Showing posts with label Pisces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pisces. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2013

Pisces New Moon and Equinox, March 11: Endings and Beginnings

“You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.”   Alan Wilson Watts, Philospher (1915-73)

"Refuge Light" photography by Joseph Mina
The past month we have been awash in the murky and endless dreaminess of Pisces. This cosmic soup of feelings, sensitivity, dreams, ethereal art and music,

Monday, February 25, 2013

Virgo Full Moon Feb 25: Emotional Roller Coaster 101

"The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts -- the less you know the hotter you get." Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher and writer 

©AstroActivator by Kathryn Andren Mina all rights reserved
Energy flows in and out of our lives in many forms. Usually, this life force is associated with electricity. Yet, our emotional state also carries quite a bit of zing. Its oft heard "energy in motion" label reflects the energetic quality of this moving, yet unseen river of amped animation. 

We define ourselves and those around us by how alive or contained we respond to life's emotional triggers. Sometimes the response is quite predictable, like pulling the strings on a puppet. Other times it may be hard to ascertain what is really going on behind the masks we wear.

One thing is certain though. Energy cannot be contained. Eventually, it finds its way to the surface ready to express, release and reset its form into the bigger river of life where we all exist. Have you been experiencing an emotional tug with others lately? Well the "fun" is only beginning in this dreamy realm of water...water...water.

The Virgo Full Moon arrives on the 25th at 10:26 am in Hawaii, 12:26 pm on the West Coast, 8:26 GMT and  on the 26th from India east to the International Date Line. 

Virgo embodies the form and structure of life's rituals. It is driven by focus, precise communication and timing, attention to detail and perfection. It literally becomes the

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Aquarius New Moon Feb 9: Heavenly Grace

"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans; in one aspect of You are found all the aspects of existence. Kahlil Gilbran
The various members of our solar system are in a constant dance with the passage of time and each other. Some members move quite quickly around the Sun; others cover similar ground over decades. Yet, all move in synchronicity with grander rhythms, following the Sun on its epic 240 million year journey around the Galaxy. Astrology in part interprets these grand sky patterns to reveal the workings of your inner Universe. We call it the "cosmic weather forecast".

Once in a while, these seemingly endless planetary movements offer us a more compelling look into this synchronistic realm. This month's Aquarius New Moon  opens that very cosmic door into the watery, dreamy, fantasy realm of Pisces and its connection to grace

Over the next 30 days, up to seven planetary energies dwell in this watery realm. This unusual surge culminates on the Pisces New Moon, reflecting to you a dynamic theme pervading the bigger field of conscious awareness...the oneness of life and your connection to everything. 

At this current New Moon, Aquarius encourages you to think big. I mean "really big". The sign of the water bearer attunes to the widest possible perspective of life, literally perceiving the vast perspective of the cosmos. It also shine its

Monday, August 27, 2012

Pisces Full Moon Aug 31: Feelings are a Gift and Empowered Visions

Current Astrological Update from Kathryn Andren Mina

Pisces Full Moon is August 31, the second Full Moon this month! Pisces Full Moon illuminates an experience of boundlessness and Oneness.  This month’s Gemini Astrology Update is a combination of personal reflections related to Pisces with suggestions on how you can align with planetary patterns in the coming month.  Pisces, after all, dissolves boundaries.

In August, we were blessed with visits from family, friends and Brian and Jenny Lumb’s facilitation of an amazing program, Bloom.  Prior to Bloom, some of us had the opportunity experience the wild beauty of the island at Volcanoes National Park, and also swim with many spinner dolphins the morning of the

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pisces New Moon Feb 21: Prayer Express

"All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea...we are going back from whence we came."  John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)

"Can ye fathom the ocean, dark and deep, where the mighty waves and the grandeur sweep?" Fanny Crosby, Musician (1820 - 1915)

"To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvels of nature, and life itself." Masaru Emoto, Scientist and Author, Hidden Messages in Water

AstroActivator©2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
The Moon catches up to the Sun on February 21 at 3 degrees Pisces. New Moon time in Hawaii is 3:35 pm; 5:35 on the West Coast, and on the 22nd at 1:35 AM GMT, then east to the International Date Line. This New Moon theme focuses on Piscean qualities of unification, transcendence, transitions, karmic completions, sensitivity, and empathic awareness. With its ruling planet Neptune now fully immersed into Pisces, the cosmic spotlight turns to selfless, compassionate service on the global stage, the state of the world's waters and environmental health, and creative use of imagery and film.

