Friday, March 14, 2014

Virgo Full Moon March 16: Endings & Beginings

"Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending."
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

There comes a time in life when a door closes to allow another door to open. This Virgo Full Moon signals the end of the astrological year, and on a personal level, the significant end of a life chapter.

Kathryn and I have been in relationship for almost 14 years. We met at a Dolphin Mediation Night here in Hawaii back in May 2000. "Hi I'm Kathryn" were her first words, as she extended her hand to me. That wondrous meeting set in motion a most amazing with many twists and turns, ups and downs and much growth. And now sadly the ride has come to its conclusion: endings and beginnings.

In part, Gemini is the "lovers", "twins", or "troubadours" sharing information and raising consciousness. We created Gemini Awakening in 2002, reflecting our desire to share astrological news and tandem healing services with the world in new and innovative ways. Our creative expressions through imagery and video have been a wonderful way to reach out and connect with many people. We thank you for supporting the expression of the life we love to share.

In the realm of completions, and being aware of what this coming Virgo Full Moon offers (more below), the other day we returned to the place where we married in Hawaii...Pu'u Honua O'Honaunau...the City of Refuge. There, we created a 4 direction design made from plants from our land. Through the symbolic nature of each offering, (Ti leaf, fig, noni, herbs, fruits etc) we acknowledged how that energy had been expressed, and been an integral part of our lives together. Amazingly, especially as we were in a remote part of the Refuge, someone appeared unexpectedly (how Uranian) to give us a donation and tell us how much he appreciated all that we generously share in our astrology work. Perhaps he was a Universal emissary for everyone who has been the recipient of our healing work over the past 14 years? We were deeply touched by this unexpected gesture, and "out of the blue" Uranian visitor.

Kathryn has now created her own web site where you can contact her at  There, Kathryn now features her "Cosmic Collage" Gallery, Astrology Consulting and Insights, and Massage and Bodywork services. Check it out here. You can also "Like" her new Facebook page: Kathryn Andren Art.

In the the meantime, I'm continuing to post under the Gemini Awakening banner. However, this too will change over the coming months. I am creating a new web site with greater integration between my Astrology, Bodywork, Photography and Creative Expressions. You'll receive notice when this is

Friday, February 28, 2014

Pisces New Moon Feb 28: Sensitivity 101

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

"Integration Station" iPad sketch by Joseph Mina
"To everything, turn, turn, turn, there is a season, turn, turn, turn...." Pete Seeger, American folk singer and activist, penned then sang these mystical words back in the 1950's. His recent death in late January brings to mind how seasons end...then begin anew. As we reach the Pisces New Moon on February 28, we embrace both the end of the astrological procession through Pisces...and await the new and seemingly exciting season to come through Aries. Turn...turn...turn....

Pisces calls us home to be part of the greater collective. Yet, despite its sensitive, compassionate and peaceful magnetism, this calling occurs in a sea of great planetary uncertainty, intensity, change and transformation. In some quarters, such as the Ukraine, Syria, Iraq or Pakistan, a boiling fervor ignites a call for freedom from oppression, while in other areas highly

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Leo Full Moon Feb 14: Fueling Heart Desires

"Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."  — Rumi

"Heart Activation" sketch by Joseph Mina
The desires of the heart move in mysterious ways. The brain does not understand this mystery. Where our mental perspectives are fueled by "this or that", the heart, fueled by love,  only knows desire and passion. Yet, our thinking and desires are potent forces. This Leo Full Moon invites you to reflect on what you truly desire to create in passionate, loving ways.

Full Moon occurs on the 14th at 1:53 pm in Hawaii, 3:53 on the West Coast; 11:53 pm GMT; and on the 15th from Italy, Germany, Eastern Europe east to the International Date Line.

This Leo Full Moon positioned at 26° arrives accompanied by a host of retrograde planets, or planetary energies in strong aspect to each other. Usually, a Full Moon period represents an