Thursday, November 6, 2014

Taurus Full Moon Nov 6: Sensual Buffet

“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” 
― George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish Playwright

“The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.” ~Robert Henri (1865-1921) American Painter and Teacher

“When I say artist I mean the one who is building things … some with a brush – some with a shovel – some choose a pen.” ~Jackson Pollock (1912-56) Abstract Artist

AstroActivator 2002©by Kathryn Andren
Note: I am now moving through a very concentrated part of my schedule. Hence, this update will be in a different format from other recent updates. I return to Hawaii on November 12. Yeah!. My 2 month round the world adventure has been a powerful tonic and stimulant for my creativity (Taurus theme for this Lunation) and growth.

The fullness and beauty of Autumn in Japan is a buffet for the senses. The vivid pallet of colors, especially in the ancient mountains, evokes inspiration, awe, and most especially creativity.

Here in Japan, Autumn fuels renowned beauty within the culture, evidenced by entrancing expressions of art, such as the haiku, bonsai, ancient pottery, sculpture, calligraphy on silk, and many other amazing creative expressions.

The other day, I visited Japan's inspiring Hakone area to experience the beauty of this golden season. The district of Hakone is found near the southwest flank of venerated Mt. Fuji. The artistry of this area, and its spectacular scenery is an orgy for the senses.

One of my stops (a rather spontaneous one, and of course fueled by transportation snafus - thanks Mercury Retrograde :) , was the exceptional Living Arts Museum and Gardens,

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Partial Solar Eclipse Scorpio New Moon Oct 23: Diving Deep

"Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become an endless night. Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul. 
Victor Hugo, French novelist and poet (1802-85)

"I was born during an eclipse. I believe very much in astrology. If you were born on an eclipse it indicates your destiny is chaotic."
Gloria Vanderbilt, (1924 - )  Artist, Author, Actress, Socialite and Fashion Designer

"Elephant Power" ©Joseph Mina 2014, all rights reserved
Chaos indeed, Gloria! Solar Eclipse energy fuels the shadow. It reveals an inner world of mystery and intrigue. In the "as above, so below" it brings our gaze inward to reexamine priorities and fuel and deepen our inner journey. It's the reflective pause before moving forward. It connects us to our primal juice...the very fuel that enriches life.

At this New Moon, the 4th and last eclipse of 2014 arrives. Like its April counterpart at the Taurus New Moon, it is a partial solar eclipse. This eclipse follows the same energetic theme/path as the other 3 eclipses of 2014, ushering in a period of chaos, introspection and uncertainty. Additionally, the Scorpio vibe adds drama and intensity to the mix!

At 0° Scorpio, the partial solar eclipse activation signals a dramatic shift in energy from Libra and its typical more light-hearted approach to life, to a deep, dark, mysterious Scorpio. For North America, this partial eclipse will be visible and noticeable, particularly for those living in the western part of the continent. For those in the Eastern US and Canada, be prepared for a partially blackened Sun at sunset.

Archetypal Scorpio brings us into the depths of our being, our soul, our reality. It shows us the shadow. "Intense" is a common description of Scorpio types. They play hard...and with

Friday, October 10, 2014

Mercury Retrograde Oct 4 - 25: a survival guide

To effectively communicate, we must realize we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
Tony Robbins, Motivational Speaker and Teacher

"A word to the wise is enough. The old proverb is, forewarned, forearmed."

©AstroActivator by Kathryn Andren 2001
Now that the recent Lunar Eclipse day has had its day in, or really "out of the Sun", I want to move on to Mercury Retrograde. I'm sharing this information because this particular Mercury Retrograde carries a stronger intensity than usual. Yes...MR can be more intense than its usual craziness!. That intensity mirrors Mercury Retro occurring amidst two eclipses in October.

I must laugh too. Visiting Sri Lanka during Mercury Retrograde has amplified the quintessential  "lost in translation" experience. The nuances of communication here exist in a world unto themselves. Head nods of varying angles say more than words. Thus...I've readily learned to be alert, pay attention to what feels easy or hard, and more than anything else, laugh and go with the flow. For daughter and I are traveling north tomorrow to visit the ancient temple sites of Anuradhapura. Yesterday we learned the trains are not operating in the North due to a train strike. So now we're driving north. Going with the flow. And, I ask myself (good Mercury Retro strategy) "what wonderful spontaneous adventures await us?"

