Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Virgo New Moon - focusing on life's details

"Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope - a slight change, and all patterns alter."
Sharon Salzberg, Buddhist teacher and author

"The quality of your life is equal to the amount of uncertainty you can live with....this is a magical time for digging deep for new resources". 
Donald Epstein, founder and developer of Network Spinal Care

Rocky Mountain National Park: Big Meadow by Joseph Mina
I come to the close of an amazing 5 weeks in the Colorado mountains and eastern plains. Kathryn and my experiences here have opened new doors of inner compassion and grace, brought new friends into our lives and reconnected us with familiar faces not seen in awhile. 

Our journey in this area of the world included the week-long Ultimatum intensive in early August, and for me the Transformational Gate & Awaken programs (aka Healingfest) this past weekend. In these transformative forums we have embraced a new "us" in ways that continue to unfold, integrate and reveal. Serendipity, synchronicity and resetting our inner life compass have shaped our experiences. - note: we both have major aspects in our natal charts activated by the Cardinal Climax. Our conscious steps are proactive ones to intimately transform through this resident energy. It's been quite a cosmic surfing lesson. 

Shortly after the Mercury Retrograde in Virgo began on August 20th, I wrote "there's my time and Universal time. When my flow encounters, by chance or fated design, the Universal flow, alchemy and magic result." With Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, the energy is beneficial for focusing on our health and the organization and quality of our life (Virgo traits).

These times of transformational shifts and change across the planet, aka Cardinal Climax, expand the possibility and vibrational fields in significant ways. This dynamic wave is ideal for creating new life strategies to adapt and embrace a rapidly emerging, still being scripted, global paradigm. 

In complete synchronicity, the Virgo New Moon cycle over the next two weeks further provides the opportunity to focus on the details of your life (Virgo), effecting changes in how you want to be of greater service to humanity now, and in the coming years (Neptune/Chiron in Aquarius).

Monday, March 29, 2010

Libra Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde - Rebalancing the scales

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
Martin Luther King

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."
George Orwell, Animal Farm

Gaia and the Full Moon (unknown)
As the end of March nears, a Libra Full Moon occurs, setting the stage for mid-April's Mercury retrograde in the sign of Taurus. Venus rules both Libra and Taurus. So this Full Moon energy holds the potential for creating healthy relationships and creative beauty.

Let's start with the Full Moon

The Moon reaches the fullness of revealing its light on March 29th at 4:25 pm In Hawaii at 9 degrees Libra. Other times include West Coast 7:25p, East Coast 10:25p; and Greenwich Mean Time 6:25a on the 30th.

The Moon enters the Full Moon window 12 hours earlier, and stays in this zone of potency for 13 hours beyond the Full Moon mid-point. And to make things a bit juicier, this is the 4th of 5 Super Full Moons for 2010. Here, the Moon is once again near its perigee orbital point (closest to Earth). Hence, the gravitational and electrostatic effect of this Moon on our psyches is amplified more than usual. This can create a rather edgy, restless vibe that desires something different and fulfilling.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Leo Full Moon - the Sleeping Lion Stirs

"I like to think that the Moon is there even if I am not looking at it” Albert Einstein

"I talk about the Moon as being a very holy place". 

Astronaut James Irwin, 7th person to walk on the Moon

"...see the Stars, the Moon and the Sun, how they move in silence...we need silence to be able to touch souls.” Mother Teresa

AstroActivator© Aquarius and Leo images by Kathryn Andren

On January 29th at 8:18 pm Hawaiian Standard Time (10:18 pm PST; or January 30th 12:18 am Central Time US, east to the international date line), the Leo Full Moon comes to the fullness of its regal form.

The Actual Full Moon window begins 16 hours earlier when the Moon comes within 10 degrees of the Full Moon point at 0 Leo. The Full Moon window ends 15 hours after Full Moon when the Moon reaches 20 degrees Leo. Hence, the vibration of this Full Moon spans over 31 hours. Further, 0 to 20 degrees Leo is the exact track Mars follows in its current retrograde. This is going to be one emotional, roller-coaster Moon! See below for suggestions about navigating this unusual configuration with Venus/Mars.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Annular Solar Eclipse - The Next Big Step

A significant  Annular Solar Eclipse occurs over Africa and Asia on January 15th. At greatest eclipse, annularity totals 11 minutes and 8 seconds. This is the longest solar eclipse until December 23, 3043.

