Showing posts with label Mercury retrograde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercury retrograde. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021

Aquarius New Moon: a sample of my photographic creations

“Actually, it’s nature itself that creates the most beautiful pictures, I’m only choosing the perspective.”  

"You don't shoot things. You capture them. Photography means painting with light. And that's what you do. You paint a picture only by adding light to the things you see."

Katja Michael  (photographer and author)

Greetings Cosmic Seekers

At this Aquarius New Moon it seems like an appropriate and over due time to widen the perspective (Aquarius quality) and share with you some of my images photographed over the past few years. If you are also looking for astrological information, have a read of my last blog entry where I focused on the cycles of 2021. Those grand themes will be strong indicators for the various lunations in the coming months. 

looking deep
On and On and On by Joseph Mina

We are in a strong Aquarian surge right now, and Mercury retrograde too, evidenced by social justice eruptions in different parts of the world. Yet Aquarius is also directed to future thinking and technology, as well as viewing reality through the widest possible lens. So in that spirit, here’s some of my imagery that sees life through that wide-field optic. The above image is one example how I look for the unusual in unusual, Aquarian ways.

How I came to be enamored by the photographic arts will be for another time. Yet, one thing is certain: I want my imagery to be evocative and compelling for the viewer. We are sensual beings. We drink in light in its myriad forms and shapes. Its energy acts like a trigger that arouses emotion, empathy and memories. This art form can also inspire us to see more of the world, deepening our appreciation and stewardship of the Earth's many treasures.

I must add it was back in 2015 that I felt spent by dissecting astrological cycles on a more regular basis. Focusing on such was proving to be a drain. More so, I wanted to further explore the world of photography and expand my compositional abilities.

A few years later though I came to the realization that photography, astrology and bodywork are talents of mine that ought to be integrated within my overall work focus. I had grand designs to do so in 2020 (aka not listening to your own astrological advice😉). Now as 2021 unfolds, I'm taking steps to bring this trio onto a bigger stage as I anticipate borders in other countries reopening later in the year. More about that in some future blog. For now though, I present eight of my images, most from my time here in South Africa over the past few years, along with a short account of why I photographed each particular scene from an Aquarian wide perspective. (Note: clicking or tapping on an image will yield a larger version).

Elevator Up

I begin here with a self-portrait taken in an elevator of all places at a hotel in San Diego back in late 2018. It was my first full day at the hotel. When I stepped into the empty outdoor-facing elevator, whose sides were glass, my eyes were immediately drawn to its mirrored ceiling. Fortunately, I had my camera in hand and the elevator remained empty for a short while allowing me to compose this extreme wide-angle self portrait. I like using very wide-angled lenses. They convey a somewhat distorted perspective of what otherwise would be a rather ordinary scene. As with this image, I also have learned to seize the moment and not get dizzy in the process. Shortly after taking this image, the elevator was suddenly full of people. Carpe diem!

Camphor and Me

This next image (above) was taken just a couple of weeks ago at the nearby beautiful Vergelegen Gardens in Somerset West in South Africa’s Western Cape. It’s summertime here now. These gardens are a wonderful oasis from the structured reality of the human world. It’s here that magic is revealed and rejuvenation takes place. Walking barefoot in the grass, hugging a tree, listening to the birds, smelling the captivating fragrance of roses and being fueled by the wind and nearby mountain scenery takes therapy to a whole other level. And it’s in settings like these I feel most creative, open and expressive. 

I owe this self-portrait to my tripod and this massive camphor tree, whose age spans over 400 years old. I felt so excited the first time I saw this grove of camphor trees in the Western Cape back in 2014. 

It was during my early travel days in Japan I first became familiar with this amazing tree species. There, the cinnamomum camphora tree is indigenous and now found throughout many parts of Asia. Camphor oil is quite therapeutic containing anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its fragrance creating a feeling of calm. Standing in the presence of its massive size sure is humbling and meditative. 

I have such a love for our arbor friends. Each tree conveys a unique characteristic even within the same species. The ancient ones reveal much about a long life of environmental stresses and growth that span way beyond the average human age. They also carry an amazing vibration and presence. 

Placing my body against a tree and breathing slowly transports me into a different energetic realm. I’m transfixed. It’s here I’ll look up to see an entirely different perspective of these ancient living wonders. Which leads me to this next image below I photographed near a very old temple on the southern-most large island of Japan, Kyushu. This particular camphor tree makes its South African cousin seem rather young. Its age approximates 1,600 years. That’s a long time to be a watcher of this temple complex. Yet here it stands, having withstood the ravages of time. As I gazed at this tree's varied canopy, I marveled how its branches twisted and turned into a spiral. Equally marveled at the variety of life that grew on the trees outer skin. Life completes itself in the most amazing ways.

