Monday, July 22, 2013

Aquarius Full Moon July 22, 2013: Freedom Now

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.  Nelson Mandela

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  Martin Luther King, Jr.
AstroActivator© by Kathryn Andren Mina

The first of 2 Aquarius Full Moon's arrives on July 22 at 8:16 am HST, 11:16 am PDT, 6:16 pm UTC and on the 23rd for Bangladesh east to the International Date Line. This Full Moon coincides with the Sun moving into its ruling sign Leo on the same day. This is a powerful lunar cycle to reflect on how you radiate you persona to others, and socially interact with your fellow humans. And Uranus/Pluto continue to apply pressure to day-to-day life (more below).

This particular lunation has a strong dynamic theme around freedom, a favorite Aquarian vibration. As you may realize, freedom is becoming a challenged concept in many places in the world. This decline points to the Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) in difficult aspect with Pluto thru 2015. 

Over the next 2 weeks, the energy is ripe for you to explore "what freedom means to you in your life" and "what are you willing to do to ensure its continuation". Please leave a comment at the end of this update about your how you are experiencing the current intense planetary cycles.

A 2nd Aquarius Full Moon takes place on August 20th (not a Blue Moon).  This 2nd full lunation in Aquarius marks a return to a more natural lunation energy. Here, the New Moon on August 6 once again precedes the Full Moon in a related sign. That ought to feel more connected and

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cancer New Moon July 8: Global Power 101

A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and most powerful possess.
A. Philip Randolph, Activist (1889-1979)

Aloha Star Lovers!

"Saturn Stand-Off" by Kathryn Andren Mina
Cancer New Moon arrives on July 7th at 9:14 PM in Hawaii, and on the 8th beginning shortly after midnight on the West Coast, USA, GMT 7:14 am, then east to the International Date Line. This New Moon ushers in a strong emotional period that offers both inspiration and intensity.

Continuing from the Capricorn Full Moon of June, this New Moon's theme points to emotions (water), trust and radical change. Its over-all Cancer vibration brings to focus major Cancer themes of family, community and self-care. The continuing retrograde of Mercury underscores this direction by its inward exploration of what nurtures you in your life versus what is stressful and depleting. Mercury also creates a strong interaction with the Sun/Moon today signaling something new wants to be revealed and explored. Are you ready to journey inward?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Solstice and Super Full Moon June 2013: Water Express

"I believe the world is one big family, and we need to help each other."
Jet Li, actor, film producer and martial artist

Happy Solstice and Aloha from the Hawaiian Islands

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
This Gemini Awakening Astrology update covers news you can use to navigate the epic planetary waves now sweeping the planet.

A significant vibrational change is underway. Can you feel it??? The season of water has arrived. Mercury began building this recent wave back in late May when it moved into the sign of watery Cancer. Venus followed a few days later. Now at this Solstice, Sun enters Cancer offering illumination for what lies ahead in the coming season.

Just 3 days after the Solstice, the Full Moon arrives at 1:32 am in Hawaii; 4:32 a PDT, 11:32 GMT. This Full Moon occurs just 22 minutes from the Moon's perigee point making it the closest Full Moon of 2013. The term "Super Full Moon",  a rather recent addition to our lexicon, applies here. 

In the "as above, so below" sky story, mark your calendar for Moon Rise time on the 23rd. Make plans with friends and family to witness this infrequent celestial event. The Moon will appear much larger than usual when near to the horizon. Absorb Luna's photons of light. Breathe them deeply into your core. This is a potent celestial window to set your intentions for the unfolding lunation as well as the new season.

Just two days after Full Moon, Jupiter completes its 1 year journey in Gemini