Showing posts with label Solstice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solstice. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Coronavirus Round 2: Cancer New Moon and the coming surge

"Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect"

-- Margaret Mitchell, author (1900-49)

Life Path Astrology Consultations:

For anyone ready to explore in greater depth the unique dynamics of their natal chart, or for previous clients ready to update their chart for the current planetary transits, private one-to-one sessions with me via Skype or Zoom (audio recorded) are available. Gift certificates too! 

Great change presents great opportunity. My personal astrological counseling session is designed to help you create meaningful strategies for adapting and shifting with the current planetary changes. You can schedule on-line by going to this link where you can access my appointment calendar. I’ll be available for session work beginning in August.

Greetings from Ocean City, New Jersey!

thought I would complete this blog prior to the New Moon. So much for my plans. Regardless, below is a good summary of the current energy dynamics, what to expect in the coming days and some suggestions for reflection. Read on....

The hot days of summer have arrived on the United States East Coast, and I'm very glad to be near the ocean. The second consecutive New Moon in Cancer (first Cancer New Moon occurred on the solstice in June) arrived on the 20th at 1:32 pm EDT (on the 21st from Southeast Asia east to the International Date Line). As with the Cancer New Moon this past solstice, the New Moon vibration carries added significance. Why? Because it's 2020 [humor intended]. Here's my perspective.

The sign of Cancer brings our awareness to your personal life, your family and even extended family, and community-at-large. Opposite earthly Capricorn, archetypal Cancer imbues the field with encouragement to create a more nurturing and connective reality. As a watery (emotional) sign, it stands at the front of the line when it comes to helping others in need.  At this lunation, the Sun/Moon position occurs almost at the very end degree of Cancer, providing the opportunity to focus on the personal, family and community related lessons learned/experienced over the past 28-29 days of the lunar cycle. That cycle included a solar (solstice) and lunar eclipse, and Venus and Mercury retrogrades. Hence, its collective vibration serves as a strong foundational platform for the remainder of 2020.

Most people love a good story with a happy ending. Our fairy tales are filled with positive endings. We not only rely on such, but expect "they lived happily ever after" outcomes too. With that said, back in December I gave a few astrology talks about what to expect in 2020. Attendees wanted to know what lay ahead for such a powerful numbered year. Yet, true to my astrological roots, I didn't sugar coat my words. In each talk, I spoke about the intensity of the coming planetary cycles starting at the December Solstice and being prominent for all of 2020. In other words 2020 would prove powerfully intense in a yet-to-be-defined way affecting all aspects of humanity. How's that for a contra-happy ending! 

Yet, given Jupiter's recent optimistic 2019 transit through its home sign of Sagittarius, the feedback from some in my audiences didn't take to my message, but preferred to remain optimistic about the unfolding New Year (didn't 2020 have a nice ring to it?). To say the least, my message wasn't high up on the favorite festival story of the month chart. 

Yet, the tone of what I shared then as now actually is rather practical, pragmatic and a tip of the hat to upside potential, i.e. we need to prepare for a very different world emerging over the next nine or so years. And part of that preparation is a major overhaul or reorganization of the very structures that make humanity tick. Why? Because there are very (underscored) intense astrological patterns now weaving their way concurrently through the consciousness that reflect themes of upheaval, surrender, oppression and transformation. 

And yet, there can actually be a very positive ending and new beginning to it all. Attaining such will require hard work, courage, determination to strengthen oneself, a willingness to look deeply within and some Universal luck.

While current societal structures have worked to some degree in the 20th and earlier centuries depending on affluence, the 21st century has become a wholly different reality. Advanced technological wonders such as robotics, computers, digital currency, massive social media platforms, instantaneous communication and instant access to content represent the new structural pillars serving a rapidly evolving world. 

Chicago City Maze
Chicago City Maze by Joseph Mina
Also, and most importantly, an unprecedented heightened awareness of human society, including all its deep scaring blemishes from times past now emerge for all to see (Neptune in Pisces/Pluto in Capricorn). 

The unfolding big planetary transits of 2020 into 2021 point to an essential introspection period (current circumstances) in order to address issues such as systemic racism, climate change, immigration between nations, poverty vs disproportionate wealth, health care, political discord, intensive farming practices, unbalanced commerce and social inequality that are causing great damage to the physical elemental state and balance of the planet's ecosystems. 

