Saturday, February 13, 2010

Aquarius New Moon - the Paradox of Enlightenment

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." Albert Einstein

"If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them." Issac Asimov

Greetings from Denver, Colorado. I'm here for two weeks sharing private astrology sessions and preparing to experience the Network Transformational Gate and the work of Dr. Donald Epstein on New Moon weekend.

While Colorado is certainly not the warm, tropical weather of Hawaii, it's nonetheless refreshing to experience the vibe of the Rockies. Good energy for this New Moon.

The Moon closes its current lunation, beginning a new cycle on February 13 at 4:51 pm in Hawaii (6:51 pm on the West Coast; 2:51 am on the 14th Greenwich Mean Time). As this is the second New Moon since the Winter Solstice, it also signals the start of the Chinese New Year and its Metal Tiger theme.

Briefly, the Metal Tiger is quite the energy form. Much more alive, energized and assertive than the stabilizing, steady force of 2009's Ox theme. As such, 2010 will be a year of impact, movement and significant shift. The quality of this energy and how it is expressed throughout the world will mirror whether people individually or collectively move forward with courage (as a healthy Tiger would), or hesitate out of fear and doubt. The choice is up to each of us.

On to the New Moon....

Here is the New Moon Chart


Synopsis - or in Aries fashion "cutting to the chase":

This New Moon activates a deeper compassion for self and a desire to serve a more expansive global cause. The evolving shifts sweeping through the world consciousness offer the vision of a world dedicated to compassion, grace, equality and inter-dependency throughout the world. Sound far fetched? This Aquarius Moon is a potent activation point for initiating such a shift over the next 13 years (note: Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023).
The Details - music to the ears of the Virgo types and others who like the specifics
Overview: Archetypal Aquarius points to technology and the future. As the Moon vibrates and filters this energy, it directs our attention to the evolving Aquarian vibration emerging in accelerated ways on Planet Earth. This new theme includes compassionate service to others, energetic heart connection through the pure essence of spirit, philanthropy, technological breakthroughs, and improving/upgrading the world's social structure. In January 2009, a Solar Eclipsed Moon in Aquarius pointed to challenges in 2009 around these very Aquarian themes. A year of contentious maneuvering on the world economic, political and social stage has underscored this struggle.

This year's Aquarian New Moon creates a potent conjunction with Neptune and Chiron (see "Aquarius Placements chart" below), as well as activating other significant geometric dynamics. This makes for quite a introspective and mystical lunation, especially as it follows in the wake of the 2010 theme setting Capricorn January 15th eclipsed New Moon. It also establishes a template for how to consciously proceed over the next 13 years. Note: in 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius.

New Moon Aquarius Placements


As shown above (from bottom to top in the shaded area), Neptune, Chiron, Moon and Sun form a very tight placement in this New Moon chart.

First, here's the external view to the left the day after the New Moon - looking west 15 minutes after sunset (note - visibility may not be evident until 30 minutes past sunset). Notice how Venus and Jupiter are positioned to the left of the crescent Moon. For anyone with a clear view to the west, this is a must see (15th also) - use binoculars to better appreciate the configuration.

Also, as Venus reemerges in the Western Sky from its visit to the unseen and unknown, it now spends its next 260 days moving against the western star background, brightening and rising higher above the horizon with each passing day.

Jupiter by contrast is preparing to shift into the unseen as it now moves closer to the Sun's glare. By mid-March it makes its reappearance in the pre-dawn Eastern sky. Look for it on March 14th with the waning Crescent Moon.

And in the astrological inner realm of this New Moon...
Neptune type energy fuels our visionary ideals and desires for peaceful co-existence around the Earth. As the ruling energy of Pisces, it establishes our connection to the realm of dreams and sensitivity, especially in the emotional feeling department. The "Empath" is one archetypal example.

Adding Chiron's healing vibe to the mix provides the catalyst to activate the preparatory inner work necessary for raising the denser vibrational aspects of our Earthly existence. The result can lead to a higher vibrational frequency of compassionate understanding, and heart-felt service to each other. The humanitarian efforts now underway in Haiti mirror this type of expression. The ultimate goal of Aquarian and Piscean ideals is to express this service as a matter of course rather than waiting for a crisis to spur humanitarian behavior towards someone in need.

Note: On the external, Chiron's orbit lies between Saturn and Uranus. Metaphorically, it represents the bridge from the old structure (Saturn/Capricorn) to a upgraded version (Uranus/Aquarius). The "healing" is associated with the mythological figure of Chiron portrayed as the "wounded healer". While the "wounding" part is rather archaic and victim based, my inner Aquarian likes the concept of Chiron as a bridge. Symbolically, it represents the catalyst for an across-the-board significant upgrade in our global financial, commercial, and social structures. This New Moon chart shows us this very pathfor actualizing the upgrade.

