Saturday, January 9, 2021

2021 Astrology: Significant Change Through Body Integration

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
President John F Kennedy (1917-1963)

"One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it will not happen."
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918-2013) President of South Africa

Happy New Year

This blog has been done and redone several times over the past few days while firmly encased in internet-utero. Recent political mayhem in the US has made me pause to better understand these quick changing events in relationship to the powerful astrological transits now taking place. In my last blog entry I mentioned this particular period as being quite intense, which has been borne out by recent national and world events. As far as the unfolding transits of 2021, I'll get to those in my next blog coinciding with the coming potent Capricorn New Moon lunation on the 12th/13th. 

In this blog, I'm going to share a personal viewpoint born out of my 29 years as a bodywork practitioner and teacher, going beyond political events; beyond the heightened polarity of these times to the bigger issue at hand: our rapidly evolving relationship with Planet Earth, and in turn our physical bodies. For purposes of context, I'll first share some of my personal journey of my on-going transformation.

The practice of bodywork, much like Astrology, comes easy to me these days. It's very familiar ground, something I was clueless about in my earlier pre-leap-of-faith years as an accountant and CPA. I laugh when I think back to what seems like a former life. Never then would I have believed there existed within my core essence these transformative gifts, simply waiting for a leap-of-faith moment to emerge.

Starman, Joseph Mina
Over the past 29 years I have worked with over 20,000 people, both individually and in groups. My core focus has been to help others improve the quality of their life; to develop a more energized and receptive body-based energetic field. My soul-style speaks to this: "I am a playful wizardly agent of change, courageously interweaving my creative expressions into the fabric and soul of humanity for our transformation and awakening."

Over time, the development of such focus began to readily unfold when I began receiving various types of bodywork, both individually and with groups of people on an on-going basis. It has been quite the rewarding investment on all levels. This includes chiropractic (Network Spinal), biodynamic craniosacral, acupuncture, nurturing gentle massage, feldenkrais, sound and color healing, yoga, transformational retreats and workshops along with physical exercise, quiet time, and introspection. 

Meanwhile on the external, I immersed myself into the world of dolphins, whales and orcas in their natural habitats, experienced the galaxy and beyond under extraordinary night skies and during solar and lunar eclipses, witnessed up-close volcanic displays of power, attuned to Africa's magnificent animals, and journeyed on pilgrimages around the globe to natural power spots and spiritual centers. 

Artwork of Alex Grey
Art Work of Alex Grey
Placing myself in such fields of concentrated energy profoundly altered my perception of what was truly possible and expanded my psyche and soul connection to higher sources. 
With this shift also came great responsibility. I understood my ability to help others transform and expand was in direct proportion to my own dedication to growth: going way beyond what was considered normal. Ghandi's words "become the change you want to see in others" rings true here.

I have experienced many ups and downs on this life journey. Recognizing and shedding of old habits, letting go of what I thought I needed, passionate and rewarding relationships, and a willingness to surrender to a higher calling have been benchmarks on this life journey. I have loved fiercely and cried in the throes of deep, seemingly unending sorrow. Yet I realize each of these catalytic moments have strengthened me, expanded my awareness and intuition, been humbling, and have brought amazing people into my life. And for all that, I'm eternally grateful. Yes, opening up the body's energetic field can be quite perilous and unsettling to that part of me that craves stability and normalcy, but it sure is rewarding for that part of my awareness that desires more love, more passion, more grace and more life.

Through my life work I have witnessed through individual and group bodywork sessions energetic shifts, emotional releases, and profound transformations, convincing me anything is possible in this Universe of endless possibilities when it comes to the power of our physical body's innate wisdom. And this is especially true for today's newly born children through young adults, whose nervous systems mirror the external sophistication of today's computer systems, i.e. fast, multi-tasking and requiring attentive care.

Age is never a factor when it comes to receiving body care. From the moment a child is born, nurturing touch is essential to their well being. As biological age unfolds, this need becomes stronger. Equally, no limit exists to progressive growth, opportunity and our capacity to love, create and nurture this dynamic we call life.

Hence, it follows the more open and receptive you become to healing touch, the clearer, more fluid, and stronger your body evolves. This leads to a more dynamic, fruitful and integral exchange between our emotional responses and our mental capacities to create, and a stronger gateway to our creative potential, intuition and higher channels of conscious awareness. It follows: healthy people will make healthy choices for the benefit of themselves and humanity...always.

