Monday, October 4, 2010

It Takes Two To Tango

Greetings or Konnichiwa from beautiful Japan. Kathryn and I are here throughout October teaching 3 Bodywork workshops, and facilitating 2 Spiritual Retreats. During our stay, we visit Tokyo, Hamamatsu and Kyoto (near Osaka) and Lake Biwako, Tateshina and Kiso in the autumn colored mountains of central Japan.

Over the past few days, and continuing through mid-October, an unusual energetic dynamic is astrologically active: 4 pairs of planetary energies occurring simultaneously. While the coming together of two planetary energies is not unusual in astrological circles, 4 potent pairs occurring at the same time is unusual, warranting further examination. Here's the chart for October 3:

While none of these planetary paring is directly linked to the other pairs, each presents a strong and unique vibration of energy. The mixing of these vibrations in the ethers can stir the astrological soup in ways not easily described or understood. Let's look at these 4 pairs individually. 

Sun and Saturn in Libra. The Sun moves around the zodiac yearly. Saturn takes considerably more time for one cycle (approx 29 years). So, each year the Sun will catch up to Saturn and create for a period of about 10 days a mingling of their energy. In 2010 the exact meeting was on October 1 at 8 degrees Libra. 

Sun energy represents the fuel you burn. Sort of like the gas in the tank. While most people tend to over associate with their Sun sign (I'm a Libra, I'm a Cancer etc via the newspaper "horrorscope"), the highest Sun essence is more aligned with how you move your energy. When the Sun moves through the sign of Libra each Autumn, more intense focus or light is placed on Libran like qualities, such as relationships of all types, beauty and the arts, and diplomacy. 

By contrast, Saturn moving through the sign of Libra brings structure, focus, discernment and altered perceptions of how you interact with others on all levels of relationship. Add the Sun's fuel to the mix and new awareness is brought to consciousness about how relationships work or don't work in your life, and what level of discernment is necessary for healthy relationships. This energetic pair's mingling continues through October 11. 

Venus and Mars in Scorpio. Depending on a number of factors, this feminine/masculine archetypal meeting occurs every 14 to 20 months or so. The timing of this year's meeting is more unusual due to the coming Venus retrograde (Oct 7). 

They first came together just this past August in Libra (the sign ruled by Venus). Venus being faster at first moved away from Mars. However, its recent retrograde slowdown has allowed Mars to catch up in Scorpio. Today, they come together for the 2nd time. They'll remain in lock-step with each other until around October 12. Then, Mars continues on in Scorpio, while Venus moves in the other direction (retrograde) until November 18th.

In part, Scorpio presides over the realm of intimate interaction and shared resources. It is the path to the underworld, the place of deep feelings and life force. Venus and Mars together in this sign, especially before a Venus Retrograde, raises questions about intimacy and commitment. How do you experience that vibration in your life, especially with those close to you? The intention here is to clear away barriers to a more intimate expression with significant people in your life. Scorpio can also serve as a catalyst to end relationships no longer feeding you on an intimate level (e.g. "taking your power back). 

Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. This combo was the focus in our recent video blog. Suffice it to say this duo has sure raised the water vibration (Pisces) around the globe. Of late, significant weather related water events have been quite prominent in the news in Pakistan, Mexico, Central America, Europe and the Northeast US. 

Further, as Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury and communication, its present retrograde, amplified by Jupiter's presence, has made this time feel like an extended "Mercury Retrograde". This explains "why" recent life events in your personal world, or the world at large may seem a bit topsy-turvy, and perhaps "overly sensitive". 

Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius - Since 2009, this pairing has fueled a desire for social justice (Aquarius), healing those parts of the greater humanitarian vision that have been wounded or misused in past generations. On a personal level, their moving together in Aquarius has fueled deeper desires to revision (Neptune) how we share our essence in the world by healing (Chiron) that which no longer serves our highest intentions and spiritual desires. 

This pair continues moving together in the late degrees of Aquarius through January, 2011. Their final Aquarian passage signals an intensification of Aquarius themes such as freedom, revolution, social justice and equality for all - it's no wonder the coming election cycle is quite intense and emotional, hovering on border-line insanity. 

Bringing it all together: the unusual pairing mix of personal (Venus/Mars), social (Jupiter/Saturn) and generational (Uranus/Neptune) type energies found in these 4 pairs points to on-going substantive changes occurring on all levels of awareness. How you continue to learn, integrate and transform these on-going shifts internally is fundamental for surfing the potent energetic waves of new consciousness over next 5 years. 

Strategies: (note one or more of these pairings are amplified if their planetary position is activating significant elements in your natal chart)

Sun/Saturn - consciously examine your relationships and your role in their creation, evolvement, and present state. Be discerning about what serves and nurtures you. Make conscious choices about continuing or ending relationships. 

Venus/Mars - "life force" connections with others covers a wide-range of experiences. Usually, some are healthy; others are dysfunctional and/or draining. This coming Venus retrograde provides the quiet time to reconnect with your own inner authority, examining how you use "life force" to co-create with others. Sun/Saturn review will provide "context" for this piece of the cosmic puzzle. 

Jupiter/Uranus - "breaking the mold" is one way of describing this dynamic. Given Pisces sensitivity and global connection to the "oneness", this potent duo provides the energy for intuition, creative expressions, and expanded access to the dream time. Pay attention to insights, dreams, revelations and your inner sensitivities. This duo's movement back into Aries in 2011 signals "new life" awaits. In the meantime, let the old forms/structures no longer serving you dissolve, or shift into a new form. 

Chiron/Neptune -  take the time to "vision". Create or update your vision board. This duo is moving over the same ground they occupied when Jupiter moved in lock-step with them in 2009. So this ground carries that expansive vibe. Use it to see yourself in a bigger way in the greater consciousness. "You are the answer to your prayers." 

Next Blog - Libra New Moon and Venus Retrograde.

Aloha from the Land of the Rising Sun
Starman, Joseph Mina
October 3, 2010
©Gemini Awakening 2010 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems


  1. VERY helpful and informative...sounds like a complicated mix. Thanks Joseph.

  2. You're welcome Sandy. Glad you are finding the information useful.

  3. Been evolving my world here of late... and you've described that flow rather well!!! Good to be in tune! Happy Japaning...

  4. Thanks for this very articulate information - esp. good for those of us who do not speak much astrology!


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