Saturday, December 18, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse & Solstice - December 2010: Crimson Light Magic

"We went to the Moon as technicians, we returned as humanitarians."
Edgar Mitchell, co-founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences, 6th Astronaut to walk on the Moon

"Thirst drove me down to the water where I drank the Moon's reflection"

The Full Moon occurs at 29 degrees Gemini on December 20th in the late evening in Hawaii (10:13), and on the 21st from the West Coast, east to the International Date Line. During this lunation, the Moon slips into the crimson filled Earth's shadow, reaching totality beginning at 9:40p (HST); 11:40 PST; 2:40a EST, 7:40a UT (Universal Time) Totality lasts for approximately 1 hr and 15 minutes. This potent dynamic occurs just 15 hours before the Sun moves into the cardinal sign of Capricorn, signaling the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

Let me say up front, I consider this chart dynamic as an indicator of a "seeding point" for the next 4 years, much in the same light I forecast this past summer's Cardinal Climax events. While a few astrologers suggest this Gemini Full Moon chart is the "true 2012" chart, containing the potency to create significant global shifts. I take a different tact. Reasons are outlined below.