Monday, May 2, 2011

Taurus New Moon: Creating Heaven on Earth

“Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and eat and sleep with the earth.”
Walt Whitman, Poet (1819-1892)

“Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves, or whether it should be ours here and now on this Earth.”
Ayn Rand American Writer and Novelist (1905-1982)

“My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity."
—  Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut...returning from the Moon (1930- )

©AstroActivator by Kathryn Mi
New Moon arrives on May 2nd, a day after “May Day”, and coincides with the Celtic spring feast of Beltane. This Celtic cross-quarter day marks the midway point in the spring season between the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Beltane is a fire ritual that focuses on purification and transformation; necessary rites to ensure a prolific harvest later in the Summer season. This is a poignant reminder to prepare (nurture/strengthen) your body for what is to come later this year. Also, a very productive time for gardeners out there to connect with the Earth in new, imaginative ways.

New Moon arrives at 8:51 in the evening in Hawaii, shortly before midnight on the West Coast, and on the 3rd in the Mountain States east to the International Date Line.

Of particular focus this New Moon is the continued presence of very strong Aries energy in the field: cardinal...raw...primal...uncensored...courageous.  Since the Vernal Equinox, this highly

charged and creative vibration has been a significant focal point of many planetary transits. And this New Moon two week cycle is no exception.

From our verdant garden in Hawaii, here’s our latest video blog about this New Moon dynamics, and our Return to Eden Retreat (good Taurus theme) this August.

New Moon Chart

The overall theme of this chart is about grounding/integrating (Sun/Moon in Taurus) new energies (Aries), especially as we move through the month of May. By May 15th, the planetary energies now packed into Aries will shift into Taurus, with the exception of Jupiter and Uranus. This New Moon window opens the door for a transition from a fire vibration (Aries) to a more Earth, grounded-based one (Taurus). This month, the fullness of springtime reaches its crescendo as the quickening of new life, growth, and beauty is well underway. These are classic Taurus themes and qualities. This is a seeding time to restore our Earthly environment and be of greater service to humanity.

Yet, raw Aries is not to be ignored. Fueled by a combined amplification of Mars (aggressive) and Jupiter (expansive) energy, angst and edginess has been right on the surface. Been feeling a bit edgy of late? Look no further than this combo (more below).

With the New Moon in the sensual, earth based energies of Taurus, now is the time for you to take steps to ground and integrate these raw, creative urges from the past 6 weeks into a more practical form. This includes emotional purging of any of the aforementioned angst.

Also, the Taurus vibe reminds you of the importance of nurturing and strengthening yourself now, and connecting and aligning with the Earth’s vibration. Given this summer's significant evolving energies, now is the time to focus on your life, taking steps to reset your life course where necessary, clean house (good Spring-time practice), exercise, and receive body care (good Taurus practice). Also, spending time in nature is a perfect way to connect to the Earth energies, inviting this vibration into all aspects of your life.

With Uranus (1) as a backdrop in the very early degrees of Aries, there are two dynamic planetary combinations in Aries this New Moon: Venus and Mercury (2), and Jupiter and Mars (3). 

Venus and Mercury combine the essence of creative expression and communication, respectively. Venus rules Taurus and Libra. She is the epitome of beauty and grace. Her style is to find balance...know and express life’s richness...create stability and form. Lightning quick Mercury rules thoughts and communication; how information is conveyed and understood. These two energies will move in lockstep from Aries into Taurus on May 15th.

In fire sign Aries, the essence of this combo seeks out new ways to create and express beauty, especially in the realms of expressive creative arts. As this duo shifts into Taurus later in May, the focus is directed towards practical ways to ground the creative impulses of Aries into a form that creates stability and purpose. It also fuels a deeper desire to connect to the Earth through pursuits such as organic gardening, and conscious use of Earth's resources.

Meanwhile, Saturn in Libra (4) is opposite this duo...still retrograding...still inward. Saturn in Libra focuses its energy on creating new harmonic relationships/alliances in your life. At the New Moon, this points to the importance of synergy in the realms of creativity and communication in alignment with natural Earth energies, rather than “going it alone”.

Mars and Jupiter: This potent combo has been in close orb since last week, and will continue together until May 11. Then, Mars moves into Taurus. Mars’ aggressive, assertive and impulsive energy is now being over amplified by Jupiter’s expansive vibration. On the up-side, this provides strong initiative/incentive for starting new projects, and moving in a new direction. Yet, the closeness of Jupiter also adds a strong degree of unstable energy to the mix. Note: the potential for accidents or injury exists under this vibration. Practice conscious awareness of your surroundings, especially how you move your energy when you exercise or perform physical labor. If you are feeling "off", listen to your body and rest.

