"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito."
Dalai Lama
Aloha and Happy New Year,
or as we say in Hawai'i: Hau'oli makahiki hou!
(how-o-lee ma-ka-hee-key hoe)
I begin this update with one of my recent creations: an overview of the coming planetary transits for 2015. In this video I cover Mercury Retrogrades, Uranus square Pluto, Saturn's dance with fire, Venus in the Lion's den, and Super Moons & Eclipses. Enjoy. (Note: for anyone with a high-speed Internet connection, click on the YouTube gear icon along the bottom of the video, then select either 720 or 1080p before watching in full screen mode).
We turn the page...another chapter in the history of human evolution begins. Intense 2014 has given way to 2015's mysteries and a continuation of significant change and closure across the spectrum of human reality. Are you ready???
Hard to fathom 14 years have passed since the 21st Century began. And what a 14 years it has been. In our current reality, the accelerated pace of life has become palpable. From the widest possible
Aquarian like perspective, the last 14 years have witnessed a huge leap in human awareness and technology, evidenced by a greater conscious connection to the wonders of the Universe and equally of importance...to each other.
In this new year, another significant jump in space exploration awaits us courtesy of space probes ready to reveal Pluto's planetary mysteries, the asteroid Ceres uncharted surface, and a small comet awakening from its long primordial sleep.
It has been a little over 45 years since Neil Armstrong's famous 1969 first-step on the Moon quote "...one small step for man...one large step for mankind." His infamous words ring ever so true in 2015, as Uranus and Pluto continue the 2nd phase of their epic transformative connection initiated in the mid-60's. Makes me wonder what will emerge over the next 32 years as the shock waves of the current Uranus/Pluto cycle ripple throughout the consciousness.
We arrive at the Cancer Full Moon. This is the first Full Moon of the new season, riding high in the sky in the northern hemisphere. Here's the Cosmic 411 summary of this lunation:
When: Full Moon in cardinal energy Cancer arrives on January 4th at 6:53 pm in Hawaii; 8:53 pm on the West Coast; just before midnight on the East Coast, then on the January 5th from Nova Scotia east to the International Date Line. GMT = Jan 5 at 4:53 am.
Where: Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Cancer position at 15° . This occurs very near the Grand Cardinal Cross 13 degree marker of 2014.
Theme: Creating a nurturing world fueled by healthy communities and in alignment with the Aquarian ideals of social equality and justice for all.
Synopsis: A strong Aquarian statement permeates this Full Moon's chart structure. Yet, influences seeking a more spiritual purpose must face a reality check about what is real or unreal. In 2015, a call or quest for "the truth" becomes louder and louder. Meanwhile, the Cancer Full Moon reminds you to nurture and strengthen yourself...so you may offer the same grace to others.
Life Path Astrology Consultation & Holiday Gift Certificates: Looking for clarification of current life circumstances, or greater understanding of yourself? Make an on-line appointment today for a Life Path Astrology session. Great gift too! Schedule today on-line, or contact me. Session is digitally recorded for your subsequent listening and integration.
"Thank you for your amazing gift of reading charts and energy. My session with you yesterday was confirmation and further illumination. I highly recommend Joseph to do your chart."
CC Vancouver, Canada
Significant Challenges: Uranus and Pluto remain in close proximity to each other up to and beyond their next direct square in March. Meanwhile, Saturn begins its 9 year challenging interaction with dreamy Neptune. Form vs Formlessness. Delusion can abound in this dynamic vibration.
Sun, Moon, Uranus and Pluto positioning near the 2014 grand cardinal cross degree remind us that "transformation 101" remains ever potent and active.
Mars in Aquarius opposing retrograde Jupiter in Leo is challenged to fuel its quest for social equality and justice from a heart-felt, ego-less perspective.
Beneficial Grace: Mercury and Venus create an easy flow with Saturn in Sagittarius. This easy energy connection adds a potent Aquarian ally to Saturn's new spiritual quest for discovering "what is true". Also, this will be a strong theme for the coming Mercury Retrograde on the 21st.
Significant Astrological Timings over the next 2 weeks:
5 - Mercury enters Retrograde shadow (retrograde begins 1/21)
11 - Mercury & Venus conjunct Aquarius (see "Eyes on the Sky" below)
12 - Mars enters Pisces (through Feb 18) - completions & compassionate service
19 - Sun enters Aquarius
19 - Venus in AQ opposes Jupiter in Leo (choices of the heart)
20 - New Moon in Aquarius (1st of 3 consecutive Super New Moons)
21 - Mercury stations retrograde at 17° conjunct a very young waxing Moon
Suggestions for this lunation:
Cardinal sign energy fuels new beginnings and creativity. With that in mind:
Nurture...nurture...nurture self in new ways.
