Showing posts with label Saturn and Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn and Uranus. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2021

Aries New Moon: Surfing The Creativity Wave

 “In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” 
Dalai Lama

“There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Greeting Cosmic Seekers and Lovers of the Sky Story
 Aries Plate by Joseph Mina
Another New Moon, another dose of 2021 intensity. This is the 4th consecutive New Moon that places a laser-like multi-planetary focus upon the astrological sign for the Sun/Moon connection. And while this lunation marks the peak of this on going intensity, nonetheless this concentration of planetary archetypes in one sign continues to strongly ripple throughout the remainder of this season. That includes the combination June's annular solar eclipse (visible over eastern Canada, Greenland and northern Russia) and Mercury Retrograde in Gemini.

And for further coming attraction purposes, the next two Full Moons are supermoons (the second being a total lunar eclipse in late May (visible over the Pacific basin and in various stages over North America). Given the world's continuing chaotic and uncertain state, these lunation’s are akin to strong exclamation marks in this year of rapid transition and change. And that transitional emphasis is strongly underscored at this Aries New Moon.

Such portends a surge of life force filling the energetic field surrounding you. Also, eclipse periods are always potent and timely for deeper understanding and substantive change.

And for the record, this Aries New Moon arrives on the 11th (today) at 4:31p in Hawaii, 7:31p West Coast, 10:31p on the East Coast, and on the 12th at 2:31a GMT, 4:31a in South Africa and early afternoon in New Zealand.

Last week, while waiting in line at a Farmer's Market (common reality in South Africa), I overheard someone say to a friend “I just want things to return to normal”. And that’s a very strong sentiment it seems. Yet, there really is no return to that reality. The celestial tides are all pointed in a very different direction: a significantly faster planetary vibration evolving over the the next 10 years.
Curious about what's unfolding in your life? Times of immense change require new strategies, perspective and creativity. My astrological consultations are transformative, offering guidance for better understanding the current rapid changes and reorganizing your approach to life. 

Schedule today! Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Zoom or Skype for your later listening/integration.

Recent client feedback:
Thank you for your thoroughness with me during my session. Your expertise is truly amazing." MC, Brookline, Ma

"The session has given me momentum for my ideas, put ease to some of my doubts and reminded me that there are never too many colors in the crayon box." CA, Seattle, Wa

"Today was absolutely enlightening. So very, very, much to think about..ponder. I haven't felt this recognized in a long time. The noticeable significant shift in my field since the consultation is worth sharing a huge THANK YOU from my heart". YC, Ca

Here’s the New Moon chart (tap or click on the chart to see a larger version)

Essentially, a substantial concentration of fiery Aries energy comes together for this lunation. With no planetary archetypes in retrograde until Pluto moves retrograde at the end of April, all signs point now forward. Yet, this momentum comes with some caveats.

Aries is akin to the impetuous, impatient child who loves to start projects, but easily becomes disinterested. Their fuel is pure novelty, impulse and short bursts of speed. Highly creative and very individuated too! Their challenges are hesitation, uniformity, reluctant cooperation and boredom. 

As the first sign of the zodiac, this individuated fire sign says “just do it”. And in that spirit, now is the prime time to start something new that fuels creativity, novelty and action. It's akin to a surfer ready to surf the next wave. Yet, here's one of those aforementioned caveats: at this lunation Sun/Moon/Venus in Aries creates a 90° square angle with Pluto in Capricorn. That challenging contrast reminds us there is a Plutonian life-changing processes melting away old Capricorn-type energies (politics, rules, laws, judicial matters, corporations) to make way for a potentially more progressive expression in the coming years. Hence, any Aries-like initiatory energy on a personal, social or generational level must align with that flow. Best focus and intention would be progressive and forward thinking type initiatives. Otherwise, any new creative effort aligned with old conventional ways may prove to be short-lived. It's the contrast that defines safety vs risk. 

And important to note, starting with Venus's movement into Taurus on the 14th, Mercury and the Sun will follow on the 19th. That's a lot of Earth-related energy adding fuel to Saturn/Uranus combination mentioned at #5 below. This period is akin to a charged up mini-Mercury Retrograde in Taurus as Mercury will be on the other side of the Sun from Earth's perspective (superior conjunction). "Staying grounded and focused" are good strategies for the next 10 days. Also, receiving nurturing body care ought to be high on your list!
Energetic Grid by Joseph Mina
(numbered annotations found on above chart)

1 - The Aries tribe includes (circled area in the above chart):

Chiron - embracing your uniqueness. Resolving hesitation, doubt, uncertainty through action.

