Showing posts with label Saturn and Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn and Uranus. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Leo Full Moon: Planetary cycles of 2021- endings & beginnings

 "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek"
Joseph Campbell

"What you seek is seeking you"

Leo Full Moon 2021
Graphic design by Joseph Mina
Powerful words, especially in this age of seeking. And 2021 represents a seeking year: as the dust of 2020 settles, it's the beginning of a journey to redefine you and your place and purpose on planet Earth.

Before I start this review of the 2021 astrological cycles, there are two items I want to mention:

Last update, I offered an astrology special for private consultations. $25 off for initial or follow-up appointments made on or before Jan 28th. As I'm late getting this update out, I'm extending the following offer until on or before February 2nd, when Venus enters Aquarius:

Life Path Astrology Consultations
Lunation Special: $25 off
 any initial or 1-hr update consultation session booked on or before February 2nd and completed by the end of February. 
Just use the code (special25) when booking your appointment. Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Skype or Zoom (your choice). This special price also applies to any gift certificate for another's initial session. 

Note: if more than 6 years have passed since your last consultation with me (December 2014 or earlier), I will need to review your natal chart in greater detail with you. Hence, please make an appointment for an initial session, which offers a more comprehensive review of the natal chart.

The script above Greece's Temple at Delphi reads "Know Thyself". Astrology is a compelling tool to explore the inner psyche and outer experiences. In a period of enormous change, this is the gift to yourself or others that keeps on giving. It provides the food for those seek greater depth about themselves and their place in this wonder we call the Universe.

Secondly, a live Zoom to discuss the 2021 transits and what I see as the energetic flow for the year has been on my cosmic to do list. However, slow internet complications on my end (at the moment I live in a rural area in South Africa's Western Cape) requires I find another location with better internet access. But that's further complicated now by time constraints imposed by the South African government (a 9p to 5a pandemic-related curfew in effect through at least Feb 15). This makes for a very narrow window for creating a live Zoom event that works for USA time zones (South Africa is 7 hours ahead of the East Coast US) without running afoul of the curfew. If Hawaii is considered (12 hour difference), 6:30 pm my time would be the latest start time. That's 11:30 am on the East Coast etc. I may have found a suitable location within that time window. Working out logistics now, which I'll announce as soon as I hear back from my friend. If that door doesn't open, I'll pre-record my deeper perspectives about 2021 and beyond, then provide a link via this blog. Either way, I shall prevail (he said with deep conviction to a Universe that enjoys paradoxical humor!

And now on to 2021:

A new calendar year usually ushers in a wave of strong desire for dreams and hopes (that seeking thing!) and best wishes for an uplifting year. That is especially true as we emerge slowly into a world vastly different than just a year ago. While I have been saying "intense" for a number of years leading to 2020, viral spread as a catalyst was not on my top 3 list. Yet in retrospect, of course the Universe would employ something unseen to deliver such a massive message of change and reorganization. 

And while the overall planetary transit cycles for 2021 are less intense than 2020, they nonetheless express their influence upon an energetic field significantly altered by 2020 and prior events. We are treading new ground here for 2021 and beyond on a rapidly shifting and unpredictable landscape. This is the type of energetic field where growth and opportunity are most potent, and chaos and confusion abound. The last New Moon of almost 2 weeks ago in Capricorn mirrors this reality. The coming Leo Full Moon on the 28th will strongly emphasize it.

We are a little over a month passed the December Solstice. That solar standstill heralded a surge of new energy into the energetic field accompanied by Saturn and Jupiter entering future thinking, progressive Aquarius. The last time these two were at the same degree of Aquarius was the years 1345 and 1405. As then, 60 years will pass before the next similar conjunction in Aquarius come 2080. For historical reference, the Black Plague swept Europe in 1345 vastly altering that reality. In 1405 China set sail for the first time to explore the world. 

Back to the present. This building Aquarian wave will be the on-going theme for the year, especially fueling/supporting Aquarius' progressive ideas and ideals. Yet correspondingly, transformative Pluto still has three or so years remaining in Capricorn, which augurs a continuation in 2021 of Capricorn upheaval and possible collapse, as the transforming of all aspects of Capricorn continues, including rules, laws, governance, politics and business. This massive shift is in preparation for Pluto's ingress into Aquarius in 2023/24. 

As an aside, and an indicator of this massive shift, personal responsibility is an important Saturn-like trait in the Capricorn reality, i.e. being held accountable for actions averse to Saturn-type rules and accountability. In the United States, Donald Trump's second impeachment by the US House of Representatives (governance, rules, law) and the coming February US Senate trial (applying justice) strongly mirror this reality, and also strongly mirrors transiting Pluto in opposition to his Saturn/Venus conjunction in Cancer.