And therein lies our opportunity for healing and reorganizing on a personal, social and global scale a more connective world for current and future generations. Mind you, this human endeavor is occurring at a time when the speed and dissemination of information, as well as perception of time, is rapidly accelerating. And it can be exhausting at times!

With that as a backdrop, here's the details of this New Moon lunation.

This New Moon theme continues the 2020 pattern of major challenges as Saturn along with Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn strongly oppose this New Moon's vibe. And of course, since it's 2020, an unexpected brightening of a comet has recently become part of the sky story I guess to put an exclamation mark on what is now unfolding. 

Visible comets (they occur very infrequently: last one was Southern Hemisphere Comet McNaught in 2006, are symbolic signs of unfolding powerful change. Given this year's upheaval, this particular comet not only underscores 2020's chaos, but also becomes a herald signaling greater change to come over the next 3 years. 

Comet Neowise
As I mentioned in my Solstice blog entry, the second half of 2020 is loaded with a surge of planetary retrogrades. Usually, at any given time, 1 to 3 planets are in retrograde. Not this year (of course). Anywhere between 5 and 7 retrogrades will now be in play through December. From a geocentric perspective, this forward/back/forward planetary motion in the sky story symbolically implies a strong or heightened pull back or introspection individually and collectively to reflect, reorganize, regenerate etc. aspects of your personal, social and global connections and integral structures (rules, traditions etc). 

Given the added intensity of so many retrogrades (there are 6 at this New Moon), a very introspective energy now builds across the human consciousness. So if you are feeling inward, or seemingly lack the motivation to manifest or create something new, look no further than this juggernaut of inward energy. Here, surrender to a higher source may be the best strategy, i.e. let the energy reveal itself rather than attempting to define it.

On the external, more evidence of this slow down is seen by renewed lockdown restrictions now being imposed due to increased virus spread throughout the United States and other parts of the world. Personally, given the current planetary cycles, I would not be surprised if the spread of COVID continues through the end of the year. So let's have a look at the New Moon chart:

As you can see from the various energetic lines connecting various archetypes, this is quite a busy New Moon. What follows is my top 5 list from the above chart starting with...

Phoenix Rising
1. Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter in opposition to the New Moon. Saturn's in its challenging aspect points to the imposition of boundaries, limits, and restrictions affecting laws, rules, politics, organizations and business. In its expansive state it influences the creation of functional structures that organize our energetic flow as a society. From its recent 4-month ingress into the water-bearer sign of Aquarius, strong Aquarian themes of social justice and equality came to the fore around the globe leading to protest about systemic racism at every level of society. The police presence and its catalytic effect is a classic example of challenging Saturn cause/effect.

Now Saturn has returned to its home sign of Capricorn (early July) where it remains for its final and most intense pass through December 17 and fueled by its Aquarian transit. Remember, any planetary energy in its home sign amplifies the expression of that sign's energy. At this New Moon, Saturn in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Aries all position in their respective home signs. That's a lot of potent fuel. And why's 2020. 

In the coming months, Saturn will once again create a near conjunction with Jupiter and Pluto (last was back in December to March) perhaps reenacting and reinforcing the potent dynamics of that time. And to add a very strong exclamation point, that trio will be further amplified (squared) by...

2. Retrograde Mars in Aries. Mars and Saturn are akin to the young brash and elder warriors, respectively (think Karate Kid movie). In its home sign of Aries, Mars energy is naturally relentless, impulsive, boundless and lacking the maturity to be responsible (that's Capricorn's job). It also possesses an enormous amount of kinetic energy to initiate massive shifts of energy in rapid fashion! 

Mars' first of three squares with Saturn on August 24 (and a little earlier with Jupiter (8/4) and Pluto (8/13) too) ultimately fuels Mars with a new directive about its archetypal role in the coming years of this decade. Thus while Mars energy, especially in Aries, is quite the achiever, this coming retrograde in early September will put the brakes on any sense of forward progress at least through the end of the year. This vibration will become more and more noticeable as Mars soon enters its retrograde shadow on July 24th. 

I must add here: outbreak of war is not uncommon during or after a Mars retrograde. That's not a prediction, just a reflection about how this retrograde transit has played out in the past. The alternative is to use Mars fuel to effect positive/constructive change. As always, the choice is ours.