Mercury - speaking with integrity; forward thinking

Ceres - being comfortable in your own skin

Sun/Moon - emotionally fueled action with determination and passion

Venus - acting up-front, determined and courageous (most masculine leaning of the feminine archetypes)

That’s quite a lineup of fire-fueled energy for you to access. Expectant parents take note and beware: any child born around this New Moon period is going to be unstoppable in their quest for creating change!

Supporting cast to help you navigate the next two weeks of this lunation include:

2 - Jupiter in Aquarius - optimistic, progressive, expansive, big picture in trine (120°) to Mars in Gemini and sextile (60°) to Sun/Moon/Venus in Aries. The beneficial trine requires action on your part to effect meaningful change in your life. The sextile further fuels this Aries surge with a determined, expansive desire to rebalance the scales of social inequality and justice. By contrast...

3 - Mars in Gemini is pure spontaneity and unpredictable. Mars rules Aries. In its Gemini skin Mars can be quite imaginative if the energy is channeled in an uplifting way. Yet...

4- Mars’ square (90°) to Neptune in Pisces at this lunation reminds you to make choices from a grounded place. Otherwise, Neptune’s shadow penchant for delusion and deep-seated fears may prove challenging. 

Equally, Neptune’s building sextile (60°) to Pluto at this lunation is the underlying fuel for anything hidden, such as viruses. This is a potent connection that is just getting started. These two transformative archetypes came into orb back in 2019 just as the first vestiges of the pandemic were appearing. This energy crests, but not until 2026-2032 when 13 direct sextiles are engaged. Aside from Pluto’s completion in Capricorn over the next 2 years, this combined cycle has far reaching implications for how the natural world will respond to changes in climate and human-related environmental actions. Both Neptune and Pluto are transformative. Their close aspect to each other expands the combined dissolving energy exponentially. This particular combination will not occur again for 300 years! And last, but certainly not least...

5 - Saturn in Aquarius in square (90°) to Uranus in Taurus remains one of the major drivers for this year. While not aspected to the lunation, this current building square is part of a bigger 20-year cycle that now brings to light the push-pull challenges being revealed between conformity (Saturn) and rapid societal and Earth changes (Uranus). In part, this combination points to the critical tension building between conservative and progressive choices and direction. This arena will be super charged starting with the late May lunar and early June solar eclipses when these two archetypes come into their 2nd of 3 direct squares this year.

Reflections for this lunation:

1 - What am I ready to initiate in my life?

2 - Are my actions congruent with what I want to create? If not, what needs to change in my life to support my desires?

3 - Is my sense of self congruent with my actions within my relationships?

4 - Am I taking the time to be nurtured?

5 - Am I taking the time to strengthen my physical body? If no, what needs to change to better help my body align with the increasing Earth vibration?

Conclusion: There is an abundance of Aries-like creative energy in the energetic field at the moment. How you access and utilize this well of power depends on your clarity and willingness to explore the unknown. Such expressions is best used for expansive purposes. Yet, in this strong polarity, it can also fuel denser desires and troubling behaviors as has been evident since December's solstice. Looking a little bit ahead, the next two to three months will be a good indicator for how the remainder of 2021 unfolds. 

In that respect, staying present (very Aries like) is a powerful strategy. In today’s climate, dwelling on the past, projecting too far ahead, or even struggling to initiate something can prove draining, and result in a weakening of the body's immunity levels.
Autumn's Message by Joseph Mina
A little over a month ago (my birthday weekend) I stood under the most spellbinding night skies in the mountains of the Western Cape. The light of the Milky Way was profound. From an upside down Orion in the west back to the Southern Cross near the zenith, the Milky Way's star fields seemed to pulsate. 

Near dawn, the center of the galaxy between Scorpio and Sagittarius was high overhead (in the northern hemisphere this view is much lower to the horizon and hence less dramatic). I was fortunate to be with a group of astronomers who had quite a collection of telescopes. Viewing star fields through a telescope takes the experience to a whole other level. So many stars, nebula and galaxies too…each carrying information within the photons of their starlight. Messages from the beyond the beyond. I felt altered by the time I returned home. This was the perfect Starman gift: a deeply soul-satisfying experience. My Aquarian aspects were quite happy for days afterward.