Create a more energy rich relationship with your body.
Create a greater sense of integrity and congruency within your family and community
Create a more nurturing reality for your family and/or community
Take quiet time for yourself
Create meaningful resolutions for 2015
Fuel your greater vision for 2015 (vision board is one medium), or artistically map out your desired flow for 2015
Suggested Reflection Questions:
Am I creating an energy rich reality for myself, family and community?
How can I nurture myself and my body in new innovative ways this year?
What changes am I ready to implement NOW to create a more wholesome approach to life?
What lessons have I learned in 2014 to better prepare me for changes in 2015?
Eyes on the Sky:
Full Moon rises at Sunset on the 4th
Venus & Mercury: Beginning around the 4th for locations within 20° of the equator, or around the 8th for higher latitudes, look about 1/2 hour after sunset for Venus and Mercury above the area where the Sun has set (binoculars helpful for spotting smaller Mercury). Mercury will be much dimmer than brilliant Venus and to Venus' right. Closest pairing occurs from 11th through the 14th. Remember...Mercury in the Western Sky signals its retrograde draws near.
Dimmer and ruddy looking Mars can be seen in the Western Sky above Venus (about 4 fists width at arm's length).
Bright Jupiter rises in the East around 8 pm
Creamy Saturn rises in the East around 4am in early January, just above constellation Scorpio and the ruddy looking star Antares.
Looking for more details behind the Cosmic 411? Well read on. Otherwise, see my concluding remarks at the end of this update. Please share the update with friends. Mahalo!
In depth analysis of this lunation:
Here's the Full Moon Chart
Significant transits (annotated numerically in the chart above) include:
(1) Sun catches up to Pluto, opposes the Moon and squares Uranus and South Node...in short bringing strong Capricorn-like directed light to the potent transformative energies now sweeping the planet. And what better way to express that message then through the cosmic voice of...
(2) Mercury in Aquarius. Now ready to move in tandem with Venus in the evening western sky, Mercury in the water bearer sign points us to the future and its enormous possibilities. Venus adds value, beauty and a sense of compassion to this conversation. Together they create an energy rich sextile (60 degree angle) with Saturn in Sagittarius to create a structure for anchoring this cosmic message into the human psyche. Yet at the same time...
(2) Structured Saturn in Sagittarius is somewhat distracted as it begins its on/off 2 year square interaction with nebulous Neptune in Pisces. This dance occurs every 9 years with its theme dependent on the astrological signs in which each planet resides.
This current aspect is a closing square...the last phase of a cycle initiated in 1989 when Saturn and Neptune came together in Capricorn, Saturn's home sign. Back then, the Soviet Union ended and the Berlin Wall quickly came down.
Saturn wants to restructure, organize and ultimately control life. By contrast, Neptune pines for the utopian ideal in any situation. Neither archetype understands the other.
Note: for anyone born with Saturn in Sagittarius (late 1985 or 1986, or late 1955 or 1956, 2015 is your Saturn return year. One of reevaluation, limitation and reorganization.
If your Neptune position in your natal chart is placed in early degrees of Sagittarius (1972-73) or Virgo (1928-29), this 2015 Saturn/Neptune cycle may prove quite challenging, especially when attempting to discern through your life choices what is true for you.
Saturn & Neptune: a brief look back in time at this 36 year cycle: Saturn & Neptune last came into aspect in 2006. Then Saturn transited Leo while Neptune resided in Aquarius. They were opposie of each other. Saturn's Leo persona revealed itself through the emergence of corporations wielding enormous global power, or politicians, driven by ego (Leo's shadow), wanting more and more power. At the same time, the US housing market's optimism was nearing a boiling point as large banks and financial institutions encouraged more and more borrowing from consumers. By contrast, Neptune's Aquarius persona at that time desired a world predicated on unity, harmony, peaceful interaction and inter-dependency. It was then that Barrack Obama message of "Yes We Can" gained significant attention and momentum.
Fast forward to present time: Saturn in Sagittarius looks at Neptune in Pisces and wonders aloud "what is real versus and what is an illusion?". What has the past 9 years taught us about the use of power versus our idealistic vision about global peace and economic stability? By the end of 2016, answer to these questions will be forthcoming...coinciding with the US presidential election. In the meantime...