In the political realm, Donald Trump's challenges will become even greater as his natal conjunction of Saturn/Venus in Cancer will be opposed by Saturn/Jupiter (once again) and Pluto and soon squared by Mars. That energetic surge represents significant once-in-a-lifetime headwinds adversely affecting his ability to control circumstances around him  

Lastly, Mars, which ordinarily spends approximately 6 weeks transiting a sign, doesn't leave the shadow energy of the Aries retrograde until January 2, 2021 or over 5 months later! That's a very long time for this Aries energy to be bound/reined in. In short, expect the unexpected. It's not often Mars retrogrades in its home sign of Aries. Add the potent fuel of Saturn/Jupiter/Pluto to the Mars retrograde and we are headed for unchartered waters, especially in October and November and the US Presidential election. 

This is an epic planetary cycle and one that will be long remembered for its yet to be revealed dynamics. If there were ever a time for inner clarity, focus, renewed purpose, determination, and a willingness to explore the heretofore unknowable as a prelude to a post-pandemic era around the globe, this is it! And of course no outcome, including any clear sense about the current pandemic, can be anticipated or predicted thanks to...

3. Neptune, which from its Pisces home perch not only creates a strong sextile (60 degrees of angle) with Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto, but completes its 3rd and final square with Venus and its June retrograde in Gemini (exact on July 27) . Remember, it was back in early April when Venus entered its retrograde shadow in early degrees of unpredictable Gemini. By early May the 1st of 3 squares with Neptune occurred just as the President and many Governors in the United States decided it was time to reclaim a normal flow and ignore potential spread of COVID-19. 

Given the strong murky vibration of Venus square Neptune, such actions were ill-timed (imagine if leaders actually followed astrology chart dynamics when making decisions?) opened the door for the virus resurgence and spread we now see. Neptune energy dissolves ever so slowly, like water eroding metal, until nothing is left. Its influence is pervasive and lasting. Spawning a new wave of spirituality, imagery, music, connection to the natural world, and greater compassion for all is Neptune's primary mandate in the 21st Century. And with 6 more years to go before it enters Aries, the process of dissolving (surrender to a greater force) will only intensify.

Neptune's recent interaction (sextile) with Saturn/Jupiter and its long-term building sextile (into 2026) with Pluto's intense transformative vibe now fuels a huge well of uncertainty in a Western society used to a fair dose of day-to-day certainty and organization. Such uncertainty in part strongly impacts our traditional methods of communication, which is further underscored by the recently completed...

4. Mercury retrograde in Cancer and its strong influence upon the Cancer themes of personal, family and community life, as exemplified at this New Moon. 

Mercury's recent retrograde began opposite to Saturn's 2019 retrograde station, and began direct motion last week in square to the current position of Chiron/Mars in Aries. These are major lessons about the workings of cause/effect. Understand too a retrograde pattern doesn't really end ("when will Mercury retrograde be over?" is a common question I hear). Rather the intense effect of any retrograde eases up as the motion regains its forward speed. Hence, the collective experience of any retrograde transit adds to an ever evolving conversation around our human evolution, while rebuilding its tension pattern for its next retrograde phase.

As far as lessons learned from the recent Mercury retrograde, the buildup to the next Mercury Retrograde come this mid-October (in Scorpio) will be fueled by the various Cancer themes brought to your awareness in July.  And that leads me to...

5. Uranus in Taurus and the ultimate conundrum of human society on Planet Earth. The energy of archetypal Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) is catalytic, lightning quick and usually out-of-the-blue. The current built up of this rocket fuel comes from the epic eight squares between Uranus and Pluto between 2011-15. The power of this vibration will literally bring us to social collapse, or usher us into utopia within the next 10 years. 

Earthly Taurus in part points to our connection to the Earth and its natural beauty and denizens. It also mirrors the natural world's function, which includes your physical body. Since May 2018 Uranus has brought its surprising/unsettling intense vibe into that natural world cauldron, creating breakthroughs as well as unusual health challenges.

By 2025-26, Uranus and Neptune will create a sextile at the very end degrees of Taurus and Pisces, providing a strong guide for the evolving state of planet Earth. At that time, Pluto will be firmly placed in Aquarius, Saturn will be beginning its Aries transit alongside Neptune, and Jupiter will be in early degrees Cancer. That's a lot of expansive air and fire energy, which will prove either highly combustible or highly energizing. 