Lastly, and somewhat strangely, Autumn is now well underway here. I captured the picture on the right at a local farmer’s market the other day. I call it Autumn’s Message. Rather a strange notion for my northern hemisphere readers who now feel the surge of springtime. Yet, regardless of the season, it's a good reminder that art transcends time, we exist in the same moment of time, enjoy beauty regardless of its source and time, and each contribute in our own unique way and timing towards creating a healthier world and human society. May your creative efforts continue to be your resounding answer to life’s challenges and opportunities. 

At this Aries New Moon I wish you new insights and creative joy.

Comments welcomed below!

Sat Nam

Joseph Mina

Stellenbosch, South Africa

April 11, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021

Libra Full Moon: Introspection Before Action

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.”
Spencer Johnson - Author (1938-2017)

“Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.”
W. Clement Stone - Philanthropist and Author (1902-2002) 

Welcome to the latest edition of my Astrology Update.

Full Moon day has arrived! Here in the Western Cape of South Africa, the Sun was adorned with a huge halo this morning (image to left). This halo-effect occurs when ice particles reside in the upper atmosphere. The dispersion of sunlight through this crystalline field creates a halo. Quite the atmospheric phenomena. Perhaps also the Universe’s way of saying “pay attention” on this Full Moon day.

Today’s Full Moon occurs in Libra, the archetypal sign of relationship. And to be clear, Libra encompasses all types of relationships, not just the intimate ones. Libra is also personified by archetypal Venus. Hence Venus qualities such as inner or outer beauty, love, self esteem, values, balance and harmony feature strongly in this Full Moon's expression and message.

For the record, maximum Full Moon occurs today (28th) at 8:48 pm here in South Africa (SAST), 2:48 pm US East Coast (EDT), 11:48 am in the western US, 8:48 am in Hawaii; 18:48 GMT, and on the 29th from India east to the International Date Line. The Full Moon window spans 72 hours with the midpoint considered actual Full Moon. Hence, the Moon will appear Full over 3 nights.

The astrological dynamics of this Full Moon are intense (no surprise given current events). In addition to the Sun<>Moon opposition of Aries vs Libra, Venus and Chiron also join the Sun at the same Aries degree with Venus being at superior conjunction. Further, a grand air trine geometry is part of the energetic mix along with two strong squares and a quincunx further defining its overall significance.

Inferior and Superior Conjunction of Venus: From Earth’s geocentric perspective, Venus takes approximately 18 months to conjunct the Sun.The term inferior conjunction indicates Venus is between the Earth and Sun, and also retrograde. Same is true for Mercury. By contrast, when Mercury or Venus appear from Earth’s perspective to travel behind the Sun (as occurs near today’s Full Moon), the term Superior conjunction applies. 

Inferior conjunction heralds the coming appearance of Venus or Mercury in the eastern sky before sunrise; superior conjunction announces a western sky appearance in the offing after sunset (May 24 for Venus). Morning sky placement points to something new; evening sky placement is a time of maturation from what has been acquired or learned during the morning phase. So with that as a backdrop, here is the Full Moon chart:

Breaking It Down:

1 - Sun, Chiron, Venus in Aries opposing Moon in Libra:
Aries vs Libra opposition points to an introspection about how one’s integrity (Aries individuation) matches up against creating harmony with others (Libra). Both sides of this equation are important. Add transiting Venus at superior conjunction (love, values/self-esteem) along with Chiron (wounding/healing) to the Aries energetic mix and the question of integrity/harmony further reveals challenges you have experienced during those times when your sense of self along with your values (integrity) have been at odds with the desires, orders or demands of others. 

Venus Star Pentagram: this term has found its way of late into the broader consciousness. Venus’ passage from inferior conjunction (Venus between Earth and the Sun) to superior conjunction (Venus behind the Sun such as today) back to inferior conjunction ( occurs 5 times over an 8-year period or every 18 months or so. These 5 inferior conjunctions to the Sun form a geometric star pentagram pattern that shifts by 1 to 2° at each 8-year mark. Over a very long period of time, this evolving geometry reveals a spiraling motion within this pentagram pattern. Rather remarkable and mystical how Venus’ orbital motion creates such symmetry and beauty. Here's a good video illustration of this spiraling motion.

