Showing posts with label Saturn and Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn and Pluto. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Pisces New Moon; The End Before The Beginning

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein

"Make uncertainty your ally, not your enemy. All leaps forward depend on reaching into the unknown. Once you see the unknown as the source of creativity, you no longer fear it. Instead, you welcome the fact that life renews itself in unexpected ways." Deepak Chopra

"This is the real secret of life - to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now - and instead of calling it work, realize it is play." Alan Watts

Greetings Lovers of the Earth and the Cosmos

We arrive at the last New Moon of the current Solstice season at a time when the drums of war beat loudly from the Ukraine, reverberating across the globe. As with the Capricorn and Aquarius New Moons of the current season, this Pisces New Moon brings with it intensity and an unyielding theme of profound societal changes and conflict. Yet woven within this theme comes a greater desire for global compassion, empathy, grace and soulful connection. Quite the energetic contrast. 

And while the heightened polarity of these times may seem rather unassailable and irreconcilable, historical context reminds us the overall thrust of progressive evolutionary change cannot be denied, vanquished or simply erased. As ever before, outlier waves of change will continue to stretch humanity further and further into this vast cosmic sea of uncharted waters we call the Universe.

Pisces New Moon
Burial Cave, Fish Hoek
This past Sunday, I participated in a small gathering led by local Archeo-Astronomer Dean Liprini to the ancient Burial and Ascension Caves, south of South Africa's fabled Table Mountain and overlooking nearby Fish Hoek on the eastern shores of False Bay. It was such a mystical journey into the area's ancient cliffs, and so aligned with the Pisces New Moon themes set out below. You can read and see more about this enchanted experience on my Facebook page here
Pisces New Moon

Pisces New Moon at 12° arrives today for most of the world, except for western China east to the international date line where it will be early on the 3rd. In this New Moon window, the intention to create and preserve something new going forward will be strong. Venus finally moves outside of its retrograde shadow for the first time in 15 weeks, escorted during this new month by achievement-oriented Mars and fueled by transformative Pluto. 

In my last blog just before last year's December Solstice, I stated that looking ahead, 2022 would prove more intense than 2020 or 2021. In that vein, as all astrological cycles link and feed off each other, I see the remainder of 2022 as a snowball gathering greater momentum, yet continuing to unpredictably move into the heretofore mentioned unknown. 

Pisces New Moon
Humanity is now being ushered by powerful cyclical archetypal forces whose roots are imbued in profound evolutionary growth, and whose dynamic energy signals a time for accelerated and immense changes in the world's evolutionary path. The current war perpetrated on the nation of Ukraine is but one example of many conflicts around the world where the desire for freedom and self empowerment now strongly clash with its shadow components of oppression, poverty, and control.

Further, the grand themes of humanity's now rapid evolution are once again being strongly stirred out of their late 20th century slumber first by the intense Saturn Gemini/Pluto Sagittarius cycle of 2000-2002 (meltdown of beliefs and religious constructs), Uranus Aries/Pluto Capricorn cycle of 2008-2020 (radical change vs meltdown of foundational structures), Saturn/Jupiter/Pluto's Capricorn grand conjunction of 2020-21 (intense control/limitations), and now furthered amplified by the once every 22 year cycle of  Saturn Aquarius/Uranus Taurus in 2021-22 (repression/lack of freedom vs progressive change). 

Saturn ruler of Capricorn and co-ruler of Aquarius, and Uranus, also co- ruler of Aquarius, are continuing to mirror the amplification of this theme of progressive change in profound ways. The epic confluence of these titanic archetypes has agitated and stirred people from all walks of life and perspectives into a caldron of societal change, revolutionary behavior and resistance, and an unshaking quest to find one's truth. Is it any wonder so much tension fills the ethers these days. And I must say from my astrological perch, I see the power of this unfolding cyclical polarity strongly testing humanity's inner mettle and resolve in the coming days, weeks and months for the remainder of 2022 into 2023. Such is the time in which we live, grow, stretch and transform.

New Moon Dynamics

Here's the New Moon annotated chart:

Pisces New Moon

This current New Moon in Pisces by itself would under other more favorable circumstances prove uplifting and celebratory, especially with optimistic Jupiter close to the New Moon degree and once again in its home sign of Pisces. It's the very type of fuel that heightens creativity in the performance arts, music and video realms.  However, 
this New Moon is strongly influenced by other chart dynamics of greater intensity. That includes the triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and Pluto in late degree of Capricorn (rules, politics, governance, and business), and Mercury and Saturn together in Aquarius, each further magnifying the previously mentioned Saturn/Uranus cycle through the end of this year (status quo/autocratic rule vs progressive advances). Such components radically change the complexion of this New Moon's narrative from uplifting and expansive to a more shadow oriented and very inward soul reevaluation.