Looking Up

Next time around I’ll feature more of my Japan images to introduce you to this rather mystical land. But for now, I’m jumping back to South Africa and a much bigger perspective.

South Africa has the oldest mountains in the world, some dating back over 3 billion years. To put that enormous time frame in some sort of context I’ll squeeze that epoch of time into a 12-month calendar: on that scale the entire 4 ½ billion-year time span of our solar system renders each second as 150 years. Imagine! The average human life span occupies a mere half-second of time on this cosmic calendar. An entire lifetime in a blink of an eye. By contrast, a 1,400 year old camphor tree has been on the calendar all of 9.3 seconds. The American Revolution occurred about 2 seconds ago. Yet these ancient African cliffs have been on the same calendar approximately 8 months or near 21 million calendar seconds (I did warn you I was going down an Aquarian path 😉) Such ancient wonders these mountains. Here’s a sampling.

South Africa's ancient towers

This snowy image was taken in July 2018. Winter in the Southern Hemisphere usually brings snow to the upper mountain passes of South Africa and its high desert plains. It’s quite a stirring sight. When I first saw this particular scene I was struck by the enormity of scale. Fortunately, there were buildings nearby to keep everything in perspective (very important in photography). 

This particular mountain chain is part of the Boesmanskloof. While the elevation is a mere 6,500’ (1980m), the steep nature of these cliffs point to days far beyond the comprehension of anything else on this planet. Rock climbers from around the world come to the Western Cape of South Africa to test their abilities against such sheer cliffs.

Winter Comes

Not too far from the Boesmanskloof are the mountains of the McGregor area. Here in the high mountain valleys, winter is awashed in a multitude of flower blooms known locally as fynbos. Native aloes, a wide assortment of protea, jades (crassula), many succulents and a great variety of other indigenous plants awaken from the summer's searing heat (sometimes exceeding 110f (43c)) by the onset of much cooler temperatures and the Cape's winter rains. Here, at sunrise one very chilly morning, these flaming Aloe torches blazed in the golden light of the Sun as if they were heating the surrounding air. It was such a stirring start to a memorable morning of mountain-valley hiking and flower enchantment.

Kogel Bay

From mountain to sea, this is Kogel Bay area on the eastern side of False Bay, which rings the southern area of the Western Cape. Personally, I find the European-named “False Bay” an affront to this magnificent body of water. Long stretches of course sandy beaches line its coast in a wide arc some 25 miles (40k) across, bordered by steep mountain cliffs.  These wind swept beaches are favorites of surfers and beach goers alike. In the summer its mid 60's water (18c) is so rejuvenating, fueled by the relentless on-going wave action emanating from colder Antartica waters far to the south. 

Which leads me to this wider perspective view of False Bay taken from high above the town of Muizenberg in the northwest corner of the bay. As is typical in the month of February, it was super windy that day making for an endless surge of waves along the bay. In the distance are the Hottentots mountains, which form the backdrop of the Kogel Bay image above. A little bit of history: English sailors were looking for the southern tip of Africa, which is Cape Agulas somewhat to the east. They thought this bay was the southern point. Learning it was not led to the False Bay moniker.

false bay

Moving south along the coast from here is a beach area called Boulders, near Simon’s Town. This area is known for its massive granite boulders (estimated age 540 million years) and its colony of small African penguins, which are also found along the coastlines of Southern Africa and Namibia. This indigenous species of penguin is on the verge of extinction due to development and over fishing of their food supply. Fortunately, environmental efforts are underway to reverse this trend. The colony at Boulders was started in 1982 from just one pair. It now numbers over 3,000 penguins and is under the protection of the Cape Nature Conservation and the South African government.

Boulders Beach

For this image, I wanted to capture the penguins in their protective rock habitat they call home. I find the penguins ability to navigate these large boulders rather remarkable. Environmental adaptation never ceases to amaze me. 

Observing the penguin's social interaction is quite magical. At times, a penguin pair can be seen touching flipper to flipper: standing motionless for a long time. Also, their calling sounds can be ear piercing. Hard to imagine such sound comes from such a small bird. At Boulders, the local conservation group in concert with the government created a special viewing area to watch the penguins without disturbing them. Proceeds support on-going conservation protection efforts.

And lastly, this scene is from Helderberg Mountain Nature Preserve not too far from where I live here. The fynbos here is so magical and varied. Many hiking trails too, some which lead to the very top of Helderberg mountain (3,730ft (1137m)) and its expansive view of the area. The last third of that hike is steep! Hence, taking camera gear to the summit for the bird's eye view of the nearby bay is not my calling.

