"The great successful people of the world have used their imaginations, they think ahead and create their mental picture, and then go to work materializing that picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that bit, but steadily building, steadily building."
Robert Collier, Author (1885-1950)
“Our whole life is an attempt to discover when our spontaneity is whimsical, sentimental irresponsibility and when it is a valid expression of our deepest desires and values.”
Helen Merrell Lynd, Sociologist and Philosopher (1896–1982).
We reach the culmination of the current lunation as the Moon reaches its fullness at 11:40 pm on the 7th in Hawaii, and on the 8th for the rest of the world. Virgo Full Moon focuses on life's details, your health and how you choose to be of service in the world.
Behind this focused intent lies tremendous spontaneity, uncertainty, and infinite possibilities...and therein lies the conundrum of this current lunation.
First the focus. Here's our video about this Lunation and its various influences.
And here's the Full Moon chart.
Full Moon Chart dynamics:
The essence of archetypal Virgo is diligence, attention to details, perfection, analysis, time awareness, and most importantly a high regard for the rituals and patterns of life. On this lunation, significant factors influencing Virgo include Mars continuing its retrograde through April 13th, and Mercury soon to move retrograde on the 11th moving backwards, first in Aries, then into Pisces.
Mars rules the sign of Aries, the bastion of spontaneity and impulse. Mars doesn't fare well in Virgo. Its brash, impulsive nature is just not suited for the more staid decorum Virgo finds appealing. The result is a lot of pent up tension within this otherwise "born to be free" spirit. Have you been feeling "edgy" lately? Right now "tension" is palpable in the ethers. Something internal wants to break loose; be free. Yet, Mars is only 2/3 through its retrograde cycle, having another month to go before the Universe lets go of these cosmic reins. The tension building continues. Exercise and bodywork can help you dissipate the build-up.
Then, there's fleet, quick talking, networking Mercury, residing in Aries at the moment, but much more at home in its ruling signs of Gemini and Virgo. Mercury through its Gemini influence likes to "connect". The winged messenger mirrors and describes how we think, communicate, and travel from place to place. Its Virgo influence reveals a desire to be intellectually rational and clear in the realm of communication.
Now, add a dash or two of retrograde magic to these already out of their natural signs "odd couple" and you have quite the formula for spontaneity, awkwardness, and saying things you wish you had never, ever, never uttered. This latter influence seems to be quite activated at the moment in the political and entertainment realms. Just ask Rush Limbaugh.
More on Mercury Retrograde: When Mercury moves in retrograde, there is a distinctive shift from our logical way of navigating/thinking through life into a much more spontaneous, free-form, fly by the seat of your pants expression. Here, in Gemini fashion, we are released from the logical order of societal patterns, while embracing and accessing a more creative expression of our inner psyches. Yet, know your brain may not necessarily like this temporary shift from a logical/predictable expression, especially if you struggle with Mercury Retrograde type events such as travel delays, apparent miscommunication, equipment failures, last minute change of plans etc. If that's the case, surrender is always the easiest path of least resistance if you want to experience Mercury's magic at work.
Here's the Mercury Retrograde timings of the current cycle: note - shadow period represents when the retrograde energy begins to either build or wane:
Feb 26 - enters the retrograde shadow, crossing over the same area of its eventual direct motion - 24° Pisces
March 11 - stations Retrograde at almost 7° Aries and begins moving in reverse
March 11 to April 4: Moves in reverse from 7°Aries to 24° Pisces
March 23 - moves back into Pisces
April 4 - stations Direct and begins its forward motion at 24° Pisces
April 16 - returns to Aries
April 23 - leaves the retrograde shadow, crossing 7° Aries
And then there's quirky, surprising Uranus: if the above dynamics were not enough to upset the proverbial apple cart, there lies "out of the blue" Uranus just waiting to create havoc at this Virgo party.