(3) Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter in Leo prime the astrological pump. This duo now in opposition occupy the very astrological stage (Aquarius/Leo) Neptune and Saturn transited back in 2006. A new Republican dominated US Congress is one example where Saturn and Neptune will direct our attention this and next year. Mars in Aquarius wants there to be social action and justice...sooner than later; Jupiter retrograde in Leo has the potential to corrupt or derail that process. The days ahead will reveal clearly the truth of what is going on behind the veil of illusion and deception in corporate and political circles around the world. Tension is building...the stage is set.
Sometimes human progress/evolution may appear to move at a glacial pace or even seem to regress. However, our perception of time is highly skewed and narrow. Viewed from a broader lens spanning centuries of evolutionary progress, humanity is significantly more evolved today than just 100 years ago. Go back 1,000 years and there is absolutely no comparison.
In 2015, the planetary cycles continue their strong headwinds of 2014. Yet adversity and challenge strengthens us and deepens our resolve to passionately embrace all we are here to share in humanities evolution. This is the very essence of any transformative process. It's how we reach deeper into our inner core and find new strength.
There is no getting around or ignoring these transformative headwinds. They are important components of a huge shift in consciousness in this Century. More so, the intense cycles initiated in the early years of this young Century are literally reshaping the human psyche in profound, accelerated ways. And everyone alive on this planet is engaged in this grand shift (note: at the time of this writing on January 2, world population was 7,285,300,000. When you click on the link, notice how many more people have been added since the 2nd. It's rather astonishing). While this urge to radically change may seem rather daunting and dire, the Dalai Lama quote above may help you remember why you are on this planet at this moment in time. And especially remembering "you are the answer to your prayers".
Yes, the human family continues to struggle with racial, sexual and gender equality. War, ignorance, poverty, over-population, malnourishment, and environmental destruction seemingly loom ever so larger. However, in any polarity, an opposite counter-point always exists too, fueling and expanding higher vibrational themes of passion, cooperation, mutual respect, and equality. Yin and yang; shadow & light. So it seems logical, that if humanity directs its focus towards more energy rich pursuits such as passion, cooperation, equality, and inter-dependency, we decidedly move towards a less polarized reality. There, we merge with our light and shadow parts on all levels of consciousness, including our physical body, to take a huge step forward in our human family's evolution.
At this turn of the calendar, the strong Aquarian theme of this lunation offers you the opportunity to make 2015 a more energy rich inner and outer reality. Future generations are depending on it.
Sat Nam and Namaste
Next Update: Aquarius Super New Moon & the Year of the Sheep
Dalai Lama
Aloha and Happy New Year,
or as we say in Hawai'i: Hau'oli makahiki hou!
(how-o-lee ma-ka-hee-key hoe)
I begin this update with one of my recent creations: an overview of the coming planetary transits for 2015. In this video I cover Mercury Retrogrades, Uranus square Pluto, Saturn's dance with fire, Venus in the Lion's den, and Super Moons & Eclipses. Enjoy. (Note: for anyone with a high-speed Internet connection, click on the YouTube gear icon along the bottom of the video, then select either 720 or 1080p before watching in full screen mode).
We turn the page...another chapter in the history of human evolution begins. Intense 2014 has given way to 2015's mysteries and a continuation of significant change and closure across the spectrum of human reality. Are you ready???
Hard to fathom 14 years have passed since the 21st Century began. And what a 14 years it has been. In our current reality, the accelerated pace of life has become palpable. From the widest possible
Aquarian like perspective, the last 14 years have witnessed a huge leap in human awareness and technology, evidenced by a greater conscious connection to the wonders of the Universe and equally of importance...to each other.
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New Horizon Space Probe |
It has been a little over 45 years since Neil Armstrong's famous 1969 first-step on the Moon quote "...one small step for man...one large step for mankind." His infamous words ring ever so true in 2015, as Uranus and Pluto continue the 2nd phase of their epic transformative connection initiated in the mid-60's. Makes me wonder what will emerge over the next 32 years as the shock waves of the current Uranus/Pluto cycle ripple throughout the consciousness.
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AstroActivator© 2002 by Kathryn Andren |
When: Full Moon in cardinal energy Cancer arrives on January 4th at 6:53 pm in Hawaii; 8:53 pm on the West Coast; just before midnight on the East Coast, then on the January 5th from Nova Scotia east to the International Date Line. GMT = Jan 5 at 4:53 am.
Where: Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Cancer position at 15° . This occurs very near the Grand Cardinal Cross 13 degree marker of 2014.
Theme: Creating a nurturing world fueled by healthy communities and in alignment with the Aquarian ideals of social equality and justice for all.
