Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cancer Full Moon 2011, January 19: Illuminating Connection & Community

"Nature gives forth of itself willingly and abundantly; it is up to each person to not only pay respects to nature, but to give back to it in as positive a manner as possible."
Sharon O'Hara, The Growing Place

Astroactivator 2002©
Cancer Full Moon by Kathryn Andren

January’s Full Moon falls at the 29 degree of Cancer, the most developed degree of the sign. Each of the 12 signs contain 30 degrees of angle, 0 through 29. These degrees are like miles markers on the highway indicating the planetary positions in the sky story. The 29th degree is the most developed or mature position of the sign.  Therefore, Full Moons occurring at these late degree positions are an invitation to illuminate the most evolved qualities of the sign.

This Full Moon occurs at the exact degree of the longest Total Solar Eclipse in this Century, July 21, 2009. Eclipse energy signifies a "seeding point" for what's to come. In this case, its focus was redefining how one nurtures self, others, and harmonizes and aligns with our home planet - all Cancer Themes. This Current Full Moon reconnects to that vibration, establishing this theme for these next two weeks. Quite a contrast to the tragic events in Tuscon Arizona last week. (Starman's 2¢)

The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are symbolic of emotional connection. Cancer the Crab retreats back into its shell, sometimes very sensitive.  As the Crab carries its home on its back, Cancer is related to home, family and nurturing. The Moon is Cancer’s planetary ruler, meaning the Moon feels “at home” in the sign of Cancer.

Questions to contemplate for 2011 January Cancer Full Moon:
How am I nurturing myself? 
How do I create nurturing connections with my family and home community?
How can I shine my light fully in my community?

Looking ahead : Astrology overview January & February 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Capricorn New Moon - Energizing 2011 and Beyond

"The future depends on what we do in the present."
Mahatma Gandhi

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."
Arthur C. Clarke, Astrophysicist & Science Fiction Author

Aloha and Happy New Year!

2011 starts off with a New Moon and partial solar eclipse in Capricorn at 14 degrees. New Moon occurs in Hawaii on Jan 3 at 11:02 pm HST; and January 4th from Far Western Canada (12:02 am), east to the International Date Line (9:00 UT). Fresh on the heals of the Lunar Eclipse and Gemini Full Moon near the Solstice, this New Moon opens the door for structure, organization, long term planning, new direction and career goals and initiatives.

New Moon eclipse energy signifies a time to seed intentions for the coming 6 months. This dove-tails well with the beginning of the year rituals of resolutions and commitments. The above quotes underscore one approach for framing your 2011 intentions. 

As the Aquarian vibration continues to increase in our global consciousness, technology expands in a myriad of ways to support communication and the rapid dissemination of ideas