"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." Napolean Hill (1883-1970) Author
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Beaming by Derick Van Ness |
The world is stirred. Intensity continues to build. Not a day goes by without mention of global warming, extreme weather challenges, strife in the Middle East and Asia, political contentiousness, racial profiling and disparity, and financial uncertainty. Yet, great changes always fuel adversity and challenges. It's the critical tension that births a new expression and direction.
And sometimes that critical tension arrives in the most subtle or sensitive of ways. September's Full Moon lunation may be such a herald...yet on a weather level...water events may be anything but subtle.
Where: Full Moon occurs at 16° Pisces conjunct Chiron. This is the 3rd of 3 Super Full Moons of 2014
When: 3:38 PM, Hawaiian Standard Time on Monday the 8th. That's 6:38 PM PDT, 9:38 EDT, and
on the 9th from Iceland east to the International Date Line. UT 1:38 am on the 9th.
Overall Theme: Healing the wounds of sensitivity. Expanding the vision of your dreams and ideals. Accessing in a grounded way through your body's life force a connection to your soul essence and intention for sharing your light in this world. Dreaming beyond the realms of possibilities. Embracing the immeasurable.
And in the realm of the immeasurable, this past week scientist from the University of Hawaii Institute for Astrophysics introduced the world to Laniakea. This is the name given to the galactic supercluster where our home galaxy is found. In Hawaiian, Lani = heavens; akea = spacious/ immeasurable. Have a look. Perfect expansive mojo to immerse you into the Pisces realm of "beyond the beyond....
Significant Planetary Players at this lunation:
All astrological planetary energies except for Mars in Scorpio
Here's the annotated Full Moon chart
Energy Forms Created:
A Saturn connection to the Full Moon and Sun underscores the potential grounded strength of this lunation. The Moon's "Super Moon" status further amplifies this lunation. In Pisces, a strong tendency exists to escape or become immersed in the oneness. However, Saturn brings a grounded life force into the mix anchoring this otherwise delusional state. Venus in Virgo in opposition to Neptune further strengthens the Earth element to create a more cohesive vision for sharing your gifts in highest service to humanity.
Synopsis: V I S I O N. This is a powerful lunation for accessing through sacred ritual (Virgo) new information from beyond the veil of reality (Pisces). This sets the stage for using these insights to help accelerate healing and change around the Globe. Also, further activates a deeper theme set in motion in 2011 when Neptune first entered its home sign of Pisces. This theme highlights world peace, cooperation and inter-dependency amongst cultures/nations, and harmonious connection with the natural elements.
The Easy:
-Moon and Chiron in Pisces (1) in trine to Saturn in Scorpio (5) and sextile to Pluto (6).
-Sun (2) in sextile to Saturn and trine to Pluto.
-Saturn in sextile to Pluto.
note: Trine energy, while beneficial, requires conscious activation on your part. Sextile energy is naturally strong and readily available.
Connection to the deeper mysteries (Pisces) is fueled/supported by ritual (Virgo). Further, Saturn in Scorpio creates the very energetic container for deepening trust, intimacy and shared resources with others.
The Balance:
- Moon and Chiron (1) in Pisces opposite Sun in Virgo (2) - sacred ritual serves as a foundation for accessing the dream time (Moon) and healing (Chiron). Healing of old wounds/hurts from existing in a harsh human reality is also accessible for body clearing and integration.
- Venus in Virgo (4) opposite Neptune (3) in Pisces. Again, ritual and Venus' fuel for beauty and artistry offer a structure or container for Neptune's otherwise elusive vibration and imagery.
The Challenging: As has been the case since 2011, Uranus and Pluto remain in tight relationship melting down old systems/structures while introducing new concepts/ideas/methods in alignment with technological breakthroughs.
Pluto is essentially not moving as it nears its station direct (moves direct later in September at the Equinox). Station direct or retrograde periods intensify the planetary energy. One example...Pluto rules viruses. Ebola's recent reemergence into the news underscores this exhibited intensity.
The geometry of Uranus/Pluto (1) (2) is further intensified by Mercury in Libra (3) (diplomatic communications). Combined these 3 planetary symbols create a T-square. This is a balancing act (like a see-saw, or as illustrated, an upside down T) with Pluto at the fulcrum.