Some recent signs of this unstable energy on the macro level: civil unrest and war activity continue to abound in Yemen and Libya; US announces the death of Osama Bin Laden (just today) adding more fuel to Middle East unrest, and political turmoil shifts across the aisle as Republicans attempt to answer angry constituents questions about their recent vote to significantly cut back Federal Governmental services, including Medicare.

Mars crosses the Mercury retrograde point the day after the New Moon. Jupiter follows on May 9th. At a minimum, the “kick-start” vibration will have erratic tendencies until May 3rd; less so after May 9th. Regardless, May 3rd is a good launching point for creating a framework around creative impulses and concepts. 

Mercury Retrograde - the final chapter
Since April 23rd, Mercury has moved once again in forward motion. This usually implies “full speed ahead”. However, until Mercury passes the point where it began its April retrograde on March 30th (24 Aries), there remains an echo or re-enactment vibration capable of triggering events similar in tone or form to events occurring during the first 3 weeks of April. For example, this echo vibration is evident in current world events such as the Middle East, intense weather storms (recent storms in the Southern US), or delays (Space Shuttle Endeavor launch was postponed a week due to equipment malfunction).

On a personal level, you’re still in the “yellow retrograde zone”. Delays, change in plans, miscommunication etc. remain possible. Mercury moves out of this zone on May 11. In the meantime, create and communicate. Put plans into action and ground them (Taurus). Devise new ways of expressing beauty through art, dance, cooking, decorating, or gardening. And most importantly, be clear in your communication and agreements with others.

Eyes on the Sky
Early rising celestial sky watchers are in for a treat during May. The close positioning of the various planetary energies in Aries into Taurus will be seen on the external in the low, eastern (early) dawn sky throughout the month. Use binoculars for the planets close to the horizon. Have a look here for a day by day graph of this celestial movement during May. This is an ideal opportunity to connect to the "as above, so below" mysteries. As such, creating intentions, ritual, or an artistic representation of this energy sets in motion the creative fullness represented by these planetary jewels.

Much flux continues to fuel the conscious field. Strong emphasis continues to create critical tension between Saturn’s quest for stability/structure (eg Royal Wedding in England last week) versus Uranus’ desire for radical change (Middle East uprisings). We live in an extraordinary time of social, economic and political change. Yet attempting to make sense of what seemingly doesn’t make sense can prove to be a somewhat futile exercise. One saying that comes to mind speaks to this notion: "sink not your mind into the unfathomable for surely you will drown." As I have written, there is no turning back despite strong sentiments in some quarters to return to the “good old days”.

This summer, 3 eclipses (two solar and one lunar) set the stage for a revisit of last Summer’s Cardinal Climax energy. Yes, this has all the makings of upheaval, however, the gold lining is opportunity and new initiatives. If you find yourself in a quandary about your direction in life, take the time to consciously explore alternatives in synergy with others. We are on the threshold of a dream, experiencing the uncertainty of what lies ahead, and the density of what has past. The Japanese people have shown us the power that arises from being of compassionate service to each other despite tremendous stress from radiation fallout and massive restructuring due to March's earthquake. May we follow their compassionate lead and express our humanity towards each other in healthy and co-creative ways.

Kathryn and I leave for Japan at mid-month for 3 weeks, offering group Quantum Alignment bodywork sessions and leading/facilitating two Spiritual Retreats. Aware of the environmental challenges that currently exist, we nonetheless go with the intention of helping our Japanese friends strengthen themselves on all levels, so they may help strengthen others in their communities and circles.

In this time of great change, it is only from a place of strength and heart-felt service to others that we can evolve consciously and respectfully together. In turn, may these steps deepen our attunement to our home planet, this blue jewel of the Solar System, and with each other.

Next Blog - Scorpio Full Moon and Wesak festival on May 17th. Later this month, in a separate blog, I'll cover this Summer's Eclipses and the 2nd unfolding of the potent Cardinal Climax.

Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii

Starman, Joseph Mina
May 2, 2011
©Gemini Awakening 2011 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems

- video creation - Telestream Screenflow, Apple iMovie 11 & Bias Peak Studio

1 comment:

  1. I love you Two!!! Mahalo for doing this! It is something I look forward to and actually take time out to sit and In Joy!


I welcome your comments and feedback. I also moderate the comments to ensure only comments germane to the article are included. Mahalo, Joseph