As a broad backdrop, here’s a quick look at the prominent astrological cycles for 2021 influencing the energetic field: 

Mercury Retrograde
Three Mercury Retrogrades in late Jan/Feb, late May/June and late Sept/October, all in air signs - effective communication and the sharing of ideas and beliefs are major themes here in the areas of social justice/equality and technology (Aquarius), sharing of information (Gemini) and meaningful relationships (Libra). Since mid-January, we have been in the shadow of the 1st of the 3 retrograde cycles, which stations retrograde on January 30th through its station direct on February 21.

Two lunar and two solar eclipses: total lunar in May; annual solar in June; partial lunar (nearly total) in November; total solar in early December. 4 eclipses is about the norm for any given year. Sometimes there's but 3, other times 6 to 7. Time and Date is an excellent site for tracking and planning for eclipses.

Three consecutive Super Full Moons starting in April: the middle one being the previously mentioned total lunar eclipse. 

Year-long square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus
(last was in 1999/2000). This intense cycle is amplified in the coming Leo Full Moon on the 28th. This cycle is about endings and beginnings fueled by strong waves of change.

A late-year Venus Retrograde in Capricorn (of course!) conjunct Pluto (double of course!!) at station retrograde, and occurring during an exact square transit between Saturn and Uranus (of course, of course, of course!!!). Venus’ retrograde extends into early 2022, which will imbue a strong influence into 2022 astrological themes. The Leo Full Moon has the same placement of these two. The era of the emerging, empowering feminine is well underway.


Pluto and Neptune orbit comparison
- Building Neptune sextile Pluto - a rather rare association (last exact sextiles between 1976-86; 1950-56; 1844-45; 1536-1540). Pluto's orbit at times is closer to the Sun than Neptune's. Hence, their orbital association is rather unusual and creates these rather extended aspects (conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition) over vast stretches of time. eg Last Neptune/Pluto conjunction was 1891-92 with its initial influence occurring in 1872; next is 2385. For anyone with an interest in historical events relative to this or other significant astrological associations, have a look here.

Specifics To The Above - Endings & Beginnings:

The coming Leo Full Moon on the 28th is a good template (even a mini version) for potent cycles occurring in 2021. Since the description of such cycles are set out below, I won't dwell on the specifics of this coming Full Moon except to say Venus at this coming lunation is at the exact degree of Pluto in Capricorn, and as mentioned above, will station retrograde come December 19th at the same degree. That signals an intensification and integration of powerful feminine principles into all aspects of Capricorn reality. That's readily evident now given the role women have played in the 2020 election cycle, and positions of authority in the newly emerging government and throughout society. On the US federal level alone, there are now 126 women serving as Senators or Representatives. That's an increase of 21 over 2016 numbers. Much more to come.

In General: the first half of the year carries the stronger energetic impact, as February-April New Moons will feature heightened surges of Aquarius (progressive), Pisces (global) and Aries (new beginnings) planetary transits, respectively. Also a series of 3 powerful consecutive Super Full Moon lunation's, including the May total lunar eclipse, will commence in April. And that's a strong energetic background for...

Jupiter and Saturn transiting through Aquarius during the course of the year. Expect social issues on the global stage to be heightened/magnified. This includes privacy issues, and strong social equality and justice issues too. Look for technological breakthroughs having practical uses (Saturn). Jupiter will move slightly into Pisces between May 14 and July 28, before fully entering Pisces on Dec 29th. That Piscean sampling will augur a time of compassion and global awareness for 2022-23, especially when Pisces' co-rulers meet (Jupiter/Neptune) in April 2022 (last time in Pisces was 1856 when the abolishment of slavery in the US began.) Look for a significant uptick in societal migrations during this Piscean period.

I expect another strong progressive wave of change during 2021 as the clamor for freedom from oppressive rule and dictatorships intensifies in part driven by the Saturn/Uranus challenging square (Saturn desires control/certainty; Uranus clamors for freedom/progressive change and is fueled by chaos) Also, expect a continuation of significant earth-based climate and geological events as Uranus continues its 8-year trek through earth-based Taurus (until 2025-26). This meeting of these archetypal titans will have a strong influence on how...

Pluto in Capricorn adds to the energetic conversation in the coming year. On its own, Pluto is considerably less aspected than 2020 when Saturn and Jupiter transited Capricorn, and Mars in retrograde in Aries created an intense 6-month association. Hence, there ought to be a drop in dark intensity by the time the 2nd half of the year comes around, unless the aforementioned Saturn square Uranus sets off a firestorm of change vs the status quo. If the latter, then the 2nd half of the year will continue the intensity begun in 2020. As previously mentioned, the Venus Retrograde in Capricorn in mid-December at the same degree as Pluto will be a defining theme for 2022.