As such, Pisces shadow side becomes stronger at this lunation, further fueled by Jupiter's unduly optimistic nature and Neptune's delusional shadow tendencies. In that vein, this darker expression can be imbued with trickery and driven strongly by misinformation or deception. It can also further give rise to addictive drugs for purposes of escape (as we've seen in the last decade in the opioid surge) rather than spiritual enlightenment and deeper connection to the natural world. And it can challenge the very essence of empathy and sensitivity to those who struggle in life.

The golden opportunity though is to look within; to examine where you have detached from reality through avoidance and/or addiction tendencies to avoid feeling pain and suffering. Yes, I know that's rather a heavy mandate, but that's the essence of the energetic soup at the moment. On the flip side of this inward expression, this journey within opens a door for creating a new reality, one much more in alignment with your soul mandate as you energetically strip away that which doesn't serve your highest purpose for being alive on this planet NOW. 

Pisces New Moon
Voyager Tarot
Lastly, Venus, who entered its retrograde shadow on November 19, then stationed retrograde conjunct to Pluto just before the December solstice, emerges from this almost 15 week shadow journey the day after the New Moon. In tandem now with Mars, the archetypal expressions of the feminine and masculine qualities within us, they track together through most of March, next crossing into freedom seeking Aquarius on March 6th where powerful alignments occur with Uranus in Taurus on March 19-22 (self esteem, values, money, possessions) and Saturn on March 28-April 5 (autocracy vs freedom). 

What Venus/Mars current encounter with Pluto at this New Moon or the coming interaction with Saturn/Uranus later in the month triggers remains to be seen. One possibility here, especially with Spring season beginning in the northern hemisphere, is a strong resurgence of mass protests, civil disobedience and political upheaval in various places around the world where people have felt oppressed, held back and freedoms have been restricted. Also, given the strong building Piscean influence at play there's more coming in the realm of climate change triggered by increased solar activity (we are now headed towards Solar Maximum in 2025) and environmental destruction, and strong viral concerns still influencing human activity.

Yet most importantly, Pisces' global influence reminds us all we are connected to a greater web of awareness that knows no bias, polarity or class divisions. When one suffers, we all suffer in some deep way within our psyches. 

With that said, I offer the following suggestions at this New Moon:

Immerse yourself in the natural world through outdoor activities 
Attune to the power of sacred sites
Raise the vibrational level of media content you watch, read or listen to
Surround yourself with people who are at your level of conscious awareness or higher
Pray and meditate (my mediation is a daily brisk walk amongst the elements where I live)
Participate in uplifting group activities such as a retreat or program
Connect with others in a meaningful, soulful way


Summer now wanes here in South Africa. I can sense the beginnings of the Autumn. I know that must sound quite strange to those of you who live in the now colder Northern Hemisphere where winter still holds on to its icy grip. Nonetheless, the seasonal shift as we near the Equinox on March 20th reminds us that life is about cycles, the yin and yang. Pisces the last sign of the zodiac prepares us for something new, regardless of where we live. Embrace this shift. Strengthen yourself physically, emotionally and mentally for the coming days.

On a personal level, I am developing a land, sea and sky Retreat here in South Africa called South Africa Tanzanite Retreat - an Inner & Outer Soul Journey. The precious stone Tanzanite, only found at the base of Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, is a stimulator of higher vibrations throughout the body. It enhances spiritual growth on all energetic levels.

And primal Africa is the perfect location to shift one's energetic field into even higher frequencies.  

Over thirty years, I have worked with groups from a wide variety of cultures who I would consider soul seekers: those discovering the deeper meanings of life through soul searching internally and externally. Over the past 6 years I have been led to work with individuals who run large businesses, investors who manage large funds, and other financial types, each of whom function in the realm of wellness products and progressive initiatives. These are people who influence many other people simply by the choices and decisions they make on a day-to-day basis in their respective industries.

In my desire to humbly influence a broader audience to look within, while recognizing I work best with smaller groups of 8 to 10 people,  I decided to create a unique retreat format specifically designed to work with such influential people who function at a high income strata. It follows that meaningful changes experienced by participants in such a retreat can become a potent catalyst for their developing a more organic, sentient connection to this Earth and beyond. Rudolf Steiner spoke of this as the awakening of the super-sensibilities within the body. On that level there is no I. One is all and all is one. 

