Friday, May 4, 2012

Scorpio Super Full Moon and Annular New Moon Eclipse May 2012: A Resounding Gong

“We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination and will. Incredible....The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts.”
Ray Bradbury, Science-Fiction Author, (1920- )

"Eclipses can last anywhere from a fraction of a minute to upwards of seven minutes, depending on how deeply the rapier tip of the Moon's shadow reaches the Earth; that is -- maintaining the same grisly metaphor -- whether it barely grazes the Earth's cheek, or slices clean through the planet."
Chet Raymo, Author (1936- )

Note: we posted this update at the last Full Moon. Below you will find specific details about the major Annular Eclipse sweeping over Southeastern China, Japan and the Western United States on May 20/21. This eclipse positions just to the left of the Pleaides: an amazing activation event for amazing times. In 2 weeks we will post more information about the June 5th epic transit of Venus across the Sun.
Aloha from Tokyo...Joseph

Japanese Eclipse - author unknown
Eclipse season May 2012 draws near, soon to arrive with fanfare, mystery and intrigue. We are about to enter an epic period of time, embracing grace, beauty, history, the future and deep introspection. Celestial bodies, poised to dance across the face of the Sun or dip into the ruddy shadow of the Earth, now become heralds of Universal synchronicity, metaphor and creative opportunity. The sounding bell for 2012 and beyond is about to make a resounding "gong".

This is an extended version of the Gemini Astrology Update covering the coming Super Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5/6, Venus Retrograde in Gemini, and the Annular Solar Eclipse on May 20/21. Later this month we'll cover the Partially eclipsed Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4/5, and the rare Venus Transiting the Sun the very next day on June 5/6.

Here's our latest Gemini Video Update offering an overview with graphics about these coming powerful celestial events.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Taurus New Moon April 2012: Magnetic Sensuality

“If any human being is to reach full maturity, both the masculine and feminine sides of the personality must be brought up into consciousness.”
Mary Esther Harding, Jungian Analyst (1888-1971)

Taurus New Moon arrives late on the 20th in Hawaii at 9:18 pm, and on the 21st, shortly after midnight on the West Coast, US, then east to the International Date Line. GMT is 7:18.

AstroActivator©2001:Kathryn Andren Mina
This New Moon directs your attention to the creative energy and sensuality of the Earth. Can you feel the pulse of the planet? She is alive and speaking in ways unprecedented in our lifetimes.

The Taurus archetype, ruled by Venus, focuses on Earthly beauty and its natural expression, and life's comforts. These experiences can take place in the realm of nature, your physical body, culinary delights, art, farming/gardening, creative dance, and all things having intrinsic beauty and value.

At 2° Taurus, this lunation points to a new exploration and expression of one's creativity and expressive feminine qualities whether you are a woman or man. It also directs your attention to the pulse of the Planet and your relationship to her. I call it "magnetic sensuality".

New Moon periods are significant times for something new, refreshing, and expansive. Now that transiting Mars in Virgo has finally started to move in direct motion (4/13), progressive energy once again is available. Yet, Venus says "not

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Libra Full Moon and April Astrology Update: Relationship Center Stage

AstroActivator2001© by Kathryn Andren Mina
"We enter into relationship to be different."
Donald Epstein, DC, developer of Network Spinal Analysis

The Libra Full Moon is April 6, 2012  9:19 AM in Hawaii and 12:19 PM Pacific time; and on the 7th from India east to the International Date Line, when the Moon positions at 17
° Libra.
Libra is for lovers; Libra is the sign of partnership and relationship. Libra Full Moon illuminates balance, harmony and union. There is a focus now on the arts, beauty, justice and co-creativity. Opposing the Sun in Aries, this Full Moon timing is potent for exploring how you express your unique individuality in relationship with others.

“Libra Full Moon time offers the opportunity to examine your relationships. Ask yourself, is this connection congruent with my individuated needs.... Bring