Showing posts with label Jupiter and Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter and Neptune. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2022

Aries New Moon April 1: New Initiatives & Life Choices

 "Re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem, and have the richest fluency, not only in words, but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes, and in every motion and joint of your body." - Walt Whitman, Preface to Leaves of Grass

Greetings Seekers and Lovers of the Night Sky...

Aries New Moon April 2022
Plate Development by Joseph Mina
Aries New Moon arrives today portending a two-week period of building intensity in anticipation of the Libra Full Moon on April 16th and its square to Pluto in Capricorn. Seems this Universe is clueless when it comes to taking a vacation break. 😉

Walt Whitman's quoted ode above reminds us this raw, edgy time in which we live is a transformative stepping stone into a new reality. He encourages you to exchange yourself for a new version of you. Free yourself of constraining labels or beliefs. There exists infinite possibilities in a multi-verse of infinite Universes. On this Aries New Moon, invite in a new version of yourself and take steps to actualize it. There's a process of shedding old skin that's part of this exchange inviting the transformative energies of Pluto to assist you. This requires Aries traits of courage and a willingness to explore new ground.

Archetypal Aries is raw, primal, highly creative, always in the present moment, passionate about the inner dance and ready to set the world on fire. Abraham Hicks might have been considering Aries types when this came through the channel medium: "people will love you...people will hate you...and none of it will have anything to do with you." And I'll add "your life won't be boring!"

Fool Child Voyager Tarot
Fool Child - Voyager Tarot
Pure Aries is fueled by impulsive energy. It is entirely self-focused on individuated growth and experiences. To others, such may seem hyper-energized, uncooperative or self-absorbed. Yet, someone has to take the lead...someone has to get the ball rolling in a particular direction or trend. Oh yes...strong Aries types are rarely around to see things completed, especially anyone with Ascendant (rising sign), Venus, or Mars in this individuated vibration. Fueled by novelty, "on to the next greatest thing" is their fuel and passion, and sometimes their greatest challenge. As such, following impulsive urges can prove to be a two-edged sword at this lunation. Learning the art/balance between discernment and impulsive action is very helpful for the Aries mojo that fills us all in varying degrees of intensity.

This particular Aries New Moon occurs at 11° and conjuncts both Mercury and Chiron. Conjunctions (same degree) add to the overall energy pattern. There is also a sextile (60° angular difference) adding to this theme. These combinations are further detailed below.

In the spirit of Aries desire to always "cut to the chase",
consider these introspections for this New Moon period

1 - What new steps am I ready to initiate on my life path?

2 - Am I feeling creative in my expressions and talents?

3 - Are these areas (1 & 2) congruent (in integrity) with what I want to manifest? If not, what needs to change in my life to align my actions with my heart's desire?

4 - Is my sense of self in alignment with my behaviors within my relationships? (intimate, work and/or friendship)

5 - Am I taking the time to stay energetically clear and strong? If not, what has to change to better nurture my body in a more progressive way (Uranus in Taurus theme).

6 - And in that vein, am I taking the time to strengthen my physical body? If no, what needs to change to better help my body align and attune with the ever increasing Earth vibration?

Here's the New Moon Chart with descriptive annotations:

Aries New Moon chart April 2022
Plate Development by Joseph Mina

What I find intriguing about this New Moon dynamics....

The Sun/Moon joins Chiron and Mercury in Aries. Chiron points to the inner wounding. In Aries, it underscores (especially childhood) challenges around being seen, appreciated, understood and encouraged within the family or any other cultural institution, such as school. Mercury is the messenger accessing memories from the Chiron experience. Sun/Moon in Aries desires something new or novel and immediate. With Chiron in tow, it seeks resolution or healing from the emotional and mental heaviness of the past. Sometimes this means closing doors in order that new doors may open. To further define this dynamic...

...a potent sextile (60°) angle commands attention in this chart.  A sextile is a 60° angle between 2 planetary positions. It's an easy flowing expression of energy. In this case the aforementioned New Moon group and asteroid Ceres at 13° Gemini create this sextile pattern. 

One of the four largest asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, Ceres in mythology is the daughter of Zeus or Jupiter in Roman lore. Ceres is described as the Earth Mother. She is associated with health, nutrition, agriculture and fertility. Her symbol represents transition, motherhood and nurturing. She is that inner/outer archetypal connection to what nourishes or supports you. It's helpful to know the placement of Ceres in your natal chart, as that points to what feeds and sustains you energetically. 

When Ceres transits very changeable Gemini, your mental or thought processes and connections to the higher mind become your focus. Perhaps you are now considering joining a meditation, spiritual group, book club, acting classes etc. to further add depth, fun and/or clarity to your life's spiritual journey. Anything that stimulates progressive discussion or uplifting actions is fertile ground here for new initiatives. 

