Donald Epstein DC, founder of Wise World Seminars
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AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina |
And now, as the end of the month approaches, the Moon shifts to its full frequency, dips ever so slightly into the Earth's shadow in lock step with Saturn, and looks intently across at the Sun hiding Mars and Venus in its glare. Oh yes, the wild energetic ride of the Spring and Summer of 2013 continues, this time in the potent realm of Scorpio's life force.
The Full Moon positions at 6° Scorpio on April 25th at 9:57 am in Hawaii; 12:57 pm PDT, 7:57 pm Greenwich Mean Time, and on the 26th from the Middle East to the International Date Line.
Last week's tragic events in Boston underscore the dilemma of our times: how to navigate intense cycles of transformation and change while maintaining self-identity, direction and purpose? Yet, like it or not, any significant natural upheaval or human tragedy catapults everyone affected into the realm of the non-ordinary. Obligations and other routine aspects of life quickly shift into chaos, uneasiness
and transformation. Life becomes raw and highly changeable and filled with potential for doing something different. Just ask anyone from Boston about their experience last week.
The bigger question in the realm of the non ordinary: "how do I work consciously with this transformative energy to improve the quality of life on a personal, societal and generational level?" This Full Moon offers some suggestions and new questions.
The Scorpio Full Moon is partially eclipsed with the Moon dipping ever so slightly into the Earth's dark shadow. It marks the 2nd shortest lunar eclipse during the 21st century. Any lunar eclipse augurs doors closing and emotional completions. This particular lunation begins a series of 3 consecutive eclipses, including an annular/total solar at the coming Taurus New Moon on May 9/10 followed by a penumbral lunar eclipse at the Sagittarius Full Moon of May 24/25th. Solar eclipses point to new beginnings. Seems to be a recurring theme of these times: simultaneous closures and beginnings.
Here's the Full Moon Chart
A chart is analogous to a road map. It's directional, i.e. offers suggestions about how to get to B from A. As a template of energy, it weaves a script amongst its many component parts on either a personal (natal chart) or societal/generational (transit chart) level.
Any chart occurring on an eclipse day offers a look ahead at the shifting sands. Its planetary cycles and their inter-relationships are strong indicators for how the winds will blow in the coming months.
Significant to this eclipsed Full Moon chart are 4 concurrent cycles, each bearing a strong energy signature:
- Scorpio/Taurus eclipsed positions featuring a Mars/Saturn opposition
- Mercury positioning almost exact to the degree of the Aries New Moon of April 9th
- building square of Uranus and Pluto (exact on May 20th)
- same grand water trine reappearing from last October
Combined, these 4 dynamic cycles point to greater scrutiny in the area of shared resources (Scorpio), material possessions (Taurus), new forms of communication (Aries), radical change and meltdowns (Uranus/Pluto), and a highly emotional time, including weather related water events (grand water trine). That's quite a buffet of energy. Let's take them one at a time.
Sun and Mars in Taurus oppose Moon and Saturn in Scorpio
Mars and Saturn in opposition is never an easy energy. Mars' aggressive/assertive nature vs Saturn's controlling vibe is akin to the young, upstart warrior debating face-to-face with the elder of the tribe about who is in charge. Put this conversation into the two fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio and little room exists for understanding, much less civility. The inter-relationship of Mars and Saturn to Neptune in Pisces adds a strong degree of vagueness and delusion to the mix. What is real? Who can I trust?
Yet, from a higher vibration Saturn encourages you to go inward and reflect on intimate relationships in your life and how you share/structure your resources together. Does it satisfy your Taurus' desire for a more grounded/sustainable approach to life, or does it trigger issues of "who can I trust"? This Full Moon crystallizes this question on a deeper emotional level for you. That both Venus and Mars remain symbolically hidden in the Sun's glare further underscores the very inward reflection process here. Physical exercise and nurturing body care are excellent strategies for integrating this opposition.
Mercury at 19° Aries
Mercury rules information, transportation and the exchange of thoughts/ideas. 2 weeks ago the Sun/Moon positioned at 20° Aries on the New Moon galvanizing the Aries surge of April. Now at this Full Moon, Mercury positions at the same place. What has been learned in the interim? What is ready to be communicated in this Scorpio/Taurus realm?
