Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2012

Taurus New Moon April 2012: Magnetic Sensuality

“If any human being is to reach full maturity, both the masculine and feminine sides of the personality must be brought up into consciousness.”
Mary Esther Harding, Jungian Analyst (1888-1971)

Taurus New Moon arrives late on the 20th in Hawaii at 9:18 pm, and on the 21st, shortly after midnight on the West Coast, US, then east to the International Date Line. GMT is 7:18.

AstroActivator©2001:Kathryn Andren Mina
This New Moon directs your attention to the creative energy and sensuality of the Earth. Can you feel the pulse of the planet? She is alive and speaking in ways unprecedented in our lifetimes.

The Taurus archetype, ruled by Venus, focuses on Earthly beauty and its natural expression, and life's comforts. These experiences can take place in the realm of nature, your physical body, culinary delights, art, farming/gardening, creative dance, and all things having intrinsic beauty and value.

At 2° Taurus, this lunation points to a new exploration and expression of one's creativity and expressive feminine qualities whether you are a woman or man. It also directs your attention to the pulse of the Planet and your relationship to her. I call it "magnetic sensuality".

New Moon periods are significant times for something new, refreshing, and expansive. Now that transiting Mars in Virgo has finally started to move in direct motion (4/13), progressive energy once again is available. Yet, Venus says "not

Friday, December 9, 2011

Total Lunar Eclipse and Gemini Full Moon: the Dance of Unpredictability

Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
T. S. Eliot, Author (1888 - 1965)

The last Full Moon of the current season occurs for most of the world on Saturday, December 10th at 4:37 AM in Hawaii, 6:37 AM on the West Coast, 9:37 AM on the East Coast, and 2:37 PM GMT. Eastern Australia,New Zealand and parts of the Western Pacific welcome the Full Moon in the early morning hours on the 11th.

For parts of the world, a total eclipse of the Moon will be visible. This is the last total lunar eclipse visible on Earth until 2014. Hence, this Moon's shadow influence is a theme setter for 2012 and 2013. The Moon positions at 18 degrees Gemini. This Lunar eclipse also further

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sagittarius New Moon: the 2012 Gate Opens

"Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor."
Robert Frost, US poet (1874 - 1963)

"...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930), (Sherlock Holmes)

©AstroActivator by Kathryn Mina
The Moon completes its Scorpio/Taurus cycle on Nov 24/25 when it meets the Sun at 3 degrees in Sagittarius, the mythical archer. Sagittarius seeks out the truth, desiring to elevate the human vibration to the highest possible spiritual place of awareness. Its energy finds interest in the elevated perspective of the mind, philosophy, religion, distant travel, laws, and especially adventure.

This New Moon occurs at 8:10 pm on the 24th in Hawaii, 10:10 on the West Coast, and on the 25th from the Midwest (CST) east to the International Date Line. This represents the last New Moon of the Autumn season. Added significance occurs due to this Moon phase triggering a partial solar eclipse, visible over Antarctica.

Ordinarily, New Moon energy is a time of renewal and initiative. Something

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sagittarius Full Moon June 15: The Courageous Quest

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)

“Before God we are equally wise and equally foolish.”
Albert Einstein

"Based on the laws of physics, the effect on temperature of man's contribution to atmospheric CO2 levels is minuscule and indiscernible from the natural variability caused in large part by changes in solar energy output."
Robert Scotto, Atmospheric Scientist
Breaking News!!!! Just yesterday, astrophysicist revealed potential life changing information (how timely for the eclipse) about the current and next Solar cycle. In true out of the blue Uranian fashion, the anticipated increase in Sunspot activity in the coming Solar 25 cycle is now considered incorrect. Solar data now shows the Sun's internal activity moving in the opposite direction, towards hibernation. This has come as quite a surprise (and significant at that) to the astronomical community.

A very similar scenario played out in the mid 17th Century. Then, a very quiet Sun (less energy output) led to a "Little Ice Age" during the period 1645 - 1715. During those 70 years, planet Earth experienced very harsh and longer winters. Uncertain in this newly unfolding solar scenario is whether excessive carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (global warming) is sufficient to temporarily offset any potential global temperature drop over the coming decades. Given the Uranian nature of the announcement, I'd say there are a number of wild cards yet to be revealed.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 2011 Eclipses: Dancing with the Shadows

"Oh dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon,
Irrecoverably dark, total Eclipse
Without all hope of day!"
John Milton, English poet (1608-74)

"Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud.
Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,
And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.
All men make faults, and even I in this."

William Shakespeare, English poet and playwright (1564-1616)

This Astrology blog looks at the potent Eclipse dynamics unfolding in the month of June into July. With the Gemini New Moon behind us, and a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius less than a week away, I examine in broad detail how these celestial events point to events of the past, present and future, and how this may influence the life choices you make in the coming 6 months.

Our human relationship with Eclipses: the above quotes underscore how solar or lunar eclipses once evoked great fear, depressing thoughts, or dread in people.The “unexpected” and misunderstood darkening of the Sun or Moon was seen as a sign of great trouble, or some ominous omen of heavenly wrath. By contrast, today’s astronomers understand the physical mechanics of these extraordinary celestial movements, and mark their future occurrences with uncanny precision.