Synopsis: A strong Aquarian statement permeates this Full Moon's chart structure. Yet, influences seeking a more spiritual purpose must face a reality check about what is real or unreal. In 2015, a call or quest for "the truth" becomes louder and louder. Meanwhile, the Cancer Full Moon reminds you to nurture and strengthen yourself...so you may offer the same grace to others.
Life Path Astrology Consultation & Holiday Gift Certificates: Looking for clarification of current life circumstances, or greater understanding of yourself? Make an on-line appointment today for a Life Path Astrology session. Great gift too! Schedule today on-line, or contact me. Session is digitally recorded for your subsequent listening and integration.
"Thank you for your amazing gift of reading charts and energy. My session with you yesterday was confirmation and further illumination. I highly recommend Joseph to do your chart."
CC Vancouver, Canada
Significant Challenges: Uranus and Pluto remain in close proximity to each other up to and beyond their next direct square in March. Meanwhile, Saturn begins its 9 year challenging interaction with dreamy Neptune. Form vs Formlessness. Delusion can abound in this dynamic vibration.
Sun, Moon, Uranus and Pluto positioning near the 2014 grand cardinal cross degree remind us that "transformation 101" remains ever potent and active.
Mars in Aquarius opposing retrograde Jupiter in Leo is challenged to fuel its quest for social equality and justice from a heart-felt, ego-less perspective.
Beneficial Grace: Mercury and Venus create an easy flow with Saturn in Sagittarius. This easy energy connection adds a potent Aquarian ally to Saturn's new spiritual quest for discovering "what is true". Also, this will be a strong theme for the coming Mercury Retrograde on the 21st.
Significant Astrological Timings over the next 2 weeks:
5 - Mercury enters Retrograde shadow (retrograde begins 1/21)
11 - Mercury & Venus conjunct Aquarius (see "Eyes on the Sky" below)
12 - Mars enters Pisces (through Feb 18) - completions & compassionate service
19 - Sun enters Aquarius
19 - Venus in AQ opposes Jupiter in Leo (choices of the heart)
20 - New Moon in Aquarius (1st of 3 consecutive Super New Moons)
21 - Mercury stations retrograde at 17° conjunct a very young waxing Moon
Suggestions for this lunation:
Cardinal sign energy fuels new beginnings and creativity. With that in mind:
Nurture...nurture...nurture self in new ways.
Create a more energy rich relationship with your body.
Create a greater sense of integrity and congruency within your family and community
Create a more nurturing reality for your family and/or community
Take quiet time for yourself
Create meaningful resolutions for 2015
Fuel your greater vision for 2015 (vision board is one medium), or artistically map out your desired flow for 2015
Suggested Reflection Questions:
Am I creating an energy rich reality for myself, family and community?
How can I nurture myself and my body in new innovative ways this year?
What changes am I ready to implement NOW to create a more wholesome approach to life?
What lessons have I learned in 2014 to better prepare me for changes in 2015?
Eyes on the Sky:
Venus & Mercury: Beginning around the 4th for locations within 20° of the equator, or around the 8th for higher latitudes, look about 1/2 hour after sunset for Venus and Mercury above the area where the Sun has set (binoculars helpful for spotting smaller Mercury). Mercury will be much dimmer than brilliant Venus and to Venus' right. Closest pairing occurs from 11th through the 14th. Remember...Mercury in the Western Sky signals its retrograde draws near.
Dimmer and ruddy looking Mars can be seen in the Western Sky above Venus (about 4 fists width at arm's length).
Bright Jupiter rises in the East around 8 pm
Creamy Saturn rises in the East around 4am in early January, just above constellation Scorpio and the ruddy looking star Antares.
Looking for more details behind the Cosmic 411? Well read on. Otherwise, see my concluding remarks at the end of this update. Please share the update with friends. Mahalo!
In depth analysis of this lunation:
Here's the Full Moon Chart
Significant transits (annotated numerically in the chart above) include:
(1) Sun catches up to Pluto, opposes the Moon and squares Uranus and South Node...in short bringing strong Capricorn-like directed light to the potent transformative energies now sweeping the planet. And what better way to express that message then through the cosmic voice of...
(2) Mercury in Aquarius. Now ready to move in tandem with Venus in the evening western sky, Mercury in the water bearer sign points us to the future and its enormous possibilities. Venus adds value, beauty and a sense of compassion to this conversation. Together they create an energy rich sextile (60 degree angle) with Saturn in Sagittarius to create a structure for anchoring this cosmic message into the human psyche. Yet at the same time...