This is an excellent opportunity to approach intimacy as outlined above (Scorpio) in new ways (Aries). This is particularly emphasized for anyone with significant planetary natal positions in early degrees of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, or in the mid to early 20° of the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Issues of integrity/individuation (strong Aries theme) will be high on the list for discovery and transformation in the coming months. One particular area receiving added scrutiny in the realm of Scorpio intimacy will be same sex marriage.
Uranus square Pluto, or "here we go again"
Yes, the Uranus/Pluto epic cycle of 2011-2015 is heating up again with its next direct square on May 20th. Expect further polarization. In one corner there's an Uranian wild card fueling a bold, radical desire for change and new beginnings at any cost. A revolutionary fervor pervades this vibe. In another corner lurks the dark, mysterious vibration called Pluto, Here, Scorpio's transformative ruling planetary energy busily expands bubbles of inefficient energy, then watches them rapidly implode.
This is the 3rd exact square of 7 for this duo. As I have shared in other updates, this pair's interaction marks a significant turning point in how life unfolds. That 7 direct squares thru 2015 make up this cycle, which is an unusually high number of exact placements, further underscores the radical nature of these changing times.
The prominent placement of this potent duo in the Scorpio Full Moon chart reminds us that no matter what the question, radical change and meltdowns are going to be a significant part of the on-going conversation over the next 2 years. In the latest square, Chiron in Pisces forms a strong connection with Pluto implying a deeper healing taking place.
From how the energy is moving since the genesis of this cycle in 2011, seems life will look quite different come the end of this highly charged cycle in ways that cannot be clearly defined from the 2013 perspective. On a personal level, anyone with significant Cardinal sign placements between 8° and 13° are particularly affected by this current square. Your life will look vastly different within 6 months to a year.
Grand Water Trine
Trine geometry represents a 120° separation between 2 planetary positions. Some consider trines as favorable, but lazy energy due to the extended separation. But that's not quite the entire picture. Yes, a trine can prove favorable. However, due to the weaker energy signature, greater attention/focus is required to make the geometry work as intended. By contrast, ignoring the opportunity moves the vibration to the more stagnant side of the scale. This results in more tension and stress.
Grand trines point to 3 trines in the same elemental sign. In this case, water. Grand trines amplify the field of energy. For example, the same trine pattern and associated members at this Full Moon were active during Hurricane Sandy in late October last year. Further, this grand water trine will become more prominent from June through August. Hence, weather events this summer have a strong potential for extreme water or drought conditions.
At this lunation, 4 planetary aspects make up a grand trine water configuration. Neptune (vision) in Pisces, Moon/Saturn (structure) in Scorpio and Ceres (nurture) in Cancer. Because Moon/Saturn figures strongly in the lunation dynamics, added significance is assigned to the trine. The plus side>>deeper empathic and intuitive connection with others through spirit/source. The events, reduced sensitivity and body symptoms involving cold. How you nurture yourself is particularly important. Ready for a vacation?
"May you live in interesting times" says the Chinese proverb. Interesting indeed. Sometimes I wonder what a time traveler from the early 1900's would think of the world's state just 100 years later. Would she think we've gone mad? Yet, this notion of the "good old days" is fraught with stagnant energy. Energy evolves based on Universal influences far beyond the constructs of our thinking processes. The Universe is on an evolutionary track and we are an integral part of that formula.
We are preparing ourselves for a very different world in rapid ways. Technological innovation and social media interaction is moving at an astounding pace. New awareness about the workings of the Universe is expanding exponentially. Fresh water loss in Greenland and Antarctica is alarmingly accelerating. Business/commerce and economic flow from the industrial revolution is quickly transforming. The call for human rights, dignity and equality across the globe becomes louder with each day.
This Scorpio Full Moon reminds us to look within for new, innovative ways of upgrading our lives to match these rapidly accelerating trends. Future generations are depending on our ability to embrace and live more non-ordinary lives. How are you choosing differently than just 5 years ago? Please share in the comment section below. Sat Nam.
Next Update - Taurus New Moon May 9th.
Aloha from Hawaii Island
Starman, Joseph Mina
April 24, 2013
©Gemini Awakening 2013 all rights reserved
Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning System
I find this to be a very good summary of what is going on now. There are so many influences at play. I also like that you mentioned that from a 2013 perspective, we have little idea how 2015 will play out ...... that is very true, I feel.