As Ceres completes its current transit in Gemini over the next 6 weeks (enters Cancer on May 15), energies are favorable for engaging with other like-minded seekers, or even to create new alignments with others of similar values in support of your spiritual quest. And of course there's shadow potential here too. Around May 1, transiting Ceres will create a square (90°) challenge with Jupiter, Venus and Neptune in Pisces. This will be an ideal point to reevaluate any changes you have initiated in April to determine whether other considerations ought to occur before proceeding forward. See the introspections above, especially number 3 for further exploration. And speaking of Jupiter and Neptune...

...this potent archetypal duo meet for the first time since 1856 in their home sign of Pisces around April 12th. While this combination unto itself appears quite uplifting and inspiring, it occurs now under Pluto's strong influence in Capricorn. Given Jupiter's optimistic/expansive vibration and Neptune's penchant for seeing into the unknown and attuning to a more soulful vibration, a stronger tendency exists for misunderstanding and delusional choices. As a remedy for such, grounding-type exercises are essential to discern what feels true to you vs what does not. Anything embraced at first blush without conscious understanding of your choices may create undesirable outcomes. And lastly...

Venus Meets Mars
Plate Development by Joseph Mina
...there's Saturn, Venus and Mars in Aquarius. As I wrote in my previous blog, since early February Venus and Mars have been close together by degree, first in Capricorn just as Venus was ending its retrograde and now in Aquarius. Both archetypes have been under very strong Pluto influences too. Externally, the war in the Ukraine has been fought under this potent combination's transit the past two months. Add restrictive/limiting Saturn to the mix and the resulting aggressive tendencies on all levels of culture have been nothing short of off the charts, something I described as a possibility in my last blog. 

This combination is a strong reevaluation/reorganizational point for what's meaningful in your life; what creates freedom; what is progressive and aligned with desires for social justice and equality; what creates greater harmony between the feminine and masculine internally and externally.

We have witnessed the shadow side of this energetic coin all too recently - from massive forced migrations in the Ukraine to a bizarre aggressiveness at the recent Oscar's. Contrast always defines. Other multiple conflicts around the world further underscore this contrast. Yet the very fuel of this intensity can be used for productive and creative expressions. And it all starts within you as you explore how the Venus and Mars components of your natal chart best work synergistically and energetically within yourself and when with others. Which brings my focus back to...

...Venus, now starting to pull away from Mars and Saturn and soon to enter softer, more soulful Pisces on April 5th. In the interim, Mars/Saturn will continue to intensify until Mars enters Pisces 10 days later. The weakening connection between these two personal planetary archetypes may be sufficient to effect a much needed truce between Russia and Ukraine as well as other ongoing conflicts. These initiatives will be on the front burner over the next two weeks as the energy builds to the Libra Full Moon on April 16 mentioned at the beginning of this blog. 

All and all, these New Moon dynamics continue 2022's strong societal patterning of the old falling away, new alliances being created, and a growing determination, especially through the younger generations, to create a more sustainable existence on planet Earth.

Golden Days End by Joseph Mina
Golden Days by Joseph Mina
Conclusion: A recent consultation with a client revealed strong family challenges involving her two year old. Children born over the last ten years or so have powerful sensitivities to everything around them. In utero, they recognize this current fast vibration intimately. And they are now here to shift this challenging juggernaut into a more sustainable reality. Hence, environmental and cultural intensity can easily be magnified in their actions and emotional behaviors, literally expressing what is being repressed around them. It is for this reason I consider it a matter of necessity more than than choice to introduce children to energetic bodywork whether they are new born or in their teenage years. Their advanced nervous systems and energetic fields are primed for such higher vibrational work.

Receiving such care can fine tune their energetic systems to be more entrained and aligned with the current acceleration of solar system and galactic frequencies. It's a powerful example of  the value of self-nurturing care and its importance in navigating life. It also strengthens their body's core foundations for the more massive societal changes in the offing over the next 10 years.

Aries energy is attuned to the inner child. In its highest expression, it is playful and engaging. No matter what your age, this Aries New Moon vibration over the next two weeks can be used to initiate a wellness protocol that enhances your quality of life and those of your family members. Such action inspires you to stretch into new ground, which is fundamental to the changes we now witness.

The coming planetary cycles over the remainder of 2022 are a continuation of life changing and transformative choices and decisions. For example, in May, a very potent total lunar eclipse will grace the sky in Scorpio visible from North and South America, Western Europe and Africa. Also, that month will feature a Mercury Retrograde in Gemini/Taurus. These celestial markers, as well as those that follow, are the very energetic building blocks leading you to a new reality, one whose structure is unfolding moment by moment. We are the answers to our prayers. 

As we have discovered over the past two years, the fragile energetic web of society is intertwined and interdependent on levels heretofore unrecognized or fully understood. At this New Moon window I encourage you to examine your current life course and choices, making adjustments in alignment with your deepest desires. The introspection questions above will be a helpful aid in that respect.

I welcome comments below. 

Perfect time to explore your natal chart or better understand current energetic influences in your life? Sign up today for a Life Path Astrology Consultation appointment. Expanded awareness creates power , intention and direction.

Blessings and Sat Nam

Starman, Joseph Mina
April 1, 2022
Stellenbosch, South Africa