Friday, January 29, 2010

Leo Full Moon - the Sleeping Lion Stirs

"I like to think that the Moon is there even if I am not looking at it” Albert Einstein

"I talk about the Moon as being a very holy place". 

Astronaut James Irwin, 7th person to walk on the Moon

"...see the Stars, the Moon and the Sun, how they move in silence...we need silence to be able to touch souls.” Mother Teresa

AstroActivator© Aquarius and Leo images by Kathryn Andren

On January 29th at 8:18 pm Hawaiian Standard Time (10:18 pm PST; or January 30th 12:18 am Central Time US, east to the international date line), the Leo Full Moon comes to the fullness of its regal form.

The Actual Full Moon window begins 16 hours earlier when the Moon comes within 10 degrees of the Full Moon point at 0 Leo. The Full Moon window ends 15 hours after Full Moon when the Moon reaches 20 degrees Leo. Hence, the vibration of this Full Moon spans over 31 hours. Further, 0 to 20 degrees Leo is the exact track Mars follows in its current retrograde. This is going to be one emotional, roller-coaster Moon! See below for suggestions about navigating this unusual configuration with Venus/Mars.

Here's the Leo Full Moon chart


There are several points of interest in this Full Moon dynamic:
Full Moon and Mars (1) retrograde are essentially at the same degree in Leo.


Sun and Venus (2) in Aquarius are essentially together in Aquarius


Hence, Venus and Mars (3) form a very strong opposition, adding further emphasis to the Full Moon dynamics. When Venus opposes Mars, critical tension occurs between the feminine and masculine realms, both internally and externally. If you have been experiencing edginess lately in your intimate relationships, including the one with yourself, look no further than this tension combo. This inner stirring comes from the heart's desire for expanded freedom and passion.

That Mars energetically lies deep within its retrograde or reverse motion makes this dynamic all the more edgy. Venus in Aquarius fueled by the Sun wants to actively engage on a social level; Mars wants to go more inward. Particularly affected by this dynamic is anyone with significant aspects in early to mid degrees of the Fixed or middle season signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

On the world stage, perigee Full Moon in association with Mars usually brings intense weather patterns. Keep your eye on the weather forecast, particularly if you live in a cold climate. Equally, this pattern can trigger intense behavior patterns. This ought to get the political world spinning. My advice - I think it's a good idea to be inward this weekend, rather than outgoing/social. The energy just isn't conducive for ease and grace. 

Seeing Mars next to the Full Moon is a great visual reminder both planetary energies have reached their opposition points to the Sun, which intensifies the energy effect. Add to the mix a very close Full Moon (closest of 2010) and you have quite an emotional wave of energy. Also, quite a visual treat. 

Approximately 3 hours after the Moon reaches the full moon point, it attains orbital perigee or closest distance to the Earth, just 221,586 miles away. Look for a larger than usual Full Moon, especially when it's rising in the East around sunset. (Note: ignore any e-mail telling you (once again) Mars will be bigger than the Full Moon (how many times is this inane drivel going to make the rounds???) I assure you, at 62 million miles away, Mars will appear very, very small).

Very close. or "Super Full Moons", have a strong effect on the ocean tides, as well as the fluids of living organisms, including "us" humans. Hence, this may be an unusual lunar period for "luna-tics".

Energetic signature: Leo energy in part rules the heart center - think "Lion-Hearted". Moon in Leo brings to light the emotional importance of living in the fullness of one's fiery passion. If struggle exists in this area, then the Moon effect will amplify it via anger, edginess, or some combination in-between. As Mars themes include "action" and "assertiveness", the inner questions surface such as "Am I following my heart passions?" "Am I following my inner authority in my life choices?" Given Mars' retrograde dynamics, these questions are ripe for inner discovery and resolution.

And for the icing on this organic lunar cake, Saturn and Pluto (4) (see last blog) are essentially at a direct square to each other (actual Jan 31), raising the pressure gauge on all societal levels, especially in the relationship (Libra) versus Authority (Capricorn) realm. This Universe sure knows how to turn up the heat.
Conclusion: As this Leo Full Moon follows the New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn, reflect on the past two weeks and what has become apparent to you about how your life is organized and flows. Add to this awareness the heart related questions suggested earlier. Because Leo is such a creative, dynamic energy, use an expressive outlet such as art, dance, play-acting, etc. to explore more deeply the depth of your heart desires.

Also, the presence of the Sun and Venus in Aquarius further accentuates the potent Aquarius theme activated in early 2009. Aquarius seeks freedom and change.

Now that Mars has reached the crest in its retrograde cycle, your inner Lion is beginning to stir from its slumber. Awaken this primal flow with compassion along with a desire to make whatever changes necessary over the next 40 days (countdown to direct motion) to better align with your true essence. Venus in Aquarius will be all the happier because of it.

Note: I travel to Denver soon to offer private astrology consultations, plus participate in a Network Transformational Gate. While in Denver, I intend to make a blog entry prior to the coming Aquarius New Moon on February 13th.

Enjoy the larger than usual Lunar visual next to Mars - this doesn't happen very often.

aloha from the tropics,

Starman, Joseph Mina
©Gemini Awakening 2010, all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
Chart generating software - Time Cycles Research
Chart annotations - ScreenSteps


  1. Hey, Joseph and Katheryn, it is such a easy to understand with your reading... I always learn a lot and feel like "I am alive in the part of universe". Have a good trip to Denver! I will be in Waimea till 2/11. Take good care of yourself and hope to see you soon, Chikako

  2. Thanks for that clear understanding. I have been going deeply lately in my hearts passions and desires. The lion has emerged, and in a really potent way once I honered my life purpose. Being tuned into this, i really feel free even under such major influences like you described.

    Dance like nobody is watching (maybe dance with nobody watching this weekend huh?),


  3. Your step-by-step visual charts and 'easy-to-understand' explainations make astrology so much easier for me to internalize! Thank you for taking the time to 'keep it simple.'
    Love, Chelice

  4. Thanks everyone. Glad the visual and descriptions prove helpful.

    I find the Archetypal Art of Astrology provides wonderful guidance and information about the Universe's non-negotiable planetary cycles. Further, understanding past planetary cycles offers us strategy about ways to navigate or surf these cosmic waves of change and transformation on a personal and societal level. This notion reminds me "we are not alone" in unsettling times; Universal guidance is always there, simply for the asking.


I welcome your comments and feedback. I also moderate the comments to ensure only comments germane to the article are included. Mahalo, Joseph