More to the current moment, the first exact square between Saturn/Uranus on Feb 17, and just as Mercury nears its station direct on the 21st in Aquarius, will be a strong indicator how this Saturn/Uranus transit pattern unfolds over the remainder of the year. Chaotic attempts to overthrow the US government at the US Capitol in early January are one indicator of this building square challenge. There will be others, including virus spread and control. Ultimately something significant will need to shift in the human consciousness towards more progressive Uranus' side of the equation. The election of two Democrats to the US Senate on January 5th and a return to Democratic control of all 3 pillars of government is a strong indicator of this very tilting field of energy. Meanwhile...

Mars has now emerged from its retrograde shadow that began back on July 25th and its apparent movement is picking up speed. This particular Mars retrograde cycle in its home sign of Aries occurred under the umbrella of a global-spreading pandemic alert and in extremely strong square aspect to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Global events of the past few months underscore the strong rippling effect of that period.

Mars energy is assertive, can be very intense (depending on its natal sign placement - fire signs and watery Scorpio particularly), thrives on achievement, and wants to blaze new trails. By contrast, whenever Mars moves retrograde, a very inward evaluation and recalibration process ensues relative to Mars’ very traits. 

Further, as I have shared in earlier blogs, it’s rare for Mars to retrograde in its home sign of Aries (last Aries retro transits were in 1941 as World War II was just becoming more intense, and 1988 and the prelude to the 1989 Gulf War).

It would be pure speculation to postulate whether war in parts of the world is in the offing, or will intensity as an outgrowth of this just completed transit cycle. Yet the past two times Mars moved retrograde in its home sign, heightened conflict followed. In present time, conflict can be on a national, social or even personal level. The US Capitol siege poignantly expressed the dark-side release of this very intense, bound up energy. By contrast, the positive side is highly creative, imaginative and ready to break new ground. Always humanities choice.

Now, Mars will infuse the zodiac with this Aries theme until its next retrograde cycle in Gemini come October 2022. Aries is bold, intense (fiery) and impatient too. Right now it is in early degrees of Taurus fully loaded from its Capricorn contrasts with Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn. From here on out, inner momentum may become more noticeable (a call to action) depending on other transit aspects relative to your natal chart. On a more social/cultural level, look for strong progressive steps from the new Biden administration and the Democratic-controlled US Congress in the coming days, as well as resistance from Saturn-fueled traditionalists.

Mars remains in Taurus until March 3rd. In Taurus, Mars-type initiative returns for focusing on Earth-related matters, such as world climate, as well as a desire to create beauty, concentrate on self-esteem and decide what you now value. It also brings your attention to the strength and condition of your physical body. This poses a strong question about how you nurture and strengthen your physical form. Given the current pandemic intensity, that's a tall order. Such inner reflection would encompass questions about lifestyle, diet, exercise and personal choices that are influenced by...

A building Neptune sextile Pluto which was activated back in 2018. Neptune/Pluto sextile comes to its fullest expression between 2026 and 2032 when it begins a series of 13 exact sextiles in Aries (Neptune) and Aquarius (Pluto).Slowly separating after 2032, the next exact sextile of these two major archetypes won't take place for another 300 years or so in Aquarius (Neptune)/Aries (Pluto). 

The overall cycle from conjunction to conjunction spans near 500 years with the next conjunction not until the year 2385 in Gemini. So any aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, opposition, trine) points to a particular quality of this much deeper wave of transformative intent and direction.

Best way to think of this dynamic sextile: Pluto = hot water; Neptune = source of the water, both working in tandem. Not many generations have this dynamic in their natal chart. Germane to those now alive: most born between 1976 to 1986 (Libra/Sagittarius to Scorpio/Capricorn) and 1950-56 (Leo/Libra) carry this exact sextile. The previous sextile would have been back in1845. With that energy signature comes a soul mandate that is non-negotiable and aligned with progressive trends.As such, this particular building sextile is literally the fuel of the soul embracing and inspiring the transcendence of our societal structures (Capricorn) through a global transformation (Pisces). In those natal chart having this sextile, its house placements and signs give further definition to its inherent power. I have this placement in the 12th (Pluto/Leo) and 3rd (Neptune/Libra) houses. Writing this blog is one of its expressions.

The shadow side of Neptune/Pluto is conspiracy theories, shadow realms, or anything outside the bounds or what is considered reality. This vibration has taken on added meaning since the sextile was engaged in 2018. If you have strong natal aspects in later mutable and/or cardinal signs (20°+), using discernment/scrutiny relative to any information suggesting nefarious motives is advised.