Today, we literally stand at the nexus between traditional human structures falling apart and the onset of a progressive wave of unbound, creative energy. The year 2020 has vividly shown us that chasm. Between these two realities lies a profound sea of confusion and change. And therein exists our dilemma. Do we remain at this nexus to promote and ensure stability, or do we cross a bridge of trust over this expanding chasm to create something new and uplifting for all. Traditional mental thinking will readily choose the former, as it appears safe and secure; progressive, soul-driven desires will always choose the latter and all it offers.

Historically, clamor for meaningful change and sometimes growth originates from the depths of our cultural and familial wounds. It is usually and most vividly expressed by those who have been abusively oppressed; denied their inalienable right to a meaningful and uplifting quality of life. Here, in periods of growth, the gift literally emerges from the wound. As we become a more connected world through the advances of technology, our awareness and empathy of such plight  around the globe becomes even more vivid and disturbing to our human sensibilities, whether or not we are consciously aware of such.

Hence, regardless of position in life, beliefs, country of origin etc, it's time we collectively (Aquarius) realize our physical body (Taurus) is the key interface for accessing, integrating and expressing the sea of creative galactic energy that surrounds us! It stands to reason, the clearer and more integrated our body becomes with planet Earth, the stronger the energetic connection to each other and to the natural world at large
[astrology interlude: the previous sentence pretty much encapsulates our human focus in the evolving and life changing 2021 transit of Saturn in Aquarius in square to Uranus in Taurus. More on that transit in my next blog]

Such a notion underscores our need as a world society to consciously work towards ending repression, poverty, starvation, national isolation and intra and inter-nation conflict, deficient education, war and its deadly tools, and social and financial inequality. Equally, there is an urgent need to attune to this planet's organic, vital environment in a way that rewards our stewardship of Earth's elemental systems and resources. Otherwise we will continue to subject ourselves to nature's not so forgiving responses to our gross environmental abuses (such as a pandemic), and the dirty footprint we continue to make on this sacred, ancient ground. While a vaccine may stem the current viral spread we now witness, such is at best a short-term response to on-going and increasingly more intense Earth response to our human destruction to the natural processes of the Earth and its many denizens.

Helderberg Mountain South Africa
Helderberg Mountain Western Cape SA
by Joseph Mina
The building cry for freedom in the coming days of 2021 and the rest of this decade will significantly determine the destiny and legacy of the human race. To me, the lesson of 2020 can be summarized in the following: when we abuse the planet to fuel personal, social and/or national gain, we deplete every living element on the Earth including ourselves and especially our physical bodies. Disease, pestilence and virus spread result. 

And there exists a brighter side here. Imagine for a moment a world society aligned with the natural Earth cycles and in tune with its ever changing evolution. Such a vision points to a the existence of a healthy, dynamic environment with vital soils, organically raised crops, humane animal husbandry, fully shielded electronics, fossil-free power generation, vibrant communities around the globe, clean water and air, and a health model based on growth, quality of life and strength rather than the current disease prevention model of drug-driven, crisis based medicine.

In turn, such significant cultural and environmental shifts point to a future world devoid of such things as vaccines, debilitating drugs, pesticides, genetically modified foods, abusive animal farm factories, polluted air and water, plastics and other non-degradable products, and depleting electro magnetic fields. While our more primal thinking processes might believe such wholesale change to be impossible, I assert our higher sensibilities, especially in the younger generations, readily recognize the value of being a more connected human family in harmony with the very environment that allows us to grow and thrive. It's a circular, evolving mythos whose time has come. And this type of progressive change is already well underway!

A New Dawn
A New Dawn
by Joseph Mina
A rapidly growing number of health practitioners are now engaged in many different wellness modalities in an ever-expanding field of conscious activism. By contrast, just 50 years ago health/wellness practitioners were few and far between. Even the practice of yoga was out on the fringe. Yet progressive life always attracts more life. The desire to live and experience a more healthy, compassionate, enriched existence is inherently woven into the very essence of humanity.

Equally profound are rapid changes in related product realms. More and more people are choosing a healthier lifestyle through their purchasing choices. For example, the appearance of organic and vital foods are now found in mainstream supermarkets, healthier cosmetic and clothing products are in vogue, electric transportation is becoming the norm (Tesla now has the highest market capitalization in the auto industry), renewable energy generation is being embraced more and more by a heretofore fossil fuel industry, a strong uptick in personal growth activities now is underway. And there are many more examples too. 

