Monday, July 8, 2013

Cancer New Moon July 8: Global Power 101

A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and most powerful possess.
A. Philip Randolph, Activist (1889-1979)

Aloha Star Lovers!

"Saturn Stand-Off" by Kathryn Andren Mina
Cancer New Moon arrives on July 7th at 9:14 PM in Hawaii, and on the 8th beginning shortly after midnight on the West Coast, USA, GMT 7:14 am, then east to the International Date Line. This New Moon ushers in a strong emotional period that offers both inspiration and intensity.

Continuing from the Capricorn Full Moon of June, this New Moon's theme points to emotions (water), trust and radical change. Its over-all Cancer vibration brings to focus major Cancer themes of family, community and self-care. The continuing retrograde of Mercury underscores this direction by its inward exploration of what nurtures you in your life versus what is stressful and depleting. Mercury also creates a strong interaction with the Sun/Moon today signaling something new wants to be revealed and explored. Are you ready to journey inward?

Here's our latest podcast discussing the astrological highlights for July and their astrological implications. We also offer suggestions on how to surf this month's intense vibrations while maintaining your center.

The sign of Cancer also points to your lineage. The New Moon in Cancer offers opportunities to connect with family and community in new and innovative ways. This not only includes your birth family, but your soul family too.  Perhaps a long time has past since you reached out to those in your lineage.  New Moon this month may present opportunities to create peace where there has been strife, and reconnect in new ways.

Here's the Cancer New Moon chart:

Central to the New Moon chart is Mercury positioned close to the Sun/Moon, an increase in the emotional/water realm as Jupiter strengthens the grand water trine in place from June, Saturn stations direct (finally!), and most importantly, an amplification of the Uranus square Pluto dynamics. Let's take them one at a time.

Mercury's current movement shows it transiting across the Sun over the next 2 days. This transit symbolically hides Mercury in the glare of the Sun. On the inner level the transit brings you further inward, especially in the realm of self-care and ways you do or don't express your needs to those close to you.

Mercury's vibration gets particularly intense when it stations direct on the 20th. Around that date (3 days before/after) it reengages Uranus/Pluto. Mercury's last contact with Uranus/Pluto occurred on June 7 and 8th. On those dates travel related accidents filled the news, as well as surprising revelations the US Government was conducting an extensive, secretive PRISM surveillance program on its own citizens. 

Due to Mercury's direct station on the 20th, this second Uranus/Pluto engagement may prove more intense than the first go-around. Suggestion: if you are traveling around that time, practice conscious breathing, stay inward and focused, and follow the easier energy path. Remember, "spontaneity" is your friend. In all respects, "heated conversations" at this time easily become amplified. Take heed sporting referees, law enforcement employees and diplomats.

And then there's Jupiter: this expansive archetype entered the sign of Cancer on June 25th, and remains in this watery realm until July 2014. Jupiter expands whatever it touches. It has a beneficial vibe to its energetic form, creating optimism and hope. That in turn deepens your sense of trust and courage to engage what's in front of you. 

However, its current placement in the grand water trine, and its coming engagement with the Uranus/Pluto square later in July expands those related energies too. That dynamic points to more world stage intensity, stronger storms, heightened emotions and an increase in tension and edginess. And if that wasn't enough....

Jupiter joins Saturn and Neptune to form again a Grand Water Trine (discussed extensively in our last update). Add Mars to the mix later this month and water and emotional events are going to be heightened considerably. Physical exercise and nurturing bodywork are very good strategies for keeping this energy circulating internally. By contrast, "thinking" only will stagnate and intensify the energy pattern. Your choice....

Saturn stations direct on this New Moon day, completing phase 1 of 3 retrograde cycles in Scorpio (through September 2015). As an anchor in the grand water trine, Saturn brings form/structure to what would otherwise me a difficult to navigate energy form. As you look back over the past 6 months, reflect on what has changed/reorganized in your life in the realm of shared resources and expressions of life force. Saturn lays the ground work for your next surge of productive energy. Use it while it's available. But remember...

"Grounded 2,280 feet Down" by Kathryn Andren Mina
Uranus square Pluto remains as the dominant cycle now in the mix. Its blend of radical change and structural meltdowns continues unabated. Add to the mix Uranus on the 17th beginning its 5 month retrograde cycle and anything goes.

Recent street demonstrations in Brazil, Egypt, Turkey, and Iran underscore the increasing strength of this radical wave of change. For example, the former President of Egypt was removed from power last week due to massive street demonstrations throughout Egypt. In addition to earlier references in this update, Uranus/Pluto will become even more amplified around July 23rd through the end of August as Mars and Jupiter add their combined Cancer mojo to this on-going transformative conversation. Unprecedented...yet equally unpredictable about where this energy is headed.

This Uranus/Pluto cycle will affect you most personally if you have any natal planet in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and/or Capricorn between 8° and 15°. Contact us if you’d like a free copy of your personal birth chart, or to schedule an hour consultation session on how to best engage and organize with the power of this month's dynamic planetary patterns.
"Galactic Goddess" by Kathryn Andren Mina

Conclusion: Conversations with various friends reveals a general edginess in the air. No one is immune from this vibration. However, quality of life choices are paramount to moving with this evolving wave. The quote at the top of this article points to the power of a healthy community, where all voices have equal say. Getting there requires a big shift in world consciousness. 

Always remembering "nothing humanly created trumps global opinion", now is the time to use expansive Jupiter's vibration to raise internally your sense of purpose and placement in this most transformative of times. In all respects, the power of many easily outweigh the extreme domination of a few. This month lays the groundwork for deepening your inner strength and connection to that power. As always, the first steps of this deepening begin within....

Next Update: Aquarius Full Moon July 22: A Call for Freedom

Sat Nam

Aloha from Hawaii Island
Starman, Joseph Mina
July 7, 2013

©Gemini Awakening 2013 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems

- video creation - Telestream Screenflow and Amadeus Pro

1 comment:

  1. Thank You

    one of the best blogs that I've ever read on this topic..congratulations :)



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