As such, my primary audience will be people who have a strong influence on larger groups of people such as entrepreneurs, investors, celebrities, sports types, business owners, and upper management types. An important criteria will be a person who hungers for something more in their lives than just the accumulation of possessions and status, and who also possess the desire to invest in themselves, and more consciously invest in efforts to create a more sustainable reality in alignment with this planet's consciousness. These are the very people who influence many other people. Effecting meaningful, progressive change at that energetic level can create a strong positive rippling effect for a much broader audience. In that sense, everyone in that rippling circle benefits. 

Pisces New Moon
This 11-day transformative journey for 8 to 10 participants will include 2 sunset and 1 sunrise safari excursions to attune to Africa's fabled big 5 animals; an ocean excursion to connect with the abundant ocean life here, including whales and dolphins; and sacred transmissions received under the grand world-class sky canopy of the Southern Milky Way, and within the cave structures of some of Earth's oldest mountains such as described in the beginning of this blog. 

For the internal piece, my Quantum Alignment Bodywork Group Sessions, refined over the past thirty years, will be experienced four times during the Retreat. Additionally, sunrise yoga, movement, and sound will form the integrative parts that help participants assimilate and ground these profound land, sea and sky experiences. The combination of the external and internal will literally alter and enhance the energetic flow of participants reality. All meals will be organic and professionally catered. Support will be staffed at the local level here. This is an energy-rich exchange from start to finish.

I'm so excited about the possibilities. I've prepared myself for many years for this moment. Significant global cultural changes over the past two years have set the stage for an accelerated shift. And of course, the perfect situations, experiences and people met over the past two years has set the stage for the ultimate Retreat experience.

But that's not all. As importantly, using proceeds from the retreats, I will create a foundation here in South Africa to fully fund a similar Retreat format for young adults who are ready to take a much bigger and accelerated step in their evolutionary growth, but have yet to acquire the financial wherewithal to invest in such an experience. This younger generation's energetic field is attuned to the current higher frequencies. Their talents and abilities are profound. Such an experience will literally be a catapult greatly enhancing their ability to effect meaningful change on the planet in the coming years.

The inspiration to work with young adults in this retreat format came out of bodywork sessions I gave to a 21-year old woman in mid 2021 into this year. She had struggled the past 6 years with suicidal tendencies (four attempts) and strong social withdrawal. When I first saw her, she was on 7 different medications for depression, extreme anxiety, and strong mood swings. Her sensitivity field was literally numb and highly protected.

Her first session she learned that her strong sensitivities were a gift rather than a bane (she's super empathic). Her body quickly started to let go of strong tension patterns depleting her energetic fields. I saw her twice before I left for the United States for almost 5 months. During my absence she decided on her own volition to stop taking the medications. She experienced zero side-effects even though any medical person will say it's dangerous to do so. Upon my return in late October, her body quickly connected into the new energetic strategies acquired in her first 2 sessions. 

Pisces New Moon
She now smiles a lot (noticeable especially to her Mom/Dad), is engaging socially, has started working with dogs (they love her) and looks forward to her now once every two week sessions with me. She is discovering the power of her sensitive field from a very different orientation. And this coming about from brief 25 minute table sessions. From my perspective, her body strategies have received quite an upgrade. Potent reminder to never underestimate the body's capacity to shift into a different frequency given the right type of conscious input.

If such dramatic shifts can occur on a 1:1 basis, receiving such energetic care with a group of young adults in a Retreat format will redefine what's possible for this highly energized younger generation. A total win/win for everyone concerned.

At the moment, I am exploring ways to financially seed the organizational development of a structure supporting such a retreat endeavor. If you have any specific suggestions, or know of anyone willing to invest in such an enterprise, please contact me.

As always, I'm available for private astrological consultations via Zoom or Skype. It's such a powerful time to explore new initiatives and realities for the days ahead.

I welcome your comments below.

Sat Nam

Starman, Joseph Mina
March 2, 2022
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Scorpio New Moon: Mars stations direct unleashing the beast

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
Friedrich Nietzsche - 
Philosopher, Composer, Poet, and Philologist (1844-1900)

“It can be a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful.”
Hiromu Arakawa - Japanese Manga Artist - (1973 -

"Moving into higher vibrations requires more energy. It is essential in the 21st Century the biofield (physical body) has sufficient energetic resources to serve as a strong foundation for higher energetic thoughts and connection to one's soul essence." 
Donnie Epstein, Founder of Network Spinal (1953 - )

Greetings from the East Coast, United States near Philadelphia
Destination Anywhere and Everywhere
Chicago O'Hare Airport - Terminal 1 passenger tunnel
by Joseph Mina Oct 2020
Perhaps one of the quotes to start this blog should have been "the best laid plans of mice and men....": a theme quite emblematic for 2020. Yet with any small or significant change, chaos or confusion is a prime ingredient and activator for something new; something different; and perhaps something game changing or ground breaking. And that requires energy. A lot of it.

