“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race. Wonder and humility are wholesome emotions, and they do not exist side by side with a lust for destruction."
Rachel Carson, Marine Biologist, author of Silent Spring
Spring is that unique time when life quickens without hesitation after a deep, long slumber. The speed with which life rebounds is rather startling. As if on universal cue, an environmental renaissance takes place before our very eyes. During this time, the vibrant smell and sight of new growth speaks to the depths of our human form. Our body has evolved over millions of years of trial and error in this magical brew. It innately knows this essence and awakening. Equally, it innately knows when this eon old eco-system is out of balance. Are we attuned to what we instinctively or innately know about planet Earth? This Taurus New Moon vibe offers a gut check for that very question.
In the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the Taurus New Moon in the springtime. Unlike any other astrological sign, archetypal Taurus, one of the 3 earth signs, connects and grounds us to planet Earth. We put our hands in the soil; we breathe deeply the fresh air; we revel in the experience of liquid H2O; and we consume Earth's gifts for nourishment and strength. Our senses become intoxicated with spring's rush of life.
This eclipsed Taurus New Moon arrives with strong lunar intention. For the most brief of moments, the shadow cap of the Moon barely grazes the Earth over a very remote area of Antarctica. Annularity
makes its vibration known...yet no human will see it. Quite telling this Eclipsed Taurus New Moon brings our attention now to the land of infinite ice, and by contrast, an ever warming planet. Timing is everything. Are we paying attention to the Earth's messages?
New Moon at 9° Taurus is on the 28th for Hawaii (8:24 pm); West Coast US (11:24 pm), and the 29th for the Mountain States US east to the International Date Line. GMT is 10:24 on the 29th.
For anyone wondering about the Cardinal Cross...yes "we survived" April 22rd and Cardinal Cross day. As with 12/21/12, the world did not end...thankfully. However, as I shared in the last update, this seeding point is quite important. Its vibration sets the transformational tone for what now unfolds across our planet over the coming 4 years. Meanwhile, this cosmic gorilla remains in the house through early June!
Here's my video overview of the Eclipse Taurus New Moon and important planetary cycles through mid-May:
Here's the New Moon chart
Significant to this Chart and the coming days:
1. Cardinal Cross energies continue through early June. Raw, unpredictable, expansive and equally constrictive, this vibration serves as a potent backdrop to...
2. Venus leaving the comforting confines of Pisces on May 2, ready to embark on a 16 day yet to be defined obstacle course (the Reality show "Survivor" vividly comes to mind). Here, Venus now enters the helter skelter, creationist world of Aries and by association, the Cardinal Cross. On this unpredictable roller-coaster ride...
3. Venus creates strong aspects with the 4 Cardinal Cross energies, beginning with the opposition to Moon & Mars on the 9th/10th (see #9 & 10 below), square to Pluto on the 14th (yikes!); conjunction to Uranus on the 15th and square to Jupiter and the Moon on the 18th. Yet Venus in Aries is...
4. "fearless" (good example...recent animated hit "Frozen"). She is the wild Amazon feminine archetype who thrives on anything new and challenging. Freedom and independence define her. The interactions with the Cardinal Cross members will underscore how the bigger energy of the Cardinal Cross evolves in the months ahead, especially in the realm of...
5. Taurus and its strong Earth connection. Venus rules Taurus. She is attuned to Earth and its natural beauty. Expect a heightened focus on all things Earth in the coming days, especially where environmental mayhem has occurred. Mercury at 12° Taurus at this New Moon and in quincunx to Mars in Libra will begin to communicate this information in the coming days, especially when this fleet winged messenger enters its home sign of Gemini on the 7th. Equally, Sun in Taurus will illuminate the evolving conversation when it...
6. opposes Saturn in Scorpio on May 10th, bringing to light all things hidden in this murky, unchartered emotional realm. The eclipsed Taurus New Moon is the sounding bell for this build-up. Seems Saturn will have a lot to say, especially about...
7. how we choose to use our life force (Scorpio) to create and manifest on planet Earth. Archetypal Saturn has rules, structure, plans, and restrictions. In part, Saturn's historical transit through Scorpio has broken new ground in the realm of sexuality, creating form out of Scorpio's unfathomable depths (eg 50 shades of gray, twerking, gay marriage, sexual selfies, etc. etc). Yet, Saturn's investigation of Scorpio's realm of life force also includes...
8. how we share resources on planet Earth, plus create intimacy and forge bonds of trust with others. Sun's building Taurus light illuminates these patterns vividly for you in the days ahead. And remember, at the same time...
9. Venus along with Uranus in Aries create an opposition with Mars retrograde in Libra. This is a potent, unpredictable dance fraught with surprises and strong obstacles. More so...
10. Mars, nearing its May 19 direct motion, is now officially barely moving through June 10th. visualize a thoroughbred horse wanting freedom, but stuck at the starter's stall due to a jammed gate. That's a crazy amount of pent up energy building in this over-achieving world society. Starting new projects at this time can prove daunting despite the best of intentions. In concert with the Sun/Saturn from #6, 7 and 8 above...
