" We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments, and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music." Albert Einstein
“As the cells in our bodies are influenced by our earthly weather, our bodies and minds are also influenced by the weather of the cosmos. We are subtly influenced by the physics of our cosmic environment.” Hendrith Smith, Author
Greetings from South Africa.
It has been quite the January around the world. Yet, the month was forecasted to be unpredictable with wild swings of energy thanks in part to the combined retrogrades of Mercury and Mars. And in that respect, it has not disappointed. And it's only mid-month....
Continuing from my previous blog, where I set out the potential influences of this unusual retrograde cycle through the next Equinox, below is both a synopsis of this emerging year and what it offers as possibilities and challenges. For those wanting to dive deeper, you'll find those details too.
This update has taken quite a bit of time to research and construct. I did so because I consider this year a significant tipping point for what's emerging over the next 8 years. How this unfolds is dictated by cosmological events beyond our control or understanding, combined with conscious or unconscious choices we make as individuals, or as part of a collective.
Younger generations know this all too well. See my concluding remarks at the end of this blog for a very timely video called "Wake Up" that was created 11 years ago. It's as relevant today as it was in February 2012, when it was released.
And closer to home: While I continue to offer on-line astrological consultations upon request or referral via Zoom or Skype, moving forward I will not advertise for such. I've stated this a few years ago in a 2015 blog, but slowly forgot this commitment...until I reread the other day some of my earlier blogs while researching the year ahead. And then, once again I remembered. 🤦🏻♂️ Nonetheless, I do intend to continue using this blog format in the coming months for my photographic and other artistic creations, plus life insights too. That will include a Voyager Tarot card spread on occasion. And if and when the astrological intensity warrants, I'll briefly weigh-in with my astrological perspective. Powerful times are ahead!
Thanks for coming along on this on-going cosmic ride. Please consider making a donation via PayPal for the time/effort to produce this content. I appreciate your sharing it with others too. Mahalo!
Now to the "Astrological Nuts and Bolts" for 2023:
2023 Vibration by Joseph Mina |
Planetary cycles are like flavors of ice cream. Each has its own qualities. Hence, each influences us in unique ways. The specific vibration they impart in the personal, social and generational realms is varied and dependent on a number of factors influenced in part by the overall dynamics of your natal chart, as well as events that affect you and others on social and generational levels.
Depending on the geometry of your natal chart, some cycles will carry added emphasis, where one or more natal aspects are amplified by one or more cycles. These energetic influences are what shape your human experience throughout your life, and define and influence the evolutionary personal, career, relationship and family choices you make.
Some cycles are expansive; others, transformative, integrative, ground-breaking, or quite constrictive. It's quite a mashup of energetic influences that pulsate as wave forms from the heart of our massive galaxy. These energetic waves are transformational across all levels of reality. Their influence affects climate, atmospheric and ocean weather dynamics, physical Earth changes, and in turn the behavior, movements and existence of all living things. A grand cosmic symphony unfolds. Hence, the quotes above.
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NASA James Webb Telescope - Galactic field |
Of particular significance, Pluto, the archetype of transformation, makes its first of three transits into progressive Aquarius from traditional Capricorn on March 23. Pluto's last transit of Aquarius occurred between 1777-1798, which marked the fledgling days of the United States and the social upheaval of the French Revolution. This three-month ingress (between March and June) will be a helpful indicator for what to expect in the coming twenty years in this expansive realm. The rallying cry of Aquarius is "freedom" from tyranny and oppression.
Meanwhile, Saturn, ruling energy of Capricorn, enters watery Pisces on March 7th for the first time since its last entrance in1993-96. Its social counterpart Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and co-ruler of Pisces, enters earth-fueled Taurus on May 16 for a twelve-month transit.
Pluto's shift from Capricorn to Aquarius (earth to air element) adds strong emphasis to the emergence of technological marvels, such as space travel, orbital telescopes covering the wide spectrum of light, artificial intelligence (AI), faster computers, and robotics, digital currencies, and stronger social initiatives across the world. Such shifts will transform how we think, communicate, financially exchange, and socially interact in much more dynamic ways than ever envisioned during Pluto's last passage through Aquarius in the 18th century.
A recent image (above) from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) revealed thousands of galaxies from unimaginable distances and spans of time. And this focusing on an extremely small part of the sky. This outer space engineering marvel is indicative of the rapidly evolving technological sophistication being created now within a higher frequency energy field. More available energy = more heat = faster shifts = greater collaboration.
