Friday, July 15, 2011

Capricorn Full Moon July 15: Your Inner Authority

"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."  Napoleon Hill, Self-Help Author (1883-1970)

AstroActivator©2001 by Kathryn Mina
As June’s intensity and its 3 eclipses fade, we arrive at July's Full Moon in industrious, achievement oriented Capricorn. Full Moon occurs on the 14th at 8:40 pm in Hawaii, just before midnight on the West Coast, and on the 15th for locations further to the east onward to the International Dateline.

This Full Moon brings to sharp focus intentions you created/initiated at the last New Moon on July 1. New Moon energy enhances visualizing and dreaming your desires into reality. Now, Capricorn Full Moon provides you with the structure, direction and organization to actualize those New Moon intentions. It also provides clear indications of what is on the front-burner of change over the next 6 months (typical eclipse window).

Archetypal Saturn is the ruling energy of Earth sign Capricorn. On the external, Saturn's rings serve as a reminder that life is framed with structure. In a 3d reality, structure is essential. Like draperies in a room, the personal and societal rules we create give shape to our lives
and the choices we make. This inner and outer authority to shape life comes under greater scrutiny on Full Moon day.

Here's our latest video giving a brief overview of this Full Moon's dynamics.

Here's the Full Moon chart

In this chart, 2 dominant square (challenges), potent sextiles and  subtle trines outline the structure of this day. The archetypal planetary players include Venus, Saturn, Uranus/Ceres, Pluto, Neptune/Chiron, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter:

To start,  (1) Venus at 13 Cancer creates a square with Saturn in Libra, while Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Leo trine Saturn.

Venus/Saturn highlights the on-going challenge around how you create a nurturing environment within your relationships. This was a significant theme at the past New Moon. Venus now challenges the form and structure of existing relationships. “What nurtures me and us” is a prominent Cancer-like question.

Yet, as Archetypal Venus is the ruling energy of  Libra, a soft-under belly to this tension exists, one that can easily encourage “peace at all costs” (Libra) at the expense of your inner authority (Capricorn). Given Capricorn’s fixation with authority and rules, which self-imposed rules do you follow to create peace and balance in your relationships? Are these rules congruent with your inner authority?

Meanwhile  (2) Mars in playful Gemini encourages a more engaging, spontaneous influence in the realm of relationship. This continues the Gemini theme seeded at the past New Moon. (3) Mercury in Leo serves as a bridge between Mars and Saturn, communicating in clear, Leo-like heart-felt ways what is most important for healthy relationships.

Other dynamic forces at play include (see chart inset below):
(1) Neptune and Chiron in Pisces sextile Pluto
(2) Uranus in Aries closely squares Pluto in Capricorn
(3) Jupiter in Taurus trines Pluto
(4) Jupiter sextiles Neptune/Chiron

Uranus/Pluto are the cosmic heavyweights here - Uranus’ Aries driven “radical change” drive ignites the Plutonian melt-down of Capricorn institutions and structures. For example, just this past week Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corp (including Fox News) abruptly shut down one of his major news companies (a well established British tabloid) due to unethical news collecting practices coming to light. Outrage in Britain from the political and social realms forced Murdoch to do the unthinkable.

The unorthodox speed of this significant business collapse is a model example of how this Uranus and Pluto can and will work between now and 2015. In the short term, Uranus/Pluto may exert their accelerated, unstable influence wherever governmental or business institutions are struggling with financial uncertainty and/or social unrest. One example is the current “raising the debt ceiling” negotiations within the US Government.

Which area(s) of life are you experiencing a rapid transformation? What effect does this experience have on your inner authority? What changes are required to adapt to these shifts?

“All roads lead to Pluto”:
Neptune and Chiron in early degrees Pisces create a sextile or 60 degree angle with Pluto and Jupiter. While sextiles usually represent “productive energy”, in this case its presence acts as a theme initiator for Pluto. Jupiter further amplifies this energy configuration. In part, Neptune brings its Piscean focus to all issues involving water. Chiron points to areas requiring healing and wholeness. Add a strong dash of Jupiter and you have a whole lot of H2O.

Since Neptune entered Pisces in April for a brief 4 month visit, record setting water catastrophes have filled the world news. Numerous "once in a Century" type floods triggered by a very slow snow melt and/or heavy rains have literally transformed landscapes around the world into huge, debris-filled lakes.

And we're not done yet. As Neptune remains in Pisces until early August before returning for its last pass in Aquarius, look for a continuation of this water theme over the next 3 weeks. On a macro scale, these events are purging the landscape of stagnant energy. On a more micro level, communities are coming together to attempt to contain Nature's intensity. Yet, as always, "natural forces always have the last say".

How has the water element affected recently your lifestyle and choices? What has or is ready to be cleansed/purged in your life?

Mercury Retrograde is coming:
At this Full Moon, Mercury at 19 Leo enters into the shadow realm of “Mercury Retrograde”. Over the next 3 weeks, Mercury will move thru Leo and station retrograde on August 2nd at 2 degrees Virgo, opposite nebulous Neptune.

The initial shadow period is a building energy, creating the necessary tension required for the retrograde. In this case, issues of the heart (Leo) will be a theme setter. The good news - thanks to Neptune, communication via dreams, insights and other psychic avenues will be significantly heightened during this retrograde period. The challenging news - reread “Neptune in Pisces” in the previous section.

More in our Leo New Moon blog at month-end.

In light of so many shifts in all areas of life, this is the time to deepen your connection to your inner authority. Rules and relationships are changing at all levels of awareness. The gift of Capricorn is the ability to make sense out of life,  accessing its many gifts for furthering our soul’s evolution, and participation with others on Planet Earth. Capricorn’s challenges us to upgrade our perspectives of what is real and what no longer works.

Helpful steps over the coming 2 week Moon cycle is to reorganize your priorities, release anything lacking energy, and begin the process of fine-tuning your heart’s desire. Mercury’s retrograde coming passage through Leo this August will further amplify the focus on heart desire and passion.

Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
July 14, 2011
©Gemini Awakening 2011 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems

- video creation - Telestream Screenflow, Apple iMovie 11 & Bias Peak Studio

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