Archetypal Neptune and Chiron have been in very close association (within 2 degrees) since April 2008, and will continue this close interaction on and off through December 2012. With approximately three years to go, we have only started to understand this pairing's dynamic significance on the World psyche. Neptune and Chiron make an exact connection on February 16th. By any standard (other than Virgo's preciseness) they have been exact (within 1 degree) since January 17th. This very close association continues through mid-March.

As such, the actual effect or impact on the consciousness of this close association goes way beyond what a one-day event can produce or signify. If anything, I consider the 2009 Aquarius trio of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in close association with each other of far greater significance for what is now unfolding, than any one given date in this cycle, including the exact degree meeting on the 16th. Remember, Aquarius likes to keep the perspective as wide as possible when looking through the lens of human behavior and interaction.

Back to the New Moon dynamics: as Neptune/Chiron infuse their vibe into the New Moon cauldron, the journey takes an emphatic shift inward. That's what New Moons do. Dark Moons symbolically or metaphorically bring us into the cave to uncover and enhance our creative potential. In this Aquarian instance, it's there we begin to connect or entrain to the ideal of a gentler, kinder world that nurtures, sustains, and supports the fabric of life. The mega-hit movie Avatar mirrors this very recipe for all to see.

How we attain/actualize that ideal, or cross the metaphorical bridge is another matter. As a theme setter, last month's Capricorn New Moon points to a year of change, transformation, collapse (in some quarters), and renewal of our economic and political models. This Aquarian Moon weaves a thread of compassionate service and understanding into this much broader evolving theme. Neptune/Chiron offer us the gift of healing and upgrading the vision of our heart's passionate desire. Connecting and moving this energy internally is paramount to expressing it externally. In Ghandi's words "become the change you want to see in others".

Who's directly affected by this New Moon dynamic:

Significant planetary aspects in your natal chart in mid-to-late degree (15-29) fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius; early degree (0 to 10) in mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces and cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are activated here.

Other dynamics at play: in addition to the Neptune/Chiron influence, two Yod configurations, the on-going Saturn square Pluto described in an earlier blog, and Mercury in Aquarius opposing Mars retrograde in Leo complete this energetic form.

I'll take them one at a time, as each is significant to the overall Aquarian theme. Remember, this theme is a statement and path for the next 13 years.
Yod #1

Basically, Pluto's transformative impact on our rules/structure (Capricorn) must attune its energy and focus with the expansive (Jupiter) sensitivity (Pisces) and beauty (Venus) of the evolving Global Consciousness. Yes, dysfunctional societal structures must dissolve, however, new structures must align with the sensitivity and beauty of an evolving world community (Pisces). Then, the synergy of this mix can be directed toward our heart center (Mars in Leo) and expressed externally in passionate, sensitive, and creative ways. 

Given Pluto's intensity, it must conform to a more sensitive partner. "How do we individually use our transformative powers in a sensitive, compassionate way" would be the type of external question arising from this Yod dynamic. What's obvious is new creative leadership in all quarters of life must emerge to help actualize such a shift.

Elementally, we have water (Pisces) and Earth (Capricorn) directing their energy to Fire (Leo). In the paradox of Universal possibilities, this trio points to an alchemical moment where Earth/Water fuels Fire.

Then there's Yod #2:
Two of the 3 components of the first Yod appear in the second Yod indicating a much deeper interconnection amongst the various energies of the chart. It also indicates a paradox to the initial paradox (no one said this universal twist was going to be easy to follow - about now Alice is about to step into the rabbit hole). 

In this configuration, (2) Retrograde Mars at 4 degrees Leo creates a sextile with (1) Saturn at 3 degrees Libra. In turn, they direct their energy to (3) Jupiter and Venus in Pisces creating the triangular Yod. In this instance, the healthy structure of our intimate relationships (Saturn in Libra) harmonizes with the passion and desires of our heart (Mars in Leo). This potent mix is then directed into our extra (Jupiter) sensitive/empathic (Venus in Pisces) channels to deepen our compassion for the world community.

Yod #2

Because of the interconnections, these two Yods work synchronistically, rather than one following the other. The inherent challenge to this flow points to the Saturn-Pluto square. Pluto is present in the 1st Yod, and Saturn in the 2nd with the square dynamic representing the force that joins them together.

Saturn and Pluto continue their square dynamics


This square requires some degree of peaceful resolution for the synchronicity between the Yods to work. Otherwise, the square serves as a disconnect between these two geometries. For background information about the Saturn-Pluto cycle, see this recent blog entry.