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces provides a reminder and reflection about the infinite depth of the collective consciousness. Pisces dissolves form. Hence, inherent to its archetypal expression is the merged essence and awareness of all other zodiac members. This New Moon is a

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Neptune in Pisces and Leo Full Moon Feb 7: I See You

"...there is a moving palace that floats in the air 
with balconies and clear water flowing through, 
infinity everywhere, yet contained under a single tent."
excerpt from Rumi's "Moving Water"

"The beauty of the heart is the lasting beauty:
its lips give to drink of the water of life....that oneness you can't know
by reasoning." excerpt from Rumi's "The Beauty of the Heart". 

AstroActivator©2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
"Mysterious", "nebulous", "the Oneness", "feeling my way", "dreaming the dream", and many more similar expressions underscore a significant turning of the page at this Full Moon lunation, one that guides us into the realm of the unknown...the eternal fog...the bigger vision. Time for a reality check, you are about to embark on a 15 year journey into Pisces land, the sea of everything.

The Leo Full Moon on February 7/8th shines its fiery, illuminative light on this Piscean water realm, and in turn, its potent ruler Neptune. How appropriate we begin this journey into the realm of "the All" with the blazing heart of Leo lighting the way.

Leo Full Moon occurs on the 7th at 11:54 am in Hawaii, 1:54 p on the West Coast, 9:54 p GMT, and on the 8th from the Middle East, (AST) east to the International

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Virgo New Moon 2011: Renewal and Reconnection

Virgo New Moon - Make it Fine with a Grand Earth Trine
5:04 PM HST August 28, 2011

"I want to know all things under the Sun and the Moon too. For all things are beautiful in themselves and become more beautiful when known to man. Knowledge is life with wings." Kahlil Gibran 

AstroActivator©2002 K Mina
Sunday August 28, 2011 (Mon 8/29 for South America, east to the International Date Line) celebrates the Virgo New Moon.  Moon conjoins Sun at 5 degrees Virgo, with Venus close by at 8 Virgo.  Virgo evokes patterns, organization and order. Add Venus to the mix and you have a strong element of artistry and beauty in these grand designs. 

There is a Grand Earth Trine this New Moon (see below), with 5 planets represented in the Earth signs of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Pluto(1) lingers near 4 Capricorn and Jupiter (2) is its expansive self at 10 Taurus. Meanwhile, Sun, Moon and Venus (3) in Virgo complete the triangle.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pisces New Moon March 4th: Dreaming the dream

"A Chinese philosopher once had a dream that he was a butterfly. From that day on, he was never quite certain that he was not a butterfly, dreaming that he was a man."

"I have heard it said that the first ingredient of success - the earliest spark in the dreaming youth - is this: dream a great dream."
John Alan Appleman, Author & Poet

Pisces AstroActivator© by Kathryn Andren
Pisces New Moon arrives on the 4th (or on the 5th for points east of Iraq to the International Date Line). Symbolically, as the last sign of the zodiac, the water sign of Pisces represents completion and transcendence on many levels of consciousness, especially those accessing dream states and the transpersonal. It also places added emphasis on the realm of emotions and feelings.

New Moon energy is further intensified by the presence of 4 potent planetary energies in Pisces: Mercury (communication), Chiron (healing), Mars (assertiveness) and Uranus (quick change). These archetypes signal the old ways of connecting are coming to a close. With a very strong line-up of Aries energy waiting in the wings around mid-month, we now witness a passing of the torch. Life is evolving

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces: Insanity & Inspiration

Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces September 2010 - Jan 2011
Dear Friends,

AstroActivator©2002 by K. Andren
Are you feeling bursts of sudden inspiration?  Are you going with the flow, or does it seem you're swimming upstream when making practical plans?

