm of equal conscious partnerships.

Lastly, Sun moves into life-force driven Scorpio on Oct 22 at 8:43 p HST. The first 4 days may prove intense as the early Sun degrees squares Mars in Leo. On the big stage, intense aggression may be prevalent between nations.

For the bigger picture, more on our recent free astrology podcast " Relationship Activation"

Holistic Strategy - On the 22nd Moon in Sagittarius squares both Saturn and Uranus. This dynamic asks "what is the truth for me in this time of rapidly changeable events?" At week's end, Scorpio Sun and Leo Mars dynamic creates critical tension around emotional heart issues. Time to reflect and be inward, accessing your place of inner peace.