Helderberg fynbos

So that’s my Aquarius perspective of life here in South Africa's Western Cape. In future blogs I’ll feature some of my images from Japan, aerial scenes (I do like to fly), artsy stuff and more!

Life Path Astrology Consultations
Back to astrology for a moment. The script above Greece's Temple at Delphi reads "Know Thyself". Astrology is a compelling tool to explore the inner psyche and outer experiences. In a period of enormous change, this is the gift to yourself or others that keeps on giving.

2021 is a year ripe for reorganizing and resetting your focus in a sea of immense change. The coming years will build upon this foundation, creating a world significantly different than the one we used to know.  As always, I am available for professional astrological consultation sessions to help you navigate these shifts. Schedule today! Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Skype or Zoom.

Sat Nam
Starman, Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa
February 12, 2021

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Leo Full Moon: Planetary cycles of 2021- endings & beginnings

 "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek"
Joseph Campbell

"What you seek is seeking you"

Leo Full Moon 2021
Graphic design by Joseph Mina
Powerful words, especially in this age of seeking. And 2021 represents a seeking year: as the dust of 2020 settles, it's the beginning of a journey to redefine you and your place and purpose on planet Earth.

Before I start this review of the 2021 astrological cycles, there are two items I want to mention:

Last update, I offered an astrology special for private consultations. $25 off for initial or follow-up appointments made on or before Jan 28th. As I'm late getting this update out, I'm extending the following offer until on or before February 2nd, when Venus enters Aquarius:

Life Path Astrology Consultations
Lunation Special: $25 off
 any initial or 1-hr update consultation session booked on or before February 2nd and completed by the end of February. 
Just use the code (special25) when booking your appointment. Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Skype or Zoom (your choice). This special price also applies to any gift certificate for another's initial session. 

Note: if more than 6 years have passed since your last consultation with me (December 2014 or earlier), I will need to review your natal chart in greater detail with you. Hence, please make an appointment for an initial session, which offers a more comprehensive review of the natal chart.

The script above Greece's Temple at Delphi reads "Know Thyself". Astrology is a compelling tool to explore the inner psyche and outer experiences. In a period of enormous change, this is the gift to yourself or others that keeps on giving. It provides the food for those seek greater depth about themselves and their place in this wonder we call the Universe.

Secondly, a live Zoom to discuss the 2021 transits and what I see as the energetic flow for the year has been on my cosmic to do list. However, slow internet complications on my end (at the moment I live in a rural area in South Africa's Western Cape) requires I find another location with better internet access. But that's further complicated now by time constraints imposed by the South African government (a 9p to 5a pandemic-related curfew in effect through at least Feb 15). This makes for a very narrow window for creating a live Zoom event that works for USA time zones (South Africa is 7 hours ahead of the East Coast US) without running afoul of the curfew. If Hawaii is considered (12 hour difference), 6:30 pm my time would be the latest start time. That's 11:30 am on the East Coast etc. I may have found a suitable location within that time window. Working out logistics now, which I'll announce as soon as I hear back from my friend. If that door doesn't open, I'll pre-record my deeper perspectives about 2021 and beyond, then provide a link via this blog. Either way, I shall prevail (he said with deep conviction to a Universe that enjoys paradoxical humor!

And now on to 2021:

A new calendar year usually ushers in a wave of strong desire for dreams and hopes (that seeking thing!) and best wishes for an uplifting year. That is especially true as we emerge slowly into a world vastly different than just a year ago. While I have been saying "intense" for a number of years leading to 2020, viral spread as a catalyst was not on my top 3 list. Yet in retrospect, of course the Universe would employ something unseen to deliver such a massive message of change and reorganization. 

And while the overall planetary transit cycles for 2021 are less intense than 2020, they nonetheless express their influence upon an energetic field significantly altered by 2020 and prior events. We are treading new ground here for 2021 and beyond on a rapidly shifting and unpredictable landscape. This is the type of energetic field where growth and opportunity are most potent, and chaos and confusion abound. The last New Moon of almost 2 weeks ago in Capricorn mirrors this reality. The coming Leo Full Moon on the 28th will strongly emphasize it.

We are a little over a month passed the December Solstice. That solar standstill heralded a surge of new energy into the energetic field accompanied by Saturn and Jupiter entering future thinking, progressive Aquarius. The last time these two were at the same degree of Aquarius was the years 1345 and 1405. As then, 60 years will pass before the next similar conjunction in Aquarius come 2080. For historical reference, the Black Plague swept Europe in 1345 vastly altering that reality. In 1405 China set sail for the first time to explore the world. 