The last Venus retrograde (inferior conjunction) was May/June of 2020 in engaging, playful, spontaneous Gemini. However, that cycle began in direct square to Neptune in Pisces. Such combination ushered the coming intensity for the 2nd half of 2020 fueled by an intense viral spread (Neptune rules the unseen, including viral and bacterial influences). 

Venus now at the midway point (superior conjunction) to its next retrograde come December and inferior conjunction January 9, 2022 sets the energetic stage for reflection about the past 11 months and the significant changes that have occurred in your life and throughout the world. Quite telling too this superior conjunction occurs at the same Aries degree as the March 2001 Venus inferior conjunction. This along with the next two 8-year Aries intervals in 2009 and 2017 represented significant periods of strong and substantial change. 

While I don't usually ascribe much weight to Venus or Mercury's superior conjunction as I do their inferior conjunction retrogrades, today’s triple Aries conjunction is certainly a pay attention moment, especially given the divisive polarity of these times and the social, economic and health challenges now faced by many people. Also, this Full Moon dynamic augurs more uncertainty in the coming months in the realm of meaningful relationships in your life.

Using my astrological interpretation guide (you can download a copy here) along with your natal chart (if you don't have one, you can obtain a free chart here), you can further distill this Full Moon's influence by understanding the symbolic nature and placement of your natal Venus together with the area of your chart influenced by this Aries intensity. Knowledge and awareness is power.

2 - Grand Air Trine - includes Moon in Libra; Saturn in Aquarius, Mars/North Lunar Node in Gemini. Any trine (120° between 2 related elemental signs) requires some sort of conscious action to activate its dynamic. A grand trine involves 3 planetary aspects each 120° from the other 2 members. Today’s grand trine is in the element of air. This implies communication of knowledge, thoughts and ideas. Of its members: Moon carries the emotional message, Saturn the structural or organizational part, and Mars reflects the action required. What complicates this otherwise beneficial geometry are the two squares and quincunx associated with Uranus (unexpected change), Mercury (communication) and Neptune (soul mandate).

3 - 1st square - Saturn vs Uranus: as mentioned in other recent blogs, Saturn in Aquarius in square to Uranus in Taurus is a potent 20-year cycle last triggered in 2000-01. Saturn wants certainty; progressive Uranus thrives on change and chaos. This push/pull energy can be seen in the US social dynamics of progressive ideals and forward movement vs conservative retrenchment and restrictions. Further Uranus in Taurus creates a strong quincunx (think paradox) with the Moon in Libra (annotation #4) implying significant progressive changes can actually create a more harmonious flow. Meanwhile…

3 - In the second square, Mercury/Neptune in Pisces squares Mars/North Node in Gemini - the New Moon earlier this month was strongly Pisces oriented. Now, Mercury moves into the same degree area. Mercury, in general fuels communication and movement of energy through thoughts, ideas and perspectives. In its Piscean passage, it evokes the soul mandate of Neptune, including our connection to the natural world, which stands in stark contrast to free-spirited and action oriented Mars in Gemini. A vivid example of such contrast is the very recent grounding of the world's largest container ship (size of the Empire State Building in New York) by the wind effects (air element) of a sand storm in Egypt's narrow Suez Canal. That blockage of this very busy shipping lane has literally brought shipping commerce in that part of the world to a halt. The global rippling effect will be felt over the next few weeks. Such an event is another potent reminder how the natural world always has the last say when it comes to human evolution and desired action. While astrological cycles do not predict such specific events, they certainly forecast the energetic dynamics that influence choices, behaviors and actions. 

Hence, these two squares and quincunx by earth and water elementals are significant “buts” to the otherwise harmonious flow of a grand air trine. In the context of this Full Moon’s overall introspection, and contrary to Aries’ otherwise full speed ahead mojo, this Full Moon slows down the energy, setting the stage for the next two Full Moons in Scorpio (April 26/27) and Sagittarius (May 26). 

