"Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth." Bradley Whitford, Actor and Political Activist
#supermoon #totaleclipse #PiscesNewMoon
Aloha Everyone
This update is rather out of the blue...in fact, quite Uranian. I haven't created an update here for a year as I have focused on other pursuits instead of astrology writing. Yet thanks to a rather recent and persistent voice in my head, I’ve decided to weigh-in on today’s significant total solar eclipse. That voice was fueled in part by a very recent unexpected last minute astrology consultation for a new client whose significant Piscean natal aspects just happened to be exact to this eclipse position.
As an aside, I'll surprisingly drop-in here once in a while as the spirit moves or nudges me, offering my Aquarius big picture thoughts about certain significant astrological events. If you are looking for the astrological nitty-gritty (usually Virgo types do), there are plenty of other astrologers writing on a much more frequent basis. An internet search will hook you up with them.
Before I get to the eclipse, I want to mention I expect 2016 will prove to be more intense than the
years 2011-15. An epic and very potent Mars Retrograde in visionary Sagittarius and life force Scorpio this coming April and May opposite to a Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is one potent indicator. Anytime Mars moves in reverse in its ancient ruling sign Scorpio, intensity, conflict and confusion follow. Look for a much brighter Mars in the evening sky come this spring (autumn in the Southern Hemisphere). This will be Mars' brightest apparition since 2005.
Looking back for a moment...2011-15 and its 8 life changing squares of Uranus and Pluto have represented a very strong seeding point for the next 30 years. We are now seeing the beginning of this cosmic harvest in a variety of intense and innovative ways across the planet. Yet remember, in times of transformation very little feels stable; certainty is tenuous at best; and the world's cultures undergo significant changes. It's the metaphorical pruning of the tree to give way to new growth.
Top Ten Energetic Highlights of this Eclipse and questions for reflection:
1. Solar eclipses represent the Universe’s way of putting an exclamation point on life…these are pay attention moments revealing an expected flow of energy over the ensuing 6 months. Energetically this grand spectacle of nature…
2. takes place at 19° Pisces. New Moon peak energy arrives today and just 1 day from its perigee with Earth. Technically it becomes a "Super New Moon", i.e. higher symbolic intensity. For some of the world it takes place on March 8th: 3:54 pm in Hawaii, 5:54 PST; 8:54 EST; and March 9 for other parts due east from England and western Africa to the International Date Line: 1:54 Universal Time. Meanwhile...
3. totality first crosses the Indonesian archipelago at sunrise in Asia, then sweeps across the Pacific Ocean, before completing its magical passage northeast of Hawaii at sunset. Remember, an active, visual participation in these type of cosmic shows fuels the “as above, so below” mysteries within you. If you live outside of the realm of total or partial visibility, the Internet offers live feeds of this grand spectacle of nature. Check on-line for where/when to view the eclipse. Energetically throughout totality...
4. the Moon’s blackened disk hides the Sun’s overwhelming intensity, revealing the much more subtle and beautiful corona and chromosphere with their exquisite filaments of light and fury. Metaphorically, the Sun in your natal astrology chart…
5. represents the fuel you burn to express the gifts and grace of other incarnations, and energize your life path. Are you ready to experience the more subtle, yet equally dynamic vibrations of your inner solar power??? Today’s your day. This particular eclipse includes…
6. seven different planetary aspects in watery, sensitive Pisces!. This is an overloaded, astonishing group of highly sensitive energies in place for the most part over the next two weeks. This energetic, watery surge…
7. strongly accentuates all things Pisces and its compelling themes such as the importance of oneness with life and the natural, primal world; compassion, and empathy, especially for those who suffer/struggle; and the uplifting essence of our soul energy revealed through music, imagery/video and poetic and prose expressions. Most importantly…
8. this eclipse opens a powerful energetic door courtesy of Jupiter in Virgo and its direct opposition to the eclipse point and the healing vibration of Chiron. In turn, this Virgo/Pisces axis creates a square to Saturn in Sagittarius. Here we are reminded by functional, earthly Virgo that to truly serve others in a heartfelt, grounded, compassionate and healthy/healing way requires a more cohesive, expansive and uplifting societal structure in this world. Saturn points to grounding our spiritual designs and optimism into something real or functional in alignment with higher Universal principles. Millennial and younger generations have heard this Pisces calling since 2011 when...
