Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Taurus Full Moon Nov 6: Sensual Buffet

“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” 
― George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish Playwright

“The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.” ~Robert Henri (1865-1921) American Painter and Teacher

“When I say artist I mean the one who is building things … some with a brush – some with a shovel – some choose a pen.” ~Jackson Pollock (1912-56) Abstract Artist

AstroActivator 2002©by Kathryn Andren
Note: I am now moving through a very concentrated part of my schedule. Hence, this update will be in a different format from other recent updates. I return to Hawaii on November 12. Yeah!. My 2 month round the world adventure has been a powerful tonic and stimulant for my creativity (Taurus theme for this Lunation) and growth.

The fullness and beauty of Autumn in Japan is a buffet for the senses. The vivid pallet of colors, especially in the ancient mountains, evokes inspiration, awe, and most especially creativity.

Here in Japan, Autumn fuels renowned beauty within the culture, evidenced by entrancing expressions of art, such as the haiku, bonsai, ancient pottery, sculpture, calligraphy on silk, and many other amazing creative expressions.

The other day, I visited Japan's inspiring Hakone area to experience the beauty of this golden season. The district of Hakone is found near the southwest flank of venerated Mt. Fuji. The artistry of this area, and its spectacular scenery is an orgy for the senses.

One of my stops (a rather spontaneous one, and of course fueled by transportation snafus - thanks Mercury Retrograde :) , was the exceptional Living Arts Museum and Gardens,

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sagittarius New Moon December 2: Honoring The Inner Teacher

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
Sagittarius New Moon occurs in Hawaii on Dec 2nd at 2:22:22 PM! 
(4:22 Pacific, 7:22 Eastern, and on the 3rd in Western Europe 12:22a UTC, east to the International Date Line)

It is the weekend after Thanksgiving. The good news: things are starting to lighten up from the intensity of November and the Mercury Retrograde. Last month was full of serious Scorpio energy near the north node destiny point. Fortunately, now with Sun in fiery Sagittarius through December 21, there is a more optimistic outlook on the road ahead.  Mercury moves through Sagittarius December 4 - 24 to uplift thought forms and motivate a lighter mood. Enjoy and optimize this time! The first few weeks of December offers an opportunity to get moving on projects before a long series of personal planet retrograde cycles commences on the coming Solstice through May 2014.

December New Moon at 11° Sagittarius is an invitation to explore the question of what is the truth.  What do I believe and what is right?  Sun and Moon in Sagittarius create a tight square to Chiron, the healing point, in Pisces. This square injects a deeper sense of compassion into Sagittarius’ otherwise strong directed energy. It indicates a greater depth of expanding vision to be of service to others. The glyph for Sagittarius is the arrow, a reminder and reflection to aim high. Set your sights higher; focus on a

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Capricorn Full Moon July 3: Priming the Pump

"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe."
His Holiness, The Dalai Lama

"The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be... The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists."
Rev. Martin Luther King (1929-68)

Helter Skelter: Image by Joseph Mina
[We welcome your comments below]

Intensity fills the ethers. Nature leads the way with severe storms and drought, and in some areas life changing wild fires. An edginess is palpable. Creative juices bubble in anticipation. We are now in the astrological cardinal zone of new beginnings, transformation and radical change. There is no turning back. Even if we wanted to go in that direction the Universe would prove most uncooperative. In the words of Rumi, "the door is wide and open, don't go back to sleep".

Capricorn Full Moon arrives on July 3rd at 8:52 AM in Hawaii, 11:52 PDT, 6:52 PM UT, and on the 4th from Bangladesh east to the International Date Line. This is the first in a series of lunations through August 2013 where the Full Moon energy seeds the subsequent New Moon.

