Monday, November 30, 2009

Gemini Full Moon December 2

Gemini Full Moon Timings
Dec 2nd 2:31 am East Coast; 7:31 am England or
Dec 1st 11:31 pm West Coast and 9:31 pm in Hawaii

Full Moon is an opportunity for action, to release and expand in in the world. Our closest planetary body, the Moon symbolizes where we feel most at home and emotional connection.

Gemini Full Moon is about networking and communication - potent Gemini astrology themes. This Full Moon shines light on these areas through your writing, teaching, and talking abilities. Here's a great time to network and multitask. Opposite the Sun in questing Sagittarius, this Gemini Full Moon window poses the question: "How do I use my Gemini gifts of communication on my spiritual path?" "What information can I gather to support my quest for the deeper meanings of life?"

Other planetary patterns occurring on this Full Moon suggest clarity of spiritual content and getting the word out in creative and inventive ways. Here, critical tension builds for new forms of expression (Mercury in Saggitarius square Uranus in Pisces).

On a personal and professional note, our recent experiences at the Network Transformational Gate weekend  in Como, Italy and San Francisco served as a springboard to inspire action in how we share our life, love and our work. Look for new forms of astrological updates coming soon from Gemini Awakening.

Gemini is the sign of the twins and the lovers.  Together, we serve as healing catalysts to awaken ancient wisdom for the modern age. Gemini Awakening -  Mahalo & a hui hou !

Kathryn Andren, LMT and Starman, Joseph Mina are professional counseling astrologers, teachers and healers. Discover yourself through our unique healing arts sessions, consultations and classes. 

Gemini Awakening
"Empowering Lives Through the Mystery of the Sky." 

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pictorial Spotlight on Mars

As Mars nears its December 20th retrograde, it is becoming brighter and more noticeable in the pre-dawn sky. Look for a bright, amber colored, star-like object that does not twinkle above the eastern horizon. This brightening occurs because Earth is catching up, or drawing closer to Mars, as both continue their orbital dance around the Sun.

Retrograde means a slowing down, then a temporary reversal of position in the sky background. Ordinarily, Mars moves through one sign of the zodiac in about 5 weeks. However, at retrograde, the lingering stretches this time frame to over 8 months. 

As the astrological archetype of Mars continues its 8 month journey through the sign of Leo, it brings Leo like attention to itself in a variety of ways. In part, the Leo archetype enjoys being on center stage. It relishes the spotlight and the adulation that sometimes occurs. This is a wonderful time to shine a spotlight on the inner Mars of your astrological natal chart, exploring ways to recalibrate and re-energize its vibration over the coming Mars retrograde months. 

If you'd like a free copy of your natal chart and our Astrological Interpretation Guide, send us an e-mail with your birth information (date, time, location).

The inner journey of Mars has an outer journey too. The Boston Globe's tri-weekly photo series "The Big Picture" puts its Leo-like spotlight on the planet Mars and its mysterious, artistic landscape. This pictorial journey may be found here. Wonderful timing for this sort of information. "Why" you might ask? Today the magnetic Moon moves through early degrees Leo and conjoins or meets Mars. How's that for magnetic spotlight magic!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The intensity of Mars in Leo

What in the world is going on????? Sure seems intense around the globe.

One look at the current  transit chart dynamics explains it: Sun and Mercury in Scorpio square Mars in Leo. Scorpio's life force meets the radiance of the Leo heart, or in certain quarters, the full force of the Leo ego. Sun represents the fuel of the mix; Mercury how it is imparted or communicated; Mars is where the action lies. Nothing boring in this trio.
Squares are always an edgy type of energy. Think of two forces just not seeing eye-to-eye on anything. Yet, squares in a natal chart can also be a "stop sign" of sorts, indicating "that's not the way to go", or "buyer beware". Particularly affected by this dynamic is anyone with significant planetary aspects in your natal chart in early to mid degree Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo.

Back to the world stage. This square dynamic has been rather intense across the board. Here's a few examples of intensity in the realm of Scorpio's life force meeting the ego side of Leo.

Violent acts of aggressive force (shadow Mars) have occurred over the past week in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Bombs, war, etc. etc. No need to go into the details. Enough to simply say "intense".

Israel and Palestine have resumed aggressive acts towards each other, this time in the holy city of Jerusalem.

Intensity can also reveal itself in the infrastructure. For example, just yesterday, the Bay Bridge in California was shut down indefinitely to traffic after one of its cables snapped at rush hour. This is the commuter route for over 300,000 cars a day! Think of the inconvenience and intensity that creates.

On a much more positive note, President Obama today signed the first gay civil rights legislation, protecting gays, lesbian, bi-sexual and trans-gender individuals from acts of violence (think Sun/Mercury square Mars). These aggressive acts are now included and treated as acts of hate carrying with it significant federal punishments. Further, this legislation has been 10 years in the making.

This intense Scorpio/Leo vibration continues through the 18th of November. Remember too, Saturn moves into Libra on Oct 30th and begins its 5 month square with Pluto. Powerful cycles for a powerful time of transition and change 

After the 18th, the Sun and Mercury move far away from Mars energy to complete the square, however, they begin a square to the Aquarius energy of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. Sort of like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. That dynamic is for a future blog.

In the meantime, stay clear, breathe, receive nurturing bodycare, and physically exercise to allow this strong energy to easily circulate within your body.

Feel free to share how you have been personally affected by this current vibe.