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©AstroActivator by Kathryn Andren Mina all rights reserved |
We define ourselves and those around us by how alive or contained we respond to life's emotional triggers. Sometimes the response is quite predictable, like pulling the strings on a puppet. Other times it may be hard to ascertain what is really going on behind the masks we wear.
One thing is certain though. Energy cannot be contained. Eventually, it finds its way to the surface ready to express, release and reset its form into the bigger river of life where we all exist. Have you been experiencing an emotional tug with others lately? Well the "fun" is only beginning in this dreamy realm of water...water...water.
The Virgo Full Moon arrives on the 25th at 10:26 am in Hawaii, 12:26 pm on the West Coast, 8:26 GMT and on the 26th from India east to the International Date Line.
Virgo embodies the form and structure of life's rituals. It is driven by focus, precise communication and timing, attention to detail and perfection. It literally becomes the
container for its opposite sign Pisces. This archetype of the priest/priestess, vestal virgin, engineer and efficiency expert defines how we honor and connect to life's time honored seasons, cycles and rhythms.
As mentioned in our last update, where Pisces is boundless and attuned to spirit, Virgo is down-to-earth, and very specific. One energy completes the other. And on this Full Moon, that sense of completion takes on a whole new meaning. We have entered into the realm of enhanced, amplified emotions, and the Virgo container is about to show its capacity to hold this energized soup.
Here's the Full Moon Chart:
Significant to this lunation is the continuation of "all things Pisces". At the Aquarius New Moon in early February, 4 planetary energies occupied the sign of the fishes. At this Full Moon, the Sun now in Pisces brings the group to 5. And several hours later, Venus leaves Aquarius and moves into Pisces, making this a group of 6. That's quite a bit of energy...quite a bit of emotion filling the next 2 weeks, some of which is quite raw and primal.

However their intensity continues seemingly unabated. One example is the on-going recalcitrant behavior of the US Congress around nominees and budget cuts etc. There are many other examples across the globe too, including intensity in the Middle East, North Korea, Iran etc. Suffice it to say, this dynamic duo continues to effect radical change and structure melt-downs across the globe on all societal and personal levels. And their effect on this lunation will be no different, especially in the realm of emotions.
This emotional fever will add to this Uranus/Pluto melting pot energy as this duo slowly move to their next direct connection come May 20th. More on that in future updates.
Meanwhile, present time, Mercury in Pisces (of course) is now RETROGRADE at this Full Moon. Our last update has timings and suggestions for surfing this Mercury vibration. As it is just now beginning its retrograde at 19°, essentially at the same degree as Mars, a word of caution is offered.
Mars in Pisces amplifies the field of emotion. Its higher vibration is empathic and aligned with humanitarian service in the world. It's emotionally energized by creating positive actions. By contrast, its shadow element is unpredictably manic and very intense. Combine either of these vibrations with a Mercury Retrograde...you're either singing with the angels, or...well you know.
Ergo, channel your emotional mojo into productive Piscean expressions, such as music, imagery, or acts of uplifting service for global causes. Further, allow yourself to literally feel what you are experiencing, whether it is memories from the past (Pisces likes to dwell there), or present time realities. Then, bring it inward for integration and release. Stay clear of emotional projections and drama. They will not be your friends this retrograde cycle.
If you are new to this update, here's our audio about this Piscean surge featured in our last update.
Piscean Planetary movements into March:
Mercury retrograde means the fleet winged archetype will retrace its path back to 5° Pisces by March 17th. Hence, it will cross over the Sun, Venus, Chiron, Moon, and almost meet Neptune as it stations direct. Mercury's reversal triggers these energetic points and creates with:
Sun energy - brings an array of emotions to the surface - no hiding (Mar 3/4)
Venus - reflects through media the beauty and essence of humanitarian service (Mar 6)
Chiron - reveals and expresses old emotional wounds (Mar 8)
Moon - amplifies anything and everything emotional (Mar 10). This is the prelude to the next day's Pisces New Moon. This is a potent day for the dream state. Get your journal books ready!
Neptune - allows a new vision to be expressed for global connection (Mar 17)
All-in-all, that's quite a roller coaster of water driven energy. On a physical, earthly level expect major water events to continue in various parts of the planet. Purification both inner and outer is high on the agenda.
Meanwhile, since Venus moves faster than Neptune and Chiron, she will crossed their paths on February 28 and March 5, respectively. These are powerful days for creative expressions of art (Neptune), and connection to the plight of those less fortunate in the world (Chiron).
Lastly, the true wild card in this lunation is expansive Jupiter at 7° Gemini, in direct square to Moon, Sun, Chiron, and Neptune. Jupiter is expansive energy, amplifying everything it energizes. In Gemini it fuels the realm of communication, co-creation, spontaneity and unpredictability. This further fuels the emotional field creating quite a launching pad for everything mentioned above, including healing (Chiron) and Vision (Neptune).
Since Pluto began its march through Capricorn back in 2008, life as we have known it has been altered in ways unforeseen. Literally, the life script is being written on the fly on cultural, social and personal levels. And that's how it ought to be. The current Piscean surge, now well underway, adds another chapter to this revolutionary transformative saga unfolding through 2015.
Specific to this lunation, life without emotion would be bland, simply colorless. The genuine expression of our emotions can serve a greater good by connecting us to life's expressive rhythms in deeply empathic and intuitive ways. Great movies mirror that essence to us through the actors. Such a connection requires a relationship with all feelings, both easy and intense.
This Pisces surge is shaking up the Virgo decorum of detachment and aloofness to expose us to a big library of feelings and human expression. Children born around this time will prove to be gifted, highly aware and hugely sensitive. They will become the new empaths, perhaps telepathically communicating with each other. In this Piscean soup, may our enriched and challenging experiences create a compassionate welcome mat for these special souls arrival.
If you "feel" inspired to share how this Moon vibe relates to your life or anything else of an astrological vein, please leave a comment below.
Next Update: March 11 Pisces New Moon.
Aloha from Los Angeles
Starman, Joseph Mina
February 24, 2013
Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software: Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations: ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
- audio creation - Telestream Screenflow, and GarageBand
Big Mahalo to both of you to feed the community with the truth of the stars, i enJOY reading it every month and send it out to friends :-)
ReplyDeleteALOHA NUI - a hui hou ;-) Pono
I appreciate how this reading overlaps the reading from my teacher in Chinese Astrology and my own sense of the 2013 Water Snake energetics. The size and scale of these energies is immense - beyond explanation of or our human capacity to comprehend and so this theme of expansive and pervasive Water resonates quite clearly in all directions and in all systems of calendrical energy-reading.
ReplyDeleteSwimming, floating, free-moving energy... liberation or confusion... it is up to each of us to allow for the space and stillness to settle into the huge shifting waters; sometimes completely letting go is the only way to make it out of the whirl-pool.