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AstroActivator© 2002 by Kathryn Andren |
This current aspect is a closing square...the last phase of a cycle initiated in 1989 when Saturn and Neptune came together in Capricorn, Saturn's home sign. Back then, the Soviet Union ended and the Berlin Wall quickly came down.
Saturn wants to restructure, organize and ultimately control life. By contrast, Neptune pines for the utopian ideal in any situation. Neither archetype understands the other.
Note: for anyone born with Saturn in Sagittarius (late 1985 or 1986, or late 1955 or 1956, 2015 is your Saturn return year. One of reevaluation, limitation and reorganization.
If your Neptune position in your natal chart is placed in early degrees of Sagittarius (1972-73) or Virgo (1928-29), this 2015 Saturn/Neptune cycle may prove quite challenging, especially when attempting to discern through your life choices what is true for you.
Saturn & Neptune: a brief look back in time at this 36 year cycle: Saturn & Neptune last came into aspect in 2006. Then Saturn transited Leo while Neptune resided in Aquarius. They were opposie of each other. Saturn's Leo persona revealed itself through the emergence of corporations wielding enormous global power, or politicians, driven by ego (Leo's shadow), wanting more and more power. At the same time, the US housing market's optimism was nearing a boiling point as large banks and financial institutions encouraged more and more borrowing from consumers. By contrast, Neptune's Aquarius persona at that time desired a world predicated on unity, harmony, peaceful interaction and inter-dependency. It was then that Barrack Obama message of "Yes We Can" gained significant attention and momentum.
Fast forward to present time: Saturn in Sagittarius looks at Neptune in Pisces and wonders aloud "what is real versus and what is an illusion?". What has the past 9 years taught us about the use of power versus our idealistic vision about global peace and economic stability? By the end of 2016, answer to these questions will be forthcoming...coinciding with the US presidential election. In the meantime...
(3) Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter in Leo prime the astrological pump. This duo now in opposition occupy the very astrological stage (Aquarius/Leo) Neptune and Saturn transited back in 2006. A new Republican dominated US Congress is one example where Saturn and Neptune will direct our attention this and next year. Mars in Aquarius wants there to be social action and justice...sooner than later; Jupiter retrograde in Leo has the potential to corrupt or derail that process. The days ahead will reveal clearly the truth of what is going on behind the veil of illusion and deception in corporate and political circles around the world. Tension is building...the stage is set.
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"The Exchange" by Joseph Mina |
In 2015, the planetary cycles continue their strong headwinds of 2014. Yet adversity and challenge strengthens us and deepens our resolve to passionately embrace all we are here to share in humanities evolution. This is the very essence of any transformative process. It's how we reach deeper into our inner core and find new strength.
There is no getting around or ignoring these transformative headwinds. They are important components of a huge shift in consciousness in this Century. More so, the intense cycles initiated in the early years of this young Century are literally reshaping the human psyche in profound, accelerated ways. And everyone alive on this planet is engaged in this grand shift (note: at the time of this writing on January 2, world population was 7,285,300,000. When you click on the link, notice how many more people have been added since the 2nd. It's rather astonishing). While this urge to radically change may seem rather daunting and dire, the Dalai Lama quote above may help you remember why you are on this planet at this moment in time. And especially remembering "you are the answer to your prayers".
Yes, the human family continues to struggle with racial, sexual and gender equality. War, ignorance, poverty, over-population, malnourishment, and environmental destruction seemingly loom ever so larger. However, in any polarity, an opposite counter-point always exists too, fueling and expanding higher vibrational themes of passion, cooperation, mutual respect, and equality. Yin and yang; shadow & light. So it seems logical, that if humanity directs its focus towards more energy rich pursuits such as passion, cooperation, equality, and inter-dependency, we decidedly move towards a less polarized reality. There, we merge with our light and shadow parts on all levels of consciousness, including our physical body, to take a huge step forward in our human family's evolution.
At this turn of the calendar, the strong Aquarian theme of this lunation offers you the opportunity to make 2015 a more energy rich inner and outer reality. Future generations are depending on it.
Sat Nam and Namaste
Next Update: Aquarius Super New Moon & the Year of the Sheep
Aloha from Big Island, Hawai'i
Starman, Joseph Mina
January 2, 2015
©Gemini Awakening 2015 all rights reserved
Starman, Joseph Mina
January 2, 2015
©Gemini Awakening 2015 all rights reserved
Astrology Chart and Update Illustrations:
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
- audio creation - Telestream Screenflow, and GarageBand
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I welcome your comments and feedback. I also moderate the comments to ensure only comments germane to the article are included. Mahalo, Joseph