The Saturn and Jupiter's change of signs into water (Pisces) and Earth (Taurus) underscores a strong archetypal intention to ground/integrate (Saturn) new and more expansive-type approaches (Jupiter) for realigning and attuning to Earth's rapidly changing energetic and environmental fields.
Four eclipses in 2023 (solar/lunar combination in both May and October) signal a powerful nodal shift from Scorpio/Taurus (April/May) to Aries/Libra in October. This is an archetypal change of the nodes, one that occurs approximately every 18 months. Individual creativity supported through collaboration will mark this nodal migration from July through January 2025.
And lastly, once Uranus stations direct on the 23rd of this month, all major planetary bodies will be moving in direct motion from Earth's perspective until the next Mercury Retrograde on April 21. While such forward-moving alignments are not extremely rare, this collective shift occurring at this point in time is a strong indicator of a noticeable uptick in the overall energy field for the next three months.
If the above synopsis is sufficient, skip to the bottom for questions for reflection and concluding summary. Otherwise....
2023 Details
The Personal Planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars move relatively fast in there orbits around the Sun. These three are the planetary archetypes having their greatest impact on your personal daily events and choices.
Mercury and its well-known Retrogrades
This winged messenger brings our focus to all matters of communication, ideas, the transmission of information, and movement. The planet itself orbits our star every 88 days. And with each rapid orbit, we are able to further define/refine the ebb and flow of Mercury's communicative properties.
In 2023, (including the current retrograde that began at the very end of December), there are four such re-evalution cycles in 2023. The first three are expressed through Earth signs (Capricorn (now), Taurus (April/May) and Virgo (August/September). By year end, the last cycle will start in an Earth sign (Capricorn), and finish in a Fire sign (Sagittarius) in early 2024.
Because communication matters are undergoing a re-evaluation and reorganization, Mercury retrograde periods are not beneficial for finalizing details, such as agreements, legal documents, major purchases. By contrast, it represents a powerful period to (notice the RE) reflect, redo, reassess, replenish, recharge etc.
For this current series, Earth energy is grounded, practical and consolidating. The current financial concerns expressed by many governments and business' world-wide (Capricorn realm) is one indication of this Earth-type energy at work. By contrast, Fire is the elemental fuel of ideas, creativity and sometimes rancorous intensity. And in that respect...
...2024 will be the year of the Fire Mercury retrogrades. Expect communication fireworks, heightened creativity, and unexpected outcomes (fires are unpredictable) during these Mercury periods.
(Station R = the point from Earth's perspective where a planetary body appears to move backward relative to the sky background; Station D = that point in time where the reverse movement ends and direct movement begins)
#1 - Station R - Dec 29, 2022 at 24° Capricorn; station D - Jan 18 at 8° Capricorn
#2 - Station R - April 21 at 15° Taurus; station D - May 15 at 5° Taurus
#3 - Station R - Aug 23 at 21° Virgo; station D - Sept 15 at 8° Virgo**
#4 - Station R - Dec 13 at 8° Capricorn; station D- Jan 2 2024at 22° Sagittarius
Note: #4 station retrograde occurs at the same degree where the current Mercury Retrograde now station's direct. This implies linkage between these two periods, with the latter bringing Sagittarius' quest for the truth and its fire-like nature into the on-going conversation.
**transiting Virgo, one of Mercury's home signs (Gemini being the other) adds extra emphasis to this cycle. As this cycle occurs during the latter stages of the Venus retrograde in Leo (see below), I expect this cycle to be one of the stronger and most introspective Mercury Retrograde cycles of the year.
The following explanation of station retrograde/direct applies specifically to the personal planets here. When a personal planet stations retrograde, or stations direct, the energy around that stationary point intensifies for 4 days before/after. We are currently in that zone for both Mercury and Mars, which continues to month-end.
This intensification is akin to boiling a pot of water in a sealed container. Pressure builds, and sometimes erupts. In the direct phase, it usually takes a couple of weeks (Mercury) and up to 8 weeks (Mars) for the building energy to fully resolve and organize. And it's during the direct phase that productive, externally directed energy becomes available once again, albeit slowly at first.
By contrast, slower orbiting planetary bodies (Jupiter and on out) also station retrograde and direct. However, their pervasive social and generational effects at these stationing points can be both subtle, and ironically more transformative.