In short, we are accustomed to the New Moon seeding the Full Moon. When the opposite occurs every 14 to 20 months, greater depth from your Full Moon intentions is brought into

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Libra Full Moon and April Astrology Update: Relationship Center Stage

AstroActivator2001© by Kathryn Andren Mina
"We enter into relationship to be different."
Donald Epstein, DC, developer of Network Spinal Analysis

The Libra Full Moon is April 6, 2012  9:19 AM in Hawaii and 12:19 PM Pacific time; and on the 7th from India east to the International Date Line, when the Moon positions at 17
° Libra.
Libra is for lovers; Libra is the sign of partnership and relationship. Libra Full Moon illuminates balance, harmony and union. There is a focus now on the arts, beauty, justice and co-creativity. Opposing the Sun in Aries, this Full Moon timing is potent for exploring how you express your unique individuality in relationship with others.

“Libra Full Moon time offers the opportunity to examine your relationships. Ask yourself, is this connection congruent with my individuated needs.... Bring

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Virgo Full Moon March 2012: Mercury Retrograde arrives

"The great successful people of the world have used their imaginations, they think ahead and create their mental picture, and then go to work materializing that picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that bit, but steadily building, steadily building."
Robert Collier, Author (1885-1950)

“Our whole life is an attempt to discover when our spontaneity is whimsical, sentimental irresponsibility and when it is a valid expression of our deepest desires and values.”  
Helen Merrell Lynd, Sociologist and Philosopher (1896–1982).

We reach the culmination of the current lunation as the Moon reaches its fullness at 11:40 pm on the 7th in Hawaii, and on the 8th for the rest of the world. Virgo Full Moon focuses on life's details, your health and how you choose to be of service in the world.

Behind this focused intent lies tremendous spontaneity, uncertainty, and infinite possibilities...and therein lies the conundrum of this current lunation.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Aries Engine Revs Up - Mercury, Mars & New Moon activations

"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand." Woodrow Wilson, 28th US President, (1856-1924) 

"A hundred years ago, the electric telegraph made possible - indeed, inevitable - the United States of America. The communications satellite will make equally inevitable a United Nations of Earth; let us hope that the transition period will not be equally bloody."
Arthur C. Clarke, Author (1917 - )

Three items of note:
Kathryn and I are in Colorado, near Boulder, attending the first of two back-to-back healing weekends with 50 amazing souls. We consider the current astrological cycles as a "prime time" moment to deepen our healing path, enhance our body strategies, and expand our ability to assist others through service in times of great transition.

Secondly, on the day-to-day level, a very busy Retreat schedule in Hawaii, travel to Colorado a week later, and current windy weather in the Rockies have conspired to create unfavorable conditions for creating a video for this Blog - alas, Mercury Retrograde at work. ;) Our astrological video to these blogs returns later in April.

Lastly, this blog is longer than usual (Kathryn rolls her eyes ;) ). The confluence of many concurrent astrological factors requires a more in-depth look at what is going on. If the blog seems "too long", then the short message is "buckle your seat belts". You are in for a surprising, creative and somewhat unpredictable, unsettling ride over the next 40 days. For the longer version detailing the current on.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cardinal Climax: Take 2 - August 2010 and Beyond

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star."
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, German Author (1844-1900)

"There is nothing more notable in Socrates than that he found time, when he was an old man, to learn music and dancing, and thought it time well spent."
Michel de Montaigne, Author and Statesman (1533 - 1592)

"Dance today is clearly in an unsettled state....A time of change presents a confused picture. That there is change is proof that dance is organically vital--and much more so than it has ever before been in this country."
Margaret H’Doubler, Master Dance Instructor (1889-1982)

In this age of great uncertainty and shift, the movement of the human spirit to new ground and higher frequency requires conscious action, surrender at times, and discernment. Yet, this trying time can also make the brain/mind quite active as it seeks a strategy of either survival, security or risk. How to still the mind? Spiritual practices, bodywork therapies and creative arts hold the answer. In this latter realm, revisit this wonderful video demonstrating how a simple dance can prove uplifting and unifying. In this space of joy it's easy for your inner spirit to lead the way.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pisces New Moon and Equinox: Renewal 101

"Again, the season of Spring has come
and a spring-source rises under everything,
a moon sliding from the shadows." 
Rumi, “Spring”

"One's life is not as fixed as one believes. Surprises may lie in store for you, the unexpected often tends to happen, sometimes bringing in its train the most delightful change in one's life or circumstances." Elizabeth Aston, The Darcy Connection, 2008

The Moon completes its 29.5 day cycle on March 15th as it catches up to the Sun at 25 degrees Pisces. Adding to this cosmic mix is a dynamic pairing of Mercury and Uranus at essentially the same degree (26 Pisces).