At this Scorpio New Moon the focus shifts to life force, the very fuel we call energy.

New Moon arrives on the 15th shortly after midnight on the East Coast, US; 5:09 UTC. Any time zone to the west of EST to the International Date Line registers the New Moon on the 14th. The New Moon theme set out below is expressed over the coming two weeks.

The water sign of Scorpio focuses on the deepest depths of human interactions. Its qualities includes shared resources, trust, intimacy, and death/rebirth. And not surprisingly, its energy pattern is fueled by life force; that vital vibration that inspires, animates, incites and motivates us. 

This is the 4th and last perigee Moon (Super Moon) of 2020, and hence arrives with added energy (as if we needed more)! However, as this New Moon in Scorpio follows the Taurus Full Moon of late October, it further activates the theme of that Full Moon. But before I explain that part, know the switch from "New Moon preceding Full Moon" to "Full Moon preceding New Moon" began in August and continues now until next August when the bigger lunation cycle switches back to Full follows New.  

At this New Moon, the recent Taurus Full Moon theme emphasizes Uranian-type changes (surprising/unexpected/out-of-the-blue/progressive) in the Earth's vibration along with our connected physical body to this greater paradigm, eg the shock of the Corona Virus. It also points to the importance of integrity in our relationships with others. This theme influence remains in effect until later January. It's then Mars finally leaves Aries for Taurus (6th) leading to a conjunction with Uranus on the 20th in square to Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius. I'll write about that meeting in January. And speaking of potent Mars....

AstroActivator© by Kathryn Andren

Yesterday, archetypal Mars stationed direct motion after what seemed like an eternal retrograde. At either station retrograde or direct, planetary energy stalls and intensifies (think of a pressure cooker). Then ever so slowly, the motion resumes in the opposite direction e.g. the swinging of a pendulum. 

Most Mars retrogrades (every 30 months or so) are periods of constrained or limited energy, which is the reversal of archetypal Mars' normal energy expression. If you are feeling constrained of late, this Mars cycle may be quite active in your natal chart.  

Typically, a Mars energetic vibe likes to be assertive, bold, courageous, determined etc. in alignment with the qualities of the astrological sign it transits. Yet, Mars' retrograde period is the very antithesis of these typical qualities. Here, its energetic expression becomes an internal pause, a time of reflection and reorganizational period before the big exhale begins anew with forward movement. Yesterday marks the start of that big exhale (rather slowly at first), and as mentioned above will be in play through at least early to mid January. 

This particular Mars retrograde though has been quite unique for a few reasons: 

1. Home Sign: Mars stationed retrograde in its home sign of assertive, bold, courageous, impulsive Aries back in September. Such happens infrequently in Mars' home sign (last cycles in Aries were in 1941 and 1988). Anytime a planet transits its home sign the energy of that sign becomes further amplified. At the Taurus Full Moon, 4 planets (Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mars) were transiting their home sign. It's no wonder late October into early November felt so intense. Further, a retrograde in that sign triggers even greater intensity due to the protracted time of the transit. In Mars case its retrograde period spans June 27, 2020, when it entered Aries to Jan 6 2021, when it leaves Aries for Taurus.
2. Visually Bright: In the sky story, this year's opposition in early October was the second brightest visual of Mars since 2003 (2018's was slightly brighter). Mars won't be this bright again until 2035. It's brilliant ruddy color transiting the night sky was a memorable sight, rivaling only Venus and the Moon in its luminance. 
3. Continuation: The last Mars retrograde in 2018 in late June>August started in progressive Aquarius back into late Capricorn. In the US, this augured the progressive (Aquarius) blue wave evident in the subsequent 2018 November elections and its focus on dismantling/melting down Capricorn's outdated rules, structure, politics and business for a more progressive agenda.
4. Intensity: This Mars Retrograde began in late degrees Aries and began in square to its 2018 station direct position in Capricorn. Events over the past two months fueled by a pandemic that won't let up, a very intense election cycle in the US (future vs past), along with a protracted dispute about election integrity/fraud speak to the strong energetic restraint at the moment around new opportunities, forward progress and initiatives that are progressively envisioned.