Said another way, Saturn's Capricorn-like nature requires stability. Pluto's Scorpio energy wants to rapidly melt-down/dissolve old structures. These conflicting frequencies indicate strong challenge or stress points. Yet, something has to give in this pairing for the 2 Yods to work together harmoniously - the Universe would not create the dynamic if it were ineffective or impossible to actualize. One external example of this tension - the recent attempts and struggles at bipartisanship between and within the US Congress and Executive Branch underscore the power of this square dynamic. Finding "common ground" requires much more than give/take. It requires maturity (Capricorn), a higher vision (Aquarius), and a desire to find equality (Libra).

An alternative Aquarian approach: by aligning with those relationships (Saturn in Libra) serving the higher Aquarian ideals of new, progressive leadership in the economic and political model, transformative Plutonian energy is able to dissolve old, antiquated forms in a more sensitive or compassionate way rather than via melt-down, kick down the door harshness. By contrast, if the clash of these titans prevails, the combined heightened sensitivity of Jupiter and Venus becomes inaccessible to both Yods. This renders the energy shift into a much more challenging position. Ultimately, everyone is affected adversely.

This dynamic tension of stability versus change will be in play during the coming summer months of 2010 when Jupiter and Uranus move into Aries and complete the creation of the Cardinal Climax with Saturn and Pluto. If the energy is actualized in a healthy way, as these Yods show us, compassionate clarity and progressive shifts will prove productive and beneficial. By contrast, no resolution of the square equals misdirected anger or rebellion. This intensifies the Cardinal dynamic, and more than likely creates social chaos.

How this message is communicated and applied throughout the world becomes essential to the unfolding of the next 13 years. Matters of communication are Mercury's realm. In the New Moon dynamic, Mercury in Aquarius creates an opposition to Mars Retrograde (see chart below). As Mars is a member of both Yods, its effectiveness depends in part on how the Aquarian ideals are communicated (Mercury) in one's actions and choices in the realm of change. The primal tendency is to lash out in frustration and anger. The higher vibration is to speak clearly from the heart about how to shift the existing system into a more harmonious form. Remember, Mercury is just emerging from its retrograde shadow in Capricorn. Lessons learned during January about effective communication in the realm of finance, rules, structure are available to the consciousness.

The Mercury-Mars opposition splits or bisects the Yod

Strategies and Conclusion 

In the spirit of Aquarius, please add your own suggestions below in the comment field. This is a co-creative process.
Short-term strategy - strengthen your physical form through bodywork and exercise. Visualize daily a more holistic reality. Share with others your aspirations and dreams. Co-create. Encourage others in your community to do likewise.
Long-term strategy - more gratitude for life's gifts. Use your available resources wisely and without fear. Share your inner gifts freely in service to a greater cause. Encourage others to do likewise. Stay grounded and present. Move energy through your heart channel into the higher chakras through spiritual exercises. Remain calm and listen to your inner voice of peace.

Conclusion - it does not take 6 Billion +++ people to create a paradigm shift. The 100th Monkey theory shows us the potential power of a few affecting the actions of many. This New Moon Aquarian template remains active for the next 13 years until Pluto moves into Aquarius. Meanwhile, the building wave of energy now taking place and reaching a peak this summer is designed to amplify and raise the conscious vibration of the planet and its inhabitants. Let us move together in clarity and grace with this wave of energy. As the Moody Blues once said "we are on the threshold of a dream". It's time to make it a reality across Planet Earth.

I recently created a slide show of images I've taken in Hawaii over the past 6 months. It's called Beauty & Fury and may be found here. Enjoy

Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
©Gemini Awakening 2010 all rights reserved

Next Blog - Virgo Full Moon of February 28

Image - "Teide Sky Trails" in the Canary Islands by Daniel Lopez

Astrology Chart Illustrations
Chart generating software - Time Cycles Research
Chart annotations - ScreenSteps


  1. Starman - you are the best. Love the Visuals. Way to go. Miss you,
    love MzZodiac.

  2. Awesome news. Looking forward to Valentine's Day star special. Mahalo nui loa and stay warm.
    Love Pomai

  3. Well said, my friend. Thoughtful and insightful, as usual...

  4. Got alot from this ....GOOD WORK!
    "Let us move together in Clarity and Grace"!

    Love from Gold Country, Nevada County CA.

    Peace of I~


  5. Joseph - Wonderfully articulated! My personal steps are towards: breaking long-standing personal habits-patterns which no longer serve me, starting with a 7-week discipline coordinated with the beginning of Lent this week; stepping forward to join a new business affiliation with a select handful of alternative health practitioners in my community to begin the next phase of an innovative treatment program for higher brain functioning; investing in training for a new method of assessing body toxicity utilizing advanced chemical analysis and genomic profiling; reincorporating spiritual practices into my daily schedule which I have not used regularly for about 14 years; reincorporating daily exercise into my schedule which I have not done regularly for about 14 years. While these are specific to my personal well-being and career, they highlight the themes of releasing old habits, building new structures and alliances, exercising higher mental functioning, healing innovations, and service to others, all in accord with my heart's desires and spiritual values. Thank you for the cosmic validation that my decisions and actions are timed beneficially with the greater influences at large!