With that out of the way...please read on:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Eclipsed Aries Full Moon Oct 8: Awakening The Shadow

"Shadow is the obstruction of light. Shadows appear to me to be of supreme importance in perspective, because, without them opaque and solid bodies will be ill defined; that which is contained within their outlines and their boundaries themselves will be ill-understood unless they are shown against a background of a different tone from themselves." Leonardo da Vinci

"There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires." Nelson Mandela

For the second time this year, the Full Moon will glow blood red. Just 6 months since the last eclipse in Libra, this eclipse will grace the night sky as the Moon transits Libra's opposite sign of Aries. Breathe in...breathe out.

I'm in Sri Lanka now. Africa adventures fade...Japan adventures await. Near Colombo, I'll see the waning moments of this eclipse. The rising Full Moon will be emerging from its shadow journey through the Earth's Umbra.  And just like the counterpart eclipsed Full Moon of last April, this Full Moon comes with very strong planetary aspects portending further continuation of

Monday, September 22, 2014

Libra New Moon Sept 23: Resetting the Balance

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable."  Donald Trump
Fish River Canyon Sunrise
Those who intimately know me would be absolutely surprised to find me quoting Donald Trump. Yet forgetting the messenger while focusing on a message in resonance with the Libra New Moon, speaks to the shifts and changes unfolding around the globe in cultural practices and rules, and human opportunity and new beginnings. 
I am now in Namibia in Southwest Africa. This is a land of extreme beauty and silence, stark deserts, majestic dunes, deep canyons, desert Elephants, brilliant starry nights, and compassionate, loving people. I am here on a 14 day Landscape Photography Workshop with Trey Radcliff and his team from Stuck in Customs. And yes...pleasure and work have become

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Super Full Moon Pisces Sept 8: Vision Expansion 101

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."   Napolean Hill (1883-1970) Author

Beaming by Derick Van Ness
What is your vision for sharing your gifts in the world? Has it been languishing of late? Have you contemplated recently upgrading your dreams and the direction of your life? Are you clear about the next steps you want to take? Ponder no more! On September 8th, the Full Moon in Pisces arrives to assist you with opening your vision to greater possibilities.

The world is stirred. Intensity continues to build. Not a day goes by without mention of global warming, extreme weather challenges, strife in the Middle East and Asia, political contentiousness, racial profiling and disparity, and financial  uncertainty. Yet, great changes always fuel adversity and challenges. It's the critical tension that births a new expression and direction.

And sometimes that critical tension arrives in the most subtle or sensitive of ways. September's Full Moon lunation may be such a herald...yet on a weather level...water events may be anything but subtle.

Where: Full Moon occurs at 16° Pisces conjunct Chiron. This is the 3rd of 3 Super Full Moons of 2014

When: 3:38 PM, Hawaiian Standard Time on Monday the 8th. That's 6:38 PM PDT, 9:38 EDT, and

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Virgo New Moon August 25: A cry for social justice and equality

Change means movement. Movement means friction. Only in the frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent abstract world can movement or change occur without that abrasive friction of conflict.Saul Alinsky (1909-72) author and founder of community organizing

The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being. Lech Walesa (1943- ) Nobel Peace Prize and former Polish leader

"Activation Station" sketch by Joseph Mina
Intensity grows. Transformation abounds. Societal polarity reaches new extremes. Ferguson, Missouri…Ukraine and Russia…Iraq and Syria…Israel and Palestine…China and its neighbors, Ebola virus in West Africa, great drought in California…social unrest in many quarters.. seemingly fill the daily news. Meanwhile, the human voice for social justice and equality grows louder.

These flash points of critical tension point to symptoms of great change and activation now underway around the globe. We stand at the edge of a precipice. Depending on your perspective, one view augurs an Utopian ideal; another perhaps a depressing outcome, and many possibilities in-between. However, the astrological cycles and strong headwinds say "no outcome is certain. No guarantees are available." For better or worse, our evolving human script is being written as it unfolds. Quite a potent backdrop for this Virgo New Moon and its demand for greater, compassionate service to humanity.