Back to the present. This building Aquarian wave will be the on-going theme for the year, especially fueling/supporting Aquarius' progressive ideas and ideals. Yet correspondingly, transformative Pluto still has three or so years remaining in Capricorn, which augurs a continuation in 2021 of Capricorn upheaval and possible collapse, as the transforming of all aspects of Capricorn continues, including rules, laws, governance, politics and business. This massive shift is in preparation for Pluto's ingress into Aquarius in 2023/24. 

As an aside, and an indicator of this massive shift, personal responsibility is an important Saturn-like trait in the Capricorn reality, i.e. being held accountable for actions averse to Saturn-type rules and accountability. In the United States, Donald Trump's second impeachment by the US House of Representatives (governance, rules, law) and the coming February US Senate trial (applying justice) strongly mirror this reality, and also strongly mirrors transiting Pluto in opposition to his Saturn/Venus conjunction in Cancer.

As a broad backdrop, here’s a quick look at the prominent astrological cycles for 2021 influencing the energetic field: 

Mercury Retrograde
Three Mercury Retrogrades in late Jan/Feb, late May/June and late Sept/October, all in air signs - effective communication and the sharing of ideas and beliefs are major themes here in the areas of social justice/equality and technology (Aquarius), sharing of information (Gemini) and meaningful relationships (Libra). Since mid-January, we have been in the shadow of the 1st of the 3 retrograde cycles, which stations retrograde on January 30th through its station direct on February 21.

Two lunar and two solar eclipses: total lunar in May; annual solar in June; partial lunar (nearly total) in November; total solar in early December. 4 eclipses is about the norm for any given year. Sometimes there's but 3, other times 6 to 7. Time and Date is an excellent site for tracking and planning for eclipses.

Three consecutive Super Full Moons starting in April: the middle one being the previously mentioned total lunar eclipse. 

Year-long square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus
(last was in 1999/2000). This intense cycle is amplified in the coming Leo Full Moon on the 28th. This cycle is about endings and beginnings fueled by strong waves of change.

A late-year Venus Retrograde in Capricorn (of course!) conjunct Pluto (double of course!!) at station retrograde, and occurring during an exact square transit between Saturn and Uranus (of course, of course, of course!!!). Venus’ retrograde extends into early 2022, which will imbue a strong influence into 2022 astrological themes. The Leo Full Moon has the same placement of these two. The era of the emerging, empowering feminine is well underway.


Pluto and Neptune orbit comparison
- Building Neptune sextile Pluto - a rather rare association (last exact sextiles between 1976-86; 1950-56; 1844-45; 1536-1540). Pluto's orbit at times is closer to the Sun than Neptune's. Hence, their orbital association is rather unusual and creates these rather extended aspects (conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition) over vast stretches of time. eg Last Neptune/Pluto conjunction was 1891-92 with its initial influence occurring in 1872; next is 2385. For anyone with an interest in historical events relative to this or other significant astrological associations, have a look here.

Specifics To The Above - Endings & Beginnings:

The coming Leo Full Moon on the 28th is a good template (even a mini version) for potent cycles occurring in 2021. Since the description of such cycles are set out below, I won't dwell on the specifics of this coming Full Moon except to say Venus at this coming lunation is at the exact degree of Pluto in Capricorn, and as mentioned above, will station retrograde come December 19th at the same degree. That signals an intensification and integration of powerful feminine principles into all aspects of Capricorn reality. That's readily evident now given the role women have played in the 2020 election cycle, and positions of authority in the newly emerging government and throughout society. On the US federal level alone, there are now 126 women serving as Senators or Representatives. That's an increase of 21 over 2016 numbers. Much more to come.

In General: the first half of the year carries the stronger energetic impact, as February-April New Moons will feature heightened surges of Aquarius (progressive), Pisces (global) and Aries (new beginnings) planetary transits, respectively. Also a series of 3 powerful consecutive Super Full Moon lunation's, including the May total lunar eclipse, will commence in April. And that's a strong energetic background for...

Jupiter and Saturn transiting through Aquarius during the course of the year. Expect social issues on the global stage to be heightened/magnified. This includes privacy issues, and strong social equality and justice issues too. Look for technological breakthroughs having practical uses (Saturn). Jupiter will move slightly into Pisces between May 14 and July 28, before fully entering Pisces on Dec 29th. That Piscean sampling will augur a time of compassion and global awareness for 2022-23, especially when Pisces' co-rulers meet (Jupiter/Neptune) in April 2022 (last time in Pisces was 1856 when the abolishment of slavery in the US began.) Look for a significant uptick in societal migrations during this Piscean period.

