Friday, December 9, 2011

Total Lunar Eclipse and Gemini Full Moon: the Dance of Unpredictability

Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
T. S. Eliot, Author (1888 - 1965)

The last Full Moon of the current season occurs for most of the world on Saturday, December 10th at 4:37 AM in Hawaii, 6:37 AM on the West Coast, 9:37 AM on the East Coast, and 2:37 PM GMT. Eastern Australia,New Zealand and parts of the Western Pacific welcome the Full Moon in the early morning hours on the 11th.

For parts of the world, a total eclipse of the Moon will be visible. This is the last total lunar eclipse visible on Earth until 2014. Hence, this Moon's shadow influence is a theme setter for 2012 and 2013. The Moon positions at 18 degrees Gemini. This Lunar eclipse also further
defines the activations set in motion at this past June's Sagittarius Full Moon eclipse.

Solar or Lunar Shadow events metaphorically imply an inward direction. In the Moon's case our emotional state is highlighted. Whether or not a lunar eclipse is visible, its vibrational effect on our psyches can be pervasive, especially if its dynamics activates any significant planetary aspect in your natal chart. Further, eclipse energy tends to fragment anything stagnant or seemingly stuck. Hence, its effect can produce uncertainty, confusion, unsteadiness, or even anxiety in a swirling sea of unpredicatability.

This eclipsed Gemini Moon positions next to the lunar South Node, which implies the release of something outdated. By contrast, the North Lunar Node, positioned next to the Sagittarius Sun, points to something emerging, or embracing something fresh and exciting. Here, its upside points to a higher, more optimistic spiritual perspective about life and what the future potentially holds.

Here's our latest video giving an overview of the eclipse event.


The specific timings for the eclipse may be found on NASA's Eclipse summary. Times are expressed in "Universal Time" (Greenwich Mean Time or GMT). To convert to your local time zone, have a look here.

Also, eclipse energy usually means an increase in Earth energies in the realm of weather (more intense storms) and geophysical events, such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc. The past 2 weeks have seen intensity in these realms. Know there is more to come over the next 2 weeks.

Here's the Full Moon chart:

Gemini/Sagittarius represent "mutable" elemental energies. As the last sign in a season, this duo carries a high degree of "changeability" in their energetic, polarized make-up. Hence, no matter how permanent or fixed something appears, energy under this vibration has the potential to rapidly dissolve, fall apart or unpredictably shift.

Mercury Retrograde influence: As the ruler of Gemini, Mercury reminds us of the importance of communication, thoughts, ideas and connection with others. Its current retrograde began a day before the past solar eclipsed New Moon, and concludes on the 13th, just 3 days after this Full Moon. Hence, Mercury retrograde events during the past 3 weeks have had an unpredictable (Gemini) edge for revealing the truth (Sagittarius), especially in Global type events. One example is the recent revelation the Federal Reserve in the US secretly lent $7.7 trillion to Banks during the 2008 financial crisis without the knowledge of Congress.

Other Full Moon influences: Mars in Virgo makes a wide square to the Sun/Moon. Ordinarily, this would not be a significant indicator due to its marginal degree influence. However, this is no ordinary Mars placement (of course!). Mars now moves across the same area of the zodiac where it will move retrograde for approximately 10 weeks starting January 23rd. 

Mars retrograde by itself is a theme setter for the masculine approach to life. In Virgo, focus is brought to life's details and rituals. In the context of this eclipse, those details and rituals point to religious structures (Sagittarius) that are outdated, i.e. ready for a more expansive or wider perspective.

While its common to think of something "religious" as having a faith orientation, other societal realms such as Politics, Finance, i.e. Banking or Corporate activity, and even Sports can also take on a "religious zeal". Hence, these areas of life are ripe for shift too. The emerging "Occupy" movement spreading in various cities around the world is one example of an evolving catalyst for change. Their focus aims squarely at unscrupulous financial and legal practices that favor the wealthy over everyone else. Look for other movements to spring up over the coming year.

Further, Mars creates a wide opposition at this eclipse to Ceres, the planetary archetype of nurturing self and others.Hence, combined (1) Mars/(2) Ceres, and (3) Sun/(4) Moon, create a Grand Cross (4 squares/2 oppositions) in mutable signs. One interpretation: the old way of networking, communicating and educating (Gemini) through existing rituals and practices (Virgo) is ready (Mars) to give way to something new. Sun in Sagittarius, Ceres in Pisces carry the potential for greater optimism (Sagittarius) about a healthier Global community emerging over the next 16 years. (Neptune in Pisces theme).

Lastly, unpredictable, crazy, out of the blue Uranus moves into direct motion at 0 degrees Aries just 7 hours before Full Moon. Retrograde and direct motion periods see a slow down and intensifying of the energy (like a pressure cooker). Hence, this eclipse vibration takes on an extra strong air of unpredictability over the coming months. With revolutionary zeal, Uranian energy has a lightning like effect, shocking us out of complacency and out-dated ways. Its new forward motion has a very potent date with Pluto come next June and September when it makes the 2nd and 3rd of 8 squares with the planet of death and rebirth. Translated - look for surprising, life changing events in the political, financial and religious realms during 2012.

Conclusion: In my last blog, I mentioned the Sagittarius New Moon as "opening the gate for 2012". This eclipsed Full Moon represents round 2. Mars and Venus retrogrades in January and June 2012 are rounds 3 and 4, respectively, culminating with Uranus square Pluto next Summer as round 5. This pressure cooker of activity is primed with highly creative, transformative energy, as well as a catalytic force for rapidly sweeping out the old a la the "fall of the Berlin Wall, or the end of the Soviet empire".

What replaces the old remains to be seen. Society's mandate will dictate whether fear through retrenchment and isolationism, or courage through social justice and equality becomes the world's directive and focus over the next 3 years. Major elections, such as the US Presidency in 2012, will be one indicator of society's evolving mood.

On a personal level, this eclipse Moon gives you the chance to look within your soul for direction and guidance in 2012. Potent cycles await. Destiny calls. How will you answer?

Coming events - Winter Solstice on December 21/22; Capricorn New Moon on December 24th.

Plan ahead for the New Year. Consider having a professional consultation of your natal chart and coming transits in 2012. We offer recorded private sessions in-person in Hawaii, or by telephone, including Skype. Also, we offer Printed natal chart interpretations (PDF file), which make a great holiday gift for a family member or friend at a very reasonable price ($25 USD). Please inquire.

Many blessings for this holiday season.

Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
December 9, 2011
©Gemini Awakening 2011 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
- video creation - Telestream Screenflow, Apple iMovie 11 & Amadeus Pro Sound Editor


  1. thanks for the fantastic heads up for the year to come. I will plan something special for the full moon eclipse most definatley. Just so happens to be the night between me and my best friends birthdays :)

  2. Joseph, I am always intrigued and grateful for your reads! It never ceases to amaze me how informative you are to all that is happening!! Huge events taking place as we become "Shamanized" ....

    Thank you and Kathryn for all the work, insights, and knowledge. Here's to our New World!!

  3. Lunar eclipse was so amazing. Clear skies, a vivid, crimson Moon and Geminid Meteors on occasion streaking across the sky. At totality, the Milky Way appeared just above the Moon. Great "as above, so below" experience on the Big Island.


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