Today, September 18, 2010, two retrograde planets Jupiter and Uranus meet at 28 Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac. In May, Jupiter neared Uranus in Pisces just before they both moved into the Cardinal sign of Aries for the 2010 Cardinal Climax. Now they have moved back into watery Pisces where they remain in the range of 23 - 29  degrees through mid January of 2011. Refresh yourself with more specific details here.
When two planets conjoin or come together, their qualities blend. It's like mixing colors in a paintbox and a new color is created.  Intensification of unpredictability, blessings from unusual sources and expansion of divine inspiration are some indicators of this Jupiter and Uranus pairing in Pisces.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beauty & Fury - the Pisces Wave

As the current Pisces wave of Jupiter and Uranus continues to build to their June 8th meeting at 0 degrees Aries, I'm using the initiating energy of Mercury and Venus in Aries to embed a video I created titled Beauty & Fury.

Neptune, ruler of Pisces, also rules imagery, photography etc. With Neptune at the very end degrees of Aquarius (technology), this video uses the medium of social networking (Aquarius) to distribute the content out into the world community (Pisces).

Behind the content: this past January, a strong winter storm to the north of Hawaii, brought significant ocean swells to the islands, amplifying the size and intensity of the waves. In the early AM, I spent 4 hours at Honomalino Beach in South Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii photographing these strong impulses arriving every 15 minutes or so. This video incorporates that energy interspersed with other images I have taken of Big Island over the past 2 1/2 years (photography has been a passion of mine for the past 35 years). The accompanying music by Telku is appropriately called "Life Force".

Next Blog March 28 - Libra Full Moon - the amplification of the Moon energy meets the transformative force of Pluto and the restructuring dynamic of Saturn.


Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
March 22, 2010
©Gemini Awakening 2010 all rights reserved

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pisces New Moon and Equinox: Renewal 101

"Again, the season of Spring has come
and a spring-source rises under everything,
a moon sliding from the shadows." 
Rumi, “Spring”

"One's life is not as fixed as one believes. Surprises may lie in store for you, the unexpected often tends to happen, sometimes bringing in its train the most delightful change in one's life or circumstances." Elizabeth Aston, The Darcy Connection, 2008

The Moon completes its 29.5 day cycle on March 15th as it catches up to the Sun at 25 degrees Pisces. Adding to this cosmic mix is a dynamic pairing of Mercury and Uranus at essentially the same degree (26 Pisces).

This cosmic quadsome (my word), or stellium (astrology word), points to a strong expansion of awareness about the rapidly shifting energies now underway between the Piscean and Aquarian ages, or vibrational states of awareness. However you choose to tune-in to higher frequencies (mediation, dream state, yoga, bodywork etc), this lunation offers a potent portal for getting the cosmic download loud and clear.

New Moon occurs at 11:02 am in Hawaii, 2:02 pm on the West Coast US; 5:02 pm in the East, and 6:02 pm in England. Note: except for Hawaii, times reflect Daylight Savings Time for US. It occurs on the 16th from Saudi Arabia, east to the International Date Line.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Virgo Full Moon - Awakening the Dreamtime

"The longer I have lived and the more knowledge I have got from the achievements of people, the narrower and smaller the world of knowledge have appeared to me. And it has become more clear to me that even we are ruled by the forces beyond our knowledge."
Toivo Pekkanen, Finnish writer

"I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody."  Lily Tomlin, humorist

On February 28th, the Moon comes into direct opposition with the Sun at 6:38 am, Hawaiian Standard Time (8:38 am PST; 11:38 EST; 4:38 pm GMT). This is the last Full Moon of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere.

The actual Full Moon window begins some 16 hours earlier on February 27th as the Moon enters Virgo, and continues 16 hours beyond Full Moon, when the Moon reaches 20 degrees Virgo. This 20 degree span represents the orb influence the Full Moon exerts on our psyches and body vibration during the Full Moon Window. It also explains why the Moon appears "full" for more than one night.

This is the 2nd of 5 consecutive Super Full Moons, as the Moon reaches its direct opposition with the Sun just 19 hours past its perigee point, or closest point to the Earth. This "syzygy" effect puts the Sun/Earth/Moon in direct alignment with each other. This tight line-up, amplifies the Full Moon's pull on the Earth's fluid tides, which incidentally includes the body fluids of all living organisms, including us!

Also, as with all Full Moons, the solar wind effect on the Earth's magnetic field creates a magnetic "tail" sweeping away from the Earth. The Full Moon passes through the tail's field of highly charged particles about 3 days before Full Moon and exits 3 days later. Having a highly charged Moon surface explains in part why Full Moon's can feel intense. That "syzygy" occurs at the same time adds an additional jolt to a very potent lunation. "Lunatics" start your cosmic engines.