Progressive change is demonstrably gathering momentum: much like a snowball increasing in size and speed as it rolls down a hill. We have come a long way from the early1960's when the first appearance of health-related symptoms and diseases due to environmental stresses, such as population growth, unchecked pesticide/herbicide use etc. became vividly apparent. 

Remember we are visitors on the Earth, yet stewards too. With archetypal Mars energy now moving into earthly Taurus until March 3rd, the dynamic energetic field is ripe for anything related to strengthening the human body, your core values, and your self-esteem (they're all connected).  As such we now have a major opportunity to further harmonize our bodies with Gaia's planetary magic and co-create as a human race. To do otherwise leads us down a perilous path: one akin to fighting over table scraps while continuing to poison the very energetic field that allows us to exist and grow. 

As shared earlier, this journey begins with the health of our physical body and the quality of life that results. Equally, and particularly on a global scale, each time you receive such nurturing care, you contribute your energetic experience to an evolving and vital global consciousness. Such energetic contribution further feeds the dynamics of everyone's growth and vitality.The result becomes exponential and unifying across the globe.

I will post in a few days my overview of the 2021 planetary cycles. Also, I am organizing a time later in the month for a free Zoom presentation about these very cycles and their implications for the year and decade ahead. As I live part of the year in a rural area of South Africa's Western Cape, internet speed here is slow. This makes video conferencing impossible. So one of two paths: either I find a location for the program with much better internet access for a video conference (my preference) or make it audio only. I'll know better within a week about what's possible.

Life Path Astrology Consultation
As always, I am available for professional astrological consultation sessions. Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Skype or Zoom.

The script above Greece's Temple at Delphi reads "Know Thyself". Astrology is a compelling tool to explore the inner psyche and outer experiences. In a period of enormous change, this is the gift to yourself or others that keeps on giving.

May the coming year open you to greater, more enriched possibilities, enhance the inner gifts and talents you offer in service to the world, and add meaningful depth to your worldly experiences. May you find the inner strength to reorganize your life into a more integral flow in harmony with the ever increasing vibration of Gaia. May you create and strengthen the meaningful relationships in your life. May you prosper.

I welcome your comments below.

Sat Nam

Joseph Mina
January 8, 2021
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Monday, December 21, 2020

Solstice Day December 21 2020: Aquarian Ideals into Action

 "God will not be recognized as a person, but God will be recognized as a primal truth and energy. The worship will change from a personified God to a more subtle truth, energy. It will not be a solar energy or a lunar energy; it will be the creative energy which is known as cosmos."
Harbhajan Singh Khalsa (Yogi Bhajan) (1929-2004)
Beginnings by
Starman, Joseph Mina

At the Solstice today, we begin a new energetic cycle; perhaps an uncharted direction in the coming three years. The cosmic wheel moves another notch ushering a new vibration into the expanding consciousness of humanity. Old traditional ways are disappearing; some gently, others not so gently. Yet disappear they must to make way for the new. Such is the power of these highly changeable times. The turning of the wheel. 

The first two decades of the 21st Century have been nothing short of transitional. Upheavals of traditions and structures, massive shifts and upgrades of technology, greater individual awareness of group consciousness, higher and expansive levels of collaboration, and a heightened sensitivity about the human role in this mystical elemental world represent strong telltale signs of bigger changes ahead in this decade.

Since 2000, there has been an approximate net increase in the world population of 1.7 billion. That's 1,700,000,000 in just 20 years. Early in 2021, the population will exceed 8 Billion. By contrast, just 200 years ago, the world population was estimated at 1 Billion (far less than added in the past 20 years!). This exponential growth continues to quicken adding unprecedented stress to the planet's eco-systems and the quality of life.

And with a rapidly increasing population a much greater awareness has emerged of our home planet and the Cosmos at large through developing technologies. Satellite and International Space Station observations and measurements provide us daily with a plethora of scientific information about the Earth, its weather and its geological changes. 

From this expanding awareness we have come to realize this planet has an enormous ability to effect massive, rapid shifts in the energetic field in which we live (viruses, earth changes etc). And very importantly, the very warning bells of building environmental stress, which were sounded back in the 1960's, now rapidly capture the attention and inspire action from a far greater number of people.

