Saturday, February 9, 2013

Aquarius New Moon Feb 9: Heavenly Grace

"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans; in one aspect of You are found all the aspects of existence. Kahlil Gilbran
The various members of our solar system are in a constant dance with the passage of time and each other. Some members move quite quickly around the Sun; others cover similar ground over decades. Yet, all move in synchronicity with grander rhythms, following the Sun on its epic 240 million year journey around the Galaxy. Astrology in part interprets these grand sky patterns to reveal the workings of your inner Universe. We call it the "cosmic weather forecast".

Once in a while, these seemingly endless planetary movements offer us a more compelling look into this synchronistic realm. This month's Aquarius New Moon  opens that very cosmic door into the watery, dreamy, fantasy realm of Pisces and its connection to grace

Over the next 30 days, up to seven planetary energies dwell in this watery realm. This unusual surge culminates on the Pisces New Moon, reflecting to you a dynamic theme pervading the bigger field of conscious awareness...the oneness of life and your connection to everything. 

At this current New Moon, Aquarius encourages you to think big. I mean "really big". The sign of the water bearer attunes to the widest possible perspective of life, literally perceiving the vast perspective of the cosmos. It also shine its

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Leo Full Moon Jan 26: Heart Awakening

“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don't you?”
― Rumi

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
by Kathryn Andren Mina

Leo Full Moon is January 26, 2013 at 6:38 PM in Hawaii and 8:38 in the Pacific time zone. Leo Full Moon illuminates heart felt playfulness.  How creative are you?  Who are your playmates? Allow yourself some time and space this weekend to go play!  This expressive and playful spirit of Leo Full Moon is also strongly supported by Uranus in early Aries and Jupiter in Gemini.  Expect the unexpected and be open to new opportunity, as things may happen quickly.

The ruler of Leo is the Sun. Sun is at 7° Aquarius, near Mercury at 13° Aquarius.  With magnetic Mercury involved, this implies fuel for creative expression and conscious communication. 

Sun and Mercury in Aquarius opposite Leo Full Moon create a square to serious Saturn at 11° Scorpio (see Full Moon chart below). What is the meaning when planets create a T-square?  Saturn suggests a reality check, to stay grounded

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Capricorn New Moon January 11: Respect Yourself

January 2013 Astrology Update by Kathryn Andren Mina

Aloha friends and fans of the Sky story

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
This month's Gemini Awakening Astrology Update covers Astrology news you can use for the Capricorn New Moon on January 11, 2013. (9:43 AM Hawaiian time, 11:43 AM Pacific, GMT 7:43 pm), and on the 12th from Nepal east to the International Date Line.

January 2013 Astrology begins with a high concentration of the Capricorn vibration and peaks with five planets in Capricorn on the New Moon January 11.  Wow, that’s plenty of planets in one earth sign!  Sun, Pluto and Mercury are in Capricorn at the turn of the year. Pressure is on to get organized and down to Earth. Then, Venus and the Moon add more to the mix as they enter the sign of Capricorn January 9th.

A grouping of three or more planets conjoined in the same sign is called a stellium. Several stelliums occur early in the year for Astrology 2013. Now, let’s consider the New Moon and concentrated Capricorn vibration.

Capricorn relates to rules, finance, business, structure, law, politics, government, and order.  Work hard and play hard is a theme for Capricorn.  “Make hay while the sun shines” mirrors the Capricorn desire for efficiency. This New Moon may be an opportunity to contemplate your relationship to rules and