Change means movement. Movement means friction. Only in the frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent abstract world can movement or change occur without that abrasive friction of conflict.Saul Alinsky (1909-72) author and founder of community organizing
The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being. Lech Walesa (1943- ) Nobel Peace Prize and former Polish leader
Intensity grows. Transformation abounds. Societal polarity reaches new extremes. Ferguson, Missouri…Ukraine and Russia…Iraq and Syria…Israel and Palestine…China and its neighbors, Ebola virus in West Africa, great drought in California…social unrest in many quarters.. seemingly fill the daily news. Meanwhile, the human voice for social justice and equality grows louder.
These flash points of critical tension point to symptoms of great change and activation now underway around the globe. We stand at the edge of a precipice. Depending on your perspective, one view augurs an Utopian ideal; another perhaps a depressing outcome, and many possibilities in-between. However, the astrological cycles and strong headwinds say "no outcome is certain. No guarantees are available." For better or worse, our evolving human script is being written as it unfolds. Quite a potent backdrop for this Virgo New Moon and its demand for greater, compassionate service to humanity.
Here's the Astro 411.
Where: New Moon at 2° Virgo. Virgo qualities include a focus on your health, precision and discernment, and service to others.
When: August 25th at 4:13 am Hawaii Time (HST); 7:13 am on the US West Coast, 6:13 pm
The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being. Lech Walesa (1943- ) Nobel Peace Prize and former Polish leader
"Activation Station" sketch by Joseph Mina |
These flash points of critical tension point to symptoms of great change and activation now underway around the globe. We stand at the edge of a precipice. Depending on your perspective, one view augurs an Utopian ideal; another perhaps a depressing outcome, and many possibilities in-between. However, the astrological cycles and strong headwinds say "no outcome is certain. No guarantees are available." For better or worse, our evolving human script is being written as it unfolds. Quite a potent backdrop for this Virgo New Moon and its demand for greater, compassionate service to humanity.
Here's the Astro 411.
Where: New Moon at 2° Virgo. Virgo qualities include a focus on your health, precision and discernment, and service to others.
When: August 25th at 4:13 am Hawaii Time (HST); 7:13 am on the US West Coast, 6:13 pm