Every 584 days, Venus moves in retrograde motion from Earth's perspective shifting from the evening to the morning sky or vice versa. The last Venus retrograde began in late 2021 into 2022 in Capricorn. In retrospect, this cycle was a strong indicator of economic stresses in the coming year.
The next Venus retrograde, this July, will be in the sign of Leo. This brings your inner focus to the realms of leadership, fun, creativity, children, romance, passion and pleasure. Leo types include celebrities, leaders in entertainment, tech, and nations, and also royalty.
[Note: for anyone contemplating marriage, take note of the retrograde dates below. This, as well as Mercury Retrograde, are NOT beneficial period to formally deepen a relationship, such as becoming engaged or deciding to marry].
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Venus Star Pentagram |
This retrograde cycle is a time for the realignment and reorganization of the inner feminine in the areas mentioned above. It's perfect timing for attending a spiritual retreat, instructional or growth seminar, learning a new creative craft or further perfecting it.
Any 29° placement, either natal or transit, represents the most comprehensive and intense expression of a particular sign. The start of this retrograde at 29° will prove to be quite a powerful time for further aligning your daily flow with the passion/desires of your heart. Look for a lot of flux and unexpected changes in the aforementioned Leo realms this coming July/August, especially due to three exact square angles between Venus and out of the blue Uranus in Taurus. Sudden romances either beginning or ending would be one indicator of these three interactions at play.
Powerful questions during this Venus cycle:
What lights me up in my passionate pursuits?
What changes do I need to make to further enhance my passions for life?
How can I share my passionate gifts/talents with others?
July 23 - Stations retrograde at 29° Leo.
Sept 4 - Stations direct at 12° Leo
The three-week period before and after the above dates will be the build-up and unwinding, respectively, of this cycle's most intense phase.
Archetype of the inner masculine, and ruler of Scorpio and Aries, Mars brings its heightened focus to the qualities of achievement, action, desire, and competition. In its planetary movement, Mars moves into retrograde every 2-1/2 years or so.
Presently, Mars now stations direct at 8° Gemini. This is a few days before Mercury's station retrograde at 8° Capricorn on the 18th. The angular association between these two archetypes (called a quincunx - a paradoxical combination of otherwise incompatible elements that somehow works), will continue in lockstep through the end of the January. Given the unpredictable Gemini energy here (Mercury rules Gemini), all I can say is "expect nothing; be prepared for anything".
The next Mars retrograde takes place in late December 2024 in the signs of Leo (station retrograde) and Cancer (station direct).
The Social Planets
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Jupiter & Saturn Glyphs |
Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and original ruler of Pisces, brings its optimistic and expansive energy to any social encounter. By contrast, Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and original ruler of Aquarius, brings a sense of discipline, responsibility, limitations, and down-to-earth actions. This contrast is akin to a new relationship. At first, it's all Jupiter with "bells and whistles". Pure excitement/euphoria. However, once the feel good hormones dissipate in the ensuing months, Saturn takes over. This is where the responsible and much less passionate inner work begins.
As mentioned in the synopsis, three major sign changes occur this year. Jupiter and Saturn make up two of the three vibrational shifts into a new astrological sign signaling noticeable behavioral/structural shifts across world cultures.
This archetype's expansive, optimistic, and success-oriented vibration is quite uplifting. It's the engine of good fortune. In its shadow, Jupiter fuels excessiveness and ungrounded optimism. In transit, Jupiter spends about 12 months total in any specific sign. Hence, you will experience your Jupiter return to your natal Jupiter every 12 years. As now, 1999-2000 and 2011-12 were the last two times Jupiter transited from Aries into Taurus.
Last May, Jupiter entered Aries instilling a sense of impatience and eagerness to start something new. By early October, Jupiter migrated back into very watery Pisces until late December. Many water events filled the news. The recent blockbuster hit Avatar: The Way of Water, made its debut during the latter stages of Jupiter's short return to Pisces. Also, floods and droughts around the world took on a heightened energy as Earth changes intensified (remember, Jupiter expands).