I expect another strong progressive wave of change during 2021 as the clamor for freedom from oppressive rule and dictatorships intensifies in part driven by the Saturn/Uranus challenging square (Saturn desires control/certainty; Uranus clamors for freedom/progressive change and is fueled by chaos) Also, expect a continuation of significant earth-based climate and geological events as Uranus continues its 8-year trek through earth-based Taurus (until 2025-26). This meeting of these archetypal titans will have a strong influence on how...

Pluto in Capricorn adds to the energetic conversation in the coming year. On its own, Pluto is considerably less aspected than 2020 when Saturn and Jupiter transited Capricorn, and Mars in retrograde in Aries created an intense 6-month association. Hence, there ought to be a drop in dark intensity by the time the 2nd half of the year comes around, unless the aforementioned Saturn square Uranus sets off a firestorm of change vs the status quo. If the latter, then the 2nd half of the year will continue the intensity begun in 2020. As previously mentioned, the Venus Retrograde in Capricorn in mid-December at the same degree as Pluto will be a defining theme for 2022.

More to the current moment, the first exact square between Saturn/Uranus on Feb 17, and just as Mercury nears its station direct on the 21st in Aquarius, will be a strong indicator how this Saturn/Uranus transit pattern unfolds over the remainder of the year. Chaotic attempts to overthrow the US government at the US Capitol in early January are one indicator of this building square challenge. There will be others, including virus spread and control. Ultimately something significant will need to shift in the human consciousness towards more progressive Uranus' side of the equation. The election of two Democrats to the US Senate on January 5th and a return to Democratic control of all 3 pillars of government is a strong indicator of this very tilting field of energy. Meanwhile...

Mars has now emerged from its retrograde shadow that began back on July 25th and its apparent movement is picking up speed. This particular Mars retrograde cycle in its home sign of Aries occurred under the umbrella of a global-spreading pandemic alert and in extremely strong square aspect to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Global events of the past few months underscore the strong rippling effect of that period.

Mars energy is assertive, can be very intense (depending on its natal sign placement - fire signs and watery Scorpio particularly), thrives on achievement, and wants to blaze new trails. By contrast, whenever Mars moves retrograde, a very inward evaluation and recalibration process ensues relative to Mars’ very traits. 

Further, as I have shared in earlier blogs, it’s rare for Mars to retrograde in its home sign of Aries (last Aries retro transits were in 1941 as World War II was just becoming more intense, and 1988 and the prelude to the 1989 Gulf War).

It would be pure speculation to postulate whether war in parts of the world is in the offing, or will intensity as an outgrowth of this just completed transit cycle. Yet the past two times Mars moved retrograde in its home sign, heightened conflict followed. In present time, conflict can be on a national, social or even personal level. The US Capitol siege poignantly expressed the dark-side release of this very intense, bound up energy. By contrast, the positive side is highly creative, imaginative and ready to break new ground. Always humanities choice.

Now, Mars will infuse the zodiac with this Aries theme until its next retrograde cycle in Gemini come October 2022. Aries is bold, intense (fiery) and impatient too. Right now it is in early degrees of Taurus fully loaded from its Capricorn contrasts with Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn. From here on out, inner momentum may become more noticeable (a call to action) depending on other transit aspects relative to your natal chart. On a more social/cultural level, look for strong progressive steps from the new Biden administration and the Democratic-controlled US Congress in the coming days, as well as resistance from Saturn-fueled traditionalists.

Mars remains in Taurus until March 3rd. In Taurus, Mars-type initiative returns for focusing on Earth-related matters, such as world climate, as well as a desire to create beauty, concentrate on self-esteem and decide what you now value. It also brings your attention to the strength and condition of your physical body. This poses a strong question about how you nurture and strengthen your physical form. Given the current pandemic intensity, that's a tall order. Such inner reflection would encompass questions about lifestyle, diet, exercise and personal choices that are influenced by...

A building Neptune sextile Pluto which was activated back in 2018. Neptune/Pluto sextile comes to its fullest expression between 2026 and 2032 when it begins a series of 13 exact sextiles in Aries (Neptune) and Aquarius (Pluto).Slowly separating after 2032, the next exact sextile of these two major archetypes won't take place for another 300 years or so in Aquarius (Neptune)/Aries (Pluto). 

The overall cycle from conjunction to conjunction spans near 500 years with the next conjunction not until the year 2385 in Gemini. So any aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, opposition, trine) points to a particular quality of this much deeper wave of transformative intent and direction.

