Showing posts with label Taurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taurus. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Aries New Moon April 20: Endings and Beginnings

“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.”
Germany Kent (1975- ) Author and Journalist

“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.” — Chinese Proverb

Winds of change, indeed!
Greetings from the Western Cape of South Africa

Aries New Moon theme
plate creation by Joseph Mina
In this blog, I will cover the coming Eclipsed New Moon in Aries, and its implications. This is a north node eclipse, which augurs a period of growth, stretching, or a building energy. Something wants to emerge for all to see. And that includes a few images of mine, with their backstory. These images will speak to the eclipse theme of Endings and Beginnings. Also, I'll offer some suggestions for reflection and meditation at this powerful New Moon window.

About this New Moon:

We arrive at the most potent of New Moon's. This one at the very end degrees of Aries (29.5°) and eclipsed too. That's quite a rare combo. A solar eclipse in Aries stirs inner courage and passion for life, or brings to awareness where such is lacking or deficient. It implies something new wants to emerge, which also means something may need to end in order to make space for the new.

Both solar and lunar eclipses are inward, reflective periods, whose chart dynamics are expressed through the coming six months. Solar eclipses point to a time of transition. Lunar eclipses point to breakdowns or breakthroughs. This particular New Moon in Aries strongly points to a time of "Endings and Beginnings". It transits my 9th astrological house of the higher mind, self discovery, and long distance travels (I'm off to the USA for a visit in early May). Which astrological house does this New Moon transit in your natal chart? 

If you have late degree natal planetary placements in a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), or early degree fixed sign placements (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), you will be especially in the thick of these shifting New Moon transformational currents.

First about the eclipse itself:

New Moon timing occurs on the 20th just after midnight from the East Coast, United States, then on the same day east to the International Date Line. Universal Time is 04:12. Here in South Africa at 06:12a, And going in the other direction, from the Central USA, New Moon is just after 11 pm on the 19th, then an hour earlier for each time zone west to the International Date Line.

Eclipsed New Moon
courtesy of Guy Otwell

At New Moon, Luna will pass directly in front of the Sun as seen from the southeastern Indian Ocean. This passage will initially create an annular eclipse (ring of fire). Then as it approaches Australia, the eclipse will shift into a total eclipse of only a minute or so. That's quick, and quite Aries like. 

First landfall in Australia falls upon a very small sliver of land in the northwest, west of the fabled Kimberly Mountains. That sparsely populated area just last week endured a category 5 cyclone with winds in excess of 150 mph or 240 km/h!. And today (19th) Papua New Guinea recorded a 6.3 earthquake, which also happens to be quite close to the eclipse path. Talk about sweeping the front porch for an eclipse! Uncanny how a building or waning eclipse energy triggers geophysical and weather events, Scientist have learned an enormous amount about our Day Star, yet there remains much that is not scientifically understood about the Sun's energetic influence on the Earth's atmosphere and inner structure.

Once clear of Australia, the Moon's shadow sweeps near East Timor, onto eastern Indonesia, and lastly moves across the vast stretches of the southern Pacific Ocean. At this stage, the Moon's shadow will shift back to its annular phase just before sunset local time. 

Astrological significance of this eclipsed Moon:

Here's the annotated chart:

That large circle points to an abundance of Aries energy (1), the Mercury/Uranus connection (2) and Mars/Chiron square (3). 

This New Moon's late degree position is of particular importance. The last degree of any zodiac sign is its most intense expression (also referred to a the "anaretic degree"). Since Feb 11, when transformational Pluto moved to 29° Capricorn, the full effect of this 29° placement was set in motion for the ensuing 600 days, or until later November, 2024. This  period marks Pluto's crossing back and forth across the threshold between the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. My last blog highlighted this contrast.

At the same time, dream-like Neptune is edging ever nearer to 29° Pisces and its own transition to a new sign.That shift occurs between Pisces and Aries from May, 2024 to January, 2026. And ever quick, out-of-the-blue Uranus, transitions from Taurus to Gemini between June, 2025 and April, 2026. 

Combined, that's a rather extraordinary shift in generationally-triggered outer planetary energy. This is a rarity to have major planetary archetypes shifting energy around the same time from one sign to the next. 

Nonetheless, remember these outer planetary shifts are slow in their unfolding. Outer planetary transitions between signs are inevitably strong. The slow shift from one elemental vibration to another has broad implications for our societal flow. Yet, faster moving transitions, such as this New Moon, serve a purpose too. Straddling the Aries/Taurus boundary, twelve minutes after New Moon, Luna enters body-centric, value-driven Taurus, creating a square angle with Pluto in Aquarius at 0°. The Sun follows four hours later to create that same angle. 