Last week I wrote about the recent eclipsed New Moon and today's Solstice. If you haven't done so, I suggest you read (or listen) to that account before going further here.

At this Solstice moment and over the next few days (just after noon in South Africa; midnight in Hawaii; 5:02 am on the East Coast US; 7:02 pm in Japan, and 10:02 UT) we now pause and reflect on the coming season - winter for the north; summer for the southern hemisphere.

So much opportunity now exists in the energetic field of possibilities due to massive changes (mostly unexpected) over the course of this past year. The bigger question: how will we use such change to effect a more positive, engaging, inter-connected and collective connection in the coming days?
Stretching Into the New
by Starman Joseph Min

Many people today will join in global meditation events, which I consider wonderful. Always a good thing when people come together to participate in something of an uplifting experience. By contrast, some tout such meditation events will help raise the vibration of the Planet. This is a good place for 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️(double head slap). It seems to me a bit arrogant to think the human species has ever possessed the ability or capacity to raise the vibration of a planet over 4.5 Billion years old. Personally, I think Gaia knows exactly how to shift its vibration, something it has done over 6 major extinction events. If anything, such heightened human attention would be much better spent attuning to the frequency of the Earth; simply listening/sensing rather concerning ourselves with how the Earth vibrates.

The Solstice chart for the coming season, as described in my previous blog, ushers in a new wave. Expansive Jupiter and structured Saturn coming together at the 0° point of Aquarius (closest they have been visibly seen in over 800 years) is telling, pointing to the potential for a much greater Aquarian existence over the next 20 years or so. And of course, Uranus, Aquarius' modern ruler, now transiting through Earth sign Taurus, will create strong squares with Jupiter and Saturn over the coming months to help reorganize/realign/further attune our own physical human vibration to the Earth's frequency.

In that spirit, and despite everything we think we know about humanity and its evolution, the Earth and its natural energetic field, the Solar System inter-relationships, and the Cosmos at large, the grand design of the Universe will readily show us how much we don't know in the coming days. That's how we grow. That's the essence of Uranus' transit in Taurus as we attune in new ways to the Earth's vibration and our own physical bodies. 

Hence, pay attention. Immerse yourself in the natural world. Take steps to protect the Earth's eco-systems, eg contact your elected officials, join an Earth-centric group, actively engage in environmental causes etc.

On a personal level, becoming an empty vessel would be a good start. Seems the Earth has a lot to teach us if we pay attention and listen to its messages expressed through the land and its animal denizens. 

Uranus' recent epic transit through Aries between 2010 and early 2019 with its 5 direct squares to Pluto in Capricorn was the catalytic seeding point for everything Uranian that follows in Taurus (now), Gemini (2025), Cancer (2032) etc. Remember, Uranus brings lightning quick changes in wholly unexpected (out of the blue) ways. For example, on the very day (March 11, 2011) Uranus reentered Aries after a quick revisit to Pisces, a massive 9+ earthquake and resultant tsunami struck Japan affecting the entire Pacific Rim. Talk about a sounding "pay attention" bell! 

And even more pertinent to this now moment, earlier today, just before the actual Solstice moment, Kilauea Crater on the Big Island of Hawaii (site of massive eruptions in 2018) reawakened from its long slumber. That's another Uranian-Taurus moment; a sounding bell!

With all that said, "expect nothing, be prepared for anything" as we move through the coming months. Uranus in Taurus encourages us to realign with the Earth's and our very own physical body's vibration, more so from an Aquarian viewpoint. That progressive wave literally means cleansing, strengthening and upgrading our physical body's core in collaboration with others. More recent versions of energetic body modalities align more with group approaches (Aquarius) rather than singular private ones. And in that vein, such expanded field of collective energy exhibits much more powerful entraining responses and shifts. That process will continue to further evolve and expand during Uranus' Taurus transit through 2025.

Suggested focus for the Solstice vibration:
Crescent Moon and Jupiter/Saturn
by Joseph Mina Dec 17 2020

1. Witness the pairing of Jupiter/Saturn in the western sky 30 minutes or so after sunset. As the days unfold, this pairing will grow apart and by January be lost in the glare of the Sun. "As above, so below", deeply breathe in the photons of light emanating from this pair into your body's core. Receive its messages.

