Friday, June 21, 2013

Solstice and Super Full Moon June 2013: Water Express

"I believe the world is one big family, and we need to help each other."
Jet Li, actor, film producer and martial artist

Happy Solstice and Aloha from the Hawaiian Islands

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
This Gemini Awakening Astrology update covers news you can use to navigate the epic planetary waves now sweeping the planet.

A significant vibrational change is underway. Can you feel it??? The season of water has arrived. Mercury began building this recent wave back in late May when it moved into the sign of watery Cancer. Venus followed a few days later. Now at this Solstice, Sun enters Cancer offering illumination for what lies ahead in the coming season.

Just 3 days after the Solstice, the Full Moon arrives at 1:32 am in Hawaii; 4:32 a PDT, 11:32 GMT. This Full Moon occurs just 22 minutes from the Moon's perigee point making it the closest Full Moon of 2013. The term "Super Full Moon",  a rather recent addition to our lexicon, applies here. 

In the "as above, so below" sky story, mark your calendar for Moon Rise time on the 23rd. Make plans with friends and family to witness this infrequent celestial event. The Moon will appear much larger than usual when near to the horizon. Absorb Luna's photons of light. Breathe them deeply into your core. This is a potent celestial window to set your intentions for the unfolding lunation as well as the new season.

Just two days after Full Moon, Jupiter completes its 1 year journey in Gemini

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gemini New Moon June 8: Water 101

Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.
Lao Tzu, Father of Taoism

"Touching the Waves" Joseph Mina©2013, all rights reserved
The other day I was flying to Hawaii after 3 weeks in Japan. Below me wrapped in darkness was the mighty Pacific, an immense body of water beyond comprehension; its liquid power holding tremendous sway over the weather systems sweeping planet Earth. Above this massive water engine brilliant star fields filled the night sky.

Scorpio and Sagittarius framed my window, standing upright in the south...starry sentinels pointing to Galactic Center...the engine fueling our galaxy's movement. As below. In that moment I realized these enormous energy fields, both close and afar, set the tone and direction of our day to day human choices and experiences while barely registering on our human perception radar. Fortunately, Astrology, as a cosmic weather report, helps us understand and correlate these universal movements and cycles into form so we can make sense or anticipate the ebb and flow of energy of what lies before us.

At this New Moon lunation, a changing of the energetic guard begins to take place. The

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sagittarius Penumbral Full Moon May 24: Gemini Party

A Gemini Party: Penumbral Eclipse May 24 Sagittarius Full Moon

©AstroActivator by Kathryn Andren Mina, all rights reserved
Isn’t it time to lighten up? 

The month of May began with four planetary energies in the Zodiac sign of the Bull. Now, we may be getting a much needed Gemini light-hearted break for a few weeks. 

Over the past 10 days Venus, Mercury and Sun moved from the Zodiac sign of Taurus into Gemini, the Twins inviting more levity in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms. Mars will follow into Gemini by month's-end, which will act as impetus for what you envision during this Full Moon energy.

With this influx of planetary energy into light-hearted Gemini, a potent time unfolds for creating Gemini magic through networking, writing, teaching and