This particular event is quite complex. Hence, I have provided additional background content for anyone wanting more information. For those wanting to "cut to the chase", I've provided a synopsis a few sections down titled The 411 - Reader's Digest Version

Eclipse dynamics:

As with every total or annular solar eclipse, and total lunar eclipse, the Sun, Moon and Earth are in direct alignment at the maximum eclipse moment. This is called "syzygy" (pronounced sizz-a-gee) - a gravitational alignment of 3 or more celestial bodies. Incidentally, this was my oldest daughter's favorite word when she was in grade school, due to its lack of a vowel and spelling difficulty.

Adding to this alignment, the Earth reached recently its closest orbital point to the Sun (perigee was Jan 5), while the Moon at the eclipse will be close to its farthest point from Earth (apogee). Combined, these dynamics produce a Moon only 92% of the Sun's disk. This means the Moon takes longer to travel across the face of the Sun resulting in a very long annular eclipse.

Long duration eclipses symbolically represent a deepening of vibration and intent. Occurring in late degree Capricorn, this eclipse points its laser-like intensity toward Capricorn themes of finance, industry, rules, authority, politics and self-sufficiency.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cancer Full Moon lights up New Year's Eve

As the final astrological chapter for 2009 is written, a partially eclipsed Full Moon graces the sky on December 31. Quite a year it's been, yet we're just getting warmed up for 2010.

This is the first Full Moon of the Winter Season. By a quirk of the calendar, it's the second Full Moon in December, which the press heralds as a "Blue Moon".

Blue Moon origin - back in 1948, the Farmer's Almanac definition of a Blue Moon was misinterpreted to be the 2nd Full Moon of the month. Unfortunate or otherwise, this mischaracterization of a Blue Moon has stuck. The correct interpretation: a season with 4 Full Moons (usually there are 3). The second one in the same astrological sign is the "blue one" - something that next occurs in Autumn 2010 with 2 Aries Full Moons. If you're looking for more details, look no further than here.

Blue or otherwise, this eclipsed Full Moon in the sign of Cancer is one of those "unseen" eclipses. Any shadow effect from the Moon's passage through the Earth's outer shadow (penumbra) will be barely noticeable, if at all.  A very good visual of the eclipse passage over Europe, Africa and Asia may be found here, courtesy of Shadow and Substance.

A partial eclipse effect usually diminishes the event's intensity. However, what the eclipse may lack in visual stimulation, is more than made up by its potent and challenging associations with planetary energies in Capricorn and Libra.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Saturn in Libra

Saturn moves into the sign of Libra on October 29th where it remains (except for a brief return to Virgo) through 2012. This is a shift from the Earth vibration of Virgo to an Air vibration of communication and thought. In Virgo, Saturn has brought our focus on issues of health and service, as well as a greater attention to life's details. By contrast, the Libra focus will be on relationship with others, especially in the realm of work relationships and alliances and personal, intimate relationships.

Saturn was last in Libra in the early 1980's, as the world shifted from the struggles of the late 1970's to a focus on world alliances and international interest of cooperation and power.

We view the planetary archetype of Saturn as the "task master" of the astrology chart. Saturn in your natal chart requires attention to life's details, specific to the sign where Saturn is placed. For example, if Saturn in your chart is in the sign of Gemini, you'll experience challenges in life around being playful versus acting seriously/responsibly. 

Saturn also reorganizes, upgrades and realigns energy. So challenges Saturn poses usually deal with inefficiency or incongruent situations. Saturn's focus in Libra, in part, will highlight these types of issues involving relationships in your life. 

Libra is ruled by the planetary energy of Venus. Venus includes areas of beauty, the arts, relationships, alliances, and the creation and development of wealth. Saturn will bring its focus to these areas posing aforementioned challenges and tests. Self-integrity with others in these areas will be ripe for upgrade. 

Libra energy also enters into the realm of diplomacy and negotiations, seeking harmony and balance. In this rapidly changing world, interaction between nations and how they co-exist or not, will be put under the Saturn microscope.

Look for more Saturn dynamics and potent Libra interactions in coming blogs. For now, here's the dates of Saturn's transits in and out of Libra through 2012
  • Enters Libra Oct 29
  • Saturn begins its 1st of 3 retrogrades in Libra at 5 Libra on January 13, 2010
  • Saturn reenters Virgo April 7, 2010
  • Saturn moves direct at 28 Virgo on May 30, 2010
  • Saturn reenters Libra July 21 2010
  • Saturn enters Scorpio October 5, 2012 
This morning the Boston Globe published their "Big Picture" portfolio. "Saturn at Equinox" is featured and may be found here. Universal timing has a way of stimulating conscious thought, creativity and awareness, whether or not one is aware of astrological cycles. Saturn's Equinox energy of balance aligns with Saturn's Libra theme. Enjoy.