Neptune rules the unseen, including anything viral. It dissolves silently anything out of alignment with anyone's soul intention and purpose. Placed in strong aspect to Pluto, its directive mandates integrity, depth and purpose. Now in its home sign of Pisces, Neptune widens its scope to all things global, literally embracing all of humanity. By 2032, the days of the Capricorn-fueled Industrial Revolution of the past 2+ centuries will have come to an end, making way for an entirely different world order and societal structure. That the exact sextile occurs in the signs of Aquarius/Aries is indicative of the beginning (Aries) of a powerful progressive (Aquarius) wave emphasizing Pluto's Aquarius transit starting in 2023-24 and ending 2043-44.

Thoughts for Reflection during this current season:

In what areas of my life do I see opportunity this year? 

What sacrifices and/or changes am I willing to make to embrace such opportunity?

How can I better strengthen my body and nurture my soul in the coming days?

How can I create a more meaningful sense of community that enhances the quality of life?

How can I become a progressive force in my community?

Best advice for navigating these cycles in 2021: Stay present, move with awareness, and use a good dose of clarity, fueled by your heart, when making choices. 

Conclusion: Astrology transits are not one-off affairs. They add change, context and growth to the ever evolving mythos of life: much like weaving a tapestry. Hence, 2021’s transit cycles add to what has unfolded in 2020 and prior. Because of an unseen viral messenger, our world is forever changed on all levels. A return to what we once considered normal just won’t happen. The increasing vibration on all levels will demand faster thinking and collaborative strategies. It will also require greater inner physical strength and increased commitment to fulfill your soul’s purpose. The future is not set in stone. We are the creators of our destiny.

Please share your comments below. We all learn from each other's perspective.

Next Update: Taking a break from Astrology writing (a change): my recent photography - Stories behind the images.

Sat Nam
Starman, Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa
January 27, 2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021

2021 Astrology: Significant Change Through Body Integration

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
President John F Kennedy (1917-1963)

"One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it will not happen."
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918-2013) President of South Africa

Happy New Year

This blog has been done and redone several times over the past few days while firmly encased in internet-utero. Recent political mayhem in the US has made me pause to better understand these quick changing events in relationship to the powerful astrological transits now taking place. In my last blog entry I mentioned this particular period as being quite intense, which has been borne out by recent national and world events. As far as the unfolding transits of 2021, I'll get to those in my next blog coinciding with the coming potent Capricorn New Moon lunation on the 12th/13th. 

In this blog, I'm going to share a personal viewpoint born out of my 29 years as a bodywork practitioner and teacher, going beyond political events; beyond the heightened polarity of these times to the bigger issue at hand: our rapidly evolving relationship with Planet Earth, and in turn our physical bodies. For purposes of context, I'll first share some of my personal journey of my on-going transformation.

The practice of bodywork, much like Astrology, comes easy to me these days. It's very familiar ground, something I was clueless about in my earlier pre-leap-of-faith years as an accountant and CPA. I laugh when I think back to what seems like a former life. Never then would I have believed there existed within my core essence these transformative gifts, simply waiting for a leap-of-faith moment to emerge.

Starman, Joseph Mina
Over the past 29 years I have worked with over 20,000 people, both individually and in groups. My core focus has been to help others improve the quality of their life; to develop a more energized and receptive body-based energetic field. My soul-style speaks to this: "I am a playful wizardly agent of change, courageously interweaving my creative expressions into the fabric and soul of humanity for our transformation and awakening."

Over time, the development of such focus began to readily unfold when I began receiving various types of bodywork, both individually and with groups of people on an on-going basis. It has been quite the rewarding investment on all levels. This includes chiropractic (Network Spinal), biodynamic craniosacral, acupuncture, nurturing gentle massage, feldenkrais, sound and color healing, yoga, transformational retreats and workshops along with physical exercise, quiet time, and introspection. 

Meanwhile on the external, I immersed myself into the world of dolphins, whales and orcas in their natural habitats, experienced the galaxy and beyond under extraordinary night skies and during solar and lunar eclipses, witnessed up-close volcanic displays of power, attuned to Africa's magnificent animals, and journeyed on pilgrimages around the globe to natural power spots and spiritual centers. 

Artwork of Alex Grey
Art Work of Alex Grey
Placing myself in such fields of concentrated energy profoundly altered my perception of what was truly possible and expanded my psyche and soul connection to higher sources. 
With this shift also came great responsibility. I understood my ability to help others transform and expand was in direct proportion to my own dedication to growth: going way beyond what was considered normal. Ghandi's words "become the change you want to see in others" rings true here.