As seen in world events, this geometry will further intensify the on-going tension patterns between/within nations. Mercury in Libra's placement here points to difficulty reaching diplomatic consensus/understanding. Same can be true for relationships in your life.
Jupiter (4) (in sextile with Mercury) creates a strong quincunx with Pluto and trine with Uranus. A quincunx poses a direct challenge between the call of your heart (Leo) and the existing power structure (Pluto). At this lunation, Jupiter is crossing over the same degree where it will station direct next April adding greater significance to this current placement. Uranus/Pluto represents a choice between something radically new in your (Uranus in Aries), or conformity with something old (Pluto in Capricorn). It's a choice...and a very powerful one for you to consider prior to 2015, especially if you are between the ages of 36 and 42, or have natal planetary aspects under the influence of this potent combination.
Planetary Movements this month: (Hawaiian Standard Time)
13 - Mars moves into Sagittarius - powerful energy for travel and spiritual questing
22 - Pluto stations direct (bringing to the light that which has been hidden)
22 - Equinox, as Sun enters Libra (occurs on the 23rd from Iceland east to Intl' Date Line)
23 - New Moon in Libra (relationship challenges and starts)
27 - Mercury enters Scorpio (stations retrograde Oct 4)
29 - Venus enters its home sign of Libra (embracing beauty and artistry through relationships)
Suggestions for this Pisces Lunation:
- Use the element of water in a symbolic way through ritual
- Offer prayers and intentions for purification and healing of environmental havoc
- Offer prayers for those suffering in the world
- Attune to your dreams and desires for how you want to serve humanity. Upgrade where necessary
- Find quiet time at this lunation to reflect/meditate on the coming 2 weeks
- Create clear intentions for what you want to manifest in the realms of peace, harmony and cooperation
- Pisces moves in the realm of the unseen and delusional. It fuels imaginative imagery. Play with photography or video. Create something mystical or abstract.
Suggested Reflection Questions:
- Does my vision for world harmony make me stretch beyond my comfort zone. If not, what needs to change in my life to "raise my life bar"?
- How can I create a deeper compassion for myself? for humanity?
- What does my heart want me to know?
- How can I more clearly communicate myself in relationship with others?
Life Path Astrology Consultation & Gift Certificates: Looking for clarification of current life circumstances, or greater understanding of yourself? Make an appointment today on-line for a Life Path Astrology session. Schedule today on-line, or contact me. Live or telephone/Skype session is digitally recorded for your subsequent listening and integration. Mahalo!
"So powerful...so insightful. Thank you so much." CdF, San Francisco
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"Days End" by Joseph Mina |
The next New Moon arrives on the 24th for most of the world (except for Hawaii and Western North America where it occurs on the 23rd). This is just 28 hours after the Equinox (22nd/23rd), opening the door for a very potent series of 2 eclipses (lunar/solar) in October and a Mercury Retrograde. From here on out, the planetary energy will further intensify leading to the next direct square of Uranus and Pluto on December 14.
At this Pisces Full Moon, remember to watch Moon rise near the Sunset hour. Because the Moon will be near Perigee, it will appear much larger than usual near the horizon. As you breathe in the lunar photons of light, create intentions for yourself for the coming 3 months. We exist on a planet rapidly moving about a Sun, which rapidly moves around a galaxy, which rapidly moves around other galaxies. As seen in the video above, the perspective is as vast as the soul essence which lies within you.
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Namibia Dunes by Neville Jones |
I feel very excited about seeing new places and meeting new friends (stimulates my inner Aquarius). Equally excited to take my photographic skills to a new level (so perfect for this Pisces vibration!). If you follow me on Facebook, I'll be posting images there from my journeys. I also will create Google+ and FlickR pages too. I'll post the links in my next update.
And thank you to those who generously donated last month for supporting this bi-monthly update. I appreciate it. If you care to donate in acknowledgment for the time and energy I spend to create this information for you, you may do so in the upper left corner of this update. Mahalo!
Next Update: Libra New Moon, September 23
Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
September 6, 2014
©Gemini Awakening 2014 all rights reserved
Astrology Chart and Update Illustrations:
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
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