Best way to think of this dynamic sextile: Pluto = hot water; Neptune = source of the water, both working in tandem. Not many generations have this dynamic in their natal chart. Germane to those now alive: most born between 1976 to 1986 (Libra/Sagittarius to Scorpio/Capricorn) and 1950-56 (Leo/Libra) carry this exact sextile. The previous sextile would have been back in1845. With that energy signature comes a soul mandate that is non-negotiable and aligned with progressive trends.As such, this particular building sextile is literally the fuel of the soul embracing and inspiring the transcendence of our societal structures (Capricorn) through a global transformation (Pisces). In those natal chart having this sextile, its house placements and signs give further definition to its inherent power. I have this placement in the 12th (Pluto/Leo) and 3rd (Neptune/Libra) houses. Writing this blog is one of its expressions.

The shadow side of Neptune/Pluto is conspiracy theories, shadow realms, or anything outside the bounds or what is considered reality. This vibration has taken on added meaning since the sextile was engaged in 2018. If you have strong natal aspects in later mutable and/or cardinal signs (20°+), using discernment/scrutiny relative to any information suggesting nefarious motives is advised.

Neptune rules the unseen, including anything viral. It dissolves silently anything out of alignment with anyone's soul intention and purpose. Placed in strong aspect to Pluto, its directive mandates integrity, depth and purpose. Now in its home sign of Pisces, Neptune widens its scope to all things global, literally embracing all of humanity. By 2032, the days of the Capricorn-fueled Industrial Revolution of the past 2+ centuries will have come to an end, making way for an entirely different world order and societal structure. That the exact sextile occurs in the signs of Aquarius/Aries is indicative of the beginning (Aries) of a powerful progressive (Aquarius) wave emphasizing Pluto's Aquarius transit starting in 2023-24 and ending 2043-44.

Thoughts for Reflection during this current season:

In what areas of my life do I see opportunity this year? 

What sacrifices and/or changes am I willing to make to embrace such opportunity?

How can I better strengthen my body and nurture my soul in the coming days?

How can I create a more meaningful sense of community that enhances the quality of life?

How can I become a progressive force in my community?

Best advice for navigating these cycles in 2021: Stay present, move with awareness, and use a good dose of clarity, fueled by your heart, when making choices. 

Conclusion: Astrology transits are not one-off affairs. They add change, context and growth to the ever evolving mythos of life: much like weaving a tapestry. Hence, 2021’s transit cycles add to what has unfolded in 2020 and prior. Because of an unseen viral messenger, our world is forever changed on all levels. A return to what we once considered normal just won’t happen. The increasing vibration on all levels will demand faster thinking and collaborative strategies. It will also require greater inner physical strength and increased commitment to fulfill your soul’s purpose. The future is not set in stone. We are the creators of our destiny.

Please share your comments below. We all learn from each other's perspective.

Next Update: Taking a break from Astrology writing (a change): my recent photography - Stories behind the images.

Sat Nam
Starman, Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa
January 27, 2021

Friday, January 15, 2021

2021 Astrology: Capricorn New Moon: Awakening Through Transformation

"I have read somewhere of an old Chinese curse: 'May you be born in an interesting time!' This is a VERY interesting time: there are no models for ANYTHING that is going on. It is a period of free fall into the future, and each has to make his or her own way. 

The old models are not working; the new have not yet appeared. In fact, it is we who are even now shaping the new in the shaping of our interesting lives. And that is the whole sense (in mythological terms) of the present challenge: we are the 'ancestors' of an age to come; the unwitting generators of its supporting myths; the mythic models that will inspire its lives." 
Joseph Campbell (1904-87) American Professor of Literature; Comparative Mythology and Religion. from his book: Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine, p.xiv

Greetings Cosmic Seekers

A Different Perspective
A Different Perspective
by Joseph Mina
Such prescient words from a great soul. Indeed, we are the myth generators in this time of extraordinary change. Perhaps someday, future generations will think of us as the elders of humanities new dawn.

And as with any New Moon lunation, it augurs a new dawn of its own; a new cycle to explore its invitation and work with its expressions. The first New Moon of 2021 arrived on the 13th at midnight on the East Coast US and east to the International Date line (GMT 5:00), while it occurred late on the 12th from Central US to Hawaii (7pm HST).

We are in a reverse lunar cycle at the moment (began last August) where the Full Moon's Sun sign placement occurs in a sign prior to the New Moon's Sun placement in that same sign. For example on Dec 30th Sun at Full Moon was at 9°Capricorn, while the prior New Moon was at 23°Sagittarius. This current New Moon Sun placement is at 23°Capricorn. This oddity will reverse itself back to the New Moon being the leader into a zodiac sign come August. In the interim, the Full Moon reveals the possibilities; the New Moon theme provides the journey to attains those possibilities. And so it is in these topsy-turvy times.