I have experienced many ups and downs on this life journey. Recognizing and shedding of old habits, letting go of what I thought I needed, passionate and rewarding relationships, and a willingness to surrender to a higher calling have been benchmarks on this life journey. I have loved fiercely and cried in the throes of deep, seemingly unending sorrow. Yet I realize each of these catalytic moments have strengthened me, expanded my awareness and intuition, been humbling, and have brought amazing people into my life. And for all that, I'm eternally grateful. Yes, opening up the body's energetic field can be quite perilous and unsettling to that part of me that craves stability and normalcy, but it sure is rewarding for that part of my awareness that desires more love, more passion, more grace and more life.

Through my life work I have witnessed through individual and group bodywork sessions energetic shifts, emotional releases, and profound transformations, convincing me anything is possible in this Universe of endless possibilities when it comes to the power of our physical body's innate wisdom. And this is especially true for today's newly born children through young adults, whose nervous systems mirror the external sophistication of today's computer systems, i.e. fast, multi-tasking and requiring attentive care.

Age is never a factor when it comes to receiving body care. From the moment a child is born, nurturing touch is essential to their well being. As biological age unfolds, this need becomes stronger. Equally, no limit exists to progressive growth, opportunity and our capacity to love, create and nurture this dynamic we call life.

Hence, it follows the more open and receptive you become to healing touch, the clearer, more fluid, and stronger your body evolves. This leads to a more dynamic, fruitful and integral exchange between our emotional responses and our mental capacities to create, and a stronger gateway to our creative potential, intuition and higher channels of conscious awareness. It follows: healthy people will make healthy choices for the benefit of themselves and humanity...always.

Today, we literally stand at the nexus between traditional human structures falling apart and the onset of a progressive wave of unbound, creative energy. The year 2020 has vividly shown us that chasm. Between these two realities lies a profound sea of confusion and change. And therein exists our dilemma. Do we remain at this nexus to promote and ensure stability, or do we cross a bridge of trust over this expanding chasm to create something new and uplifting for all. Traditional mental thinking will readily choose the former, as it appears safe and secure; progressive, soul-driven desires will always choose the latter and all it offers.

Historically, clamor for meaningful change and sometimes growth originates from the depths of our cultural and familial wounds. It is usually and most vividly expressed by those who have been abusively oppressed; denied their inalienable right to a meaningful and uplifting quality of life. Here, in periods of growth, the gift literally emerges from the wound. As we become a more connected world through the advances of technology, our awareness and empathy of such plight  around the globe becomes even more vivid and disturbing to our human sensibilities, whether or not we are consciously aware of such.

Hence, regardless of position in life, beliefs, country of origin etc, it's time we collectively (Aquarius) realize our physical body (Taurus) is the key interface for accessing, integrating and expressing the sea of creative galactic energy that surrounds us! It stands to reason, the clearer and more integrated our body becomes with planet Earth, the stronger the energetic connection to each other and to the natural world at large
[astrology interlude: the previous sentence pretty much encapsulates our human focus in the evolving and life changing 2021 transit of Saturn in Aquarius in square to Uranus in Taurus. More on that transit in my next blog]

Such a notion underscores our need as a world society to consciously work towards ending repression, poverty, starvation, national isolation and intra and inter-nation conflict, deficient education, war and its deadly tools, and social and financial inequality. Equally, there is an urgent need to attune to this planet's organic, vital environment in a way that rewards our stewardship of Earth's elemental systems and resources. Otherwise we will continue to subject ourselves to nature's not so forgiving responses to our gross environmental abuses (such as a pandemic), and the dirty footprint we continue to make on this sacred, ancient ground. While a vaccine may stem the current viral spread we now witness, such is at best a short-term response to on-going and increasingly more intense Earth response to our human destruction to the natural processes of the Earth and its many denizens.

Helderberg Mountain South Africa
Helderberg Mountain Western Cape SA
by Joseph Mina
The building cry for freedom in the coming days of 2021 and the rest of this decade will significantly determine the destiny and legacy of the human race. To me, the lesson of 2020 can be summarized in the following: when we abuse the planet to fuel personal, social and/or national gain, we deplete every living element on the Earth including ourselves and especially our physical bodies. Disease, pestilence and virus spread result. 

And there exists a brighter side here. Imagine for a moment a world society aligned with the natural Earth cycles and in tune with its ever changing evolution. Such a vision points to a the existence of a healthy, dynamic environment with vital soils, organically raised crops, humane animal husbandry, fully shielded electronics, fossil-free power generation, vibrant communities around the globe, clean water and air, and a health model based on growth, quality of life and strength rather than the current disease prevention model of drug-driven, crisis based medicine.