Here's the Astro 411.

Where: New Moon at 2° Virgo. Virgo qualities include a focus on your health, precision and discernment, and service to others.

When: August 25th at 4:13 am Hawaii Time (HST); 7:13 am on the US West Coast, 6:13 pm

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Super Full Moon Aquarius Aug 10: A Cry for Freedom

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. – Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

"Dance for Joy" painting by Ira Mitchell Kirk
Paradox abounds…best of times…worst of times. Our awareness of each other is expanding exponentially. Rare to meet someone who is unaware intense change fills the ethers around the globe. While the intensity meter has dropped somewhat from the very strong levels of the 1st half of 2014, we are far from being out of this cosmic transformational soup. The Full Moon of August arrives to remind us our evolution is far from complete.

This lunation activates the Leo-Aquarius axis about the same time Moon reaches its closest perigee in 2014. Hence, we now dance with the vibrational effects of a Super Full Moon over the next 14 days.

Here’s the Astro 411 for this lunation: 

Where: Full Moon positions at 18° Aquarius. The sign of the water bearer brings the qualities of humanitarian service, independence and freedom, and an expansive view of life. Aquarius embraces technology, Utopian ideals, the future, social connections and creating a better world through social justice and equality. While its opposite sign Leo is quite individuated and

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Leo New Moon July 26: The Heart-felt Roar of the Lion

"Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love." Leo Buscaglia (1924-98) Author

"Rejoice" photo by Joseph Mina
Has there ever been a more compelling time for humans on Earth? Energy is moving rapidly these days. Everything seems exaggerated and fast. People are connecting in ways unthinkable just 10 years ago. Life appears larger than life.

We now arrive at that magical time of the year when the New Moon visits Leo and its deep well of heart-felt love. This time around, and not since 2003, Jupiter awaits the Sun and Moon. What expansive, optimistic opportunities of the heart await you over the coming year? Here’s the astro 411 for this lunation:

Where: Leo New Moon at 4° Leo: Passion, creativity, self-importance, royalty, radical love, heart-felt generosity, dignity with power, leadership, romance, play/fun are qualities of Leo and the focus of this lunation. Archetypal Sun rules Leo, which further underscores the strength of this external vibration.

When: July 26 12:42 pm Hawaii; 3:42 pm PDT; 6:42 EDT; 10:42 pm GMT; 12:42 am on the

Friday, July 11, 2014

Capricorn Full Moon July 12: Energy Vise...Are you feeling it?

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen, Author and Inspirational Speaker

"Super Full Moon Mauna Kea" by Joseph Mina
Yes, for the is building...intensely. Trouble sleeping? Feeling edgy??? The chart below shows the major components of the Capricorn Full Moon. Why the intensity? Aren't we over this already???  Here's the Astro 411:

Where: Capricorn Full Moon at 20°. Laws and rules, structure and organization, finances, business, and politics are the domain of Capricorn and the focus of this lunation.

Type: Super Full Moon (SFM). Full Moon occurs close to perigee with Earth. It is the 1st of 3 consecutive SFM's, with August's Aquarius Full Moon(8/10) the closest of the 3. SFM = heightened lunar influence. Also visually "big Moon" rising at sunset.

When: July 12th: 1:25 am on the 12th in Hawaii; 4:25 PDT, 7:25 am EDT; 3:25 pm GMT

Theme: "Past versus Future"

Significant Players: annotated in chart below: (1) Saturn in Scorpio; (2) Uranus in Aries; (3) Chiron in Pisces, (4) Moon in Capricorn opposite Sun in Cancer

Energy forms created: Cardinal T-Square (in red) and Kite In blue/green) - enough to know this combination represents the building of strong critical tension patterns during this lunation...akin to an "energy vise".

Synopsis: Current dynamic tension represents more intensification for freedom and quest for something new. This is particularly evident now in the emotionally heated and war-torn Middle East, parts of Africa and Asia, as well as along the southern border of the United States (children immigration). Also, the energetic field is quite ripe for conflict, especially on a country level, unless