“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.”
Dalai Lama
“There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Greeting Cosmic Seekers and Lovers of the Sky Story
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Aries Plate by Joseph Mina |
And for further coming attraction purposes, the next two Full Moons are supermoons (the second being a total lunar eclipse in late May (visible over the Pacific basin and in various stages over North America). Given the world's continuing chaotic and uncertain state, these lunation’s are akin to strong exclamation marks in this year of rapid transition and change. And that transitional emphasis is strongly underscored at this Aries New Moon.
Such portends a surge of life force filling the energetic field surrounding you. Also, eclipse periods are always potent and timely for deeper understanding and substantive change.
And for the record, this Aries New Moon arrives on the 11th (today) at 4:31p in Hawaii, 7:31p West Coast, 10:31p on the East Coast, and on the 12th at 2:31a GMT, 4:31a in South Africa and early afternoon in New Zealand.
Last week, while waiting in line at a Farmer's Market (common reality in South Africa), I overheard someone say to a friend “I just want things to return to normal”. And that’s a very strong sentiment it seems. Yet, there really is no return to that reality. The celestial tides are all pointed in a very different direction: a significantly faster planetary vibration evolving over the the next 10 years.
Curious about what's unfolding in your life? Times of immense change require new strategies, perspective and creativity. My astrological consultations are transformative, offering guidance for better understanding the current rapid changes and reorganizing your approach to life.
Schedule today! Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Zoom or Skype for your later listening/integration.
Recent client feedback:
"Thank you for your thoroughness with me during my session. Your expertise is truly amazing." MC, Brookline, Ma
"The session has given me momentum for my ideas, put ease to some of my doubts and reminded me that there are never too many colors in the crayon box." CA, Seattle, Wa
"Today was absolutely enlightening. So very, very, much to think about..ponder. I haven't felt this recognized in a long time. The noticeable significant shift in my field since the consultation is worth sharing a huge THANK YOU from my heart". YC, Ca
Here’s the New Moon chart (tap or click on the chart to see a larger version)
Essentially, a substantial concentration of fiery Aries energy comes together for this lunation. With no planetary archetypes in retrograde until Pluto moves retrograde at the end of April, all signs point now forward. Yet, this momentum comes with some caveats.
Aries is akin to the impetuous, impatient child who loves to start projects, but easily becomes disinterested. Their fuel is pure novelty, impulse and short bursts of speed. Highly creative and very individuated too! Their challenges are hesitation, uniformity, reluctant cooperation and boredom.
As the first sign of the zodiac, this individuated fire sign says “just do it”. And in that spirit, now is the prime time to start something new that fuels creativity, novelty and action. It's akin to a surfer ready to surf the next wave. Yet, here's one of those aforementioned caveats: at this lunation Sun/Moon/Venus in Aries creates a 90° square angle with Pluto in Capricorn. That challenging contrast reminds us there is a Plutonian life-changing processes melting away old Capricorn-type energies (politics, rules, laws, judicial matters, corporations) to make way for a potentially more progressive expression in the coming years. Hence, any Aries-like initiatory energy on a personal, social or generational level must align with that flow. Best focus and intention would be progressive and forward thinking type initiatives. Otherwise, any new creative effort aligned with old conventional ways may prove to be short-lived. It's the contrast that defines safety vs risk.
And important to note, starting with Venus's movement into Taurus on the 14th, Mercury and the Sun will follow on the 19th. That's a lot of Earth-related energy adding fuel to Saturn/Uranus combination mentioned at #5 below. This period is akin to a charged up mini-Mercury Retrograde in Taurus as Mercury will be on the other side of the Sun from Earth's perspective (superior conjunction). "Staying grounded and focused" are good strategies for the next 10 days. Also, receiving nurturing body care ought to be high on your list!
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Energetic Grid by Joseph Mina |
1 - The Aries tribe includes (circled area in the above chart):
Chiron - embracing your uniqueness. Resolving hesitation, doubt, uncertainty through action.
Mercury - speaking with integrity; forward thinking
Ceres - being comfortable in your own skin
Sun/Moon - emotionally fueled action with determination and passion
Venus - acting up-front, determined and courageous (most masculine leaning of the feminine archetypes)
That’s quite a lineup of fire-fueled energy for you to access. Expectant parents take note and beware: any child born around this New Moon period is going to be unstoppable in their quest for creating change!