These coming two Full Moons are considered a Super Full Moon (Moon at perigee near the Full Moon timing). Hence the Moon will appear larger than usual in the sky and feel more amplified than usual. The second Full Moon will also be a total lunar eclipse of rather very short duration (14 minutes) visible around the Pacific basin. Lunar or Solar eclipses are pay attention moments and can prove intense. Hence, by the end of May, the energetic buildup initiated at this Libra Full Moon is leading to a very potent Sagittarian introspection around your spiritual connection to your life path, its evolution and opportunities, and its soul-driven quest for meaningful freedom not only for this year, but for the decade ahead.

Questions for this Full Moon:

What does relationship mean to me in my life?

In what areas can I strengthen my integrity relating to others?

How can I strengthen my relationship with the natural world?

What parts of my psyche are ready to reveal new aspects of my inner self?

Conclusion: the strong Aries vibe at this lunation is atypical. Aries is usually quite action/achievement oriented and quite the initiator. However, given this lunation’s strong squares and quincunx, plus the movement of Venus and the Sun over the coming few weeks across the very ground of the recent 2020 Mars retrograde in Aries, a slow down of momentum seems to be in the offing in preparation for powerful shifts and changes in the latter part of April into June.

When I set out my perspective of 2021 in this blog, I wrote the first half of 2021 would be a strong indicator for how the 2nd half of the year would unfold. As we near that halfway point, you are offered at this lunation an opportunity to reevaluate actions you want to take in the coming months to create clarity, enhance your inner and outer resources, strengthen your physical body, and decide the various steps you are ready to take to help you further embrace meaningful change. As always, your natal chart is a powerful guide at this introspection point. May we all choose wisely in the days ahead.

Comments are welcomed below. 

Next blog: a bigger perspective - some of my favorite aerial photos.

Sat Nam

Joseph Mina

March 28, 2021

Stellenbosch, South Africa

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Pisces New Moon March 2021: Amplifying the Dreamtime

“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?" George Bernard Shaw - Irish playwright (1856-1950)

“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” 
Douglas H. Everett - British Chemist/Academic Author (1916-2002)
We arrive near mid-month, a potent junction of time and space, to briefly step beyond the bounds of reality before the change of season arrives a week from now. Yes, we stand at the doorstep of the Pisces New Moon and its energetic merging not only with the Sun, but Venus and its higher octave Neptune too. Welcome to the dreamtime on steroids.

Before I get to the primary focus (you’ll see why that’s an unintended pun in a moment), I wanted to briefly mention this very potent New Moon dynamic. Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac represents the end point or conclusion of the zodiac. In that sense, its all encompassing theme of oneness implies an archetypal merging of the eleven other zodiacal members. It’s the culmination of life’s journey, a turn of the wheel, an end before a beginning.

New Moon arrives today (13th and my Solar Return day). Only other time a New Moon occurred on my birthday was in 2002. Also, I have had two Full-Moon birthdays, one in 1960 and the other 1979. Each of these lunar events on my Solar Return day proved significant in my growth and evolution in the year that followed.

At this New Moon, especially as a new season awaits at the coming Equinox (20th for most of the world (near midnight on 19th in Hawaii)), we are encouraged to dream big, especially over the next 2 weeks; to embrace the mysteries of life through our connection to the natural world, to be compassionate to self and others, and to heighten our awareness and expand our purpose for being on this earthly plane. 

Yet, important to remember that Neptunian energy, especially as it transits its Piscean home sign can cast spells too over one’s perspective. This can lead to delusion, addiction patterns and over-sensitivity. Neptune also rules the unseen, which includes the microbial world. 

Uranus in Taurus, especially in its square now to Saturn reminds us to stay grounded, receive meaningful bodywork/energy work to stay strong and clear, and to set aside down time to avoid overload. It also reminds us the evolution of humanity depends on forward thinking. The past is past. Building bridges leads us to a new Earth reality.

For my birthday, I’m headed to the mountains north of here to drink in the magnificent, spellbinding Southern Hemisphere night sky. There I’ll meet up with some dedicated amateur astronomers who spend hours photographing various celestial wonders. Being washed over by starlight is the ultimate birthday gift for me! And to be able to see such grandeur through large telescopes is simply cosmic icing on the galactic cake!

And now on to the blog….