In 2023, Jupiter will complete its Aries transit by May 16th, when it enters the grounded, sensual sign of Taurus. In Taurus, Jupiter amplifies Taurus qualities through dedication, perseverance and being practical. During this 2023-24 transit, Jupiter will create a 60° sextile angle with Saturn in Pisces in mid-June. In astrology, a sextile represents an easier and more available energy for productive exchanges. Here, Saturn in more compassionate Pisces will throttle (temporarily) Jupiter's Taurus-filled optimism. Perhaps this will allow for a more meaningful, productive and substantive work to be undertaken in matters affecting environmental issues (Taurus), and mental health concerns (Sagittarius/Taurus). Also, this particular June period is an excellent time to nurture your body via bodywork, massage, etc.
The planet Saturn is known for its massive rings. Symbolically, this represents a sense of honoring and knowing one's boundaries and limitations. It's the container/cauldron within which you experience life.
On March 7th, Saturn enters the empathic, watery realm of Pisces. Last time Saturn transited this sign was 1993-96. In the sign of the fishes, Saturn brings a more sobering/grounding energy into this otherwise very fluid, nebulous and changeable vibration. In this latest rendition, Saturn will transit Pisces between 2023 and February 2026, with a brief and powerful Aries entrance with Neptune in 2025. The last time Saturn and Neptune both were both transiting Pisces was 1523-25. That's 500 years ago! The energetic background of fire/Aries implies something grounded, spiritual and novel wants to begin a new phase of purposeful inspiration and conviction within the human mythos.
Saturn Return: Of the varied planetary cycles,"Saturn Return" is one of the more recognized, and ironically, perhaps one of the least understood transits. Saturn's orbital period covers 29.4 year. Archetypically, this Saturnian period is divided into 4 segments, each serving as a meaningful benchmark for how much a person has matured since the last checkup seven years earlier. When Saturn returns to its natal position, that marks the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new one. Maturity and lessons learned are the measurement of any Saturn Return period. Also, a new mandate emerges for the coming 29.4 years.
The first Saturn Return (SR) at around age 29/30 is a time to mature into full adulthood. The second SR poses the question "What do I want to do with the rest of my life?". While the third much later in life not only offers a period of reflection about what has been accomplished, but creates a resolve to be of greater service to others.
Whose affected? Just completing, or starting to experience a Saturn Return this year: completed - those born in 1993 (1st SR); 1963/early 1964 (2nd SR); and 1934 (3rd SR). For those born in 1994, 1964, and 1935, your Saturn Return year now unfolds in 2023. Re-evaluation and restructuring are important considerations in any Saturn cycle. Experiencing some degree of limitation is also a tension builder for effecting change.
Stations retrograde at 7°Pisces on June 17
Stations direct at 0° Pisces on Nov 4
In addition to those under the Saturn Return spotlight, anyone with natal placements between 0° and 7° in Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius will also have a Saturn-type year. If that includes a Saturn Return, a major reorganizational year lies ahead for you. Otherwise, the year will be one of taking stock relative to the natal planetary energy being aspected and further defined by its natal house placement.
The Outer Planetary Influences - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Ceres
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Uranus, Pluto, Neptune glyphs |
Uranus associated with revolution, radical change, independence and freedom is the unpredictable one of the lot. Its vibration is electric (think of lightning: sudden and fast). Its shadow points to rebellion, disruption, chaos etc. Currently in Taurus, this 7-year transit that began in 2018 is altering the way we energetically attune to the Earth's vibration, and initiate progressive environmental changes. Also, its influence now spawns a new perspective and associated behavior in the use of money, possessions, and how you value yourself.
Uranian gifts come and go quickly. Rarely do they last. Yet, their impact is long remembered.
On the personal level, the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius between 14° and 25° will be under the Uranian spotlight. This will specifically influence those with natal Uranus in Scorpio born between December 1977 and October 1979, who will now complete their Uranus opposition, Those born between November 1979 and September 1980 will begin their Uranus opposition (completed in 2024). Uranus opposition is a major turning point in life; choosing a new path/direction due to an unforeseen, "out of the blue" event. For me, I made a significant career change during my Uranus opposition in the early 1980's.
Stations Direct - Jan 23 - 15° Taurus
Stations Retrograde - August 29 - 23° Taurus
Neptune, as ruler of Pisces, this watery influence is strongly associated with spirituality, compassion, dreams, imagery, and lofty ideals. In its shadow, and in varying degrees based on the overall dynamics of one's natal chart, effects such as delusion, escape, addiction, mental health, viruses (the unseen) and vagueness can prove challenging at times. This shadow element has been particularly strong since 2011, when Neptune entered its home sign for the first time in 150 or so years.