This cosmic quadsome (my word), or stellium (astrology word), points to a strong expansion of awareness about the rapidly shifting energies now underway between the Piscean and Aquarian ages, or vibrational states of awareness. However you choose to tune-in to higher frequencies (mediation, dream state, yoga, bodywork etc), this lunation offers a potent portal for getting the cosmic download loud and clear.

New Moon occurs at 11:02 am in Hawaii, 2:02 pm on the West Coast US; 5:02 pm in the East, and 6:02 pm in England. Note: except for Hawaii, times reflect Daylight Savings Time for US. It occurs on the 16th from Saudi Arabia, east to the International Date Line.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Leo Full Moon - the Sleeping Lion Stirs

"I like to think that the Moon is there even if I am not looking at it” Albert Einstein

"I talk about the Moon as being a very holy place". 

Astronaut James Irwin, 7th person to walk on the Moon

"...see the Stars, the Moon and the Sun, how they move in silence...we need silence to be able to touch souls.” Mother Teresa

AstroActivator© Aquarius and Leo images by Kathryn Andren

On January 29th at 8:18 pm Hawaiian Standard Time (10:18 pm PST; or January 30th 12:18 am Central Time US, east to the international date line), the Leo Full Moon comes to the fullness of its regal form.

The Actual Full Moon window begins 16 hours earlier when the Moon comes within 10 degrees of the Full Moon point at 0 Leo. The Full Moon window ends 15 hours after Full Moon when the Moon reaches 20 degrees Leo. Hence, the vibration of this Full Moon spans over 31 hours. Further, 0 to 20 degrees Leo is the exact track Mars follows in its current retrograde. This is going to be one emotional, roller-coaster Moon! See below for suggestions about navigating this unusual configuration with Venus/Mars.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mercury Retrograde has arrived!

Fresh on the heels of Mars going retrograde, another of the personal planetary energies joins the party. Nothing like Mercury to add some juice to the festivities.

Even those not attuned to the nuances of Astrology have probably heard about "Mercury Retrograde". Usually, association with this cycle comes from first-hand communication, transportation or mechanical breakdown experiences. While the vibration of Mercury gets a bum rap, it does put us on notice the ensuing 3 weeks will be an "interesting" time of changing plans and unexpected redirected energy. Mercury moves retrograde 3 or 4 times a year. As this retrograde starts near the end of the year, its effect carries over into 2010.

Mercury is associated with themes of movement and all types of communication. When its apparent motion moves in reverse, its energy takes those vibrations and spins them around. The result is a topsy-turvy energy requiring different strategies than our usual "logical" approach to life. Effective alternative strategies include actions born out of spontaneity and synchronicity. Make space for serendipitous occurrences.

This Mercury cycle is in the Earth and Cardinal sign of Capricorn. Themes of this sign include finances, rules (natural and man-made), structure, (how we organize ourselves) and politics. Each of these areas points to how we relate to our physical world. That Mercury will spin its counter-logic energy in the sign of logic and life's practicalities makes this a rather challenging period for anyone who depends on logic in their day-to-day life (Lawyers and Bankers, take note).

Two Mercury Retrograde examples -
  • Just yesterday, a terrorist attack was aborted on an airplane flying from Europe to the United States. This event has triggered a review of security procedures and rules with the possibility of airport delays in Europe due to heightened security concerns. Security issues and regulations are in the realm of Capricorn.
  • The recently released movie Avatar focuses on the struggle between man-made rules and force versus Nature's rules.
Whose affected - As we live in a very Capricorn society, this retrograde will be particularly noticeable.  Anyone with significant planetary aspects (Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus etc.) in the Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra are impacted by this retrograde. This time will be a potent indicator for bigger changes occurring or set to occur in your life. Also, if you were born while Mercury was retrograde, this cycle is usually a more familiar and easier time for you. 