Archetypal Neptune in part rules imagery, including video, movies etc. A movie is a stitching of many images: each frame an illusion of a moment. It also expresses its vibration through music. In this blog, I am sharing four images I photographed during my Japan journeys over the past 3 years with commentary about each image. This was not an easy selection, as I have a lot of memorable images. However in the spirit of the Pisces Moon I’ve selected the following as representation of what this Moon offers:

First up - Messages To The Beyond (click or tap on an image to enlarge it)

Photographed at a temple in the mountains near Japan’s ancient capital of Kyoto, these wooden placards, common in Japan, are placed by Shinto and Buddhist worshippers after writing prayers or wishes. And there they artfully hang in gratitude to the kami (spirits or gods) for receiving their messages. In Pisces, we reach beyond the veil of reality to embrace the realm of the soul and its poignant mysteries.

This is a wide-angle perspective to give the viewer an on-going feeling of continuation for many prayers and wishes found here.

Next - Mystical Ontake (own-ta-kay)

High in the central mountains of Japan are some memorable peaks, including Mt. Fuji. And while Fuji is the quintessential symbol of Japan, the peak pictured here is also quite revered. This is Ontake in the early morning autumn light, the day after Full Moon in Nagano Prefecture. Snow capped throughout most of the year, its 10,000+ ft (3067m) summit watches over this bountiful area of Nagano, Japan.

Ontake is an active volcano, which last erupted unexpectedly with a methane explosion in 2014, killing 63 people who had ventured to the summit. Nonetheless, a shrine is found at the summit, and visited by many people each year. Close up or from afar, Mt. Ontake is such a stirring sight throughout the day. I chose to portray this scene in mostly black and white with the slightest hint of color to further bring focus to these mountains in the distance. Telephoto lens slightly compressed the scene for added effect. The Moon was part of this amazing early morning delight.

Torii Gates

Found at many shrines in Japan (did you know Japan has over 85,000 shrines throughout the country!), these red gates symbolize the boundary between the shrine’s sacred mystical space and ordinary space. As I walked through the gates I had the feeling I’m was stepping back through time, or entering a land beyond time and space. Getting this shot was not easy. Popular shrines are usually crowded. So to be able to photograph the ongoing flow of the red gates without anyone blocking the long path was a sign the shrine watchers were fully supportive of my creative touch, or I was just plain lucky (I think it’s the former).

This is another wide-angle capture to emphasize the elongation of the path and accentuate the on-going red gates, leading to a mysterious place. Also, the image was taken from a very low angle. In photography, seeing life from a different perspective heightens the mood and energy exchange of the scene. By the way, that low angle is essential when photographing young children to capture vividly how they see life. 

And lastly, Chaos and Stability

I love experiencing the rapid, icy streams coming from the high glacier passes of Japan’s central mountains. This very cold water is energized as it rushes over boulders and rocks on its way to the main rivers and ultimately the Pacific Ocean or Sea of Japan. I refer to this area of Japan's Honshu island as Chi Heaven. In this scene I wanted to emphasize the contrast between the rushing, fluid water and the solid rock. The illusion of stability right there. Over time, the continuous surge of water will melt away the rock. And so too such is the mysterious transformative nature of Neptune. Where Pluto energy melts down anything in its path, equally powerful Neptune dissolves that which stands fast.
 That includes one's understanding of reality imbued by family, tradition and culture. 

As an aside, Neptune and Pluto are now in a building sextile aspect, coming to an exact sextile in 2026. Because of Pluto's eccentric orbit, the energetic dance between these two archetypes will weave magic into the consciousness over a 6-year period and 13 exact meetings. This portends the dispelling of unnatural restrictions and delusional beliefs to usher a new wave of power. I'll write more in coming blogs.

This is a slow-shuttered image using a tripod. Using a slower speed smoothes out the water imparting a sense of rapid movement (great paradox!). It was photographed in the late afternoon.

Also, I will be posting more of my images in future blogs. Next time I'll share some of my favorite aerial images taken during my many travels. Meanwhile, I’m exploring various ways to show my images to a wider audience.

Finally, 2021 is proving to be as intense as 2020, except there’s positive movement underway. What has been learned from such a massive reset? What’s ahead? These and other questions serve as a foundation for an astrological consultation. Times of immense change require new strategies, perspective and creativity. My astrological consultations are transformative, offering guidance for navigating the current rapid changes and reorganizing your approach to life. 

As always, I am available for a professional astrological consultation session to help you better understand these profound shifts in the context of your birth chart. 

Schedule today! Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Zoom or Skype for your later listening/integration.