A square or 90° angle implies challenges ahead. Taurus points to possessions, money, values, self-esteem and the strength of the body. The Moon/Sun square with Pluto at an eclipse asks the question "how do my lifestyle choices and values align with the progressively-driven values of Aquarius?" That question pertains to both external (Sun) and internal (Moon) reflections. 

Taurus likes stability and certainty. Beauty fills it field. Aquarius desires progressive change, social equality and interaction, and social justice. It points to the future, where technology becomes even more integrated in societal functions and behaviors. This contrast in energy between stability and change will be particularly vivid during July's Venus Retrograde in Leo. (more on that in a bit).

In essence, this second Aries New Moon since the March Equinox reminds us change is in the air, whether we welcome it or not. And to have a solar eclipse occurring at such a late degree in Mars-ruled Aries is quite the exclamation point

Two other significant placements occur at this Aries lunation.
(you mean there's even more??? 😱).

Mercury Retrograde
The day after New Moon, Mercury now transiting Taurus, moves (you guessed it!) retrograde. We have just crossed the "now, that's just plain piling on!" portion of this lunation.😉 At that station retrograde point, Mercury is almost at the same degree as Uranus in Taurus. That means Mercury, ruler of information exchanges, movement, ideas, and communication channels, will bring Uranus' unpredictable vibration into this coming retrograde period. In other words, "expect nothing, be prepared for anything."

By May 15th, Mercury positions at 6° of Taurus, stationing direct at that degree for a few days, and almost at the same degree as the lunar north node. Such placement indicates potential turmoil during this retrograde in financial markets, including crypto currency. It also further highlights issues coming to the fore now involving societal values, i.e. what is valuable, acceptable, or has no further redeeming value to society. Also, look for unexpected events or breakthroughs involving the Earth's climate, as Taurus reflects the power and beauty of nature. 

The other chart dynamic getting attention is Mars, ruler of Aries in square to Chiron (wounding) in Aries. First, no Aries new or full Moon conversation would be meaningful without including this planetary ruler into the exchange. 

As you may recall, Mars retrograde in Aries between September and early November 2020, was quite the intense period of time. Pandemic was on no one's 2020 bingo card. Continued lockdowns, turmoil in schools, social disruptions, US Presidential election, rebellion in Europe, and unrest in many other places around the world marked this very intense retrograde cycle.. 

Well, that Mars retrograde began at 28° Aries (essentially the same degree as this lunation), and created challenging angles with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn. So that establishes linkage between these two cycles. More so, back in 2020, the North Lunar Node positioned at 25° Gemini when Mars stationed retrograde. So energetically, a good dose of Capricorn's rigid structure, Aries spontaneous fire, and Gemini's unpredictable behavior prevailed. That's a formula for societal chaos. And it did not disappoint.. 

Mars' most recent retrograde cycle, just completed in early January of this year, began in October, 2022 at 25° Gemini. That linkage with 2020 is important to note also, as Gemini adds a strong air of unpredictability to this current mix, courtesy of Venus in Gemini. At 9° Gemini at this lunation, Venus will cross over 25° Gemini on May 3rd. Mark that week in your calendars as a time for heightened awareness, especially with Mercury in retrograde and Mars in square to Chiron (see below, last paragraph in this section). 

To summarize: add Mars' 2020 influence into this New Moon theme, plus a good dash of Mercury Retrograde, and a quick dash of Gemini, and voila, a cosmic soup for the ages. Honestly, there is no telling how this mix is going to spin. It seems rather chaotic to me. Yet, in such chaos, there is opportunity. Also, heightened creativity. Where the attention goes, so does the energy.  Nonetheless,, this unusual period will be noted by many astrologers for future reference. We are on some very new ground here.. 

Lastly, As briefly mentioned above, Mars position at this lunation is 13° Cancer, which creates a building challenge with Chiron in Mars' home sign of Aries The most intense phase will be between April 26th to May 4th. Mars in Cancer can be quite protective and insular. Its square angle to Aries/Chiron highlights where such behavior diminishes or impinges on one's individuation and sense of self. Also, depending where transiting Mars positions relative to your natal chart, it can highlight instances where your individuation ran counter to Cancer's family or community oriented tribal values. The remedy here is to nurture your mind, body, and spirit in the coming months. Be proactive.Take the time now to strengthen yourself for the days ahead.

Suggested reflections for this New Moon period:

What wants to end, or begin in my life? Am I resisting or supporting this flow?
What does stability mean to me? Is it more important than freedom? How do I find balance?
How can I create greater internal strength in the coming days?
And a special one for those with Aries placements in their natal chart: Do I follow the impulses that come to me, or do I hesitate? How does that behavior affect my choices?