Here's the astrological timings for this cycle - see video:
Dec 9 - crosses 5 degrees Capricorn initiating the Mercury Retrograde cycle.
Dec 26 - begins to move in reverse at 21 degrees Capricorn - most intense phase
Jan 15 - begins to move forward again at 5 degree Capricorn (where it past on Dec 9) - energy begins to ease up
Feb 3 - crosses 21 degrees Capricorn - retrograde cycle complete.

Significant connections with other planetary energies and related events:
This will be a significant retrograde period with continuous interactions with potent archetypal energies of passion (Mars/Leo), relationships (Saturn/Libra) and rules and structure (Pluto/Sun/Capricorn).
Dec 7 - 12 - Mercury same degree as Pluto in Capricorn and square Saturn in Libra: note - the Senate health care debate was reaching full steam at this time. Politics and rules were twisted almost daily. Renewed financial concerns surfaced in the housing and debt markets. Also, the climate control conference was held in Europe. Essentially, strong Capricorn forces (industrialized nations) were pitted against (Libra/relationship) poorer nations quest for equality and fairness.
December 26 - January 5. Mercury connects with the Mars Retrograde in Leo for the next 10 days. Excellent time to explore new avenues for following heart's desire and areas of passion. May also trigger deeper emotions of sadness around growing up too quickly in childhood (Capricorn influence).
January 4 - 6 - Mercury and Sun in Capricorn. Sun provides added fuel to the Mars interaction.
January 14 - again same degree as Pluto/Saturn. Eclipsed New Moon today joined by Venus. This is one, huge Capricorn get together. An eclipsed New Moon offers the opportunity to go inward to explore how you would like to reinvent yourself in 2010, especially in matters of finance, rules and structure.
January 14 - February 3 - the remainder of the retrograde period through early February is a repeat of the earlier cycles with Pluto, Saturn and Mars. May offer a sense of completion or new direction.

During the most intense phase (Dec 26 - Jan 15) allow the grace of spontaneity and change to be your guide. As travel is in the realm of movement, unexpected delays may bring unexpected fortune or gifts. Hence, fighting or struggling with a change in plans would not be productive response. Also, avoid fear and hesitation. Move with the energy (good Mercury strategy), much as you would move with the current of a river.

In the realm of mechanical devices, such as computer, car, etc. take the necessary, precautionary steps to ensure machines are operational and maintained. Legally, avoid signing contracts  or agreements. Pay particular attention to what is being communicated by others, as misunderstanding can occur easily.

Lastly, take time to reflect about what you want to create differently in 2010, especially in matters of the heart and passion.

aloha from the islands,
Starman, Joseph Mina

Next Blog - New Year's Eve Full Moon and Venus in Capricorn

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pictorial Spotlight on Mars

As Mars nears its December 20th retrograde, it is becoming brighter and more noticeable in the pre-dawn sky. Look for a bright, amber colored, star-like object that does not twinkle above the eastern horizon. This brightening occurs because Earth is catching up, or drawing closer to Mars, as both continue their orbital dance around the Sun.

Retrograde means a slowing down, then a temporary reversal of position in the sky background. Ordinarily, Mars moves through one sign of the zodiac in about 5 weeks. However, at retrograde, the lingering stretches this time frame to over 8 months. 

As the astrological archetype of Mars continues its 8 month journey through the sign of Leo, it brings Leo like attention to itself in a variety of ways. In part, the Leo archetype enjoys being on center stage. It relishes the spotlight and the adulation that sometimes occurs. This is a wonderful time to shine a spotlight on the inner Mars of your astrological natal chart, exploring ways to recalibrate and re-energize its vibration over the coming Mars retrograde months. 

If you'd like a free copy of your natal chart and our Astrological Interpretation Guide, send us an e-mail with your birth information (date, time, location).