Archetypal Uranus, ruler of Aquarius and the higher octave or frequency of Mercury, acts in sudden or surprising ways, activates rapid shifts in energy, and basically does anything possible to shift energy into a more expansive perspective, which sometimes includes a return to the state of entropy (returning order to disorder so it can be reordered or reorganized again). This literally plugs you in to the bigger picture of the cosmos, opening your heart to higher frequencies and potential. Now, picture archetypal Uranus as a galactic frequency point, re-channeling galactic messages and impulses into a structure Mercury can understand and communicate. Open your heart to this message.
In our 3d world, the Sun's recent and on-going eruptive activity is a good example of the current Uranian energies at play. "Intense activity" is a good description of the past week. Since Monday, numerous C and M class flares, along with 2 very strong X class flares have erupted from a sunspot region designated as 1429 (numerologically = 7, which implies "movement"). How appropriate.
Then, there's fleet, quick talking, networking Mercury, residing in Aries at the moment, but much more at home in its ruling signs of Gemini and Virgo. Mercury through its Gemini influence likes to "connect". The winged messenger mirrors and describes how we think, communicate, and travel from place to place. Its Virgo influence reveals a desire to be intellectually rational and clear in the realm of communication.
Now, add a dash or two of retrograde magic to these already out of their natural signs "odd couple" and you have quite the formula for spontaneity, awkwardness, and saying things you wish you had never, ever, never uttered. This latter influence seems to be quite activated at the moment in the political and entertainment realms. Just ask Rush Limbaugh.
More on Mercury Retrograde: When Mercury moves in retrograde, there is a distinctive shift from our logical way of navigating/thinking through life into a much more spontaneous, free-form, fly by the seat of your pants expression. Here, in Gemini fashion, we are released from the logical order of societal patterns, while embracing and accessing a more creative expression of our inner psyches. Yet, know your brain may not necessarily like this temporary shift from a logical/predictable expression, especially if you struggle with Mercury Retrograde type events such as travel delays, apparent miscommunication, equipment failures, last minute change of plans etc. If that's the case, surrender is always the easiest path of least resistance if you want to experience Mercury's magic at work.
Here's the Mercury Retrograde timings of the current cycle: note - shadow period represents when the retrograde energy begins to either build or wane:
Feb 26 - enters the retrograde shadow, crossing over the same area of its eventual direct motion - 24° Pisces
March 11 - stations Retrograde at almost 7° Aries and begins moving in reverse
March 11 to April 4: Moves in reverse from 7°Aries to 24° Pisces
March 23 - moves back into Pisces
April 4 - stations Direct and begins its forward motion at 24° Pisces
April 16 - returns to Aries
April 23 - leaves the retrograde shadow, crossing 7° Aries
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AstroActivator©2001 Kathryn Andren-Mina |
Archetypal Uranus, ruler of Aquarius and the higher octave or frequency of Mercury, acts in sudden or surprising ways, activates rapid shifts in energy, and basically does anything possible to shift energy into a more expansive perspective, which sometimes includes a return to the state of entropy (returning order to disorder so it can be reordered or reorganized again). This literally plugs you in to the bigger picture of the cosmos, opening your heart to higher frequencies and potential. Now, picture archetypal Uranus as a galactic frequency point, re-channeling galactic messages and impulses into a structure Mercury can understand and communicate. Open your heart to this message.
In our 3d world, the Sun's recent and on-going eruptive activity is a good example of the current Uranian energies at play. "Intense activity" is a good description of the past week. Since Monday, numerous C and M class flares, along with 2 very strong X class flares have erupted from a sunspot region designated as 1429 (numerologically = 7, which implies "movement"). How appropriate.
Solar flares, depending on their intensity and direction, carry the potential of rapidly disrupting electronic equipment and space satellites, amplifying weather systems, and intensifying human behavior. During these phases, we are literally downloaded with solar awareness and energetic particles. Scientist expect this intense solar activity to continue through this week. While scientist have made tremendous strides the past few years to better understand the Sun and its energy creating dynamics, predicting the intensity of solar activity remains a very inexact science (that's the Uranian surprise element at play).
