Friday, October 18, 2013

Aries Full Moon October 18: Communication Breakdown Continues

"There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honour." Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), former prime minister of England and Leader of the Conservative party.

Note: On today's Full Moon in Aries, specific details about this lunation and the coming Mercury Retrograde may be found in our October update, released in late September.

Irony seemingly knows no boundaries. A 19th century quote from a very conservative politician about the then state of politics and inter-party clashes in England mirrors quite poignantly the recent political strategy employed by 87 very conservative politicians in the US House of Representatives. This strongly aligned "Tea Party" group actually succeeded in shutting down most of the US Government for 16 days this month. In the end, in typical, unorthodox Mercury Retrograde fashion, nothing was accomplished by these 87 upstarts, other than deferring once again unresolved Federal debt and budget issues.

This dynamic action of a government shut down represents a text book example of how Uranus in Aries (rebellion and change) and Pluto in Capricorn (melt down of no-longer working politics, governance, business structure, rules etc) create mayhem, chaos and strong clashes every 35 years or so when they

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Astrology October 2013: Intensity and Change

“The time is now, the place is here. Stay in the present. You can do nothing to change the past, and the future will never come exactly as you plan or hope for.”  Dan Millman, author

"Change is inevitable, growth is optional." John C. Maxwell, author & leadership facilitator

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
The season of change is upon us. The change of weather, turning of the leaves and even the page of the calendar remind us of life's inevitable march through time. Yet seasonal change is but one small aspect of the greater cycle of change now taking place. "Unprecedented" is one word that readily comes to mind.

Accelerated change is not for the faint of heart. Planetary cycles over the past 5 years have moved the growth needle to the high end of the intensity scale. As 2014 looms on the horizon, the energetic door for October may prove to be a strong catalyst for the coming 18 months. It's during that time Uranus/Pluto will reach the culmination of its intensity.  Yes, the world is changing in profound ways, an effect that will ripple through the sea of consciousness for decades to come.

The  October Astrology features a New Moon in Libra, Full Moon in Aries, Mercury Retrograde starting on October 21 and plenty of action with the personal planets.

This month, Gemini Awakening is on the move! 
Learn how to consciously create your world with the power of the planetary patterns with our workshops and consultations:

Meet Joseph in Half Moon Bay California on Oct 11 - 15 for astrology workshop and private sessions. More info and registration here.

Meet Kathryn and Joseph in NYC on October 5
This Gemini Awakening  specialized 4 hour workshop is an integrative astrology experience with your personal birth chart, our intuitive insights and energy healing bodywork. Learn how you can surf the waves of change in 2014.  “Astrology & You” at the office of Dr. David Mehler DC, “Vikaz” in NYC.  Here for details and registration.

Follow our more frequent astrological insights and alerts on Facebook or Twitter.

October begins with Sun in tight aspect to Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Over the next year, every 10 days after the Equinox or Solstice, the Sun brings added intensity and

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Astrology September 2013: Resetting the Balance

September 2013 Astrology by Kathryn Andren Mina

Saturn Sentinel©2013 by Kathryn Andren Mina
Aloha from Gemini Awakening on the island of Hawaii. Here is astrology news you can use for the month of September 2013, featuring:
- Virgo New Moon September 5
- Mars in Leo square serious Saturn in Scorpio, peaks September 9
- Pisces Full Moon September 19
- Equinox September 22
- Love Planets Venus and Mars square off; peaks September 28

This month, meet Gemini Awakening on the move!  Details here:
- September 27 - 29 private sessions with Kathryn at Aquarius Sanctuary in Littleton MA
- October 2, “Astrology and You” women’s gathering with Kathryn in Warwick NY.
- October 2 - 3 Astrology talk: “Uranus and Pluto:The Great Transformation” with Joseph near Philadelphia PA (TBA).
- October 5 Gemini Awakening featured 4 hour workshop with Kathryn and Joseph: “Astrology and You” at the office of Dr. David Mehler DC, “Vikaz” in NYC. Check here for details and registration.

September is a transitional month preparing us the coming new season and a series of very strong planetary retrogrades with Mercury, Venus and Mars