Because Neptune orbits the Sun much slower than any of the closer planets, only up to two generational Neptune cycles will occur in your life: Neptune Square (age 41) and opposition (age 82). The square is a time of reimagining your life; seeing it from a fresh perspective now that your thirties are behind you. The opposition, many years later, is a time for stimulating a deeper spiritual and functional change. Many senior citizens relocate under this transit. Also, a stronger desire can suddenly arise from within you to be of greater service to others.
Those born in 1981-83 (square to Sagittarius) and 1939-42 (opposition to Virgo) will experience these Neptune cycles in 2023. The earliest year in each range will be completing their Neptune cycle, while the latest year will be beginning their 3-year mystical sojourn.
Neptune cycles can be highly inspirational, imaginative and soul satisfying. An amplification of one's empathic and/or psychic abilities represents one of its potential gifts. However, this Neptunian influence can prove to be quite challenging in very subtle ways. A persistent feeling of uncertainty, uneasiness, or exhibiting scattered thinking, or wanting to be alone out of fear, are some of the challenges to our logical way of thinking and our rationale for security and safety.
Neptune's now transiting the highest degrees of Pisces (25 to 28°). This archetypal passage will further amplify these expansive/constrictive possibilities until Neptune enters Aries in later 2025/ very early 2026.
For example, my recent transit of Neptune across my Mercury in 2015-17 (conjunction), opposite Saturn in 2016-18, and Sun in 2020-22 (conjunction), left me at times with a strong degree of uncertainty about direction, purpose etc. It was like being in a rowboat in the middle of a lake surrounded by fog. Whenever I energetically looked ahead all I saw was a blank. And until I understood there was profound meaning in this empty perspective, I experienced frustration about seemingly not being able to anticipate what was unfolding around me. In retrospect, "a blank" about the year ahead in 2020 was an especially poignant observation I had prior to the pandemic crisis. Given the immense changes rapidly unfolding around the world in 2020, that blank feedback was quite prescient about the days ahead. Hence, I learned Neptune insights usually come in veiled, or not so obvious ways.
This past year, during the most potent phase of my Pisces Sun being aspected by Neptune, I felt clear on occasion. I also experienced a deeper sense of trust in my sentient and psychic abilities. However, this energy quickly oscillated at unexpected times, creating periods where I found it difficult to make a choice, act decisively, stay focused, or even create some type of plan to follow.
And like a pendulum, this clear/vague experience is common in a Neptune cycle. It was once described to me as walking around with an empty glass, letting the Universe fill or empty it as it deemed fit. Pure trust, leading to a more soulful appreciation of life and its myriad of expressions, is a major ally of a Neptune cycle.
And in that vein, Neptune cycle always bring these spiritual and compassionate gifts, especially through mammals, birds, and sea life. In 2021, one of a number of magical, natural world connections I experienced involved two mystical water interactions with approximately one-hundred spinner dolphins. In part, this would point to Neptune's hand in the script. That would include a high frequency download from the dolphin pod's sonar emissions. Quite a moment of grace and ecstasy. And inspiration too. Checked all the Neptune watery boxes.
Stations Retrograde - June 30 - 28°Pisces
Stations Direct - Dec 6 - 25° Pisces
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Phoenix Rises! |
Pluto, co-ruler of Scorpio (Mars is the other), brings renewal and rebirth after a dark passage. Its archetype is associated with the underworld. In 2023, anyone between 41 and 43 years old will experience transiting Pluto in square to their natal Pluto. This is a powerful and quite challenging generational experience. It evokes significant change. Certain aspects of one's life falls apart (relationship or job endings are possibilities), but renewal follows.
Pluto is pure alchemy. The insect larva entering a cocoon, then emerging as a butterfly is a classic example of a Pluto transit.
** Pluto follows a highly eccentric orbit. Back in the 1980's as Pluto reached perigee to the Sun, it transited Scorpio over a period of just 12 years. That's Pluto's fastest transit of a sign. Currently, Pluto's coming Aquarius transit will cover 20 years. This year-span by sign will continue increasing until Pluto reaches its Taurus apogee in 2095. There it will take 31 years to transit the sign of the Bull. Depending on which astrological sign Pluto transited at your birth, the Pluto square can be experienced between 36 and 61 years old!