Recent client feedback:
Thank you for your thoroughness with me during my session. Your expertise is truly amazing." MC, Brookline, Ma

"The session has given me momentum for my ideas, put ease to some of my doubts and reminded me that there are never too many colors in the crayon box." CA, Seattle, Wa

"Today was absolutely enlightening. So very, very, much to think about..ponder. I haven't felt this recognized in a long time. The noticeable significant shift in my field since the consultation is worth sharing a huge THANK YOU from my heart". YC, Ca

As the shift occurs between seasons, remember the energetic field is quite fluid and unpredictable. Moving your energy, communing with nature, staying focused are strategies that will make the seasonal transition more meaningful and grounded.

Sat Nam

Starman, Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa
March 13, 2021

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Virgo Full Moon: A Call To Service

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." 
Mahatma Gandi

"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."
Martin Luther King
[Please fwd this blog to friends, co-workers etc. Thank you!!!! Also, to be included on my mailing list, subscribe here today.]

Such stirring quotes from two mystical, yet very practical sages on this day of heightened service...this day of the Virgo Full Moon. 

Full Moon arrives today at 10:17 am in South Africa, 3:17 am on the East Coast, just after midnight on the US West Coast, and late at night on the 26th in Hawaii. UTC is 8:17 am on the 27th. In the other direction, 5:17 pm in Japan and 9:17 pm in New Zealand. Important to get these Virgo facts straight!

Virgo underscores the power of sacred service to others. It also brings the energetic spotlight on your health and well being. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo brings its laser-like focus on life's details. This sometimes rather hard Virgo edge though is softened by its Piscean underbelly of compassion, mysticism and empathic connection to the global community.

Full Moon, Klein River Lagoon, Stanford, South Africa
by Joseph Mina
With the Sun now transiting mystical Pisces, we pause at this Full Moon to reflect on how we want to be of greater service in the days ahead. Meanwhile humanity continues in turmoil as it reorganizes from a very intense 2020. As I mentioned last year, 2021 will add to 2020's intensity as we prepare ourselves for the next wave of heightened awareness and greater social responsibility and progress.

As Pisces' ruler Neptune continues its epic transit through its home sign, compassion, grace, empathy, soul understanding and global connection become ever more important extensions of how we share our gifts and talents with others in the spirit of greater service. Also Neptune in Pisces has spawned an enormous wave of creativity in the performing arts and imagery. Quite exciting.

This Full Moon sets the stage for the two-weeks ahead leading to a strong mystical Pisces surge at the coming Pisces New Moon on March 13th. On that day, Venus, Neptune, Moon, and the Sun form a close conjunction and further fuel a potent sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. That combination amplifies a soul intention for compassionate global awareness, empowerment, strengthened self-esteem, values, direction and oneness. Also, on that transcendental day, Mercury emerges from its retrograde shadow after almost 9 weeks in Aquarius. 

In turn, the fleet messenger will enter Pisces on March 16th for a 3-week Piscean transit broadcasting the Aquarius message from its retrograde journey. This transit will include a conjunction with Neptune on March 30th. More progressive messages in the offing from the realm of the beyond the beyond .

Further amplifying today's Full Moon is an amazing grouping (see annotated/abbreviated chart) that brings a clearer understanding of this Full Moon's overall theme of service. That grouping includes (reference annotated numbers)

1 - Saturn in Aquarius in square to Uranus in Taurus - essentially the old versus the progressive new. On a deeper level, as more of the Aquarius age comes into form, Saturn wants integration/grounding/structure for Uranus' progressive breakthroughs. Therein lies the struggle on many levels between letting go of the past in order to fully embrace the future. 

2 - A Yod - Saturn along with its sextile to Chiron in Aries each form a quincunx (150° angle) to the Virgo Moon creating a potent Yod (finger of God) geometry. As this is a Full Moon, the Pisces Sun (3) creates a strong opposition focus at the mid-point of the Saturn/Chiron sextile. 

A Yod configuration implies a paradoxical solution to an otherwise awkward mix of energy. Since Chiron entered Aries in 2018-19, its healing quest has focused on reclaiming one's individuated uniqueness despite cultural and family impositions for conformity and adherence to social mores. This emphasis is further amplified for those born while Chiron transited Aries last (1968-77), and for anyone with significant cardinal placements in their natal chart (Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn). Joined with Saturn, a collective quest of individuated, unique parts gives support/strength to the Piscean intention of global harmony, awareness and oneness - many diverse parts create the one. Said another way, it's through our individuated gifts that we grow stronger together.

