Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Astrology September 2013: Resetting the Balance

September 2013 Astrology by Kathryn Andren Mina

Saturn Sentinel©2013 by Kathryn Andren Mina
Aloha from Gemini Awakening on the island of Hawaii. Here is astrology news you can use for the month of September 2013, featuring:
- Virgo New Moon September 5
- Mars in Leo square serious Saturn in Scorpio, peaks September 9
- Pisces Full Moon September 19
- Equinox September 22
- Love Planets Venus and Mars square off; peaks September 28

This month, meet Gemini Awakening on the move!  Details here:
- September 27 - 29 private sessions with Kathryn at Aquarius Sanctuary in Littleton MA
- October 2, “Astrology and You” women’s gathering with Kathryn in Warwick NY.
- October 2 - 3 Astrology talk: “Uranus and Pluto:The Great Transformation” with Joseph near Philadelphia PA (TBA).
- October 5 Gemini Awakening featured 4 hour workshop with Kathryn and Joseph: “Astrology and You” at the office of Dr. David Mehler DC, “Vikaz” in NYC. Check here for details and registration.

September is a transitional month preparing us the coming new season and a series of very strong planetary retrogrades with Mercury, Venus and Mars

Monday, August 5, 2013

Astrology August 2013: Recreation and Procreation

Astrology for August 2013

Mars leaves Jupiter
Moon smiles over mountain ridge
Laughing stress release

Celestial joke
Jupiter still flirts with Mars
Moon sees their secret

    By Kathryn Andren Mina

on the occasion of pre-dawn crescent moon with Jupiter and Mars
515am 8.4.2013
Authors note: I am writing this on a Cancer Moon day, after witnessing crescent Moon, Mars and Jupiter near my favorite constellation Orion in the sky early this morning. Cancer themes are activated and expanded here in the area of home, family, women and nurturing the creative impulse.

Return To Innocence©2013  by Kathryn Andren Mina
So, is everyone breathing now that July is over?  With so many planets in water signs, emotions have been super intense, especially the last 2 weeks of July.  Mars and Jupiter are just now separating and by early August this epic water trine formation breaks apart. The grand water trine includes Neptune in its home sign of Pisces, Saturn slowly moving through Scorpio, and Jupiter and Mars in Cancer. In August, Jupiter continues its alignment with the ever powerful cardinal activating agents, the Uranus Pluto Square.

The Cardinal signs are the signs that begin a season.They are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Since Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto are all in Cardinal signs, this is symbolic of initiating empowered change. While we have discussed here in previous posts, the Uranus and Pluto square relationship though 2015, Mars and Jupiter now in Cancer further activate and amplify this

Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 29th Star of David Geometry: Astrological Implications and Suggestions

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly."
Richard Bach Illusions

A sacred geometry of water and earth elementals connect on July 29th as various planetary energies align to form a "Star of David" or a Star Tetrahedron. This is a potent geometric form that rarely occurs. Consider it a portal of awareness, providing a forum for refection and intention setting for the next 3 months. Here's the chart for this sacred geometry (set for the Moon opposing Saturn at 4:41 AM in Hawaii, 7:41 am on the West Coast, and 2:41 pm GMT; occurs on the 30th from Japan east to the International Date Line).

I have added suggestions at the end of this update to assist you in consciously navigating this flow of energy. Please share this update with your friends.

This geometry arrives at a perilous time. Our global culture is undergoing immense changes and challenges on all levels of consciousness impacting resources, career aspirations, home and community functions and all matters of relationship. Have you been feeling edgy of late, or experiencing feelings of being anxious or uncertain? These vibrations will only increase in the coming months.

A Star Tetrahedron is a potent energy form. Think of it as a portal leading to higher consciousness and awareness. Its vibration is quite uplifting. However, it must be viewed as a part of a bigger energy fueling this chart, one dominated by very challenging square configurations (noted in red): one comprised of Saturn (structure), Moon (emotion) and Sun (fuel); and the other made up of Mars (action), Jupiter (expansion), Uranus (radical change), and Pluto (melt down). In short, these combined energies remind you that the very structure of