Also, in 2023, anyone between 88 and 91 will experience transiting Pluto opposite natal Pluto. This is a profound transit that is transformational and reflective about one's life, plus an important time of preparation for your remaining years.
Currently, Pluto now nears the end of Capricorn. This coming March (23rd) for the first time in 225 years, Pluto will once again transit the progressive sign of Aquarius. The last time Pluto was at this 0° was Jan 1778. Then, a fledgling United States was attempting to find its way. George Washington, the country's 1st President spent a harsh winter at Valley Forge with his troops in late 1777 into 1778. His young country was at war with England. Meanwhile across the Atlantic, France acknowledged and defended this new upstart. 12 years later the French Revolution significantly changed France. Pluto's Aquarian journey mirrored to the world the Plutonian archetypal social upheaval for the times.
Fast forward to 2023, Pluto's first Aquarius ingress will be for just 80 days (March 23 - June 11) and remain at the 0° mark before returning to Capricorn’s late degrees on June 11. This is the exact degree where Jupiter and Saturn positioned at the 2020 December solstice. Placements at the 0 or 29° of a sign, amplify all expressions of that sign. So expect a noticeable start to this epic change in sign and related elements (Earth to Air).
Further, this short 80-day period will create context for what to expect from Pluto's 20 year transit in Aquarius. Children born during this transit will have a heightened desire to associate with others at a group level. Technology and the cosmos will excite and influence their social choices and engagements. And social justice/equality initiatives will be their fuel and power.
Pluto-cycle transitional years have proven to be quite intense, but transformative too. At a minimum, shifting from a Capricorn to Aquarian vibration will signal a realignment and a new designed empowerment of social, governmental and corporate power structures around the world. Already there's evidence of such by protests in France, Peru, and a number of other countries.
Also, it will be a time where technology becomes a more integrated and influential aspect of our reality. For example, the now rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is proving a highly disruptive force to the older Capricorn structured ways of creating informational content. The sudden emergence of ChatGPT and other similar AI tools are forcing schools to reevaluate how pupils create content through their writing, as well as the structure of their learning processes. It's also being discussed in conversations across all aspects of society. Three years ago, an occasional snippet.
Other Aquarian effects will include producing more advanced/sophisticated technological products, designed to expand our awareness of each other and the Cosmos. The James Webb Space telescope (JWST) is a prime example.
This transformative Plutonian transit will also evoke a more progressive approach toward societal challenges around the globe, which would include addressing and finding resolution for issues such as homelessness, forced migrations and human trafficking.
The shadow element here is equally daunting, and one requiring heightened awareness. Its extreme shadow includes efforts to effect dark governmental control (dystopia) over the masses. Books/movies such as The Hunger Games and The Handmaid's Tale are two of many media examples of a potential future; Aldous Huxley's literary work Brave New World, is another.
Enters Aquarius - March 23
Stations Retrograde - May 1 - 00° Aquarius (this will further amplify Mercury's retrograde of Taurus)
Reenters Capricorn - June 12
Stations Direct - Oct 11 - 28° Capricorn
Pluto will reenter Aquarius on Jan 24, 2024 for 8 months, with one last Capricorn transit (the culmination of Pluto's Capricorn transit since 2008) for approximately 2 months (Oct/Nov, including the US national elections), before returning to Aquarius, where it remains for the next 20 years. Significant societal issues, changes, and technological advancements or controls are in the offing during this two-decade Aquarian sojourn.
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Ceres/Chiron glyphs |
Ceres is associated with self-nurturing. In manners of health, it is associated with Virgo.
Ceres was the first of many asteroids discovered. The year was 1801. Its orbital period covers approximately 4.6 years. In your birth chart the sign placement will provide clues how to self-nurture. When aspected by a transiting planet, this quest will take on added significance. At the beginning of the year, Ceres positioned at 3°Libra. By year end, Ceres will have migrated to the middle degrees of Sagittarius.
Chiron is the better known of these two. As the mythological "wounded healer", this archetype symbolizes the healing path you experience your life. Its 50-year orbit around the Sun is quite eccentric too, At its closest distance to the Sun (fastest passage through a sign - Virgo/Libra), Chiron's orbit is actually inside of Saturn's. And at its farthest distance (slowest passage through a sign - Pisces/Aries), its orbit is much closer to Uranus. So in one sense, Chiron would represent the energetic healing bridge linking more conservative/predictable Saturn and much more progressive and unpredictable Uranus.