On the 13th, this New Moon positioned very near exact to Pluto in Capricorn, while Saturn/Jupiter/Mercury in nearby progressive Aquarius created a challenging square with Mars/Uranus in earthly Taurus, along with an energizing sextile with Chiron in Aries. That's quite the dynamic energy mix for further transformation, renewed activism and deeper integration over the coming two weeks.

Over the next few days, look for the beautiful crescent Moon in the western sky after sunset.

At this lunation, it's the perfect time to pause, revisit and refine your intentions made back at the December Solstice as well as the end of December Full Moon. No ship or airplane stays a steady course over great distances. Changes in direction are inevitable as external and even internal forces pose unforeseen influences upon the energetic field. Same is true for human behavior.

I intend to post later next week a brief overview of the 2021 planetary cycles. I thought I would do so today, however, this New Moon lunation requires a closer look, especially given the turmoil now sweeping the planet, and in particular the political turmoil in the United States. 

Life Path Astrology Consultation
The script above Greece's Temple at Delphi reads "Know Thyself". Astrology is a compelling tool to explore the inner psyche and outer experiences. In a period of enormous change, this is the gift to yourself or others that keeps on giving.

Capricorn Lunation Special: $25 off any initial or 1-hr update consultation session booked before to January 28th and completed by the end of February. Just use the code (special25) when booking your appointment. Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Skype or Zoom (your choice). This special price also applies to any gift certificate for another's initial session. 

Here's the New Moon annotated chart:

Capricorn New Moon chart

That large box on the chart illustrates an unusual configuration of planetary positions within the boundaries of Capricorn to Taurus. Although the planetary positions shift in the coming months, that boundary remains intact through March's New Moon lunation. Such a limited range of zodiac signs points to specific areas of life where the cosmic spotlight will shine most intensely for the coming 2 months. They are: 

- Capricorn - our rules, structure/organizing form, politics, law and business and the corporate world

- Aquarius - freedom, the future, social justice and equality, technology

- Pisces - global awareness and empathy/sensitivity/compassion; attunement to the primal world prior to human intervention; imagery and music, and yes, anything of an unseen nature

- Aries - new beginnings, assertive, no hesitation, courage

- Taurus - beauty, artistry, values, self worth, sensual connection to life on the planet and to your physical body.

Capricorn to Taurus is an archetypal journey from the rules and structure society creates to the beauty and value or worth we impart to such organizational forms. As Venus is the defining energy for Taurus, this geometric path implies the energy field is conducive for imparting compassion, softness and grace into life's physical aspects despite an otherwise very intense societal, chaotic vibration now sweeping through our global society. Equally, there exists at the same time a strong progressive focus for equality and justice (Aquarius), plus a good dose of courage to blaze new trails (Aries). 

Both Taurus and its ruling energy Venus relate in part to the sensual body and in turn to the Earth itself. My previous blog entry a few days ago underscored the importance of creating a greater integral connection to our physical body and the Earth, as 2021 and beyond transformative events unfold.

This  New Moon chart is rather unique for the following reasons:

Sun/Moon conjunct Pluto/Capricorn

The dark Moon crossing near this intensifying Pluto placement fuels a look deep within your psyche about what exactly needs to end and begin in your life during the days ahead. It also crosses a potent Pluto degree threshold at 23°13', which was directly crossed by Mars in square 3x while in Aries during its recent retrograde (Aug 13, Oct 7 and at the Solstice), as well as crossed by Saturn in late January 2020, Jupiter 3x during 2020, and Pluto itself as recently as the end of November. 

Hence, this New Moon trigger point reactivates this very energy on a personal, social and generational level (is it any wonder life feels so stirred at the moment?). Equally, it is no surprise that Capricorn's focus on governance and the rule of law now brings much greater scrutiny. In the US, holding people responsible for the recent US Capitol siege is quintessential law-driven Capricorn territory. Likewise it becomes a strong mirror for the current planetary themes unfolding.

Saturn/Jupiter/Mercury in sextile to Chiron in Aries,
and square to Mars/Uranus in Taurus

Venus in Capricorn square to Chiron Aries;
Trine to Mars/Uranus in Taurus

That's quite a maze of conflicting energy.