Beyond the current pandemic, if there were ever a reason to further strengthen your physical, emotional, and mental states in alignment with your deeper soul-driven directives for what lies ahead, this massive shift of outer planetary energies from an earth/water state to air/fire underscores the urgency to do so now.

Here's a few suggested themes for reflection over the next two weeks of this New Moon lunation:

What have I learned about myself since the December 21st solstice of last year?

What changes am I now making to ready myself for a rapidly emerging new mythos in this 21st Century?

How do I plan on nurturing myself (including strengthening of the physical body) in the coming days?

What actions on my part are required to create a more sustainable and holistic family and community structure?

How can I become an effective voice for change, or support those who espouse progressive ideals in our quest for a more sustainable and life-giving reality?

And finallykeeping with the evolving 21st century trend of using technology to connect with a larger audience, join me for a live Zoom session on Sunday, August 2nd at 2 to 4 pm EDT where I will explore in greater depth the planetary cycles for the remainder of 2020 and their rippling effect into 2021 and beyond. The last 30 minutes of the program will be open for non-personal Q/A, specific to the discussed content. The Zoom call is open to 100 participants and will be recorded (audio). 

Copies of such will be available via a donation to defray the time to process the sound file and disseminate it. More specific information will be forthcoming in an email to my mailing list and this blog towards the end of July.

Here's the Zoom link for joining in. I will activate the meeting room 20 minutes before the scheduled start time. As this is my first solo Zoom, I won't require registration this time. So it's first ones in line. A friend will help me review any questions submitted in the chat section. From there, she will select (as time permits) questions for my further exploration most germane to the content. 

I look forward to further exploring these epic changing times with you.

Sat Nam,

Starman, Joseph Mina

Ocean City, New Jersey

July 21, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Solstice June 2020: what in the world is going on???

"For my part I know nothing with certainty but the sight of the stars make me dream" 

- Vincent Van Gough

Greetings Fellow Earthlings and Lovers of the Night Sky

Police brutality protests
Black Lives Matter protest in St. Louis
It’s been quite the chaotic dance since I last wrote in early March. Lockdowns, border restrictions, oodles of information and misinformation, global pandemic spread leading to over 8.5 million infected and near 500,000 related deaths, unprecedented social protests, and a lot of stay-at-home realities triggering massive layoffs, school and business closings and significant social reorganization. And we're not even at the half-way mark of the year!

At the moment I’m residing in the western suburban area of Philadelphia with my younger sister and husband, since South Africa’s borders are temporarily closed to tourist and non-residents alike. This is the longest stretch for me in the USA since 2017. Such a different reality here than South Africa. I had thought I’d be in South Africa by now enjoying its extraordinary star-filled winter night sky. But the Universe had other ideas and plans!

So what in the world is going on for the next six months? I’ll state it up front: based on the coming astrological cycles of 2020’s second half, and further fueled by the chaotic intensity from the first half, amplified events await! Yet generational-changing opportunity becomes more available through renewed group focus and intention. 

We are part of an extraordinary shift in consciousness now underway whose social, economic and political ramifications cannot yet be fully understood. This is more evident today than it was in 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn and the world financial structures mightily shook. This is fertile virgin ground for significant global changes over the next 10 years.  What

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Top 10 Reasons this Solstice season says "Pay Attention": Weaving a New Dream

"Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Graphic by Joseph Mina; Center image by artist Eva Ruiz
Sobering times. Intensity in its most hideous form enters our awareness. This time it's Orlando Florida. Could have easily been Syria, Iraq, parts of Africa, China, or any number of other locations around the world. Senseless mayhem persists on a global scale, but then again, isn't all mayhem "senseless".

A little over a month ago, I wrote a piece for this blog titled "Top 10 Reasons Current Planetary Cycles are saying "Pay Attention".  In that piece I highlighted the unfolding retrogrades of Mars and Mercury, Venus' inner dance with the Sun, and Saturn's current on-going quest for the truth. The word "intensity" was sprinkled throughout the article.