2. Receive bodywork (energy attunement, craniosacral, chiropractic (I suggest Network Spinal), acupuncture, massage, group yoga etc. especially in this pandemic time. If you haven't done so, make this part of your routine. This is a much more energized, energy rich way to strengthen your body against virus spread than any man-made medical approach such as vaccines. Think progressively!

3. Follow an Earth-centric ritual to honor the seasonal change. Create a progressive intention for how you want to participate with others in the coming days.

4. For those in more temperate climes, plant a tree, shrub etc. as your contribution to the natural world.
Life Path Astrology Consultations - embracing the new:
 As 2021 rapidly nears, deepen your understanding of your natal birth chart along with a look ahead to 2021 and how to best navigate the planetary cycles of the new year. I am available for private one-to-one consultation sessions via Skype or Zoom (audio recorded). 

Gift certificates for family and friends are available too! 

Great changes present life changing opportunities. My personal astrological counseling session helps you create meaningful strategies for adapting and shifting with the current powerful planetary cycles. Schedule TODAY your appointment!]

Although the coming planetary archetypal cycles are intense, I feel excited to witness and actively participate in such enormous planetary change. Although the coming few weeks may prove unsettling as Mars completes its retrograde-square cycle with Pluto in Capricorn (previous blog), related events will highlight what is coming to an end and what is beginning. Bless it all and let it go. This is a time to transcend the rhetoric of fear and embrace a more progressive way for attuning to the Earth, its natural world denizens, and our fellow humans.

One last note: the other day I was sorting through saved files I had on an external computer drive. Together in one folder I found the movies Avatar and The Matrix (part 1). Each very similar to the other: about transcending the apparent to immerse into the real. Given what I have witnessed over the past 9 months, their reappearance to my awareness is so timely; their messages more pertinent than ever. Glad I can share such with a much wider audience.

Please leave comments below.

Sat Nam

Starman, Joseph Mina
December 21, 2020
Stellenbosch, WC 
South Africa

Sunday, December 13, 2020

2020 Sagittarius Total Solar Eclipse New Moon and the Coming Solstice: Phoenix Rising

“Nations like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become endless night. Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul.”
Victor Hugo - French poet, novelist and dramatist of the Romantic movement (1802-1885)

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist (1879-1955)

Greetings from late Spring and the Western Cape of South Africa. 

For anyone who prefers to listen to an audio version of this update, you can listen on-line here.
I recently entered South Africa thanks to the South African government easing international-travelers border restrictions in November. Nonetheless, strict pandemic protocols remain here for border entry and for social interaction. Despite these hurdles, I’m very happy to return to warmer weather and the beauty of South Africa’s natural world.

Perhaps on the minds of many people is a sentiment about the coming end of 2020 and hope for better days in 2021. While that January 1st cross-over date is a product of western-society’s human imagination and an oddly structured calendar, the heralded date represents a societal event triggering many hopes, dreams, commitments, beginnings and endings and a wide array of other cultural events. Remember last January 1 and your thoughts about 2020? Sure seems like years ago!

Yet on the astrological calendar and other oracle based systems, the coming Solstice represents one of the premier events of an astrological year. For this day signals the energetic shift from one season to another, as well as setting the tone/theme for the ensuing season.

This year, the run up to the Solstice and the new season is quite compelling, and not surprisingly, intense. This is already evident in current events.

Life Path Astrology Consultations:
 As 2021 rapidly nears, deepen your understanding of your natal birth chart along with a look ahead to 2021 and how to best navigate the planetary cycles of the new year. I am available for private one-to-one consultation sessions via Skype or Zoom (audio recorded). Gift certificates for family and friends are available too! 
Great changes present life changing opportunities. My personal astrological counseling session helps you create meaningful strategies for adapting and shifting with the current powerful planetary cycles. Schedule TODAY your appointment!]

We begin with December 14th and the New Moon in the fire sign of Sagittarius the Archer. Timing: occurs in South Africa at 6:16 pm; East Coast US at 11:16 am, 8:16a on the West Coast, and on the 22nd in Western Australia east to the International Date Line. As always, everyone will experience this event in the same moment. This the last New Moon of the current season. It also occurs near the South Lunar Nodal point in Sagittarius, triggering the only total solar eclipse of 2020.  