In turn, such significant cultural and environmental shifts point to a future world devoid of such things as vaccines, debilitating drugs, pesticides, genetically modified foods, abusive animal farm factories, polluted air and water, plastics and other non-degradable products, and depleting electro magnetic fields. While our more primal thinking processes might believe such wholesale change to be impossible, I assert our higher sensibilities, especially in the younger generations, readily recognize the value of being a more connected human family in harmony with the very environment that allows us to grow and thrive. It's a circular, evolving mythos whose time has come. And this type of progressive change is already well underway!

A New Dawn
A New Dawn
by Joseph Mina
A rapidly growing number of health practitioners are now engaged in many different wellness modalities in an ever-expanding field of conscious activism. By contrast, just 50 years ago health/wellness practitioners were few and far between. Even the practice of yoga was out on the fringe. Yet progressive life always attracts more life. The desire to live and experience a more healthy, compassionate, enriched existence is inherently woven into the very essence of humanity.

Equally profound are rapid changes in related product realms. More and more people are choosing a healthier lifestyle through their purchasing choices. For example, the appearance of organic and vital foods are now found in mainstream supermarkets, healthier cosmetic and clothing products are in vogue, electric transportation is becoming the norm (Tesla now has the highest market capitalization in the auto industry), renewable energy generation is being embraced more and more by a heretofore fossil fuel industry, a strong uptick in personal growth activities now is underway. And there are many more examples too. 

Progressive change is demonstrably gathering momentum: much like a snowball increasing in size and speed as it rolls down a hill. We have come a long way from the early1960's when the first appearance of health-related symptoms and diseases due to environmental stresses, such as population growth, unchecked pesticide/herbicide use etc. became vividly apparent. 

Remember we are visitors on the Earth, yet stewards too. With archetypal Mars energy now moving into earthly Taurus until March 3rd, the dynamic energetic field is ripe for anything related to strengthening the human body, your core values, and your self-esteem (they're all connected).  As such we now have a major opportunity to further harmonize our bodies with Gaia's planetary magic and co-create as a human race. To do otherwise leads us down a perilous path: one akin to fighting over table scraps while continuing to poison the very energetic field that allows us to exist and grow. 

As shared earlier, this journey begins with the health of our physical body and the quality of life that results. Equally, and particularly on a global scale, each time you receive such nurturing care, you contribute your energetic experience to an evolving and vital global consciousness. Such energetic contribution further feeds the dynamics of everyone's growth and vitality.The result becomes exponential and unifying across the globe.

I will post in a few days my overview of the 2021 planetary cycles. Also, I am organizing a time later in the month for a free Zoom presentation about these very cycles and their implications for the year and decade ahead. As I live part of the year in a rural area of South Africa's Western Cape, internet speed here is slow. This makes video conferencing impossible. So one of two paths: either I find a location for the program with much better internet access for a video conference (my preference) or make it audio only. I'll know better within a week about what's possible.

Life Path Astrology Consultation
As always, I am available for professional astrological consultation sessions. Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Skype or Zoom.

The script above Greece's Temple at Delphi reads "Know Thyself". Astrology is a compelling tool to explore the inner psyche and outer experiences. In a period of enormous change, this is the gift to yourself or others that keeps on giving.

May the coming year open you to greater, more enriched possibilities, enhance the inner gifts and talents you offer in service to the world, and add meaningful depth to your worldly experiences. May you find the inner strength to reorganize your life into a more integral flow in harmony with the ever increasing vibration of Gaia. May you create and strengthen the meaningful relationships in your life. May you prosper.

I welcome your comments below.

Sat Nam

Joseph Mina
January 8, 2021
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Friday, July 11, 2014

Capricorn Full Moon July 12: Energy Vise...Are you feeling it?

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen, Author and Inspirational Speaker

"Super Full Moon Mauna Kea" by Joseph Mina
Yes, for the is building...intensely. Trouble sleeping? Feeling edgy??? The chart below shows the major components of the Capricorn Full Moon. Why the intensity? Aren't we over this already???  Here's the Astro 411:

Where: Capricorn Full Moon at 20°. Laws and rules, structure and organization, finances, business, and politics are the domain of Capricorn and the focus of this lunation.

Type: Super Full Moon (SFM). Full Moon occurs close to perigee with Earth. It is the 1st of 3 consecutive SFM's, with August's Aquarius Full Moon(8/10) the closest of the 3. SFM = heightened lunar influence. Also visually "big Moon" rising at sunset.