No need here to opine about how the insatiable traditional and social media juggernauts fuel themselves with tragic events around the world. However, important to remember intensity comes in many flavors. As dark as something may appear, its opposite equally exists in the human consciousness. This coming solstice season offers you a choice between light and dark; higher vision

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Solstice and Capricorn New Moon Dec 21: Stepping into the Unknown

"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director Hayden Planetarium, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, speaker

Image illustration courtesy of NASA
Well said NDT! Anyone attempting to logically understand the current state of world affairs would be best served by writing the above quote 100x on the cosmic blackboard.

This past year has proven to be the year of intensity, breakthroughs, social unrest, and new beginnings around the globe...all accompanied with many surprising twists and turns. And let me say this up front: the same will hold true for 2015. The astrological headwinds say so.

Back in 2010, when the 2012/Mayan Calendar vibe was starting to build, I looked ahead at the coming astrological cycles. I readily noticed the years 2014 and 2015 as being much more significant than what was anticipated by many for 2012. Further, I referred to this coming 2 year period as "pay attention years", i.e. strong theme setting periods for what would eventually unfold

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gemini Full Moon 2013: Previews for 2014 Astrology

Overwhelming Moon
outshines my boy Orion
distant stars retreat

Impregnated Moon

aligning at silver gateway
celestial womb

on the occasion of Full Moon meeting Orion.

"Heavenly Haiku" by Kathryn Andren Mina
©Heavenly Haiku series 2013 all rights reserve

Aloha from Hawaii and Happy Gemini Full Moon!
December Full Moon is found near the belt stars of Orion, a powerful place in the sky, highlighting the polarity point of galactic center. On this week of Solstice, this is a potent time to align with our ancestors and look forward to the future.

Gemini is the Zodiac sign of the lovers and the twins. We have used the name Gemini Awakening for over a decade in honor of this symbolic archetype. Gemini is duality, from two becomes one. Seeing things from multiple sides gives a greater ability for awakening insights. Do you find yourself stuck in a perspective or thought process? December astrology for Gemini Full Moon supports being adaptable, seeking new ideas in communication, learning, networking and sharing. Consider how many people catch up at this time of year with communications, cards, and gift giving!

This lunation serves as a strong template for what's to come in 2014. The coming year is potent for

Friday, December 28, 2012

Cancer Full Moon Dec 28: Activation and Awakening 2013

"Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunder-bolt is elicited from the darkest storm."
Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832) English Writer

"Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood."
Henry Miller (1891-1980) American writer and painter

Solstice Sunrise, City of Refuge, Hawaii by Joseph Mina
Well we're finally on the other side of 12/21/12. While the jury is out about the long term effects and influences of the Mayan Calendar's shift from one energy form into another, 12/21 has brought together many people to celebrate our place in this moment of time, as well as bringing focus and direction for creating a healthier, inter-dependant world society.

Yet, as I wrote in our last update for the Sagittarius New Moon, the energy dynamics for this Full Moon are much more significant (and intense) than the astrological dynamics for 12/21/12.

As this is the first Full Moon of the current season, and its energy occurs during

Monday, June 18, 2012

Solstice and Gemini New Moon June 2012: Transformation 101

"The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them."
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

The ethers are electrified. Something palpable yet undefined grows in the energetic conscious field of potential and budding realities. As the half-way point of 2012 nears, new trends and expressions are emerging in raw, unexpected, novel, and in some cases, harsh ways. Simultaneously, outdated institutions, structures and forms are falling apart. Yes, the first of seven Uranus/Pluto squares has arrived with all its mojo and swagger..

Historically, this combustible pairing has ushered in significant shifts in human behavior, perception and structures around the world. The mid to late 1960's is the most recent example. This current cycle will do likewise, except the cultural shift may prove more intense, transformative and life-altering than its predecessors. Before I get to the details of Uranus/Pluto....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Solstice and Capricorn New Moon December 2011: Stepping Into The Unknown

"Winter Solstice - the longest night of the year - profoundly challenges our psychological tolerance for darkness. It is a visionary time. Like the dark of the Moon each month, Winter Solstice represents not only the pitch black of night, but also a seed of something that will unfold in the coming year. We pray for a future we can only imagine." Vicki Noble, We'Moon Calendar 2009: At the Crossroads

"If not for our system of weights and measures, we would stand in awe of the firefly as we do the Sun." Kahlil Gibran, Philosopher (1883-1931)

I experience immense pleasure observing and experiencing the night sky. This is rich food for my Venus and Jupiter in Aquarius. 

