Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Partial Eclipsed Scorpio Full Moon Apr 25: Embracing the non ordinary

Pain represents any uncomfortable situation that interrupts your life. It moves life from the ordinary to the non ordinary, where victory, passion, and excitement exist.  Add new energy, wisdom and order to the non ordinary state and life becomes extraordinary. 
Donald Epstein DC, founder of Wise World Seminars

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
It's been quite a month. The building surge of Aries mojo in late March strongly indicated life would be intense come April. Seems the Universe did not let us down. Abundant Aries aggression and assertiveness in the field does not make for a calm, flowing cycle even in the best of circumstances. 

And now, as the end of the month approaches, the Moon shifts to its full frequency, dips ever so slightly into the Earth's shadow in lock step with Saturn, and looks intently across at the Sun hiding Mars and Venus in its glare. Oh yes, the wild energetic ride of the Spring and Summer of 2013 continues, this time in the potent realm of Scorpio's life force.

The Full Moon positions at 6° Scorpio on April 25th at 9:57 am in Hawaii; 12:57 pm PDT, 7:57 pm Greenwich Mean Time, and on the 26th from the Middle East to the International Date Line.

Last week's tragic events in Boston underscore the dilemma of our times: how to navigate intense cycles of transformation and change while maintaining self-identity, direction and purpose? Yet, like it or not, any significant natural upheaval or human tragedy catapults everyone affected into the realm of the non-ordinary. Obligations and other routine aspects of life quickly shift into chaos, uneasiness

Monday, March 11, 2013

Pisces New Moon and Equinox, March 11: Endings and Beginnings

“You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.”   Alan Wilson Watts, Philospher (1915-73)

"Refuge Light" photography by Joseph Mina
The past month we have been awash in the murky and endless dreaminess of Pisces. This cosmic soup of feelings, sensitivity, dreams, ethereal art and music,

Monday, February 25, 2013

Virgo Full Moon Feb 25: Emotional Roller Coaster 101

"The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts -- the less you know the hotter you get." Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher and writer 

©AstroActivator by Kathryn Andren Mina all rights reserved
Energy flows in and out of our lives in many forms. Usually, this life force is associated with electricity. Yet, our emotional state also carries quite a bit of zing. Its oft heard "energy in motion" label reflects the energetic quality of this moving, yet unseen river of amped animation. 

We define ourselves and those around us by how alive or contained we respond to life's emotional triggers. Sometimes the response is quite predictable, like pulling the strings on a puppet. Other times it may be hard to ascertain what is really going on behind the masks we wear.

One thing is certain though. Energy cannot be contained. Eventually, it finds its way to the surface ready to express, release and reset its form into the bigger river of life where we all exist. Have you been experiencing an emotional tug with others lately? Well the "fun" is only beginning in this dreamy realm of water...water...water.

The Virgo Full Moon arrives on the 25th at 10:26 am in Hawaii, 12:26 pm on the West Coast, 8:26 GMT and  on the 26th from India east to the International Date Line. 

Virgo embodies the form and structure of life's rituals. It is driven by focus, precise communication and timing, attention to detail and perfection. It literally becomes the