Supporting cast to help you navigate the next two weeks of this lunation include:
2 - Jupiter in Aquarius - optimistic, progressive, expansive, big picture in trine (120°) to Mars in Gemini and sextile (60°) to Sun/Moon/Venus in Aries. The beneficial trine requires action on your part to effect meaningful change in your life. The sextile further fuels this Aries surge with a determined, expansive desire to rebalance the scales of social inequality and justice. By contrast...
3 - Mars in Gemini is pure spontaneity and unpredictable. Mars rules Aries. In its Gemini skin Mars can be quite imaginative if the energy is channeled in an uplifting way. Yet...
4- Mars’ square (90°) to Neptune in Pisces at this lunation reminds you to make choices from a grounded place. Otherwise, Neptune’s shadow penchant for delusion and deep-seated fears may prove challenging.
Equally, Neptune’s building sextile (60°) to Pluto at this lunation is the underlying fuel for anything hidden, such as viruses. This is a potent connection that is just getting started. These two transformative archetypes came into orb back in 2019 just as the first vestiges of the pandemic were appearing. This energy crests, but not until 2026-2032 when 13 direct sextiles are engaged. Aside from Pluto’s completion in Capricorn over the next 2 years, this combined cycle has far reaching implications for how the natural world will respond to changes in climate and human-related environmental actions. Both Neptune and Pluto are transformative. Their close aspect to each other expands the combined dissolving energy exponentially. This particular combination will not occur again for 300 years! And last, but certainly not least...
5 - Saturn in Aquarius in square (90°) to Uranus in Taurus remains one of the major drivers for this year. While not aspected to the lunation, this current building square is part of a bigger 20-year cycle that now brings to light the push-pull challenges being revealed between conformity (Saturn) and rapid societal and Earth changes (Uranus). In part, this combination points to the critical tension building between conservative and progressive choices and direction. This arena will be super charged starting with the late May lunar and early June solar eclipses when these two archetypes come into their 2nd of 3 direct squares this year.
Reflections for this lunation:
1 - What am I ready to initiate in my life?
2 - Are my actions congruent with what I want to create? If not, what needs to change in my life to support my desires?
3 - Is my sense of self congruent with my actions within my relationships?
4 - Am I taking the time to be nurtured?
5 - Am I taking the time to strengthen my physical body? If no, what needs to change to better help my body align with the increasing Earth vibration?
Conclusion: There is an abundance of Aries-like creative energy in the energetic field at the moment. How you access and utilize this well of power depends on your clarity and willingness to explore the unknown. Such expressions is best used for expansive purposes. Yet, in this strong polarity, it can also fuel denser desires and troubling behaviors as has been evident since December's solstice. Looking a little bit ahead, the next two to three months will be a good indicator for how the remainder of 2021 unfolds.
In that respect, staying present (very Aries like) is a powerful strategy. In today’s climate, dwelling on the past, projecting too far ahead, or even struggling to initiate something can prove draining, and result in a weakening of the body's immunity levels.
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Autumn's Message by Joseph Mina |
Near dawn, the center of the galaxy between Scorpio and Sagittarius was high overhead (in the northern hemisphere this view is much lower to the horizon and hence less dramatic). I was fortunate to be with a group of astronomers who had quite a collection of telescopes. Viewing star fields through a telescope takes the experience to a whole other level. So many stars, nebula and galaxies too…each carrying information within the photons of their starlight. Messages from the beyond the beyond. I felt altered by the time I returned home. This was the perfect Starman gift: a deeply soul-satisfying experience. My Aquarian aspects were quite happy for days afterward.
Lastly, and somewhat strangely, Autumn is now well underway here. I captured the picture on the right at a local farmer’s market the other day. I call it Autumn’s Message. Rather a strange notion for my northern hemisphere readers who now feel the surge of springtime. Yet, regardless of the season, it's a good reminder that art transcends time, we exist in the same moment of time, enjoy beauty regardless of its source and time, and each contribute in our own unique way and timing towards creating a healthier world and human society. May your creative efforts continue to be your resounding answer to life’s challenges and opportunities.
At this Aries New Moon I wish you new insights and creative joy.
Comments welcomed below!
Sat Nam
Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa
April 11, 2021
Hi Joseph! Thanks for the insightful article. I’ve been enjoying these the last few months. After our session back in October in Seoul Korea I moved to Calgary Canada and been enjoying the beautiful mountains. Yes the world is definitely chaotic but I’m charting new paths in my life thanks to guidance like yours. Hope to meet another time soon.
You're welcome Jenna. Likewise!