11. the build-up to this day and at least through the 15th points to challenging waters in the realm of relationship (Libra). And if that weren't enough to integrate, remember...
12. Mars/Libra retrograde cycle is a perilous time to start or deepen a relationship. Doing so can put you on a quick, slippery slope to a place you don't want to visit. Yet, there is enough Taurus like seduction in the field right now to gloss over what I just shared. If you choose to go there, remember...
13. to re-read numbers 1 to 12.
Life Path Astrology Consultation: I invite you to explore the power of your natal chart. My Life Path Astrology sessions are illuminating and life-changing. I am highly intuitive and a master of my trade, ready to be of compassionate service to you. The energetic field is highly charged and ripe for change. Step into the unknown and create a new life strategy for the days ahead. Schedule today on-line, or contact me. Live or telephone/Skype session is digitally ecorded for your subsequent listening and integration. Mahalo!
Here's some suggested questions for reflection at this New Moon that may help you integrate and prepare for these off-the-chart dynamics evolving thru mid-May.
1. Where do I feel stuck in life (everyone experiences "stuck" in some part of their life)?
2. Does my body cooperate with me? If not, what am I ready to do to create better integration with my physical form? If it does cooperate, do I experience passion and joy in my physical form?
3. What am I ready to transform in my life? What do I need to manifest for this to occur?
4. Do I want to create a more sustainable world? If so, what am I ready to shift to allow greater connection and integration with the Earth and her environment?
Conclusion: "We've only just begun" has been playing in my head as I compose this update? Seems the cosmic stew now being stirred is building sufficient critical tension to make 2015 quite the memorable year. Remember...everything mentioned about the Cardinal Cross
above is being scripted on the fly. There is no blueprint or map for this terrain. Transformational fuel is rampant around the globe, yet still contained until Mars gets going in early June.
Remember, available creative energy is strong and inviting. Much is shifting in the field. We signed up for this ride. In the words of the Princess Elsa in the film "Frozen, the coming months will be a time to "...let it go...let it go...let it go!" For now, plan, prepare and be patient. In this Taurus vibe, enjoy and express gratitude for the natural world.
I'm off to Japan soon for 3 weeks, visiting Tokyo, Kyoto and the beautiful southern island of Kyushu for work and play. My camera finger is itchy...pictures to follow. Also, look for the debut of JosephMinaPhoto.com by mid-June. I'm feeling quite excited about new doors opening in my life.
Please "like" my astrology page on Facebook. There, I post daily astrological information. Also, I created a new page: Joseph Mina Photo to share my creative expressions with you.
Mahalo for reading. Consider forwarding this update to a family member, friend or co-worker. Please share in the comment section below.
Next Update: May 14 Scorpio Full Moon and an emerging Mercury Retrograde
Aloha from Hawaii Island
Starman, Joseph Mina
April 28, 2014
©Gemini Awakening 2014, all rights reserved
Astrology chart illustrations - IO Astrology Software by Time Cycles Research
Chart annotations - Screen Steps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
Video creation - Screenflow by Telestream, Garageband by Apple, & Photoshop by Adobe
"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race. Wonder and humility are wholesome emotions, and they do not exist side by side with a lust for destruction."
Rachel Carson, Marine Biologist, author of Silent Spring
"Forsythia" sketch by Joseph Mina |
In the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the Taurus New Moon in the springtime. Unlike any other astrological sign, archetypal Taurus, one of the 3 earth signs, connects and grounds us to planet Earth. We put our hands in the soil; we breathe deeply the fresh air; we revel in the experience of liquid H2O; and we consume Earth's gifts for nourishment and strength. Our senses become intoxicated with spring's rush of life.
This eclipsed Taurus New Moon arrives with strong lunar intention. For the most brief of moments, the shadow cap of the Moon barely grazes the Earth over a very remote area of Antarctica. Annularity
makes its vibration known...yet no human will see it. Quite telling this Eclipsed Taurus New Moon brings our attention now to the land of infinite ice, and by contrast, an ever warming planet. Timing is everything. Are we paying attention to the Earth's messages?
New Moon at 9° Taurus is on the 28th for Hawaii (8:24 pm); West Coast US (11:24 pm), and the 29th for the Mountain States US east to the International Date Line. GMT is 10:24 on the 29th.
For anyone wondering about the Cardinal Cross...yes "we survived" April 22rd and Cardinal Cross day. As with 12/21/12, the world did not end...thankfully. However, as I shared in the last update, this seeding point is quite important. Its vibration sets the transformational tone for what now unfolds across our planet over the coming 4 years. Meanwhile, this cosmic gorilla remains in the house through early June!
Here's my video overview of the Eclipse Taurus New Moon and important planetary cycles through mid-May:
Here's the New Moon chart
Significant to this Chart and the coming days:
1. Cardinal Cross energies continue through early June. Raw, unpredictable, expansive and equally constrictive, this vibration serves as a potent backdrop to...
2. Venus leaving the comforting confines of Pisces on May 2, ready to embark on a 16 day yet to be defined obstacle course (the Reality show "Survivor" vividly comes to mind). Here, Venus now enters the helter skelter, creationist world of Aries and by association, the Cardinal Cross. On this unpredictable roller-coaster ride...