As an experiment for future media endeavors, I created a video about the Taurus Full Moon with the assistance of my friend Cara Reynolds from Vancouver, Canada. Alas, with every intention to release the video in late October, I encountered unanticipated computer  processing problems (no surprise there 😉). Further, a spontaneously planned week in the Sun at the New Jersey shore in early November (it was heavenly) put a big temporary dent in any remaining initiative I had to finish this project (Mars and Mercury retrograde were seeing to it!). Hence, it's only now that I am releasing the video. Nonetheless, its content about the Taurus Full Moon is quite pertinent to current events and what lies ahead in the coming weeks. Have a watch here:

Taurus Full Moon

Life Path Astrology Consultations: As 2021 rapidly nears, deepen your understanding of your natal birth chart along with a look ahead to 2021 and how to best navigate the planetary cycles of the new year. I am available for private one-to-one consultation sessions via Skype or Zoom (audio recorded). Gift certificates are available too! 

Great changes present great opportunities. My personal astrological counseling session is designed to help you create meaningful strategies for adapting and shifting with the current planetary cycles. Schedule your appointment today via this link.

Back to the Scorpio New Moon

The Sensor,
Voyager Tarot
James Wanless, PhD

Other dynamic aspects of this New Moon vibration over the next two weeks include:

1. Venus in Libra in direct square to Jupiter/Pluto and close square to Saturn in Capricorn. This signals a time to reflect on personal, work, and friend relationships (Libra) and whether they are in alignment with your evolving self. This represents one of the Taurus Full Moon themes too.

2. Sun/Moon in Scorpio create a 60 degree sextile with Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn and a trine to Neptune in Pisces further intensifying that on-going trio's influence on melting down/altering all things Capricorn (rules, structure, politics, governance, business), and all things hidden, e.g. viral (Neptune in Pisces).

3. Mercury in Scorpio
(soon leaving its retrograde shadow on Nov 19) opposite Uranus in Taurus speaks to more information from the depths (Scorpio) unexpectedly coming to the fore about on-going earth and physical body changes, including virus information.

Reflection suggestions for this New Moon:

1. What does my physical body want me to know?
2. How can I strengthen my physical body?
3. Are there relationships in my life that no longer align with my values and desires? If so, what steps am I ready to take to create meaningful change or even closure?
4. Now is a potent time to reflect on 2021 and what you would like to manifest/create based on your 2020 experiences to date. Vision board is one type of medium. Be creative here. Let your passion be your guide.

Coming personal and business changes: 

Core Activation
Core Activation
design by Joseph Mina
and Alaya Rousseau

I expect to return to South Africa in early December where summer awaits me. And in this moment inTolkien's words "and wither then I cannot say". Much depends on how the bigger societal picture evolves, especially relative to national border policies, social distancing, and economic flow. 

Further, this blog entry represents the last one at this blogger page along with its related archives dating back to 2007. I am beginning a new Starman Astrology blog page under the name of my new web site: Core Activation. In turn, come early 2021 that blog page will switch from Google's Blogger to Word Press to coincide with the debut of my new web site.


I welcome your comments below.

The coming two United States Senate elections in the state of Georgia occur on

Phoenix Rising
January 5th, just 3 days after Mars leaves its retrograde shadow and a day before it enters Taurus. The theme for that January 5 chart points to an opportunity for significant change. If the Democratic party were to win both races, they would be the majority party in both houses of the US Congress. Such a change would have wide implications that go well beyond the US borders. As with anything, progressive change requires progressive action and more energy than usual. As its counter-point, apathy fuels a continuation of the status quo. The choice is ours and ours alone.

If anything has been learned from the 2020 pandemic, doing nothing is no longer a viable option. Regardless of who you voted for, the record vote turnout in the recent US elections points to a much more engaged country populace than ever seen before. The same holds true for many other countries in the world. And in my opinion, that's a good thing. Power to the people!

As Jupiter (19th) and Saturn (17th) begin moving from Capricorn towards their Aquarius ingress in mid-December, further emphasis on progressive ideas and initiatives will continue to increase and strengthen. In that vein, the traditional world we once knew, the day-to-day social interaction/functions, and traditional global alliances are rapidly changing. In fact, huge social changes being seeded currently will become more and more evident as Pluto completes its epic 15 year transit of Capricorn in 2023. 

Remember, it's been only 28 years since the use of personal computers and cell phones began to spread through the general public. Amazingly, children born at that time (now going through their first Saturn Return!) through the present have little, if any understanding of the world that existed in the 1980's and prior. Their world of social media, progressive ideals, and gender equality and acceptance is what is most important to many now in their teens and twenty's. And in that way, the Universe through the endless march of generations has shown us the potential future for a more progressive, interconnected and viable world society. 