Endings and Beginnings

Imagery can be an evocative catalyst. Its development can even prove quite cathartic. Such was the case during a two-week landscape photography workshop in Africa's Namibia. During the workshop, we traveled to the now-deserted German diamond mining town of Kolmanskop near the coastal city of Luderitz. Our photography lesson: reflect on times life was falling apart. Convey that feeling through imagery.


This first image shows the entire town, which I photographed from our plane as we were landing. Each of these buildings is in a state of significant disrepair, which makes for a evocative photography lesson. The relentless drift of sand dunes in the area has filled its many buildings over the past 75 years.

(if on a computer or tablet, click or tap on the image to see a larger version)

The ghost town of Kolmanskop, Namibia
   The now deserted mining town of Kolmanskop, near Luderitz, Namibia

This now deserted mining town was built in the early 1900's to create a secure location for the processing of plentiful diamonds found in the area. No one entered or left without passing through the first metal detector brought to Africa's south. By 1930, a significantly larger cache of diamonds was discovered hundreds of kilometers to the south. This led to the town's German workers deserting this once thriving town, literally overnight . Since that fated day, the relentless drift of the nearby Namib desert, second largest in the world, has turned this once bustling mining town into a very sandy grave. The relentless decaying cycle of the natural world is a vivid reminder of endings. 

As I walked from building to building, I reflected on how my life had seemingly imploded at significant points of my life journey. This second image is the interior of a home, now claimed by the forces of nature. The play of sunlight streaming through the ceiling of the buildings I explored (there were way too many to see in just one afternoon) made for compelling perspectives, each requiring time to simply process the inevitability of a structure falling apart. It was also a poignant reminder that life always follows death. 

This particular scene I found both disconcerting and fascinating. To think, a thriving community filled with workers once existed here. But no more. The song "Dust In The Wind" by the group Kansas started playing in my head after a few hours at this mining town.

The Sands Of Time

The third image, a self-portrait, was taken when I simply stopped and reflected on the endings of my two marriages. Little did I realize in that moment that cathartic, internal forces within me had already awakened, setting the stage for the next 24 hours.

Reflective endings at Kolmanskop
Reflective Endings

At first, my throat felt raspy. By the time we reached our hotel later that afternoon, I was feeling quite feverish. Instead of joining the group for a celebration dinner, I spent the entire night into the next morning bed ridden with chills, muscle ache, a 103°F (39.5°c) fever, and a pounding headache. I thought this might be the unexpected end of my trip. Some in the group thought a doctor ought to be called. Yet, I knew from other inner work I've done, my body was purging quite a bit of sorrow from my depths. By the next afternoon I felt different and much more alive. Others in the group were astonished at the quick turnaround. The downside: I missed a great dinner party, plus a morning trip back to the mining town. The upside: I felt so much lighter and energized.


Here, my thoughts turn to Zimbabwe. As part of another photography group, this time touring Botswana and Zimbabwe, we were invited as guests to a large celebration gathering (over 600 people) from four local villages in Zimbabwe's southeast corner, which borders western Mozambique and northeastern South Africa. This area includes the massive national park of Gonarezhou. 

The festive celebration was a year in the making. The day included demonstrations of dance, gardening, medicine, basket weaving, food preparation, and archery. By western standards, the lifestyle here might be considered "primitive". As I would learn from these lovely people, the qualities of faith, simplicity, efficiency, connection to nature, cooperation and collaboration serve as the foundational pillars of their village life. It was akin to watching the book The Continuum Concept come to life. The joy on young and older faces alike reflected the beauty of this existence.

Our group of eleven had such an enjoyable and inspiring time. Everyone felt welcomed and embraced by everyone there. Through many demonstrations, I learned how the various village life creates a sustainable existence. Touring a bountiful community garden, which thrived despite an intense drought at the time, was eye-opening. The most memorable highlight was witnessing how the children played together in joyful, respectful and engaging and creative ways. 

Unquenchable Curiosity

At one point, my friend Jonatas from Brazil took a picture of these children in the above image. This was the first time they saw a picture of themselves taken with a digital camera. Their eyes say it all. The wonder, the mystery, the unquenchable curiosity and enthusiasm, and their kindness was startling, refreshing and inspiring to witness.

This trip followed the ending of a meaningful relationship in South Africa a few months earlier. At that juncture I thought I was finished with Africa. Yet this trip, which I learned about rather serendipitously while in Philadelphia that August, was filled with the energy of massive animals, heart-felt people, joyful children, starry nights, and soulful connections. Four years later, I realize Africa was just beginning with me back then. And it simply will not let me go.

