Thursday, October 19, 2017

Libra New Moon: Relationship Reset

Truth is, I'll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully. So we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism and a great deal of candour."
Tom Hanks

Note: I wanted to post a short update on the current New Moon lunation, which I consider to be a rather intense one. "Intensity" has taken on a whole new meaning since the August Solar eclipse, something I shared was quite probable in my eclipse related blog back in August. 

Sun/Moon Libra will be in direct opposition to transiting Uranus in Aries and quincunx to Chiron in Pisces at this lunation (next 14 days), focusing on the realm of relationships. New Moon timing is 9:12 am on 19th in Hawaii; 12:12p on the West Coast US; 7:12pm UT; and just after midnight on the 20th in the UAE east to the International Date Line.

For strong and evolving relationships, this intense dynamic offers an opportunity to add a new (Aries), unexpected (Uranus) element to your synergistic connection. By contrast, challenged relationships are subject to a strong degree of surprising rebellious/intense energy (Uranus). This more shadow-like surge provides the necessary fuel to break free from constraints, limitations, or stagnant energy in your associations with others. It also opens the possibility of healing (Chiron), embracing a more compassionate version of yourself and others. Otherwise, the alternative is more separation and sorrow. It's a choice.

This New Moon's dynamic is further defined by transiting Saturn in Sagittarius' sextile to Sun/Moon, and

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Solar Eclipse and Leo New Moon: the Lion Roars

“As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.” 
Pablo Neruda (1904-73) Poet

Aloha Fellow Cosmic Journeyers

Yes, eclipse day draws nigh. So much hype and excitement, especially in the United States as the Moon moves ever closer to its fated meeting with the Sun. While solar and lunar eclipses of varying types are not rare (4 to 7 per year), this particular solar eclipse is the 1st to sweep across the United States in 99 years: hence, a heightened awareness for the coming event...and rightfully so!

This will be my 6th solar event in the direct path of totality or annularity. Standing directly in the path of totality to be touched by the Moon's sweeping dark curtain alters one's very core. There are no adequate words to describe its cosmic effect on the human psyche; no pictures that can possibly come close to matching the actual visuals of the Sun's coronal streamers (resist the urge to become preoccupied with camera equipment); no predicting the potent level of emotional surge from deep within. This cosmic

Monday, March 6, 2017

Venus Retrograde 2017: the Snake Bites Its Tail

“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.”
― Kahlil Gibran, author, poet & philosopher 
[from Sand & Foam]

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. From now on you'll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey."
Princess Diaries

Illustration designed by Joseph Mina
Strong change permeates the ethers. Each day more people take notice of this cosmic wind. Now,  Venus Retrograde takes center stage for the next 5 weeks, adding to this ever-changing cosmic mix.. This astrological update examines this significant archetypal cycle, offering you suggestions for how to attune with this major planetary  shift over the next two months.

Aloha Everyone

I now near the end of a major Neptune cycle in my life, one which redefined/reoriented my natal Mercury in Pisces in rather powerful, yet diffused  (aka "confusing") ways over the past 2 years. The insights, inspiration and a renewed focus about how I intend to communicate (Mercury) to others through the synergy of my sacred work in astrology, bodywork and photography/imagery. The logo below reflects this synergy. I mentioned this shift in my last post back in November. Now, my new web site is evolving and will make its debut in the coming months as expressed in the name

Illustration designed by Joseph Mina
I'm feeling quite excited about this emergence as clarity during a Neptune cycle can be quite fleeting. Sort of like sitting in a rowboat, no oars, and in the middle of a lake on a very foggy morning. Oh yes...also absolutely clueless about which direction to move. Ultimately, surrender takes hold as there is no where to go but the "here/now".

I'm posting today because of the next significant cycle that just began in earnest yesterday: Venus Retrograde and its emerging Aries theme for the next 18 months.

Venus has been a brilliant beacon in the evening sky for the past 8 months or so. From our Earthly perspective, she is soon to move closer to  the Sun, setting earlier each day until lost in the glare of the Sun. It's during this orbital phase that Venus is closest to Earth. This orbital movement mirrors the heightened strength of this inner cycle for women and men alike. Then, in a matter of days, Venus