Chiron, now at its farthest orbital location in Pisces/Aries, is slowly transiting Aries over a period of 8 years. It begins the year at 12°. By station retrograde on July 23 it will have moved to 20°. And by year-end (Dec 27), Chiron will station direct at 15°. Since Chiron is closer to Uranus' orbit, this healing cycle will have stronger Uranian influence. That implies quick changes, even unexpected health concerns. Cardinal signs affected in addition to Aries include Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Natal placements relative to transiting Chiron would be particularly influenced here in matters of health and healing.
Chiron Return: Around age 50, a year, and even up to two year are spent addressing core health issues from energetic wounds of the past, especially within your family. This year, those born in 1972-74 will have Chiron-return years, with the earlier year completing the cycle while the more recent year just beginning it. Sometimes, a healing crisis ensues during this transit. Seeing a counselor, therapist, bodyworker are common strategies during this healing cycle.
Lunar nodes, Eclipses and Super Moons
Nodes and Eclipses
The Moon's orbit is slightly askew to the Earth's orbit (by 5 degrees). Hence, as the Moon revolves around the Earth, there are only 2 points where the two orbits match up each monthly cycle. These are imaginary nodal points.
Under the Taurus/Scorpio nodes, the shadow element of large-scale war has been prominent. Currently the war in the Ukraine, started under this node combination, now commands world attention. 19 years ago, the Iraq war was unfolding during the same nodal placements.
By contrast, the shadow element of Aries/Libra points to dictatorships and significant changes in alliances. The post-Iraq war period changed many relationships between countries. The same holds true today as the global community deals with the adverse economic and social ramifications of Russia's actions.
When either node lines up with the New or Full Moon, a solar or lunar eclipse occurs, respectively. And this alignment usually comes in pairs, although 3-eclipses, each two-weeks apart are not that uncommon. The closer the node degree to the New or Full Moon, the more dramatic the eclipse cycle.
This year two eclipses come April/May (annular/total Solar/penumbral Lunar) will occur along the Scorpio/Taurus axis. The second pairing comes in October under Aries/Libra (annular solar/partial lunar).
Eclipses invoke the shadow element of our psyche. A time to look introspectively at the coming six months and what it offers relative to one's on-going transits to their natal chart. Eclipse timings relative to your location can be found here.
Super New Moons
In addition to nodes, a rather recent focus has been those occasions where the New or Full Moon occurs within 24 hours of the Moon reaching perigee in its Earth orbit. Symbolically and energetically, a closer Moon magnifies its gravitational influence on Earth's fluids, including the physical body. Super New and Full Moons this year occur:
Super New Moon:
January 21 - 2° Aquarius (closest)
Feb 20 - 1° Pisces
Super Full Moon:
Aug 1 - 1° Leo
Aug 30/31 - 7° Pisces (closest)
One more thing
The coming Super New Moon in Aquarius on January 21/22nd positions essentially at the same degree as Pluto's Aquarius entrance in March. The New Moon chart contains strong Aquarius influence (Sun/Moon/Venus/Saturn) This line up will amplify existing challenges and initiatives in the realm of social interconnections, technological developments, and progressive initiatives and challenges during this coming 28-day lunar cycle. This activity will highlight those areas ripe for transformation during Pluto's coming transit of this higher-vibrational realm through 2043.
Reflection Suggestions for 2023
In what areas of my life do I see opportunity and challenge this year?
What am I ready to let go of that no longer serves me?
How can I better strengthen my body, and nurture my soul in the coming days?
How can I participate with others to support a more inclusive reality?
As I reflect upon the past eleven years, I marvel at the rapid, on-going evolutionary shifts occurring in culture's around the Earth. Within this sea change, the heightened polarity continues to build tension throughout the consciousness, inspiring younger generations to courageously step forward much earlier in their developmental years to make a noticeable difference in actions, behaviors and social mores. At the beginning of this blog, I mentioned the video "Wake Up", which was first released in February, 2012. This was the exact day Neptune entered Pisces, while leaving Aquarius for the last time until the year 2161. Have a look....
May the year 2023 unfold in alignment with your highest purpose for being on the Earth NOW!
Next update: My photographic creations from 2022.
Please share your comments below. We all learn from each other's perspective.
Sat Nam
Starman, Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa
January 17, 2023
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