  6. Starman...great post! What follows are observations in the journey from self to Self.

    The dream (Neptune) of a "dual reality" (Saturn/Kronos/Time) is very strong. As we are in the late and awakening stages of this dream, a massive recapitulation phase is underway. How are our beliefs (Jupiter) in and our relationship (Venus) with duality being challenged? How have our wounds (Chiron) reinforced those beliefs and relationships? What if all events in our life were happening "for" us instead of "to" us? Might this transform the age-old "victim/martyr" (slower energy of Neptune-Virgo) axis? Can we go there...even with those taboo (Pluto) events that still may carry guilt and shame? What if our relationship to these outdated beliefs reach such an exquisite point of pain (Yod) whereby the only remedy (Chiron) is to relinquish them? What if all that was required was the courage (Mars) to feel (heart/Leo) to completion this Great Dying (Pluto in Capricorn) of our old reality (Saturn)? In this old reality, our leaders (Mars in Leo) were our martyrs (Pisces) and we placed all of our "Hope" [Pisces] for "Change" [Aquarius] in them? The "3P's" were to deliver us...Priests, Presidents & Physicians. How has that worked for us? Be honest has that really worked for us?

    What if it is now the 3P's sacred duty to betray (Pluto) our trust so radically that our "Hopes" (Jupiter-Venus in Pisces) in someone and something "out there" to save us are forever shattered (Pluto)? What if the only way to return to the passion of the heart (Mars in Leo) is to recognize that the positive pole (head/crown/Aquarius) and the negative pole (Saturn/Neptune/feet) of our battery are indeed equal...thus necessitating our iron-clad clinging to the positive pole and our eon-long resistance to the negative pole to be surrendered (Pluto square Saturn)?

    Blessed Be!


  7. What if the first and foremost structure (Saturn) to be challenged (square) is our own belief (Jupiter) and relationship (Venus) with duality? What if it is time (Saturn) for authentic equality (Libra), requiring us to return to the passion of the heart (Mars in Leo)? What if we realized that it is OUR judgment (slower/lower Saturn)that creates the illusion (Neptune/Pisces) of separation (Aquarius)? In order to heal (Chiron) our "dream" (Pisces), we must be willing to feel to completion (Pluto) the pain of this Great Ending (Saturn-Pluto). Anything felt to completion (Pluto) leads to wholeness (Pisces). Zeus (Jupiter) has only ruled the heavens during this last dark-of-the-moon 5,000 year phase. The 35,000 years (other 7 cycles of the Super Moon 8 cycles) prior were feminine worship, symbolized by Inanna and Ishtar (Venus). These two together in this new Moon shows that it is time for a brand new and equal relationship. We must first own (and feel to completion) the anger of this vastly misunderstood and projected last 5,000 yr period. We must withdraw the projection onto the 3P's of our wounding and our salvation.

    We create and maintain our separation through our judgment (Saturn). WE GET TO EXPERIENCE WHAT WE JUDGE (but just over and over and over until we come to the place in the center (heart balance) of non-judgment. The final melting (Mars) ground and inner gold is in our heart (Leo, the Sun of God). No one comes to the Father (Uranus) except through the Sun. It is there all of our illusions are burned away.

    This new moon in Aquarius (ruled by the original 'Father of the Heavens'...Uranus) shows the new beginning and radical, and sometimes exquisitely painful, adjustments (Yods) that are necessary for authentic healing (Chiron) of this age-old wound. The son/Sun, in the Father's house, together with the Moon (Great Mother) shows that the search for unobtanium (quest outside of self) is nearing an end.

    The end of Saturn's (Satan in religiosity) singular rule of this domain (time) is near.

    Some know it as Presence.

    Blessed Be...


  8. Bravo, Joseph Starman. I love the way you put all of this together. KT

  9. To Chi-Ron:

    Your words transport me into otherspacetime/nonspacetime in a most appreciated fashion. I do not know you in this spacetime (or do I?), though I dance to the what-ifs of your post and would enjoy hearing more of your interpretation of this most interesting choreography we are.

  10. Thank you both of you for sending out this incredible info to everyone! I'm so glad you keep this site up and's beautiful!!

    Love, Mona Klinger

  11. Thank you Chi-Ron for your insights and sharing. Very much appreciated.



I welcome your comments and feedback. I also moderate the comments to ensure only comments germane to the article are included. Mahalo, Joseph