The inner journey of Mars has an outer journey too. The Boston Globe's tri-weekly photo series "The Big Picture" puts its Leo-like spotlight on the planet Mars and its mysterious, artistic landscape. This pictorial journey may be found here. Wonderful timing for this sort of information. "Why" you might ask? Today the magnetic Moon moves through early degrees Leo and conjoins or meets Mars. How's that for magnetic spotlight magic!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The intensity of Mars in Leo

What in the world is going on????? Sure seems intense around the globe.

One look at the current  transit chart dynamics explains it: Sun and Mercury in Scorpio square Mars in Leo. Scorpio's life force meets the radiance of the Leo heart, or in certain quarters, the full force of the Leo ego. Sun represents the fuel of the mix; Mercury how it is imparted or communicated; Mars is where the action lies. Nothing boring in this trio.
Squares are always an edgy type of energy. Think of two forces just not seeing eye-to-eye on anything. Yet, squares in a natal chart can also be a "stop sign" of sorts, indicating "that's not the way to go", or "buyer beware". Particularly affected by this dynamic is anyone with significant planetary aspects in your natal chart in early to mid degree Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo.

Back to the world stage. This square dynamic has been rather intense across the board. Here's a few examples of intensity in the realm of Scorpio's life force meeting the ego side of Leo.

Violent acts of aggressive force (shadow Mars) have occurred over the past week in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Bombs, war, etc. etc. No need to go into the details. Enough to simply say "intense".

Israel and Palestine have resumed aggressive acts towards each other, this time in the holy city of Jerusalem.

Intensity can also reveal itself in the infrastructure. For example, just yesterday, the Bay Bridge in California was shut down indefinitely to traffic after one of its cables snapped at rush hour. This is the commuter route for over 300,000 cars a day! Think of the inconvenience and intensity that creates.

On a much more positive note, President Obama today signed the first gay civil rights legislation, protecting gays, lesbian, bi-sexual and trans-gender individuals from acts of violence (think Sun/Mercury square Mars). These aggressive acts are now included and treated as acts of hate carrying with it significant federal punishments. Further, this legislation has been 10 years in the making.

This intense Scorpio/Leo vibration continues through the 18th of November. Remember too, Saturn moves into Libra on Oct 30th and begins its 5 month square with Pluto. Powerful cycles for a powerful time of transition and change 

After the 18th, the Sun and Mercury move far away from Mars energy to complete the square, however, they begin a square to the Aquarius energy of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. Sort of like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. That dynamic is for a future blog.

In the meantime, stay clear, breathe, receive nurturing bodycare, and physically exercise to allow this strong energy to easily circulate within your body.

Feel free to share how you have been personally affected by this current vibe.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Planetary Cycles - October 19 - 25

Astrology Planetary Cycles

October 19 - 25

Moon begins the week in the life force
dynamics of Scorpio. By week's end, it is immersed in the Aquarius grouping of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron. In between, the Moon revisits Sagittarius' quest for the truth and Capricorn's desire to be organized and down-to-earth.

Meanwhile, Mars (visible as a ruddy point of light high in the eastern pre-dawn sky) moves now in the heart-driven sign of Leo. Because of its coming December retrograde, Mars remains in Leo through next May. This 5 month inner journey's theme is "your heart passion and how you express it in your life". Venus remains in Libra this week, now moving away from its intense square with Pluto. What did you learn last week about relationships in your life?

Soon, Saturn moves into the sign of Libra. The Venus relationship lesson of last week provides content for this coming 2 1/2 year reevaluation period in the realm of equal conscious partnerships.

Lastly, Sun moves into life-force driven Scorpio on Oct 22 at 8:43 p HST. The first 4 days may prove intense as the early Sun degrees squares Mars in Leo. On the big stage, intense aggression may be prevalent between nations.

For the bigger picture, more on our recent free astrology podcast " Relationship Activation"

Holistic Strategy - On the 22nd Moon in Sagittarius squares both Saturn and Uranus. This dynamic asks "what is the truth for me in this time of rapidly changeable events?" At week's end, Scorpio Sun and Leo Mars dynamic creates critical tension around emotional heart issues. Time to reflect and be inward, accessing your place of inner peace.