When: July 12th: 1:25 am on the 12th in Hawaii; 4:25 PDT, 7:25 am EDT; 3:25 pm GMT

Theme: "Past versus Future"

Significant Players: annotated in chart below: (1) Saturn in Scorpio; (2) Uranus in Aries; (3) Chiron in Pisces, (4) Moon in Capricorn opposite Sun in Cancer

Energy forms created: Cardinal T-Square (in red) and Kite In blue/green) - enough to know this combination represents the building of strong critical tension patterns during this lunation...akin to an "energy vise".

Synopsis: Current dynamic tension represents more intensification for freedom and quest for something new. This is particularly evident now in the emotionally heated and war-torn Middle East, parts of Africa and Asia, as well as along the southern border of the United States (children immigration). Also, the energetic field is quite ripe for conflict, especially on a country level, unless

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sagittarius Full Moon - Spirit Awakens the Heart

"Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it." Buddha

"Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness." Shakti Gawain Spiritual Author and Teacher

Image by  Karnamrita
Today, May 27th, the Moon reaches full potency at 1:07 pm in Hawaii. Other locations: West Coast 4:07 p, East Coast 7:07 p; Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 11:07 p; Japan 8:07 am on the 28th. Full Moon position is at 6 degrees Sagittarius. This is the 3rd and last Full Moon of the current season.

"Cutting to the Chase" Sagittarius quests for the truth through inner knowingness and pure instinct. It carries a high spiritual vibration and loves to travel to exotic places! By contrast, Gemini explores the realm of networking, playful activity, communication and spontaneity. Bringing together these two dynamics expands the potential for focusing on what brings you heartfelt enthusiasm, inspiration and joy, especially in your journeys.

The light of the Full Moon illuminates the path for sharing and activating these deeper desires with others.

Of course, there's more to this theme than just a Sun/Moon opposition. 4 potent oppositions and 3 outer planet retrograde or direct activations occur during this Full Moon phase, affecting your choice and direction over the next two weeks. Especially influenced by this lunation is anyone with significant planetary aspects between 0 and 10° in the mutable signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo.

In short, let instinct and spontaneity (Sagittarius/Gemini) be your guide as you explore what "feels" like a "yes" or "no".  Let your deeper desire for peace and ease be the doorway for how you direct your energy towards yourself and others.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taurus New Moon - the Earth responds

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." Helen Keller (1880 - 1968) Blind and Deaf Educator 

"Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death." James F. Byrnes (1879 - 1972) US Judge and Politician 

AstroActivator© by Kathryn Andren
Konnichiwa from Japan

We arrive at the New Moon point on May 13th at 3:06 pm Hawaiian Standard time (6:06 pm on the West Coast; 9:06 pm in the East. 1:06 am Greenwich Mean Time on the 14th and here in Japan 10:06 am on the 14th - this time change thing sure has my head spinning at times; i.e. am I in tomorrow or today???

The theme for this lunation shines the spotlight on stability versus change, and ways to navigate from one reality to another. 

What values (Taurus) are important to you as you ponder your place in the rapidly evolving shifts now taking place across the planet? How do you preserve your individuated sense of self while joining others in actualizing a more nurturing, sustainable reality? How do we preserve the natural world in a time of significant change?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jupiter and Uranus meet again - expanding reality's envelope

“Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me.” Carl Sandburg (American Historian, Poet and Novelist, 1878-1967)

“None of us knows what the next change is going to be, what unexpected opportunity is just around the corner, waiting a few months or a few years to change all the tenor of our lives." Kathleen Norris - (Poet and Essayist)

Jupiter amps Uranus
Shortly after releasing this blog in late April, Jupiter revealed its Uranian side to the visible world. As it emerged from the glare of the Sun, scientist were amazed to discover Jupiter's southern equatorial belt had once again disappeared (last time was in the 1990's). This adds to a host of other physical changes occurring on this gas giant. Today (5/20) Jupiter is 2 degrees away from Uranus and closing.

In late April, Jupiter and Uranus at 22 and 28 degrees Pisces, respectively, moved into "orb", amplifying their interaction over the next 8 months.

As I've posted in other articles on this blog, Jupiter energy is expansive and sometimes optimistic (depends on the energy dynamic). Long the ancient ruler of Pisces, it is considered now the modern ruler of Sagittarius. As it continues its one year passage through Pisces, it expands the impact of water and emotions in our life. Also, it once again catches up to slower Uranus (approximately every 12 years) to add further emphasis to Uranus' unpredictability and quirkiness.

The last time these two were together was February, 1997 (came into orb in early Jan) in Aquarius. This meeting accelerated the rapid expansion of the ill-fated dot Com technology bubble. And in Uranian fashion, where energy manifests suddenly, but doesn't last (ever had one of those intimate Uranian relationships???) this unsustainable, optimistic fervor abruptly ended in March 2000.