Earthly Taurus points to life's tangible objects, the natural world, your sense of self worth, and possessions, including money. The square challenge created by Saturn/Jupiter/Mercury to the Mars/Uranus combination indicates a time to reevaluate priorities relative to social rather than personal issues, and communicate such to others (see Voyager card selection below). The Mars/Uranus part implies surprises or shocking events ahead in how such change manifests. Last week's US Capitol events are a good example. Meanwhile...

Chiron's slow nine-year transit through individuated Aries highlights instances where you have surrendered your deeper knowing to keep the peace with others, i.e. given up your inner power, or lost connection to your integrity. This Chiron/Aries 9-year transit is particularly a potent one for those born between 1968 and 1977, who will experience their Chiron return at age 50 (usually a period of health reevaluation and regeneration), 1951-55 and 2001-2005 (Chiron square), or 1944-46 and 1994-97 (Chiron opposition). 

Note: Chiron's extremely eccentric orbit has it moving through certain zodiac signs either very quickly or quite slowly. Chiron moves slowest through the zodiac when closest to Uranus and fastest when inside Saturn's orbit (see illustration to left). As it represents the archetypal bridge between Saturn and Uranus, its focus and longer passage through certain zodiac signs, as now, underscores more pervasive societal changes necessary to move from a more controlled reality (Saturn) to a more progressive one (Uranus). Further, Aries focus always comes with a strong dash of courage, determination and empowerment.

Finally: this particular Saturn/Uranus cycle is most active for anyone with significant natal placements in early/mid degree fixed signs (Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius), and specific to Venus/Chiron, early degree natal placements in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). And it is further amplified by the coming...

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius. Mercury enters its retrograde shadow today leading to the actual station retrograde on the January 30th. Visually, whenever Mercury appears in the western sky low to the horizon after sunset, know a retrograde will soon follow. All Mercury retrograde periods are times of "re" as in redo, regenerate, replenish, restore, relinquish, reclaim, reorganize, refurbish etc.

This retrograde period into the middle of February in particular will further focus on the aforementioned re-evaluation process from an Aquarian/progressive perspective, and set the energy in motion for Saturn's 3 direct squares with Uranus in 2021, starting on Feb 17th. More on this in my next blog entry about the 2021 planetary cycles.

Thoughts and Reflections For This Lunation:

- How do I want to reorganize my life in the coming year?

- If you feel trapped or restrained from moving forward: What am I ready to free myself from to create greater opportunity and forward momentum in my life?

- If you are embarking on a new path: What resources do I require to support me in the days ahead? What will it take to access and consciously utilize those resources?

- If you are in the process of closure: What lessons have I learned about my related choices in the past? What am I ready to do differently to further strengthen my ability to choose with clarity, courage and determination in integrity with my deeper knowing?

Voyager Intuition Card for this lunation:

Voyager Intuition Cards
by James Wanless, PhD
Five Worlds - Setback. The Worlds series represents our tangible/physical association with life. The Five series represents the lessons we learn in life that fuels our growth and enlightenment. My preferred name for this card is "step back". This is the pause where you take a step back to reevaluate options, plans etc. so you can then move forward with clarity.

In the sequencing of this remarkable deck, the previous card, the 4 of Worlds' theme is Commencement. That's the card of movement and initiating a new direction. On the other side is the 6 of Worlds and its theme Synergy where you find resources and new alliances through your "reevaluation period" to further support and co-create your goals/vision. 

Inherent to these cards is the potential they offer. While oracle decks are used predictively, the power of this deck is best expressed through its visioning intent, i.e. observing the potential opportunities any situation presents, then making conscious choices in alignment with suggested options to further your growth and the development of your life gifts in this lifetime. It's quite the remarkable archetypal journey.

Conclusion: Yes, "setback" or "step back" sure defines this lunar period. Here in South Africa it's the heat of the summer, when vacation time is usually at its peak (much like July in the Northern Hemisphere). However, a pandemic entering its second year has triggered huge changes in human behavior (setback) and triggered the imposition once again of significant national restrictions in various countries. How this unfolds in the coming days is part of life's mystery and inherent challenges. While the 2nd half of the year portends more ease, it's our collective, conscious choices now that will determine to some degree the energetic flow of that period. 

I am organizing a time later in the month or perhaps early February for a free Zoom presentation about the 2021 cycles and their implications for the year and decade ahead. It will be Mercury Retrograde time, which is the perfect time to step back and evaluate options. 

As I live part of the year in a rural area of South Africa's Western Cape, internet speed here is slow. This makes video conferencing impossible. So one of two paths: either I find a location for the program with much better internet access for a video conference (my preference) or make it audio only. Stay tuned.

Next: 2021 Astrological Cycles - an overview

Sat Nam
Starman, Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa
January 15, 2021