Beginnings do not need to start with fanfare. In the Aries mold of beginnings, courage to face fears, and determination to pursue a path, opens one to life's spontaneity,  serendipity, and beauty. Inevitably one door leads to another, then another etc. And to quote Tolkien's character Bilbo in the Hobbit, "and wither then, I cannot say."


During a recent astrological consultation, a client marveled I was able to interpret his chart in such a vivid fashion. "You bring this information to life", he told me. 

Astrological charts reveal energetic cycles in a myriad of ways. Interpreting such is an art form requiring insight, imagination, persistence and child-like curiosity. 

Today, I find it heartening to witness so many people not only discovering the depth of astrology for the first time, but looking for ways to use its guidance in their life.  As I have shared with clients, the quality, intensity and uniqueness of any natal or event chart is quite the guide for deeper knowing, soul growth, and heightened, conscious participation in life. That process embraces the past for its connections, lessons, and understanding; welcomes the present for invention, creativity, opportunity and collaboration; and looks to the future for inspiration, vision, and greater service.

Over time, many people in the field of Astronomy have come to consider astrology as flawed or woo-woo for a variety of misaligned or misunderstood reasons. Nonetheless, the study of astrology is a vastly different understanding than astronomy's quest. While both use the same cosmic pallet, Astrology adds significant depth, archetypal understanding, and spiritual connection for those who gaze skyward at our home galaxy and beyond for greater soul understanding, growth and integration. I'm glad I can bridge both of these worlds, Both fields of discovery and learning are so valuable.

Annular eclipse image
On a personal level, I've been fortunate to view four total and three annular eclipses during the last 30 years, a host of total and partial lunar eclipses, and many other celestial events. These experiences fill my soul like no other. I'm vividly reminded at times such as these, the human race is on an evolutionary track, guided by forces beyond our human comprehension. 

"Sky Church" is the ultimate cathedral for me. Yet, the pervasive glow of the heavens touches everyone indiscriminately. This highly-energized Aries New Moon is a powerful moment in time to receive from these Universal forces via whatever spiritual practice is meaningful to you. A prime opportunity exists to delve deeper, discover or reinvigorate your passion, and rededicate yourself to making a difference in this world of massive change and exponentially growing inter-connection and collaboration.

On New Moon day, Elon Musk's Space Exploration Technologies Corp plans to launch the largest rocket ever. This launch is a precursor for future lunar landings, and even eventually a manned transport to Mars. Launch was planned for this past Monday, but was scrubbed due to an equipment malfunction. Seems symbolic that this first of its kind rocket will launch on this potent Aries day. Beginnings!

And, in two weeks time, the Full Moon in Scorpio will be a partial eclipse, and almost opposite to Uranus in Taurus. This will be the precursor for Jupiter's entrance into Taurus on May 19th (last there in 2011-12). Jupiter's expansiveness will get a good dose of Taurus' practical nature during its year's journey in Taurus. Perhaps a good dose of grounding would benefit everyone.

Lastly, this past Saturday, I co-hosted a 90-minute astrology presentation about the coming eclipses and Venus Retrograde with astrologer Maurice Fernandez of Sedona, Arizona. This was the first time we worked together, despite knowing each other for the past 10 years.. We did this through the technological wonder called Zoom. It was quite the energizing event connecting people from many parts of the world. Over 30 attended. Others who could not make it, registered nonetheless for later viewing. If you would like a video recording of the presentation ($20 USD), please contact Maurice. A lot to be gleaned from our back and forth exchange.

As always, your comments below are most welcomed.

Many blessings for this New Moon day from the Autumn grace of the Western Cape.

Sat Nam
Starman, Joseph Mina
Stellenbosch, South Africa
April 19, 2023

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Scorpio Full Supermoon: A bigger perspective

 "Just as the body needs air, food and water, the spirit needs energy. Life force is a tangible energy that runs through the central vertical current of your spirit body and it can be seen in a shamanic state as a bluish-white hue."
Deborah Bravandt,  Story Teller and Dream Interpreter

Greetings Cosmic Friends (and thank you for sharing this update with others)

Scorpio Full Moon arrives on the 26th/27th and coincides with the Moon reaching its closest point to Earth (perigee) about 12 hours after reaching full. This is the closest Full Moon of 2021 and will be followed in late May by 2021’s second closest Full Moon, which will also be fully eclipse. A lot of energy building here. Visually, Moon rise or set will appear larger than usual. 

In this blog, I’m sharing 8 aerial images I’ve taken during my extensive flying to and fro on this planet. With Jupiter in engaging and wide-vision Aquarius at this lunation along with the Sun and Uranus both in earth-bound Taurus, seems purposeful to present you with images covering a bigger perspective of this blue jewel we call Earth. But before I present these images, here’s a few thoughts about the this power-packed Scorpio Full Moon and what it offers.