While daytime brings its special gifts of uniquely crafted clouds, magical rainbows, and the occasional sightings of the waxing or waning Moon, the night serves up a regal spread of pure jewels, a sparkling and alluring array of cosmic wonders stretched across unfathomable distances. 

Over the past 10 years, our awareness of this cosmic treasury has exponentially exploded thanks to sophisticated satellites such as Hubble, Spitzer, Chandra etc. Our awareness now attunes to cosmic frequencies heretofore unavailable to human kind. We are being summoned into the vast unknown. Are you ready to take a bigger step than you ever thought possible?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21 Solstice Arrives Today: Turning Up The Heat

... On The Summer Solstice ..."Whatever is dreamed on this night, will come to pass." 
William Shakespeare - Acknowledging the Magic of This Time...A Mid-Summer Night's Dream 

The Solstice arrives on June 21, 2011 as the Sun enters the Cardinal astrological sign of Cancer. In Hawaii, Solstice is at 7:16 am; 10:16 am on the Pacific Coast; 5:16 pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); and on the 22nd starting at 12:16 am over Vietnam, east to the International Date Line. 

I was interviewed this morning by Hawaii Public Radio about the Solstice and its significance. That interview will be broadcast on the Solstice, sometime between 8 and 9 am in Hawaii on Public Radio Station 89.3 (KIPO) “Hawaii Conversation”. For those unable to listen to the live feed, an archive version is now available. You can listen here.
In the northern hemisphere, the June solstice is the longest day of the year, marking the first day of Summer. This rich, abundant season expresses the ripeness and fullness of life. Here, the raw, seemingly boundless energy of

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse & Solstice - December 2010: Crimson Light Magic

"We went to the Moon as technicians, we returned as humanitarians."
Edgar Mitchell, co-founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences, 6th Astronaut to walk on the Moon

"Thirst drove me down to the water where I drank the Moon's reflection"

The Full Moon occurs at 29 degrees Gemini on December 20th in the late evening in Hawaii (10:13), and on the 21st from the West Coast, east to the International Date Line. During this lunation, the Moon slips into the crimson filled Earth's shadow, reaching totality beginning at 9:40p (HST); 11:40 PST; 2:40a EST, 7:40a UT (Universal Time) Totality lasts for approximately 1 hr and 15 minutes. This potent dynamic occurs just 15 hours before the Sun moves into the cardinal sign of Capricorn, signaling the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

Let me say up front, I consider this chart dynamic as an indicator of a "seeding point" for the next 4 years, much in the same light I forecast this past summer's Cardinal Climax events. While a few astrologers suggest this Gemini Full Moon chart is the "true 2012" chart, containing the potency to create significant global shifts. I take a different tact. Reasons are outlined below.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Solstice 2010: The Cardinal Climax

"If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going." 
"Professor" Irwin Corey, American Vaudeville comic and actor

"We fear only what we haven't understood." Byron Katie, Spiritual Author

"We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing." R.D. Laing, Psychiatrist

Solstice 2010 and the 2010 Turning Point

The Solstice arrives on June 21, 2010 as the Sun enters the Cardinal sign of Cancer. In Hawaii, Solstice is at 1:28 am; 4:28 am on the Pacific Coast; 11:28 am Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); and 8:28 pm in Japan.

In the northern hemisphere, the June solstice is the longest day of the year, marking the first day of Summer. This rich, abundant season expresses the ripeness and fullness of life. Let your light shine! In the "as above, so below" mysteries, this maximum expression of solar radiance may be seen as a symbol for celebrating your external physical creations here on Earth.

AstroActivators© by Kathryn Andren
At the Solstice this year, astrological patterns line up near the early degrees of all the Cardinal Signs. These zodiac signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are the initiators for each season of the year. They are the 4 cornerstones, or foundational points of life. Aries focuses on creativity and new initiatives; Cancer feeds the realm of community/family; Libra frames our relationships; and Capricorn establishes our rules, organization and structures of life. 

This day serves as the sounding bell for the unfolding of events over the next four years. Its dominant Cardinal sign energy reminds us to create something new. The energetic ethers are super ripe now with inspiration and new insights. Some Astrologers refer to this energy the "Cardinal Climax", or as we say the "2010 Turning Point" - a symbolic arrival at the "crossroads" in our personal lives, and as a collective for humanity.