Is humanity ready to make such a significant leap? Younger generations have readily said YES! And therein lies the future. There's really no going back. In the courageous words of Chuck Yeager back in 1947, he uttered "throttle up" when facing potential air disaster while attempting to break the sound barrier for the first time. At that critical moment his aircraft shook violently, then passed into silence as he moved through that barrier. Previous attempts by others to exceed the speed of sound all came to the same extreme oscillating moment, and they all pulled back. Death was usually the result. Quite telling. Now retired General Yeager knew in that moment what had not worked (pulling back). His only option was to "throttle up". 

This is such a telling lesson for those taking leaps of faith along the life path. In times of growth and significant change, courage, determination and trust always surpass safety and stability. Throttle Up!

Next update in December: December Solstice and a look at 2021.

Sat Nam

Starman, Joseph Mina
Malvern, Pennsylvania USA
November 14, 2020 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Solstice June 2020: what in the world is going on???

"For my part I know nothing with certainty but the sight of the stars make me dream" 

- Vincent Van Gough

Greetings Fellow Earthlings and Lovers of the Night Sky

Police brutality protests
Black Lives Matter protest in St. Louis
It’s been quite the chaotic dance since I last wrote in early March. Lockdowns, border restrictions, oodles of information and misinformation, global pandemic spread leading to over 8.5 million infected and near 500,000 related deaths, unprecedented social protests, and a lot of stay-at-home realities triggering massive layoffs, school and business closings and significant social reorganization. And we're not even at the half-way mark of the year!

At the moment I’m residing in the western suburban area of Philadelphia with my younger sister and husband, since South Africa’s borders are temporarily closed to tourist and non-residents alike. This is the longest stretch for me in the USA since 2017. Such a different reality here than South Africa. I had thought I’d be in South Africa by now enjoying its extraordinary star-filled winter night sky. But the Universe had other ideas and plans!

So what in the world is going on for the next six months? I’ll state it up front: based on the coming astrological cycles of 2020’s second half, and further fueled by the chaotic intensity from the first half, amplified events await! Yet generational-changing opportunity becomes more available through renewed group focus and intention. 

We are part of an extraordinary shift in consciousness now underway whose social, economic and political ramifications cannot yet be fully understood. This is more evident today than it was in 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn and the world financial structures mightily shook. This is fertile virgin ground for significant global changes over the next 10 years.  What

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Coronavirus: Neptune in Pisces and the Coming Virgo Full Moon

“When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.” Joseph Campbell

Greetings from the Western Cape of South Africa
Western Cape, South Africa
photo by Joseph Mina
It has been a little over a year since I last posted here. I am finally emerging fully from a very strong three- year Neptune-type cycle to my Mercury in Pisces (communication) and Saturn in Virgo (structure), which has altered my communication and empathic abilities, perspectives about life, enhanced my photographic skills, and elevated the astrological and bodywork skills I share with others. It also inspired my transient move to the Western Cape of South Africa. It's affirming to now emerge from Neptune's fog-like influences with a much clearer understanding of my next steps on this life journey.

Neptune transits are challenging for anyone due to their lack of specifics and direction. Archetypal Neptune also rules the realm of the unseen, including bacteria and viruses. Personal Neptune transits convey deep spiritual meanings and guidance that is beyond the realm of rational thought and the seen. Literally it is the messenger revealing our soul-collective mandates for humanity's evolution. And, depending on an individual's circumstances and soul mandate, can be a period of delusion, depression and strong confusion.

Since June of last year, Neptune has been in strong supportive aspect with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and most recently the January Capricorn surge (see Full Moon chart below). 

This potent, trans-generational archetype, rules the mystical sign of Pisces. Its epic, once-in-a-lifetime transit of its home sign that commenced in 2011 and completes in 2027 (occurs every 165 years or so) has strongly amplified Pisces' themes such as compassion and empathy (or lack thereof), spirituality, water (including intense storms/drought and climate shifts), music, imagery, illusion and delusion including drugs, the primal natural-world vibe, and humanity's global evolution. And we still have seven more years to go!

Now just half-way through its Piscean journey, Neptune lines up in direct opposition with the coming Virgo Full Moon on March 9th. Most of the planetary aspects at Full Moon are contained like book ends between the South Node in Capricorn (the coming end of the Industrial Revolution model) and Venus/Uranus in Taurus (the coming Aquarian age (Uranus) and deeper connection to the Earth (Venus/Taurus). In between those end points is a very potent mix of energies spanning just 4 signs. This intensity has been in play since early January. Children born recently under this configuration are here to create epic changes in the coming years.

Further, to emphasize how its influence highlights Neptune's dance with the illusion of time, this Full Moon connection occurs the day after the switch to daylight time in the US and Canada.

In short, such a strong Full Moon on March 9th will further amplify world-wide concerns now surfacing about the Coronavirus. Here, the Moon in Virgo, which focuses on matters of health, occurs just as Mercury stations at direct motion at the very end degrees of Aquarius. This has been quite the Mercury Retrograde (Feb 17-Mar10)! Mercury's Aquarius placement at Full Moon serves as a communication standard bearer and indicator for the coming Aquarian age and its very different Earth/societal dynamics.

A Virus Cell
And as an aside here and germane to the Coronavirus, the actual news beyond China of this mysterious virus and its potential effects occurred as Saturn and Pluto neared exact conjunction in rule-driven Capricorn on December 31 while the Moon transited Pisces. To further underscore this dynamic, a very strong surge of Capricorn energy including a strong Solar eclipse were further energizing the field. Such timing mirrors the serendipity and timing of the Universe...right there!!

Two-years ago I wrote the emerging energetic world script pointed to greater intensity in 2019 and even more in 2020. The 2020 part has occurred just as limiting/structured Saturn has comes into close or exact aspect with transformative Pluto in Capricorn. Intensity on all levels has now become the norm for the time being (they were in opposition on 9/11/2001). These two archetypal dynamos remain in orb until March 22 (just past the equinox), then come close together again in Capricorn between early July and December 17. Yes, we are in for quite the energetic ride over the coming months. 

In all respect, awareness is power. In that vein it is helpful to know certain astrological frequencies are now mirroring an amplification of Earth energies through changing climate and strong Aquarian based societal changes. What lies beyond 2020? I’ll write more about 2021 and beyond potentials in a coming article.

Specific to viruses, recent information about the Coronavirus has been elevated rapidly to world-wide awareness (Pisces) during the Pisces part of the current Mercury retrograde. This has triggered deep fears, which has seen powerful rippling/adverse effects in the world's financial markets (Capricorn). In Neptunian fashion, this dream has become a nightmare for governments (Capricorn) attempting to control/contain/deal with a viral outbreak.

So who do you believe? What do you believe? Stay informed and use reputable news sources. The illusion of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram memes would not necessarily fall under the reputable category. 

And most importantly, are you at danger of contracting the virus? Well, yes and no. Depends on circumstances and your state of health. Recently, I wrote an article about the important role viruses and bacteria play in the Earth's circle of life including their transformative effects.
On The March: Zimbabwe 2019
photo by Joseph Mina
A Brief Look Down The Energetic Hallway

As transformative Pluto and rule-driven Saturn complete their final passages through Capricorn (Pluto first entered Capricorn during the financial disruptions of 2008), all things Capricorn such as politics, rules, law, business, corporate structures and organizations will undergo further amplification and strong transformative changes over the coming months through 2023. 

In that year, Pluto will move into the sign of Aquarius, working its energetic transformative effects in the realm of future events and technology (including robotics), and most importantly social justice and equality. Saturn by contrast moves into Aquarius this coming March 22, just after the equinox; staying in early degrees Aquarius until July 2 when it returns for one-last Capricorn pass and Pluto interaction. 

Saturn's Aquarian passage over the next two-and-a-half years will literally set the energetic stage for Pluto's 20-year transit in 2023-2043 in Aquarius, as it redefines the societal rules and structures that will prevail in the coming years.

Now is the time to energetically prepare for this huge energetic surge by strengthening your body and attuning to your spirit and its life-mandates. The last time Pluto transited Aquarius was just after the American Revolution of 1776. History is a great reminder, teacher and guide. In the 21st Century, that guidance becomes all the more important for the continued health and well-being of all people.

Lastly, strong cycles will unfold later this year as Venus retrogrades Gemini in May/June (replaying its epic Sun transit vibration of 2004 and 2012), and Mars will retrograde in Aries in Sept/Nov, including the US Presidential elections, which occurs during Mercury Retrograde in Libra. Stay tuned!!!

Exciting Coming Event:

Power Of Presence Hawaii Retreat - September 2020
South Kona Coast and City of Refuge
photo by Joseph Mina
My partner Charissa Rousseau and I are offering a 10-day Hawaii Retreat this coming September on Hawaii's Kona Coast on Big Island. This Retreat occurs during a potent Mars retrograde in Aries. Mars is about taking action and starting new endeavors. Its retrograde period is the perfect time to go within to seed those very energies.

To assist you, we have planned five group bodywork sessions, guided interactions with Hawaii's dolphins, guided meditations attuning to the light-bridge connecting Africa massive and wise elephants and animals with Hawaii's cetaceans, and yoga and movement. There will be insightful astrological and spiritual discussions, night sky tours, and a deeper connection to Hawaii's culture and temples through the eyes and hearts of local Hawaiian elders. You will also take a transformative day journey to Pele's mystical home at Volcanoes National Park. And in the nurturing department, organically-based catered meals and powerful camaraderie with like-minded souls will provide immense support in your growth and Hawai'i transformation.

All in all, this framework will form a very strong template for this transformative retreat. I'll post more in the coming days about how you can join us for this powerful life-altering experience.

My Life’s Focus of Service
Over the past 28 years, in addition to understanding and working with astrological cycles, I have practiced a body-centered therapy called Quantum Alignment Bodywork. This modality, which continues to evolve in concert with the Earth’s rapid changes, works with the various energetic fields of the body (picture a large bubble surrounding the body). As with my own personal life choices, and the bodywork I receive on a frequent basis, my intention behind my work is to add strength and depth to the body’s energetic field, rather than stopping body’s symptoms. Quality of life is paramount to me rather than a focus on longevity.
Sunset Group Bodywork Session - Hawaii
photo by Joseph Mina
Further, upgrading the body’s various energetic strategies has now become paramount to match and become in tune to this rapidly changing 21st century vibration. It logically follows: the stronger and more energized the body functions, the greater the opportunity to make healthier and more creative life-giving/receiving choices for everyone. Healthy people always make healthy choices.

In my bodywork sessions, I work specifically with a person’s overall energetic field and related body’s innate intelligences accessing and activating specific combinations of energy meridians and other places of passive tension ready to shift/change. My intention is always to use the least amount of input to create the greatest amount of change, trusting in the body’s innate wisdom to reorganize the energetic fields accordingly. Further, I find working with groups of people, instead of the common one-to-one, much more energetically powerful than anyone could possibly experience by themselves. This mirrors the emerging Aquarian mandate of creating a healthy society through group interaction and collaboration. As such, anytime a healthy energy field is occupied by a like-minded group of people, the potential for a more enriched exchange increases significantly and exponentially.

Service To The World:
Recent Selfie 😎
As I near the ripe young age of 70, I find my love for traveling and sharing both astrological perspectives of this revolutionary time, as well as bodywork sessions with groups of people more and more exciting. Today I feel more energized, more alive and more connected than I did just 20 years ago. The power of frequently receiving powerful bodywork modalities, eating organically, exercise etc. is a lifestyle I passionately embrace.

Since I began offering sessions back in 1992, I have served over 20,000 people. That very thought is quite humbling. Likewise, i am ever grateful to local promoters who contact me for purposes of visiting their community to offer programs, or to work with their retreat group. This type of exchange is always an energy stimulating one for all concerned.

If you are interested in my working with your community or retreat group, or would like an insightful astrological consultation during a very transformative time, please contact me at
Lastly, the name Gemini Awakening, something I created a long time ago with my former partner Kathryn Andren, is finally fading away as Neptune's influence in my chart also wanes. That name will soon be replaced by Core Activation, which best expresses the current energetic pace and higher intention behind the modalities I practice in this emerging Aquarian age. 

I look forward to serving you in new and exciting ways.

Sat Nam

Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa
March 5, 2020

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Aquarius New Moon - the Paradox of Enlightenment

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." Albert Einstein

"If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them." Issac Asimov

Greetings from Denver, Colorado. I'm here for two weeks sharing private astrology sessions and preparing to experience the Network Transformational Gate and the work of Dr. Donald Epstein on New Moon weekend.

While Colorado is certainly not the warm, tropical weather of Hawaii, it's nonetheless refreshing to experience the vibe of the Rockies. Good energy for this New Moon.

The Moon closes its current lunation, beginning a new cycle on February 13 at 4:51 pm in Hawaii (6:51 pm on the West Coast; 2:51 am on the 14th Greenwich Mean Time). As this is the second New Moon since the Winter Solstice, it also signals the start of the Chinese New Year and its Metal Tiger theme.

Briefly, the Metal Tiger is quite the energy form. Much more alive, energized and assertive than the stabilizing, steady force of 2009's Ox theme. As such, 2010 will be a year of impact, movement and significant shift. The quality of this energy and how it is expressed throughout the world will mirror whether people individually or collectively move forward with courage (as a healthy Tiger would), or hesitate out of fear and doubt. The choice is up to each of us.

On to the New Moon....