Scorpio energy focuses on the pure essence of life force. As one of the three water signs, it's the hot water one of the bunch. It’s the juice that animates, inspires, incites, motivates, and captivates. This lunation reminds you the more pure energy you bring into your physical form, the more everything you perceive changes including your emotional and mental states. Strengthening your energetic fields is paramount in this time of enormous change, faster vibrations and chaotic pandemic mayhem. And if you are raising children, the same holds true for them too! Humans, whether young or older benefit and actually thrive from opening their body centers to life's energetic flow.

Full Moon timing:

In South Africa on the 27th at 5:31am at 7° Scorpio.

West Coast US on the 26th at 8:31pm

East Coast US on the 26th at 11:31 pm

Hawaii 5:31 pm on the 26th

GMT 03:31 on the 27th.

This Full Moon features the receptive Taurus Sun joining unpredictable Uranus, ruler of Aquarius. With their opposition to the Full Moon, these 3 planetary archetypes create a square (90° square angle/challenging energy) with Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn looks to ground the energy and make it real. In Aquarius, its focus is on social justice, equality and a meaningful future that has meaning and purpose. Life force without such awareness is wasted energy which ultimately spawns mayhem and destructive environmental and social patterns. 

Image by Visionary Alex Grey
Everyone is fueled by this hidden force from the moment of conception. It's the fuel that allows us to engage, connect and create/effect meaningful, expansive changes on this planet, and now even beyond. Hence, it’s necessary your physical body (Taurus) is being energetically fueled sufficient to promote growth, change, and creative expression. That's quite the energy requirement, requiring healthy eating habits, exercise, receiving bodywork, and having energizing experiences. On the flip side, insufficient energy leads to fatigue, boredom, a weakened immune system, poor choices and a resistance to change.

This Scorpio Full Moon reinforces the importance of stimulating life force in positive ways through your physical body in order to utilize a higher vibration of energy for your present and future endeavors. Doing so also adds a strong dose of emotional energy to any conversation or interaction involving the Scorpio qualities of shared resources, intimacy in relationship and matters of trust and the Taurus qualities of beauty, artistry, self esteem, and values.

Given the current pandemic concerns and its related fears sweeping the planet, only a healthy and vibrant body will provide in the long-term effective defenses against any foreign substance. Such is true for any age.

That pretty much summarizes the essence of this Full Moon. Next month another powerful Super Full Moon awaits (total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius) followed by a Mercury Retrograde in its home sign of Gemini at month-end.  This is the Full Moon's chart (click or tap to enlarge):

The 2021 cycles are building energy again. Pluto will station retrograde about 18 hours after the Scorpio Full Moon. As Pluto rules Scorpio, moving retrograde on this Full Moon day puts a pretty big transformational exclamation point on this Moon’s powerful themes. Other coming outer planet retrogrades include Saturn in May, Jupiter and Neptune in June, and Uranus in August. So there is a decidedly an inward flow beginning now that will intensify the remainder of this season and the next. How that specifically looks remains a Scorpio-type mystery, however, given Saturn and Uranus’ square interactions during 2021 (next direct one in June), social, climate and body-centric related challenges will be on the front burner.

Curious about what's unfolding in your life? Times of immense change require new strategies, perspective and creativity. My astrological consultations are transformative, offering guidance for better understanding the current rapid changes and reorganizing your approach to life. 

Schedule today! Scheduling is quite easy. Sessions are recorded (audio) via Zoom or Skype for your later listening/integration.

Recent client feedback:
Thank you for your thoroughness with me during my session. Your expertise is truly amazing." MC, Brookline, Ma

"The session has given me momentum for my ideas, put ease to some of my doubts and reminded me that there are never too many colors in the crayon box." CA, Seattle, Wa

"Today was absolutely enlightening. So very, very, much to think about..ponder. I haven't felt this recognized in a long time. The noticeable significant shift in my field since the consultation is worth sharing a huge THANK YOU from my heart". YC, Ca

And now on to my images (click or tap on the images to see a larger version)
Portal To Another World

I love sitting by the plane window. I think ahead about the flight path, time of day, also weather patterns. I sit ahead of the wing for an even better view, and on the shadow side of the plane to avoid sunlight glare on the windows. Yes, there is a method to my 1st house Saturn/Virgo madness! 

As I have Venus/Jupiter in Aquarius, the big picture from above inspires and excites me. Our planet Earth reveals itself in a myriad of surprising ways through a visual alchemy with the elements of air, fire, earth and water. No scenes is ever the same; constantly changing as the ground slowly passes by from my high perch. And in some cases the human element reveals itself. Yet, other than very large cities, signs of human design are dwarfed by the enormity of this beautiful planet.

Human Creations
Futuristic Array

Flying over the Nevada/California border en route to San Francisco from Denver, there’s the now defunct Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project started in 2011, but decommissioned in 2019 due to inconsistent power generation. This solar brain-child was to provide electricity to the State of Nevada via this huge array of solar panels. However, like any industry in its infancy, a steep learning curve can prove fatal to early efforts. 
Personally, I like looking for natural or artificial patterns from aloft. If I didn’t know better, I’d say this was either a UFO hiding out from the masses,  a mega crop circle, or a movie set for some sci-fi flick.

Desert Sunrise
Golden Morning Comes

My second image is more south near the southern California/Arizona border at sunrise. Light in the early morning or late afternoon takes on a golden-like mystical form. In the United States, if the schedule allows, I fly either a flight taking off at sunrise from the west coast traveling east, or a late afternoon flight going west, anticipating great stretching morning or late afternoon shadows over the Rocky Mountains, the Great Basin, and if on the LA track, the Grand Canyon area. 

Here, about 25 minutes into the flight, the clouds of the night were starting to dissipate as the climbing Sun warmed the ground. Suddenly these golden-lit mountains appeared as if by magic. I remember taking the picture, then putting the camera down so I could fully witness this emergence. Meanwhile everyone else in the cabin was sleeping while my window shade remained the only up. Yeah, I’m that person.

Greenland (and it ain't green!)
Southwestern Greenland
Icy Shadow Play

I have always wanted to see Greenland from high above. Flying from Frankfurt to Chicago, the flight path sometimes will skirt the lower part of this huge ice island. I make a point of checking the flight path and even asking a member of the flight crew about the track before we take off. Fortune favors the prepared! Yet, I’ve learned the North Atlantic can be capricious, hiding land forms under a seemingly perpetual cover of clouds, especially in the winter. 

On this particular flight, southern Greenland was waiting for us. These two images reveal the magnitude of this ice kingdom. Its steep cliffs and rugged shoreline reveal a hostile world, yet captivating in its stark beauty. Such a treat for the eyes!

The Ever Changing Rockies
Mountain Statement

Back to the Rocky Mountains. This scene is over southwestern Colorado. The snowscapes in these mountains are quite amazing. Yet composition is nonetheless challenging because of the lack of comparative scale. I like this picture in black and white, as it reveals the starkness of the white snow and the darkness of the mountain shadows in the late afternoon light. The small town at the foothills of these mountains was difficult to see at first. I can only imagine what the view must be like from ground level.

Namibia's Canyon Jewel
Fish River Canyon, Namibia

This next image takes you to the southern part of Namibia in southwestern Africa. Here is the Fish River Canyon, the second largest canyon in the world! Namibian landscapes are surreal. From stark canyons to monumental sand dunes to mountainous areas and large animals, such as the desert Elephants, Namibia is captivating and expansive. Here, I was a member of a photography group flying in a small prop airplane out of Fish River towards the Atlantic Coast and the deserted German mining town named Kolmanskop. The land here is sculpted by the strong winds that sweep off the chilly Atlantic coast. “Like a painting” I thought as we flew over this ancient terrain. In a future blog, I'll feature specifically some of my favorite images from this land of enchantment and mystical forms.

Thunder in the Morning
Madagascar Thunderous Morning

And my last image is of clouds. Whether I’m flying over the ocean or land, I find cloud patterns mesmerizing and sometimes daunting. These massive thunderclouds, some tinged in morning gold, were over the supersized island of Madagascar. I was en route to Johannesburg from Hong Kong on a 13-hour flight. Knowing in advance the plane time for sunrise and where the plane would approximately be, I was prepared to witness this anticipated morning treat. Again mind you, I’m the only one in the cabin with their window shade up. I guess this is one of those “early bird catches the thunderstorm” analogies.

I have many aerial images, and quite a number I have never gotten around to processing. That’s a future project. I selected these to provide you a sample of how I view the Earth from high above. The Taurus Sun shines its light on beauty and artistry. May the surge of Taurus and Scorpio energy over this lunation period stimulate and fuel your creative curiosity in new and energizing ways. May we all work towards a sustainable future for ourselves and those that follow.

Please leave your comments below (moderated)

Sat Nam

Starman, Joseph Mina

Stellenbosch, South Africa

April 27, 2021

Monday, December 21, 2020

Solstice Day December 21 2020: Aquarian Ideals into Action

 "God will not be recognized as a person, but God will be recognized as a primal truth and energy. The worship will change from a personified God to a more subtle truth, energy. It will not be a solar energy or a lunar energy; it will be the creative energy which is known as cosmos."
Harbhajan Singh Khalsa (Yogi Bhajan) (1929-2004)
Beginnings by
Starman, Joseph Mina

At the Solstice today, we begin a new energetic cycle; perhaps an uncharted direction in the coming three years. The cosmic wheel moves another notch ushering a new vibration into the expanding consciousness of humanity. Old traditional ways are disappearing; some gently, others not so gently. Yet disappear they must to make way for the new. Such is the power of these highly changeable times. The turning of the wheel. 

The first two decades of the 21st Century have been nothing short of transitional. Upheavals of traditions and structures, massive shifts and upgrades of technology, greater individual awareness of group consciousness, higher and expansive levels of collaboration, and a heightened sensitivity about the human role in this mystical elemental world represent strong telltale signs of bigger changes ahead in this decade.

Since 2000, there has been an approximate net increase in the world population of 1.7 billion. That's 1,700,000,000 in just 20 years. Early in 2021, the population will exceed 8 Billion. By contrast, just 200 years ago, the world population was estimated at 1 Billion (far less than added in the past 20 years!). This exponential growth continues to quicken adding unprecedented stress to the planet's eco-systems and the quality of life.

And with a rapidly increasing population a much greater awareness has emerged of our home planet and the Cosmos at large through developing technologies. Satellite and International Space Station observations and measurements provide us daily with a plethora of scientific information about the Earth, its weather and its geological changes. 

From this expanding awareness we have come to realize this planet has an enormous ability to effect massive, rapid shifts in the energetic field in which we live (viruses, earth changes etc). And very importantly, the very warning bells of building environmental stress, which were sounded back in the 1960's, now rapidly capture the attention and inspire action from a far greater number of people.

Last week I wrote about the recent eclipsed New Moon and today's Solstice. If you haven't done so, I suggest you read (or listen) to that account before going further here.

At this Solstice moment and over the next few days (just after noon in South Africa; midnight in Hawaii; 5:02 am on the East Coast US; 7:02 pm in Japan, and 10:02 UT) we now pause and reflect on the coming season - winter for the north; summer for the southern hemisphere.

So much opportunity now exists in the energetic field of possibilities due to massive changes (mostly unexpected) over the course of this past year. The bigger question: how will we use such change to effect a more positive, engaging, inter-connected and collective connection in the coming days?
Stretching Into the New
by Starman Joseph Min

Many people today will join in global meditation events, which I consider wonderful. Always a good thing when people come together to participate in something of an uplifting experience. By contrast, some tout such meditation events will help raise the vibration of the Planet. This is a good place for 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️(double head slap). It seems to me a bit arrogant to think the human species has ever possessed the ability or capacity to raise the vibration of a planet over 4.5 Billion years old. Personally, I think Gaia knows exactly how to shift its vibration, something it has done over 6 major extinction events. If anything, such heightened human attention would be much better spent attuning to the frequency of the Earth; simply listening/sensing rather concerning ourselves with how the Earth vibrates.

The Solstice chart for the coming season, as described in my previous blog, ushers in a new wave. Expansive Jupiter and structured Saturn coming together at the 0° point of Aquarius (closest they have been visibly seen in over 800 years) is telling, pointing to the potential for a much greater Aquarian existence over the next 20 years or so. And of course, Uranus, Aquarius' modern ruler, now transiting through Earth sign Taurus, will create strong squares with Jupiter and Saturn over the coming months to help reorganize/realign/further attune our own physical human vibration to the Earth's frequency.

In that spirit, and despite everything we think we know about humanity and its evolution, the Earth and its natural energetic field, the Solar System inter-relationships, and the Cosmos at large, the grand design of the Universe will readily show us how much we don't know in the coming days. That's how we grow. That's the essence of Uranus' transit in Taurus as we attune in new ways to the Earth's vibration and our own physical bodies. 

Hence, pay attention. Immerse yourself in the natural world. Take steps to protect the Earth's eco-systems, eg contact your elected officials, join an Earth-centric group, actively engage in environmental causes etc.

On a personal level, becoming an empty vessel would be a good start. Seems the Earth has a lot to teach us if we pay attention and listen to its messages expressed through the land and its animal denizens. 

Uranus' recent epic transit through Aries between 2010 and early 2019 with its 5 direct squares to Pluto in Capricorn was the catalytic seeding point for everything Uranian that follows in Taurus (now), Gemini (2025), Cancer (2032) etc. Remember, Uranus brings lightning quick changes in wholly unexpected (out of the blue) ways. For example, on the very day (March 11, 2011) Uranus reentered Aries after a quick revisit to Pisces, a massive 9+ earthquake and resultant tsunami struck Japan affecting the entire Pacific Rim. Talk about a sounding "pay attention" bell! 

And even more pertinent to this now moment, earlier today, just before the actual Solstice moment, Kilauea Crater on the Big Island of Hawaii (site of massive eruptions in 2018) reawakened from its long slumber. That's another Uranian-Taurus moment; a sounding bell!

With all that said, "expect nothing, be prepared for anything" as we move through the coming months. Uranus in Taurus encourages us to realign with the Earth's and our very own physical body's vibration, more so from an Aquarian viewpoint. That progressive wave literally means cleansing, strengthening and upgrading our physical body's core in collaboration with others. More recent versions of energetic body modalities align more with group approaches (Aquarius) rather than singular private ones. And in that vein, such expanded field of collective energy exhibits much more powerful entraining responses and shifts. That process will continue to further evolve and expand during Uranus' Taurus transit through 2025.

Suggested focus for the Solstice vibration:
Crescent Moon and Jupiter/Saturn
by Joseph Mina Dec 17 2020

1. Witness the pairing of Jupiter/Saturn in the western sky 30 minutes or so after sunset. As the days unfold, this pairing will grow apart and by January be lost in the glare of the Sun. "As above, so below", deeply breathe in the photons of light emanating from this pair into your body's core. Receive its messages.

2. Receive bodywork (energy attunement, craniosacral, chiropractic (I suggest Network Spinal), acupuncture, massage, group yoga etc. especially in this pandemic time. If you haven't done so, make this part of your routine. This is a much more energized, energy rich way to strengthen your body against virus spread than any man-made medical approach such as vaccines. Think progressively!

3. Follow an Earth-centric ritual to honor the seasonal change. Create a progressive intention for how you want to participate with others in the coming days.

4. For those in more temperate climes, plant a tree, shrub etc. as your contribution to the natural world.
Life Path Astrology Consultations - embracing the new:
 As 2021 rapidly nears, deepen your understanding of your natal birth chart along with a look ahead to 2021 and how to best navigate the planetary cycles of the new year. I am available for private one-to-one consultation sessions via Skype or Zoom (audio recorded). 

Gift certificates for family and friends are available too! 

Great changes present life changing opportunities. My personal astrological counseling session helps you create meaningful strategies for adapting and shifting with the current powerful planetary cycles. Schedule TODAY your appointment!]

Although the coming planetary archetypal cycles are intense, I feel excited to witness and actively participate in such enormous planetary change. Although the coming few weeks may prove unsettling as Mars completes its retrograde-square cycle with Pluto in Capricorn (previous blog), related events will highlight what is coming to an end and what is beginning. Bless it all and let it go. This is a time to transcend the rhetoric of fear and embrace a more progressive way for attuning to the Earth, its natural world denizens, and our fellow humans.

One last note: the other day I was sorting through saved files I had on an external computer drive. Together in one folder I found the movies Avatar and The Matrix (part 1). Each very similar to the other: about transcending the apparent to immerse into the real. Given what I have witnessed over the past 9 months, their reappearance to my awareness is so timely; their messages more pertinent than ever. Glad I can share such with a much wider audience.

Please leave comments below.

Sat Nam

Starman, Joseph Mina
December 21, 2020
Stellenbosch, WC 
South Africa

Monday, April 28, 2014

Annular Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse April 28: Earth First

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race. Wonder and humility are wholesome emotions, and they do not exist side by side with a lust for destruction."
Rachel Carson, Marine Biologist, author of Silent Spring

"Forsythia" sketch by Joseph Mina
Spring is that unique time when life quickens without hesitation after a deep, long slumber. The speed with which life rebounds is rather startling. As if on universal cue, an environmental renaissance takes place before our very eyes. During this time, the vibrant smell and sight of new growth speaks to the depths of our human form. Our body has evolved over millions of years of trial and error in this magical brew. It innately knows this essence and awakening. Equally, it innately knows when this eon old eco-system is out of balance. Are we attuned to what we instinctively or innately know about planet Earth? This Taurus New Moon vibe offers a gut check for that very question.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the Taurus New Moon in the springtime. Unlike any other astrological sign, archetypal Taurus, one of the 3 earth signs, connects and grounds us to planet Earth. We put our hands in the soil; we breathe deeply the fresh air; we revel in the experience of liquid H2O; and we consume Earth's gifts for nourishment and strength. Our senses become intoxicated with spring's rush of life.

This eclipsed Taurus New Moon arrives with strong lunar intention. For the most brief of moments, the shadow cap of the Moon barely grazes the Earth over a very remote area of Antarctica. Annularity