Thursday, April 5, 2012

Libra Full Moon and April Astrology Update: Relationship Center Stage

AstroActivator2001© by Kathryn Andren Mina
"We enter into relationship to be different."
Donald Epstein, DC, developer of Network Spinal Analysis

The Libra Full Moon is April 6, 2012  9:19 AM in Hawaii and 12:19 PM Pacific time; and on the 7th from India east to the International Date Line, when the Moon positions at 17
° Libra.
Libra is for lovers; Libra is the sign of partnership and relationship. Libra Full Moon illuminates balance, harmony and union. There is a focus now on the arts, beauty, justice and co-creativity. Opposing the Sun in Aries, this Full Moon timing is potent for exploring how you express your unique individuality in relationship with others.

“Libra Full Moon time offers the opportunity to examine your relationships. Ask yourself, is this connection congruent with my individuated needs.... Bring
your passionate energy into your relationships. Harness your creative spark, and refine the beauty in your creativity.”  This excerpt is from Gemini Awakening’s very own eBook,  Manifesting by the Light of the Moon, A Journey through the Zodiac.  (Available to order for only $6.99 at

Here is our video with an overview of the Libra Full Moon

Delve deeper into the New and Full Moon energy each month. Order our eBook Manifesting By The Light of the Moon only $6.99 here. Request the eBook and audio lesson together for only $11.99  (direct download to your computer)

Here is the Full Moon chart:


Stephanie Austin, a regular contributor to The Mountain Astrologer magazine, points out that Full Moons “bring light to the dark, illuminating what we need to see and change”.  When have I been too assertive, wanting to have things my own way?  When have I surrendered my individuality to “keep the peace at any price”.  (TMA, issue #162 p.97)

The planet ruler for Libra is Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. At Libra Full Moon, Venus at 3° Gemini is in square to her consort Mars at 4° Virgo, still retrograde in early degrees Virgo until April 13. Add Neptune and Chiron transiting through early degrees of Pisces to this mix and it makes for a very interesting dialogue. Take note, if you can relate any of the following conversation to any area of your life: relationships, work, devotion or recreation.

He said / She said:
A Conversation between Mars in Virgo and Venus in Gemini

He says: pay attention. We need to get this done now; it's time to get all our ducks in a row.

She says: lighten up...let’s play...and by the way where is the party?
He says: First work, then play. We need to be organized, and complete the details for the task at hand before anything else happens.
She says: I have a better idea. Let’s check out our options and gather more information before making any commitments. Think of the Networking possibilities we attract when we throw caution to the wind!
He says: You can be so flippant and unpredictable.
She says: You can be so boring and predictable!!!

Here, Neptune and Chiron join in:
Venus...Mars...please consider the bigger vision here, says Neptune. Better to surrender to spirit. Don't you realize you cannot logically think your way out of this impasse. Chiron adds:Well said, Neptune. How can you raise this vibration to a higher octave of love for the greatest healing and wholeness for all when you can't even agree to disagree?

He says: I've been inward for so long, retrograde since January. Give me a few weeks to sort things out.

She says: Mars, by the time you are ready to make a move, I'll be on my own retrograde, retreating to my inner sanctum for a well earned rest, May 15th thru June 27th. When will our timing finally click?

Note: This conversation is on-going over the next 2 months. April 7 (day after Full Moon), Venus comes to the first of two direct squares with Mars. Venus in Gemini and Mars in Virgo square off again on June 4th (a lunar eclipse day) just one day before Venus' epic transit of the Sun.

Can you feel this inner tension building? As April is the month of Earth Day, explore this conversation on your personal, social and global levels. Now, visualize a world where nations can creatively express their individuated needs, with the intention of creating harmony and peace in the world. Neptune in Pisces says, of course...that's why we are here!

April Astrology:

Mercury turned direct on April 4. It now retraces the same steps of its retrograde since March 11th. It passes its start point (7° Aries) on April 23.  April 23 - 25 is a potent time for turning a corner in communications, and sending out a powerful new message. Expect the unexpected and stay open to new insights of information.  (Mercury Direct in Aries joins Uranus and square Pluto)

April 4 - 11

Venus (1) remains in tight square to Mars (2) during this period and in opposition to Neptune and Chiron (3) in Pisces. 

Do things feel a little rough around the edges lately? Not unusual when a retrograde planet becomes stationary. Yet, this vibration too shall pass. See conversation above!  Mars moves direct April 13, very slowly retracing its retrograde ground through June 19th. Mars finally leaves Virgo on July 3rd ending its almost 8 month journey in this Earth sign.

There is plenty of forward movement the last two weeks of April, with both Mars and Mercury direct, and then Mercury conjoining Uranus. Is there anything you’ve been waiting to initiate or refine?  Now is time for a strong spring push!

Later this month, the Sun in Taurus creates a powerful Grand Earth Trine with Mars and Pluto. April 20 - 30th is especially potent for manifesting your dreams by bringing them down to Earth.  Stay tuned for more astrology updates for the Taurus New Moon,  April 20 and 21. Check out our coming events for Taurus New Moon here.

Enjoying the music of the spheres? Check out Gemini Awakenings illuminated inspirations for each New and Full Moon when you order our eBook: Manifesting by the Light of the Moon, A Journey through the Zodiac.  (Available by download for only $6.99 for order here.

Aloha from Hawaii Island
Kathryn Andren Mina, with Starman, Joseph Mina
April 5, 2012
©Gemini Awakening 2012 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
- video creation - Telestream Screenflow


  1. I find the planetary dialogue illuminating!
    Consider keeping it in your posts!


I welcome your comments and feedback. I also moderate the comments to ensure only comments germane to the article are included. Mahalo, Joseph