Scorpio Full Moon - Passion Express

I passionately hate the idea of being with it, I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time. Orson Welles (1915 - 1985)

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.  The Dalai Lama

Greetings or Konnichiwa from Japan.

Kathryn and I are here to co-teach bodywork, and offer private tandem bodywork sessions for the next 3 weeks. Also, here to enjoy the beauty of the Japanese springtime.

Scorpio Astroactivator© by Kathryn Andren
As skilled, intuitive astrologers, we see great value in exploring the dynamic astrological cycles sweeping the consciousness. As long-time bodyworkers, we value the importance of integrating this cosmic energy within our body physiology. Very excited to be in the land of the Rising Sun sharing these gifts with our Japanese friends.

Scorpio Full Moon on the 28th occurs at 2:20 AM in Hawaii, noon time in England, and late at night on the 28th in Japan. This is the 2nd Full Moon of spring, signaling the celebration of Wesak, or the celebration of Buddah's birth, teachings and enlightened life. Hence, this Full Moon is a time of receiving the gift of profound compassion from this extraordinary Master. Also, a heightened spiritual essence fills this day.

Further, full expression of one's passion/desires represents the theme of this lunation. Due to the chart's inherent challenges around lack of appreciation or acknowledgment, or inhibited playful spontaneity, the shadow side of Scorpio (inhibited or numbed life force) may appear in your experiences. Yet, using the grace of compassion can deepen this dance with the shadow in healing and forgiving ways.  Full Moon energy window spans April 27 - 29th.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Aries New Moon - stepping into spontaneous change

"Times of general calamity and confusion create great minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storms." Charles Caleb Colton (1780 - 1832)

"He not busy being born is busy dying"  Bob Dylan 

"All things must change to something new, to something strange."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882)

"We pray to God when our foundation is shaking, only to discover God is shaking the foundation." Donald Epstein, Wise World Seminars

April 13th 2010 Solar Image from NASA Stereo Satellite 
A lot has shifted significantly in the ethers since beginning to write earlier this week about Thursday's Aries New Moon. For example, strong volcanic eruptions in Iceland ground most airplanes flying in Europe. The strongest solar prominence/flare in the past 15 years erupts on the Sun just 3 days ago. Many other oddities fill the news. Each reminds us we live in extraordinary times, requiring extraordinary measures to surf this vibrational wave of change.

With that said, I present my perspective on this New Moon cycle we have just entered, plus reflect on the building Saturn/Uranus opposition taking place on the 26th. if we needed one more thing, Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow (17th).

Aries New Moon: the Moon returned to its new position on the14th in the sign of Aries. New Moon is a time of resetting the vibration. This restart phase is further accentuated as this New Moon represents the first new lunation of the Spring season. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beauty & Fury - the Pisces Wave

As the current Pisces wave of Jupiter and Uranus continues to build to their June 8th meeting at 0 degrees Aries, I'm using the initiating energy of Mercury and Venus in Aries to embed a video I created titled Beauty & Fury.

Neptune, ruler of Pisces, also rules imagery, photography etc. With Neptune at the very end degrees of Aquarius (technology), this video uses the medium of social networking (Aquarius) to distribute the content out into the world community (Pisces).

Behind the content: this past January, a strong winter storm to the north of Hawaii, brought significant ocean swells to the islands, amplifying the size and intensity of the waves. In the early AM, I spent 4 hours at Honomalino Beach in South Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii photographing these strong impulses arriving every 15 minutes or so. This video incorporates that energy interspersed with other images I have taken of Big Island over the past 2 1/2 years (photography has been a passion of mine for the past 35 years). The accompanying music by Telku is appropriately called "Life Force".

Next Blog March 28 - Libra Full Moon - the amplification of the Moon energy meets the transformative force of Pluto and the restructuring dynamic of Saturn.


Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
March 22, 2010
©Gemini Awakening 2010 all rights reserved

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Saturn and Pluto: The Dance of Death and Transformation

"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers" James Thurber

Introduction: Saturn and Pluto and the 2010 Cardinal Climax

On January 31st, Saturn and Pluto trigger the 2nd of 3 very intense squares. This blog examines the dynamics of this potent combo, and their role as part of this summer's potent Cardinal Climax.

What is the Cardinal Climax?? Astrologically, "Cardinal" refers to the 1st signs of the 4 seasons (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). "Climax" is the pinnacle, crest, culmination or apex of critical tension generated by a powerful phenomena. Visualize a building wave ready to break.

The Cardinal Climax aka the "Twenty-Ten Turning Point" is comprised of the simultaneous interactions between the planetary energies of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto during June and July 2010 in Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Aries and Libra. Five distinct critical tension points make up this very rare super cycle. They are: