Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Totally Taurus Time: Taurus New Moon, Solar Eclipse May 9

AstroActivators© 2001 Kathryn Andren Mina
May is the month for the Zodiac signs of Taurus and Gemini. In 2013, May begins with 4 planets in Taurus and ends with four planets in Gemini. There are two eclipses this month, beautiful pairings of planets, plus on May 20 and 21 is the exact epic cycle of Uranus Pluto Square. Sun and Mars together in Taurus provides fuel for motivation and achievement through mid May. On May 9th Moon meets Mercury and Mars just before conjoining the Sun at the Taurus New Moon.

The Taurus New Moon creates an Annular Solar Eclipse at 20° Taurus (New Moon is 2:28 pm Hawaiian time).  What can we expect with Mars, Mercury, Moon and a Solar Eclipse so close to each other in the Zodiac sign of Taurus? Perhaps there may be more emotional and direct communication about what you truly value this week.

Additional fuel is available to explore the realms of art, beauty and creativity. Taurus is the first Earth sign so it relates to all things sensual and the body.

Since this annular eclipse is near the south node, it illuminates issues from the past. What inside holds me back from experiencing passion, abundance, sensuality or creativity?  The Taurus New Moon Solar eclipse offers an invitation to examine any way you have held onto material objects, thoughts or ideas for the sake of comfort and security.  Patience and practicality are Taurus traits. Perhaps ask
yourself in what ways have I created security and feeling safe at all costs?

Here's our latest Podcast covering  May 2013, including this Annular Eclipsed Taurus New Moon.

New Moons are potent times to start endeavors and projects. Here are more helpful questions to contemplate with this Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse:

- How do I take care of myself and body? What new possibilities can I explore for nurturing myself and allowing myself to enjoy life’s simple pleasures?

- In what areas of life have I become too comfortable, complacent or lazy? What am I ready to let go of to create more energy in my life?

- What is my relationship to my belongings and the material world?  Do I find myself holding onto unused possessions to feel more secure? What possessions am I ready to give away, donate or eliminate in my life? 

Here's the New Moon chart:

To make these questions even more personal, look to where 20° Taurus falls in your own natal astrology chart and its related house placement for further context and understanding.

The New Moon in Taurus can be a seeding point for these contemplations and  mediations:

I rest in knowing there is always enough.
I am comfortable and safe on planet Earth, and feel at home in my body.
I create abundance in my life when I truly value myself.

Illustration from Sky & Telescope Magazine
Taurus New Moon and the annular Solar eclipse is an invitation to prioritize what you truly value, including your own self worth. Consider your relationship to money, abundance and the material world.  Contemplate new possibilities for nurturing your body and enjoy the comfort of simple pleasures.

Finally, speaking of life’s simple pleasures, take time in May 2013 and enjoy the beautiful view of planets in the night sky.   Look up and look in May 10 - 13th for  crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter in the West just after sunset. Venus has just reappeared in the West, and with crescent Moon is a strong symbol of rebirth and blessings.  Then, in the last week of May, keep your eyes on the sky for anther amazing trio: Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.

Next update: Uranus square Pluto May 20

Blessings from Honaunau, Hawai’i
Kathryn Andren Mina
with Starman, Joseph Mina
©Gemini Awakening 2013 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems
- video creation - Telestream Screenflow and Apple's iMovie 11

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