The eclipse track starts in the eastern part of the South Pacific, passes over parts of Chile and Argentina before ending at sunset near the coasts of Namibia/Southern Africa. This potent visual will be available on line. While having nowhere near the same energetic impact as witnessing this grand spectacle live, seeing it through the medium of the internet does connect you more tangibly to the “as above, so below” mysteries that are an intrinsic mystical glue in the Universe. Here in the western part of South Africa, the sun will be 60% eclipsed at sunset. Of the many sky events I have witnessed, never before have I seen a setting eclipsed Sun. I’ll post a pic on my Instagram account on Tuesday.

A total solar eclipse is a strong harbinger of coming events. It signals an introspective and reflective period over the next few months, as well as placing a strong emphasis on that lunation’s overall theme. Also, it's not uncommon for strong earth changes such as storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes etc. to occur during the two weeks after a total solar eclipse. Before I get to specifics about the New Moon and coming Solstice, I want to direct my focus to…

The completion of Mars' retrograde cycle in its home sign of Aries (a rare retrograde placement for Mars). As Mars slowly transits from its station direct point of November 13th (just a month ago, although it sure seems longer!!), it now creates once again strong angular aspects to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This cycle has unsurprisingly proven to be quite the intense period of change and limitation. And equally, it's one of the more profound cycles I have tracked on a global, social and personal level since Pluto entered Capricorn 12 years ago.

To avoid going over the very same ground about the planetary patterns involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto I covered in earlier blogs, I encourage you to reread my blog of July 21st, especially the part about Mars’ retrograde and the coming together of the outer planets. Much of what I shared there has come to pass. Yet amazingly, the most intense phase of this pent up retrograde energy is about to occur over the next 3 weeks. 

Intense times requires introspection, measured responses, clarity of purpose and courage. It’s a profound time of growth, uneasiness, determination, and a willingness to re-attune/realign with your soul’s calling and your defined life path as set out in your natal chart.

Which brings me to the current moment: on November 29th, Mars, ever so slowly coming out of its retrograde, began an expanding closing square with Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn (think of a tightening vice). That building energy now continues to intensity through this New Moon eclipse while increasing more so as the Solstice nears a week later. In short, just as a weather forecast tells you a storm is brewing, expect turbulent times over the next few weeks.
AstroActivator© by Kathryn Andren
On the Solstice, Mars in Aries will reach an exact square with Pluto in Capricorn (it’s third and last square since early August). This intensity continues until Mars leaves its home sign for earthly Taurus on January 7th. Donald Trump’s difficult Saturn/Venus natal conjunction in the sign of Cancer has been heavily aspected by this melt-down effect. His response/actions to this intensity speaks for itself - sort of swinging at shadows in a dimly lit room.

Because the Mars/Pluto focus here is the very awkward exchange between Aries (starting something new, achievement, assertive, aggressive) and Capricorn (politics, law, rules, organization, business), this particular square dynamic further sharpens the contrast or critical tension between these two forces. Add a strong Neptune sextile to Pluto from the realm of Pisces, and confusion about facts and reality itself can abound. For example, the wide array of assertions about the US elections and alleged fraud that now dominate the news cycles are a product of this mix. Remember too, Mercury stationed direct exactly on the US election day. Ergo, never underestimate the Universe's propensity to change the course of plans, organizations, structures and initiatives.

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, it signaled the beginning of a massive shift from the Capricorn-based Industrial Revolution to a more Aquarian-type reality. Yet, that shift doesn’t happen in one moment. There’s a process that unfolds over time.  For example, in 1776, the American Revolution occurred as Pluto positioned at the very end degrees of Capricorn. In 1777, Pluto moved into Aquarius. 12 years later, the French Revolution occurred. As with the birth of any progressive or social movement signaling great change, there exist strong social adjustments in the human element whose combined actions are quite unpredictable. We are in that era of strong unscripted adjustments, which will continue well into the next decade. 

Pluto-type transformative purges begin by demonstrating what exactly will change. In 2008 the great economic collapse occurred. It was also the year Barrack Obama was elected US President. Such events are symbols of the old Capricorn and the new Aquarius rather than the structure itself or even the person exemplifying the new wave.
The next phase of a Pluto-type transformation is expansion, contraction, expansion etc, much like a bubble growing in size, bursting, then increasing again. We witness that today in the world stock markets. Everyone knows the bubble will eventually pop when it reaches a critical tension point. The bigger and more ambiguous question is “when?”.

Current events on a global scale reflect the continued eventual implosion of all things “old Capricorn”, making way for a very different world. Some call it the coming of the Age of Aquarius. But doing so widely misses the mark. 

Archetypal Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius (in part 2023/fully 2024) brings a lot of power into the water-bearer sign. I think it is a huge fallacy to believe such a period represents the grand merging of the collective into some utopian age (similar to beliefs shared back at December 12, 2012). Rather, the broader Aquarius themes of social justice, social equality, technology, progressive thinking etc. are the hot-button topics that will become more intense because of archetypal Pluto’s influence starting in 2023, Aquarius' rulers Uranus in Taurus through 2025, Saturn in Aquarius through 2023, and Jupiter in Aquarius in 2021. 

Remember, Pluto dynamics fuel a purging and eventual transformation of any individual's life at a personal, social and generational level into something unexpected and upgraded. It's akin to the Phoenix rising from the ashes in a wholly new and unanticipated form. Importantly, younger generations (born after the mid-90’s when Uranus entered its home sign of Aquarius) are energetically wired for these profound unfolding changes. And the expression of their collective energy will be an inherent part of these shifts. This is evident already in the actions of teens and young adults, such as 17 year old climate activist Greta Thunberg in Finland. And there are many more like her in this generational range.

At this moment, I think it somewhat speculative to predict how current events will unfold over the coming weeks and into the season ahead. However, if the current US Presidential legal and political challenges, England and the European Union’s Brexit woes, world economic headwinds, an awakening China, global social unrest, spectacular technological achievements, the pandemic resurgence around the globe as well as the rush to provide a vaccine are any indication, these trends and related other events will continue to be a significant focus over at least the next three to six months due to the New Moon’s eclipse influence. More so, these trends will set the stage for Pluto’s final passage in Capricorn in 2023 and what is to unfold during Pluto’s passage in Aquarius through 2043.

Lastly, on January 2nd, Mars leaves the retrograde shadow it entered on July 25th, which should further free up the stagnant/restrained energy that has been part of the retrograde cycle for the past 5 months. How will society utilize this pent up energy remains to be seen.
On a personal level, what have you learned, or discovered about yourself over that period? For me, it has been a deepening of trust, allowing, and a willingness to move where the energy feels most fluid and engaging.

That Mars will soon enter Taurus indicates its Aries retrograde learning will be best applied to the Taurus qualities of self esteem, what you value, possessions, money and the physical strength of the human body. The 5-month retrograde period represents a foundation for such focus. Yes, 2020 has been stressful, yet it has abruptly stopped the world society in its tracks to ponder what type of future we want to create, especially one in harmony with the planet’s natural forces and environment. And most especially, this stopage poses the question about what are we willing to do as a world society to effect such massive change in our life styles.