The dance of Mercury and Uranus: Mercury now in Aries has begun a series of 3 conjunctions with Uranus. The last time these 2 were in close proximity in Aries was March 11, 2011, the day of the earthquake in Japan.That Mercury is now "retrograde" adds a very unpredictable dimension to this already unpredictable, quirky combination. If you have any early degree planetary aspects in Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), or late degree mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), I encourage you to "go slow", be discerning in your choices, listen to your inner rhythms for the "yes" or "no", and especially take time to nurture yourself. Change is afoot. Allow yourself to flow rather than resisting or ignoring it.
The first conjunction occurred on March 5th at 3° Aries, the day the Sun was firing off multiple flares. Two more conjunctions are due (March 18 and April 22) before this dynamic is complete. The unusual, quirky nature of this combo makes any sort of prediction rather futile. However, you can follow up-to-date daily reflections about this evolving dynamic or other pertinent astrological events on our Gemini Awakening Facebook ("like" us) or Twitter pages.
The Grand Earth Trine occurs most of March 2012 through March 25th. A Grand Earth trine forms when at least 3 planetary aspects occur 120° apart from each other in the three zodiac Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (see illustration to the left). The members of this grand trine are:
1 - Jupiter and Venus in Taurus
2 - Mars (retrograde) in Virgo
3 - Pluto in Capricorn
Astrologically, Earth signs relate to the physical plane, our bodies, our belongings, our health, structure of rules, politics and government. Further, Earth signs symbolize all we can touch, taste, smell, see and feel. A Grand Earth trine is strong synergistic support for manifestation, birthing ideas down to Earth. Because of its wide degree configuration, the energy is readily available, however, it is only accessible through intention and action.
Further enhancing this geometry is the placement of Chiron and Neptune (4) in the water sign of Pisces and further fueled by the Pisces Sun. Chiron, archetype of healing, near dreamy Neptune directly supports this grand Earth trine energy, offering a creative path for manifesting your dreams and desires. This is about making your dreams real.
Chiron and Neptune in Pisces added to the Grand Earth Trine form a pattern that looks like a "kite" (see above) by creating two 60° sextiles to Venus/Jupiter and Pluto. Additionally, Chiron/Neptune are opposite Mars. Picture an archer drawing back his arrow, directing the energy to a specific point (Mars). Symbolically, visualize your dreams really taking off as Mars moves direct on April 13th. Now is the time to seed those desires.
Further, the placement of Chiron and Neptune together in the final zodiac sign of Pisces supports love, compassion and healing. This March is a potent time to imagine a healing vision for all Earth's inhabitants. Bring that healing vision down-to-earth with a practical plan for strengthening you body, and opening your heart to new possibilities, and creative desires in your play and work (career).
Lastly, the Equinox is March 19/20. Here, the Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. The beginning of a new season is a perfect time to take action for the future. Things can really heat up the following week as the Sun meets Mercury retrograde and Uranus. Planet patterns the final week of March add fuel for quick shifts. If it feels like the "shift is hitting the fan", know this week is an opportunity for turning another corner. Following your instinct and empowered intuition to respond to spontaneous change can be one of your greatest allies during these times.
This month represents another uptick in the building energetic patterns in this run-up to 2012 and beyond. Literally, we are now in the realm of great uncertainty (chaos), purification, reorganization and new beginnings. Usually just one or two of these four states occur at once. Yet, we're getting it all. Remembering the Universe does not operate in a vacuum, we continue to move in "anything goes" realm. We are co-creating with the Universe step-by-step.
On March 13 and 14th, 2 very bright sky objects converge in the western sky after Sunset just below the Pleiades: Jupiter and Venus. Their coming together is a potent symbol of great expansion and beauty unfolding on planet Earth."When you wish upon a star" is a great strategy when viewing this celestial pairing. Breathe it in deeply. Expand your vision, dreams, aspirations and awareness. See with new eyes. Visualize and receive the galactic frequencies emanating from beyond the beyond. We are at a time of new opportunity. Enjoy the ride in all its quirkiness and flow. We are the answers to our prayers. Sat Nam.
The first conjunction occurred on March 5th at 3° Aries, the day the Sun was firing off multiple flares. Two more conjunctions are due (March 18 and April 22) before this dynamic is complete. The unusual, quirky nature of this combo makes any sort of prediction rather futile. However, you can follow up-to-date daily reflections about this evolving dynamic or other pertinent astrological events on our Gemini Awakening Facebook ("like" us) or Twitter pages.
