Showing posts with label Annular Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annular Eclipse. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2020

Solstice June 2020: what in the world is going on???

"For my part I know nothing with certainty but the sight of the stars make me dream" 

- Vincent Van Gough

Greetings Fellow Earthlings and Lovers of the Night Sky

Police brutality protests
Black Lives Matter protest in St. Louis
It’s been quite the chaotic dance since I last wrote in early March. Lockdowns, border restrictions, oodles of information and misinformation, global pandemic spread leading to over 8.5 million infected and near 500,000 related deaths, unprecedented social protests, and a lot of stay-at-home realities triggering massive layoffs, school and business closings and significant social reorganization. And we're not even at the half-way mark of the year!

At the moment I’m residing in the western suburban area of Philadelphia with my younger sister and husband, since South Africa’s borders are temporarily closed to tourist and non-residents alike. This is the longest stretch for me in the USA since 2017. Such a different reality here than South Africa. I had thought I’d be in South Africa by now enjoying its extraordinary star-filled winter night sky. But the Universe had other ideas and plans!

So what in the world is going on for the next six months? I’ll state it up front: based on the coming astrological cycles of 2020’s second half, and further fueled by the chaotic intensity from the first half, amplified events await! Yet generational-changing opportunity becomes more available through renewed group focus and intention. 

We are part of an extraordinary shift in consciousness now underway whose social, economic and political ramifications cannot yet be fully understood. This is more evident today than it was in 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn and the world financial structures mightily shook. This is fertile virgin ground for significant global changes over the next 10 years.  What

Monday, April 28, 2014

Annular Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse April 28: Earth First

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race. Wonder and humility are wholesome emotions, and they do not exist side by side with a lust for destruction."
Rachel Carson, Marine Biologist, author of Silent Spring

"Forsythia" sketch by Joseph Mina
Spring is that unique time when life quickens without hesitation after a deep, long slumber. The speed with which life rebounds is rather startling. As if on universal cue, an environmental renaissance takes place before our very eyes. During this time, the vibrant smell and sight of new growth speaks to the depths of our human form. Our body has evolved over millions of years of trial and error in this magical brew. It innately knows this essence and awakening. Equally, it innately knows when this eon old eco-system is out of balance. Are we attuned to what we instinctively or innately know about planet Earth? This Taurus New Moon vibe offers a gut check for that very question.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the Taurus New Moon in the springtime. Unlike any other astrological sign, archetypal Taurus, one of the 3 earth signs, connects and grounds us to planet Earth. We put our hands in the soil; we breathe deeply the fresh air; we revel in the experience of liquid H2O; and we consume Earth's gifts for nourishment and strength. Our senses become intoxicated with spring's rush of life.

This eclipsed Taurus New Moon arrives with strong lunar intention. For the most brief of moments, the shadow cap of the Moon barely grazes the Earth over a very remote area of Antarctica. Annularity

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Totally Taurus Time: Taurus New Moon, Solar Eclipse May 9

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
May is the month for the Zodiac signs of Taurus and Gemini. In 2013, May begins with 4 planets in Taurus and ends with four planets in Gemini. There are two eclipses this month, beautiful pairings of planets, plus on May 20 and 21 is the exact epic cycle of Uranus Pluto Square. Sun and Mars together in Taurus provides fuel for motivation and achievement through mid May. On May 9th Moon meets Mercury and Mars just before conjoining the Sun at the Taurus New Moon.

The Taurus New Moon creates an Annular Solar Eclipse at 20° Taurus (New Moon is 2:28 pm Hawaiian time).  What can we expect with Mars, Mercury, Moon and a Solar Eclipse so close to each other in the Zodiac sign of Taurus? Perhaps there may be more emotional and direct communication about what you truly value this week.

Additional fuel is available to explore the realms of art, beauty and creativity. Taurus is the first Earth sign so it relates to all things sensual and the body.

Since this annular eclipse is near the south node, it illuminates issues from the past. What inside holds me back from experiencing passion, abundance, sensuality or creativity?  The Taurus New Moon Solar eclipse offers an invitation to examine any way you have held onto material objects, thoughts or ideas for the sake of comfort and security.  Patience and practicality are Taurus traits. Perhaps ask

Friday, May 4, 2012

Scorpio Super Full Moon and Annular New Moon Eclipse May 2012: A Resounding Gong

“We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination and will. Incredible....The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts.”
Ray Bradbury, Science-Fiction Author, (1920- )

"Eclipses can last anywhere from a fraction of a minute to upwards of seven minutes, depending on how deeply the rapier tip of the Moon's shadow reaches the Earth; that is -- maintaining the same grisly metaphor -- whether it barely grazes the Earth's cheek, or slices clean through the planet."
Chet Raymo, Author (1936- )

Note: we posted this update at the last Full Moon. Below you will find specific details about the major Annular Eclipse sweeping over Southeastern China, Japan and the Western United States on May 20/21. This eclipse positions just to the left of the Pleaides: an amazing activation event for amazing times. In 2 weeks we will post more information about the June 5th epic transit of Venus across the Sun.
Aloha from Tokyo...Joseph

Japanese Eclipse - author unknown
Eclipse season May 2012 draws near, soon to arrive with fanfare, mystery and intrigue. We are about to enter an epic period of time, embracing grace, beauty, history, the future and deep introspection. Celestial bodies, poised to dance across the face of the Sun or dip into the ruddy shadow of the Earth, now become heralds of Universal synchronicity, metaphor and creative opportunity. The sounding bell for 2012 and beyond is about to make a resounding "gong".

This is an extended version of the Gemini Astrology Update covering the coming Super Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5/6, Venus Retrograde in Gemini, and the Annular Solar Eclipse on May 20/21. Later this month we'll cover the Partially eclipsed Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4/5, and the rare Venus Transiting the Sun the very next day on June 5/6.

Here's our latest Gemini Video Update offering an overview with graphics about these coming powerful celestial events.