"The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood." Martin Luther King (1929-68)
“The only bond worth anything between human beings is their humanness.” Jesse Owens, Olympic Champion, Berlin 1936
Moon reaches the culmination of its light on August 1 or 2 in the humanitarian and socially conscious sign of Aquarius. Full Moon occurs on the 1st at 5:27 pm in Hawaii, 8:27 PDT, and on the 2nd, shortly after midnight in Nova Scotia, then east to the International Date Line. UT = 7:27/Aug 2.
This Aquarian Moon shines its silver spotlight toward the realm of humanity and social equality, interconnection and cooperation. The Olympic games, currently taking place in London, hold the intention of these ideals.
Martin Luther King tirelessly walked this Earth in selfless service, embracing these Aquarian values. With his natal Mercury in Aquarius, almost exact to the degree of this Full