Grand Earth Trine and related Kite ("illuminations" courtesy of Kathryn Andren-Mina)
The Grand Earth Trine occurs most of March 2012 through March 25th. A Grand Earth trine forms when at least 3 planetary aspects occur 120° apart from each other in the three zodiac Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (see illustration to the left). The members of this grand trine are:
1 - Jupiter and Venus in Taurus
2 - Mars (retrograde) in Virgo
3 - Pluto in Capricorn
Astrologically, Earth signs relate to the physical plane, our bodies, our belongings, our health, structure of rules, politics and government. Further, Earth signs symbolize all we can touch, taste, smell, see and feel. A Grand Earth trine is strong synergistic support for manifestation, birthing ideas down to Earth. Because of its wide degree configuration, the energy is readily available, however, it is only accessible through intention and action.
Further enhancing this geometry is the placement of Chiron and Neptune (4) in the water sign of Pisces and further fueled by the Pisces Sun. Chiron, archetype of healing, near dreamy Neptune directly supports this grand Earth trine energy, offering a creative path for manifesting your dreams and desires. This is about making your dreams real.
Chiron and Neptune in Pisces added to the Grand Earth Trine form a pattern that looks like a "kite" (see above) by creating two 60° sextiles to Venus/Jupiter and Pluto. Additionally, Chiron/Neptune are opposite Mars. Picture an archer drawing back his arrow, directing the energy to a specific point (Mars). Symbolically, visualize your dreams really taking off as Mars moves direct on April 13th. Now is the time to seed those desires.
Further, the placement of Chiron and Neptune together in the final zodiac sign of Pisces supports love, compassion and healing. This March is a potent time to imagine a healing vision for all Earth's inhabitants. Bring that healing vision down-to-earth with a practical plan for strengthening you body, and opening your heart to new possibilities, and creative desires in your play and work (career).
Lastly, the Equinox is March 19/20. Here, the Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. The beginning of a new season is a perfect time to take action for the future. Things can really heat up the following week as the Sun meets Mercury retrograde and Uranus. Planet patterns the final week of March add fuel for quick shifts. If it feels like the "shift is hitting the fan", know this week is an opportunity for turning another corner. Following your instinct and empowered intuition to respond to spontaneous change can be one of your greatest allies during these times.
On March 13 and 14th, 2 very bright sky objects converge in the western sky after Sunset just below the Pleiades: Jupiter and Venus. Their coming together is a potent symbol of great expansion and beauty unfolding on planet Earth."When you wish upon a star" is a great strategy when viewing this celestial pairing. Breathe it in deeply. Expand your vision, dreams, aspirations and awareness. See with new eyes. Visualize and receive the galactic frequencies emanating from beyond the beyond. We are at a time of new opportunity. Enjoy the ride in all its quirkiness and flow. We are the answers to our prayers. Sat Nam.
Aloha from Hawaii Island
Starman, Joseph Mina and Kathryn Andren-Mina
March 7, 2012
©Gemini Awakening 2012 all rights reserved
Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
Starman, Joseph Mina and Kathryn Andren-Mina
March 7, 2012
©Gemini Awakening 2012 all rights reserved
Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
- video creation - Telestream Screenflow, Apple iMovie 11 & Bias Peak Studio
Thank you so much. I love knowing how the energies in the sky will support the manifestations of my dreams.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so beautiful! ALOHA!
ReplyDeleteThank you sooooo much for the beautiful information you share. You two are awesome! Would love to meet you when I next visit Hawaii....:) Much Aloha , SenaRose
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, everyone. Thank you for the nice comments.
ReplyDeleteWe're happy to share this astrological information in the spirit of raising awareness, deepening appreciation for astrology's tools of navigation and understanding, and creating a more connective global community.
My 1st grandson was born on Leap Day. He's a real dreamer (Pisces) with a Gemini moon. I can feel all the galactic energies he's encompassing coming thru and with the Grand Earth Trine this month, I know he'll be a healer. Thank you both.