9. Pisces’ ruler Neptune entered its watery home sign for the 1st time since the 1860’s. This imaginative and inspired group of young humans intends to dramatically move the human conversation (their soul mandate) in a very different and uplifting direction over the coming years. Their primary energetic support team is just as compelling. In addition to the grace of Neptune in Pisces, this cosmic team includes transformative Pluto in Capricorn and surprising/shocking Uranus in Aries. Together this dynamic trio is changing society's landscape in unimaginable and rapid ways. For example…
10. Pluto, dark lord of the underworld, whose Capricorn passage continues through 2023, is now literally melting down the established, yet outdated political, financial, and corporate based structures of rules, authority and laws. This only intensifies as we draw closer to 2023. Further, Pluto has moved in lock-step since 2011 with the sky Lord Uranus, whose rapid and unpredictable movement in the realm of impetuous and novel Aries through 2018 has been rewriting the cultural script in surprising, upending and rapid ways in the realms of social justice, equality and technological advancement. Together, these 2 archetypal titans of the underworld and sky represent the Cosmic Gorilla in the room through 2018!
Conclusion: Across the globe we now witness the rapid movement and exchange of ideas, leaps in technology, and global collaboration in the scientific and social, religious/spiritual and educational realms. With each passing year, the age of Aquarius becomes more evident while the Piscean age fades into the annals of time. Once again we are reminded at a solar eclipse our on-going actions and creative expressions are literally the answer to our prayers for a more conscious and attuned world culture. May all be served by your unique contributions and connection to those around you. May the global Piscean vibration of today's solar eclipse open your heart to new creative possibilities within this huge human family. May we all function in compassionate service to each other. Sat Nam.
Questions for reflection during this eclipse window over the next two weeks:
How can I express more compassion in my life to my fellow humans?
How can I participate more proactively in the world’s changes?
How can I be of greater service to those in need?
How can I be more proactive with my health in an uplifting way?
Happy New Moon everyone!
Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
March 8, 2016
#supermoon #totaleclipse #PiscesNewMoon
Aloha Everyone
This update is rather out of the blue...in fact, quite Uranian. I haven't created an update here for a year as I have focused on other pursuits instead of astrology writing. Yet thanks to a rather recent and persistent voice in my head, I’ve decided to weigh-in on today’s significant total solar eclipse. That voice was fueled in part by a very recent unexpected last minute astrology consultation for a new client whose significant Piscean natal aspects just happened to be exact to this eclipse position.
As an aside, I'll surprisingly drop-in here once in a while as the spirit moves or nudges me, offering my Aquarius big picture thoughts about certain significant astrological events. If you are looking for the astrological nitty-gritty (usually Virgo types do), there are plenty of other astrologers writing on a much more frequent basis. An internet search will hook you up with them.
Before I get to the eclipse, I want to mention I expect 2016 will prove to be more intense than the
years 2011-15. An epic and very potent Mars Retrograde in visionary Sagittarius and life force Scorpio this coming April and May opposite to a Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is one potent indicator. Anytime Mars moves in reverse in its ancient ruling sign Scorpio, intensity, conflict and confusion follow. Look for a much brighter Mars in the evening sky come this spring (autumn in the Southern Hemisphere). This will be Mars' brightest apparition since 2005.
Looking back for a moment...2011-15 and its 8 life changing squares of Uranus and Pluto have represented a very strong seeding point for the next 30 years. We are now seeing the beginning of this cosmic harvest in a variety of intense and innovative ways across the planet. Yet remember, in times of transformation very little feels stable; certainty is tenuous at best; and the world's cultures undergo significant changes. It's the metaphorical pruning of the tree to give way to new growth.