With all that said…

  1. this coming eclipsed New Moon occurs in fiery Sagittarius, positioning near Galactic Center and Mercury and in square to Neptune in Pisces. Sagittarius quests for the truth. Its shadow influence in square to Neptune creates a stark yet nebulous contrast between what is actually fact as a basis for truth (Sagittarius’ quest) versus what is conspiracy-driven illusions and deceptions (Neptune’s shadow foray). That Mercury positions in the glare of the Sun and in square to Neptune indicates clear communication is strongly challenged in the coming days. Further, this dichotomy occurs against the backdrop of the aforementioned closing square between Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. These combinations set the stage for…
  2. the Solstice arriving on the 21st at just past noon in South Africa; 5:02 am on the East Coast US, 2:02 am on the US West Coast, and 10:02 GMT. In addition to Mars/Pluto square, both Sun and Mercury position at 0° of Capricorn, and Jupiter and Saturn at 0° of Aquarius. Here, effective communication is challenged in the coming days due to Mercury’s superior conjunction with the Sun. Further, Venus in Sagittarius finds renewed individuated, fearless strength in its trine to Chiron (healing) in Aries. At the New Moon Venus positioned at the very end degrees of Scorpio. She now brings that Plutonian quality into her Sagittarian quest for truth regardless of the consequences. Lastly, the Moon in Pisces at first quarter, creates a direct sextile to Pluto while in square to the previous eclipsed New Moon. These aspects bring a renewed focus to the plight of humanities less fortunate, and an urgent need to find greater compassion through strength with our fellow humans. It also is a portal for connecting with your soul essence (Neptune) through quiet, meditative time. As an overall theme, this Solstice period raises the bar for steps society must take to become more humanistic, compassionate and inclusive in the coming years. And to further clarify this Solstice theme, the “as above, so below visual” of… 
    Saturn/Jupiter nearly merging visually
    in the western sky after sunset on the Solstice (as close as they have been (1/10°
    ) since the 1600’s) stands as a moving symbol for the days ahead. Given Saturn’s much dimmer appearance (due to its significantly greater distance beyond Jupiter), you will probably need binoculars to appreciate the apparent closeness of these two planets. Also visually, this will not be a “Star of Bethlehem moment” as some have suggested. Even combined, Jupiter/Saturn’s brightness will not come close to say Venus’ usual brightness. Also look for the waxing crescent Moon to create a tight triangle with this duo on the 17th adding a lot of emotional energy to the day. Energetically, this combination of Saturn/Jupiter...
  4. immediately triggers a strong square with out-of-the-blue, lightning-bolt like Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) in Taurus. From an astrological perspective, that square cycle portends strong Earth changes (Taurus) possibly involving climate and/or solar dynamics, and a heightened Aquarius focus (Jupiter expands) towards current social inequities around the globe. In that regard it helps to look back a bit when… 
  5. Saturn entered Aquarius for 3 months this past March and created a square dynamic with Uranus without expansive Jupiter in the mix. That period was a time of global social demonstrations unlike anything seen since the mid-to-late 1960’s and the Virgo conjunction of Uranus/Pluto. The unified power of the people brought a defining focus to issues of self-worth, values, social justice and equality as well as a fair degree of mayhem. The coming period of reigniting that flame represents a strong indicator of what to expect in general from Saturn’s Aquarius transit through March 2023. Given Jupiter’s expansive energy joining this cycle in its initial stages, and in square to Uranus, strong shifts and some upheaval in 2021 are strong possibilities. And in all respects remember…
  6. specific astrological events, such as Saturn/Jupiter combined ingress into Aquarius on the Solstice, are not islands unto themselves. Astrology is an understanding of the entire picture that involves all the component parts of the astrological realm woven into broad and grand themes whether it is an event such as a lunation or solstice etc., or your own natal chart. Focusing on just one aspect instead of the whole is akin to telling someone you are a Libra because you were born when the Sun was transiting that sign. By saying such, you are literally ignoring the overall essence and life path you were born to experience and share with the world through your gifts and talents.
 Eclipsed New Moon design by
Joseph Mina
Reflection Suggestions for the New Moon and Solstice periods:

- What do I want to create in the coming season that aligns with my deeper soul intentions? 

What do I most value in life, and how do I want to express those values in the coming days?

- How can I strengthen my body-core energies now into 2021 to better align with the Earth's rapidly changing vibration? 

- And for parents raising children, how can I help my child do the same? 

When I set out to write this blog, I intended to keep it short. Ha! But quickly, I realized that the complexity of the current transits required a more detailed explanation: a shortened version would simply not make sense. 
And while I would like to write about an expansive, uplifting focus for the coming year, the current planetary cycles, just like a year ago, simply do not support such a perspective. Rather, the coming twelve months are much more of a reorganizational and reevaluation phase as we move further from the intensity of Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn. Nonetheless, important growth, meaningful choices and a call to purposeful service await in the coming year. In that respect, I encourage you to make worthwhile commitments at the Solstice for the coming season and beyond. This is the time for which we have been born. May we serve the highest purpose of all concerned.

And in the spirit of service, patriot and retired Brigadier General Chuck Yeager, who was the first pilot to break the sound barrier in level flight and set a world speed record in flight, died on December 7 at the age of 97. His courage to face adversity in flight is renowned. When confronted with death as his jet shook relentlessly nearing the sound barrier, he increased his speed with the words "throttle up". The rest is history. With his Mars in Aries, and an Aquarian Sun and Moon, he certainly had the energetic right stuff to go beyond the barriers presented by the Earth's physical elements. May this galactic warrior serve in new and creative ways in his next assignment. RIP.

I welcome your comments below.

Many blessings for this holiday season.

Sat Nam

Starman, Joseph Mina

December 13, 2020

Stellenbosch, South Africa