Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August Mercury Retrograde 2011 in Virgo and Leo

Dear Friends and Fans. 

It’s that time again. Mercury retrograde has arrived for the 2nd of 3 times this transformational year. 2011 Mercury retrogrades are March 30 - April 23, August 2 - 26, and November 24 - December 14. 

Today, Mercury begins this retrograde cycle in the “detailed oriented” sign of Virgo opposite dreamy Neptune. It’s time to be Virgo-like and take a step back and reorganize, be discerning and more efficient with your time and communications. Mercury the messenger can be the trickster when retrograde, so it’s best to be patient, plan and prepare, since you may have repeat yourself or redo a project this month.

August 2011 Mercury retrograde timing report. Mercury retrograde begins August 2nd at 1 degree of Virgo opposite Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. When Mercury is in it’s home sign of Virgo, there is a reflection and reminder for efficiency. Then, the winged messenger returns back into Leo, renewing passions of the heart. Reflect on what really makes your heart sing.  Perhaps you may reconsider an old flame?  Remember to rekindle your inner passion. Mercury retrograde August 2011 is a time to refresh and re-create yourself from the passion of your heart’s desire.

Practical Application Example - Communications update: Gemini Awakening is taking our own advice by reviewing the most effective ways for us to remain in touch with you, our clients, friends and fans with the Gemini Astrology Blog. This Mercury in Virgo inspires streamlining and analyzing communications. Do you enjoy and find value in our posts?  Be sure to sign up directly on the Gemini Awakening e-mail notification list. This gives you access to our special offers, coming events, as well as our free astrology updates.We are also re-creating our web site this Summer in preparation for new, passionate projects for 2012. Directly subscribe to the blog and reveal to friends you “like” Gemini Awakening on Facebook for more reminders of the exciting changes coming soon.

Most words beginning with ‘re’ help us plan and prepare for the what to do when it is Mercury Retrograde season. For example: Renew, refresh, redo, remind, recreate, remember, reflect. How many related Mercury Retrograde words can you think of that begin with ‘re’ ?  Please report to us, briefly and from the heart, (that’s Mercury in Virgo and Leo for you) on the Blog discussion panel below.

With warm aloha and blessings from the Big Island, Hawaii
this is MzZodiac, Kathryn Mina.
August 2, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Capricorn Full Moon July 15: Your Inner Authority

"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."  Napoleon Hill, Self-Help Author (1883-1970)

AstroActivator©2001 by Kathryn Mina
As June’s intensity and its 3 eclipses fade, we arrive at July's Full Moon in industrious, achievement oriented Capricorn. Full Moon occurs on the 14th at 8:40 pm in Hawaii, just before midnight on the West Coast, and on the 15th for locations further to the east onward to the International Dateline.

This Full Moon brings to sharp focus intentions you created/initiated at the last New Moon on July 1. New Moon energy enhances visualizing and dreaming your desires into reality. Now, Capricorn Full Moon provides you with the structure, direction and organization to actualize those New Moon intentions. It also provides clear indications of what is on the front-burner of change over the next 6 months (typical eclipse window).

Archetypal Saturn is the ruling energy of Earth sign Capricorn. On the external, Saturn's rings serve as a reminder that life is framed with structure. In a 3d reality, structure is essential. Like draperies in a room, the personal and societal rules we create give shape to our lives

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cancer New Moon July 1: Once More in the Shadow

“Every object in the solar system wears a conical shadow pointing away from the Sun. Even the helmeted head of a spacewalking astronaut wears a wizard's cap of darkness one hundred feet long. The solar system is as prickly as a hedgehog with spines of darkness."  
Chet Raymo (1936- ) Educator, Writer, Naturalist

AstroActivator©2001 by Kathryn Mina
We arrive at the Cancer New Moon very late on June 30th in Hawaii and Alaska, and on July 1st for the rest of the world. New Moon time is 10:54 pm in the Hawaiian Islands, 1:54 am on the West Coast, 8:54 am GMT, and 5:54 pm in Japan.

At this New Moon, the slightest grazing of the Moon covers the Sun’s disk off the coast of Antarctica, creating a Partial Solar Eclipse, essentially visible by no one. This is the 1st eclipse of a new eclipse cycle spanning the next 1,200 years. For astrologers, new eclipse cycle = a theme setter=pay attention to details.

As with all eclipses and their association with a shadow element or "spines of darkness", the power of "the hidden" is at play. Here, I see the hidden element in the sign of Gemini, courtesy of Venus and the South Lunar node. 

Gemini is the eternal trickster and playful actor who uses communication and deft actions to effect either a shift in the energy, or adapt readily to a rapidly changing landscape. As a initial eclipse, it sets an important theme for how we function as a world society going forward in this millennium particularly in the 4 foundational areas of life:

Resources - Aries
Career - Capricorn
Home - Cancer
Relationship - Libra

This is most evident in the reactivation of the Cardinal Climax configuration in both the Solstice and New Moon charts.