Top Ten Energetic Highlights of this Eclipse and questions for reflection:
1. Solar eclipses represent the Universe’s way of putting an exclamation point on life…these are pay attention moments revealing an expected flow of energy over the ensuing 6 months. Energetically this grand spectacle of nature…
2. takes place at 19° Pisces. New Moon peak energy arrives today and just 1 day from its perigee with Earth. Technically it becomes a "Super New Moon", i.e. higher symbolic intensity. For some of the world it takes place on March 8th: 3:54 pm in Hawaii, 5:54 PST; 8:54 EST; and March 9 for other parts due east from England and western Africa to the International Date Line: 1:54 Universal Time. Meanwhile...
3. totality first crosses the Indonesian archipelago at sunrise in Asia, then sweeps across the Pacific Ocean, before completing its magical passage northeast of Hawaii at sunset. Remember, an active, visual participation in these type of cosmic shows fuels the “as above, so below” mysteries within you. If you live outside of the realm of total or partial visibility, the Internet offers live feeds of this grand spectacle of nature. Check on-line for where/when to view the eclipse. Energetically throughout totality...
4. the Moon’s blackened disk hides the Sun’s overwhelming intensity, revealing the much more subtle and beautiful corona and chromosphere with their exquisite filaments of light and fury. Metaphorically, the Sun in your natal astrology chart…
6. seven different planetary aspects in watery, sensitive Pisces!. This is an overloaded, astonishing group of highly sensitive energies in place for the most part over the next two weeks. This energetic, watery surge…
7. strongly accentuates all things Pisces and its compelling themes such as the importance of oneness with life and the natural, primal world; compassion, and empathy, especially for those who suffer/struggle; and the uplifting essence of our soul energy revealed through music, imagery/video and poetic and prose expressions. Most importantly…
8. this eclipse opens a powerful energetic door courtesy of Jupiter in Virgo and its direct opposition to the eclipse point and the healing vibration of Chiron. In turn, this Virgo/Pisces axis creates a square to Saturn in Sagittarius. Here we are reminded by functional, earthly Virgo that to truly serve others in a heartfelt, grounded, compassionate and healthy/healing way requires a more cohesive, expansive and uplifting societal structure in this world. Saturn points to grounding our spiritual designs and optimism into something real or functional in alignment with higher Universal principles. Millennial and younger generations have heard this Pisces calling since 2011 when...
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Astroactivator2001© by Kathryn Andren |
10. Pluto, dark lord of the underworld, whose Capricorn passage continues through 2023, is now literally melting down the established, yet outdated political, financial, and corporate based structures of rules, authority and laws. This only intensifies as we draw closer to 2023. Further, Pluto has moved in lock-step since 2011 with the sky Lord Uranus, whose rapid and unpredictable movement in the realm of impetuous and novel Aries through 2018 has been rewriting the cultural script in surprising, upending and rapid ways in the realms of social justice, equality and technological advancement. Together, these 2 archetypal titans of the underworld and sky represent the Cosmic Gorilla in the room through 2018!
Conclusion: Across the globe we now witness the rapid movement and exchange of ideas, leaps in technology, and global collaboration in the scientific and social, religious/spiritual and educational realms. With each passing year, the age of Aquarius becomes more evident while the Piscean age fades into the annals of time. Once again we are reminded at a solar eclipse our on-going actions and creative expressions are literally the answer to our prayers for a more conscious and attuned world culture. May all be served by your unique contributions and connection to those around you. May the global Piscean vibration of today's solar eclipse open your heart to new creative possibilities within this huge human family. May we all function in compassionate service to each other. Sat Nam.
Questions for reflection during this eclipse window over the next two weeks:
How can I express more compassion in my life to my fellow humans?
How can I participate more proactively in the world’s changes?
How can I be of greater service to those in need?
How can I be more proactive with my health in an uplifting way?
Happy New Moon everyone!
Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
March 8, 2016
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