The last piece (4) is Uranus' trine (120° angle) to the Moon and its 60° sextile to the Pisces Sun. That implies two intentions. 1)Taurus points to the Earth and the make up of our physical bodies. Hence, the Full Moon in part encourages you to bring greater compassionate (Pisces) awareness to your body and its health, especially through physical touch (bodywork). 2) Equally, that same Virgo focus is directed to your relationship with the Earth itself and the opportunity to deepen your connection to the very planet that sustains you.

Suggestions and Reflections for this Full Moon

Going back to a blog I wrote for the 2015 Virgo Full Moon, I found my suggestions then are just as timely now. They are:

Receive bodywork...take care of yourself
Reorganize your daily priorities
Clean your living space...even make a Feng Shui appointment!!!
Show compassion for those less fortunate in life
Dedicate yourself to renewed service for others
Create or strengthen a daily routine, ritual or practice
Strengthen your nurturing-like focus for what is most important in your life

Recommended questions for reflection:

Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
-In what areas of my life can I show more compassion and understanding?
-What events from the past call out to me for healing and completion?
-How do I feel about the future and my role of service in the world?
-What unique gifts of mine am I ready to share with the world?

Voyager Intuition Card for this Full Moon: What does this Virgo laser-like focus want us to know? 

Ace of Wands - Illumination. This is one of the Magician cards. As a spiritual focus (wands), this vibration brings light to where there has been darkness. It literally illuminates the field with greater awareness and direction. It's akin to walking into a dark room and turning on a light. Brilliance vanquishes the heretofore unseen.

Coming Astrological Events
All planetary archetypes are now in direct motion and continue so until Pluto turns retrograde in late April. That's a lot of forward progress in the field for productive actions. Also:
Mars enters Gemini - March 4
Pisces New Moon March 13 10:21 UTC
Mercury enters Pisces - March 16
Equinox March 20th 9:37 UTC
Venus enters Aries March 21

In a world of turmoil many now seek answers to unanswerable questions. Yet these very life questions trigger insight, creativity, choices and new direction in our evolutionary quest to create a healthier and more connected world society. Matters of health are significantly heightened these days thanks in part to an unseen viral spread. Important to remember the very elemental substance that makes up our physical body is the same elemental matter that makes up the Earth. We are connected to planet Earth and its vibrational field. 

Equally, the very vibration that powers this planet, also powers/fuels/motivates us through our physical forms. Beyond the current social question about whether or not to vaccinate or how to social distance etc, it's imperative now to focus on physically, emotionally and mentally strengthening your body's core. The Earth's planetary vibration is continuing to increase. 

Back in 2008, I noted the vibrational field was getting stronger and amplifying beyond anything we could comprehend, especially in the years ahead. That message is even more poignant now. As I gaze energetically ahead at the coming astrological cycles, I see huge changes in the mix over the next 11 years, changes that will make the previous 20 years of change seem rather slow. While younger generations are more attuned to this building vibration, it's incumbent on both younger and older generations to raise the inner body frequencies to attune to this building wave: literally a time to expand your energetic bandwidth through bodywork, yoga, wellness modalities etc.

Life Path Astrology Consultations

2021 is a year ripe for reorganizing and reestablishing your focus in a sea of immense change. The coming years will build upon this 2020-21 foundation, creating a world significantly different than the one we used to know. How will you navigate such change? 

As always, I am available for a professional astrological consultation session to help you better understand these profound shifts in the context of your birth chart. Schedule today! Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Zoom or Skype for your later listening/integration.

Recent client feedback:
Thank you for your thoroughness with me during my session. Your expertise is truly amazing." MC, Brookline, Ma

"The session has given me momentum for my ideas, put ease to some of my doubts and reminded me that there are never too many colors in the crayon box." CA, Seattle, Wa

"Today was absolutely enlightening. So very, very, much to think about..ponder. I haven't felt this recognized in a long time. The noticeable significant shift in my field since the consultation is worth sharing a huge THANK YOU from my heart". YC, Ca

Next blog - more of my images. If you missed my recent blog featuring some of my photographic work and the stories behind the images, you can access it here.

Sat Nam
Starman, Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa

February 27, 2021