3. Venus creates strong aspects with the 4 Cardinal Cross energies, beginning with the opposition to Moon & Mars on the 9th/10th (see #9 & 10 below), square to Pluto on the 14th (yikes!); conjunction to Uranus on the 15th and square to Jupiter and the Moon on the 18th. Yet Venus in Aries is...
4. "fearless" (good example...recent animated hit "Frozen"). She is the wild Amazon feminine archetype who thrives on anything new and challenging. Freedom and independence define her. The interactions with the Cardinal Cross members will underscore how the bigger energy of the Cardinal Cross evolves in the months ahead, especially in the realm of...
5. Taurus and its strong Earth connection. Venus rules Taurus. She is attuned to Earth and its natural beauty. Expect a heightened focus on all things Earth in the coming days, especially where environmental mayhem has occurred. Mercury at 12° Taurus at this New Moon and in quincunx to Mars in Libra will begin to communicate this information in the coming days, especially when this fleet winged messenger enters its home sign of Gemini on the 7th. Equally, Sun in Taurus will illuminate the evolving conversation when it...
6. opposes Saturn in Scorpio on May 10th, bringing to light all things hidden in this murky, unchartered emotional realm. The eclipsed Taurus New Moon is the sounding bell for this build-up. Seems Saturn will have a lot to say, especially about...
7. how we choose to use our life force (Scorpio) to create and manifest on planet Earth. Archetypal Saturn has rules, structure, plans, and restrictions. In part, Saturn's historical transit through Scorpio has broken new ground in the realm of sexuality, creating form out of Scorpio's unfathomable depths (eg 50 shades of gray, twerking, gay marriage, sexual selfies, etc. etc). Yet, Saturn's investigation of Scorpio's realm of life force also includes...
8. how we share resources on planet Earth, plus create intimacy and forge bonds of trust with others. Sun's building Taurus light illuminates these patterns vividly for you in the days ahead. And remember, at the same time...
9. Venus along with Uranus in Aries create an opposition with Mars retrograde in Libra. This is a potent, unpredictable dance fraught with surprises and strong obstacles. More so...
10. Mars, nearing its May 19 direct motion, is now officially barely moving through June 10th. visualize a thoroughbred horse wanting freedom, but stuck at the starter's stall due to a jammed gate. That's a crazy amount of pent up energy building in this over-achieving world society. Starting new projects at this time can prove daunting despite the best of intentions. In concert with the Sun/Saturn from #6, 7 and 8 above...
11. the build-up to this day and at least through the 15th points to challenging waters in the realm of relationship (Libra). And if that weren't enough to integrate, remember...
12. Mars/Libra retrograde cycle is a perilous time to start or deepen a relationship. Doing so can put you on a quick, slippery slope to a place you don't want to visit. Yet, there is enough Taurus like seduction in the field right now to gloss over what I just shared. If you choose to go there, remember...
13. to re-read numbers 1 to 12.
Here's some suggested questions for reflection at this New Moon that may help you integrate and prepare for these off-the-chart dynamics evolving thru mid-May.
1. Where do I feel stuck in life (everyone experiences "stuck" in some part of their life)?
2. Does my body cooperate with me? If not, what am I ready to do to create better integration with my physical form? If it does cooperate, do I experience passion and joy in my physical form?
3. What am I ready to transform in my life? What do I need to manifest for this to occur?
4. Do I want to create a more sustainable world? If so, what am I ready to shift to allow greater connection and integration with the Earth and her environment?
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Princess Elsa from "Frozen" |
above is being scripted on the fly. There is no blueprint or map for this terrain. Transformational fuel is rampant around the globe, yet still contained until Mars gets going in early June.
Remember, available creative energy is strong and inviting. Much is shifting in the field. We signed up for this ride. In the words of the Princess Elsa in the film "Frozen, the coming months will be a time to "...let it go...let it go...let it go!" For now, plan, prepare and be patient. In this Taurus vibe, enjoy and express gratitude for the natural world.
I'm off to Japan soon for 3 weeks, visiting Tokyo, Kyoto and the beautiful southern island of Kyushu for work and play. My camera finger is itchy...pictures to follow. Also, look for the debut of JosephMinaPhoto.com by mid-June. I'm feeling quite excited about new doors opening in my life.
Please "like" my astrology page on Facebook. There, I post daily astrological information. Also, I created a new page: Joseph Mina Photo to share my creative expressions with you.
Mahalo for reading. Consider forwarding this update to a family member, friend or co-worker. Please share in the comment section below.
Next Update: May 14 Scorpio Full Moon and an emerging Mercury Retrograde
Aloha from Hawaii Island
Starman, Joseph Mina
April 28, 2014
©Gemini Awakening 2014, all rights reserved
Astrology chart illustrations - IO Astrology Software by Time Cycles Research
Chart annotations - Screen Steps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
Video creation - Screenflow by Telestream, Garageband by Apple, & Photoshop by Adobe
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