Yet, there remains the unmeasurable quality of an eclipse; one that evokes awe, wonder, and a connection to something much bigger than ourselves. Herein lies the mystical, archetypal

Monday, January 3, 2011

Capricorn New Moon - Energizing 2011 and Beyond

"The future depends on what we do in the present."
Mahatma Gandhi

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."
Arthur C. Clarke, Astrophysicist & Science Fiction Author

Aloha and Happy New Year!

2011 starts off with a New Moon and partial solar eclipse in Capricorn at 14 degrees. New Moon occurs in Hawaii on Jan 3 at 11:02 pm HST; and January 4th from Far Western Canada (12:02 am), east to the International Date Line (9:00 UT). Fresh on the heals of the Lunar Eclipse and Gemini Full Moon near the Solstice, this New Moon opens the door for structure, organization, long term planning, new direction and career goals and initiatives.

New Moon eclipse energy signifies a time to seed intentions for the coming 6 months. This dove-tails well with the beginning of the year rituals of resolutions and commitments. The above quotes underscore one approach for framing your 2011 intentions. 

As the Aquarian vibration continues to increase in our global consciousness, technology expands in a myriad of ways to support communication and the rapid dissemination of ideas

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse & Solstice - December 2010: Crimson Light Magic

"We went to the Moon as technicians, we returned as humanitarians."
Edgar Mitchell, co-founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences, 6th Astronaut to walk on the Moon

"Thirst drove me down to the water where I drank the Moon's reflection"

The Full Moon occurs at 29 degrees Gemini on December 20th in the late evening in Hawaii (10:13), and on the 21st from the West Coast, east to the International Date Line. During this lunation, the Moon slips into the crimson filled Earth's shadow, reaching totality beginning at 9:40p (HST); 11:40 PST; 2:40a EST, 7:40a UT (Universal Time) Totality lasts for approximately 1 hr and 15 minutes. This potent dynamic occurs just 15 hours before the Sun moves into the cardinal sign of Capricorn, signaling the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

Let me say up front, I consider this chart dynamic as an indicator of a "seeding point" for the next 4 years, much in the same light I forecast this past summer's Cardinal Climax events. While a few astrologers suggest this Gemini Full Moon chart is the "true 2012" chart, containing the potency to create significant global shifts. I take a different tact. Reasons are outlined below.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Solstice 2010: The Cardinal Climax

"If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going." 
"Professor" Irwin Corey, American Vaudeville comic and actor

"We fear only what we haven't understood." Byron Katie, Spiritual Author

"We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing." R.D. Laing, Psychiatrist

Solstice 2010 and the 2010 Turning Point

The Solstice arrives on June 21, 2010 as the Sun enters the Cardinal sign of Cancer. In Hawaii, Solstice is at 1:28 am; 4:28 am on the Pacific Coast; 11:28 am Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); and 8:28 pm in Japan.

In the northern hemisphere, the June solstice is the longest day of the year, marking the first day of Summer. This rich, abundant season expresses the ripeness and fullness of life. Let your light shine! In the "as above, so below" mysteries, this maximum expression of solar radiance may be seen as a symbol for celebrating your external physical creations here on Earth.

AstroActivators© by Kathryn Andren
At the Solstice this year, astrological patterns line up near the early degrees of all the Cardinal Signs. These zodiac signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are the initiators for each season of the year. They are the 4 cornerstones, or foundational points of life. Aries focuses on creativity and new initiatives; Cancer feeds the realm of community/family; Libra frames our relationships; and Capricorn establishes our rules, organization and structures of life. 

This day serves as the sounding bell for the unfolding of events over the next four years. Its dominant Cardinal sign energy reminds us to create something new. The energetic ethers are super ripe now with inspiration and new insights. Some Astrologers refer to this energy the "Cardinal Climax", or as we say the "2010 Turning Point" - a symbolic arrival at the "crossroads" in our personal lives, and as a collective for humanity.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Annular Solar Eclipse - The Next Big Step

A significant  Annular Solar Eclipse occurs over Africa and Asia on January 15th. At greatest eclipse, annularity totals 11 minutes and 8 seconds. This is the longest solar eclipse until December 23, 3043.

This particular event is quite complex. Hence, I have provided additional background content for anyone wanting more information. For those wanting to "cut to the chase", I've provided a synopsis a few sections down titled The 411 - Reader's Digest Version

Eclipse dynamics:

As with every total or annular solar eclipse, and total lunar eclipse, the Sun, Moon and Earth are in direct alignment at the maximum eclipse moment. This is called "syzygy" (pronounced sizz-a-gee) - a gravitational alignment of 3 or more celestial bodies. Incidentally, this was my oldest daughter's favorite word when she was in grade school, due to its lack of a vowel and spelling difficulty.

Adding to this alignment, the Earth reached recently its closest orbital point to the Sun (perigee was Jan 5), while the Moon at the eclipse will be close to its farthest point from Earth (apogee). Combined, these dynamics produce a Moon only 92% of the Sun's disk. This means the Moon takes longer to travel across the face of the Sun resulting in a very long annular eclipse.

Long duration eclipses symbolically represent a deepening of vibration and intent. Occurring in late degree Capricorn, this eclipse points its laser-like intensity toward Capricorn themes of finance, industry, rules, authority, politics and self-sufficiency.