Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 2011 Eclipses: Dancing with the Shadows

"Oh dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon,
Irrecoverably dark, total Eclipse
Without all hope of day!"
John Milton, English poet (1608-74)

"Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud.
Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,
And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.
All men make faults, and even I in this."

William Shakespeare, English poet and playwright (1564-1616)

This Astrology blog looks at the potent Eclipse dynamics unfolding in the month of June into July. With the Gemini New Moon behind us, and a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius less than a week away, I examine in broad detail how these celestial events point to events of the past, present and future, and how this may influence the life choices you make in the coming 6 months.

Our human relationship with Eclipses: the above quotes underscore how solar or lunar eclipses once evoked great fear, depressing thoughts, or dread in people.The “unexpected” and misunderstood darkening of the Sun or Moon was seen as a sign of great trouble, or some ominous omen of heavenly wrath. By contrast, today’s astronomers understand the physical mechanics of these extraordinary celestial movements, and mark their future occurrences with uncanny precision.

Yet, there remains the unmeasurable quality of an eclipse; one that evokes awe, wonder, and a connection to something much bigger than ourselves. Herein lies the mystical, archetypal

world of the unseen, where an eclipse event signals the onset of an internal, shadow-like cathartic period of introspection. In turn, this includes a time of readjustment, dissolving old structures, and making way for something new. This inward journey mirrors the archetypal path of the Tarot’s Hangman card - one of surrender, reversal (paradox) and personal reflection.

Voyager Tarot Intuition Cards
With the arrival of the Gemini New Moon at the beginning of this month, we entered a period of 3 consecutive eclipses (2 every 6 months is the norm), whose influence extends through mid-July, and perhaps beyond into 2012. Further, its potential effect on the outer and inner world appears to be an intensely unpredictable one in terms of its ramifications and direction. If recent solar, weather and earth changes phenomena are any indication, buckle your seat belts, take time to further strengthen your body's core energies, and live your passion.

From a very wide perspective (my inner Aquarian speaking here), Astrology focuses in part on planetary cycles and transits. Further, the astrological wheel marks the passage of time and the relative movement across the celestial sphere of celestial bodies. It uses the power of metaphor and analogy to equate such movement to archetypes, patterns and themes inherently linked to our evolutionary journey on planet Earth, and on a personal level, the unexpected twists and turns of your life journey.

On occasion, certain cycles or transits occur that point to a larger cycle; either reminding us of a significant past event, reigniting a present day cycle, or pointing to the future and what is to come. Remarkably, this month's  3 eclipses cover all 3 of these time frames
. Hence, this dynamic indicates we are potentially in for a period of stress/challenge, growth, transformation, refinement and awakening. These cycles, in chronological sequence, are as follows:
AstroActivator©2001  by Kathryn Mina
New Moon at 11 Gemini on June 1 - Future: A partial solar eclipse occurred this day in the far northern latitudes (think of it as crossing between the Earth's 6th and 7th chakras). The 11 degree placement of the Sun/Moon points to a future event, as it occurs near the degree point (16 degrees) for the coming June 5, 2012 epic and very rare transit of Venus across the face of the Sun.

Venus/Sun transits sequentially occur every 121.5, 8, 105.5 and 8 years. Combined, these equal a 243 year cycle, which is a focal point in the Mayan Calendar for significant shifts of consciousness. Interestingly, during these 243 years, Venus will have orbited the Sun 365 times. There are many other number "coincidences" emanating from this shrouded planet.

Venus last transited the Sun 8 years ago in June 2004. This was its first transit in 121.5 years. And what an 8 year period it has been since 2004!!! Because of the significance of this cycle, I have re-posted on our site my June 2004 blog entry. This page contains important background information about the Venus transit and its influences on the Industrial Revolution and events in Hawaii.

On this eclipsed New Moon, you are encouraged to move inward, connecting to those child-like spontaneous, passionate, playful aspects of your psyche that may have felt inhibited or ignored since your early days. These child-like Gemini traits will prove important over the next 12 months for shifting your life strategies in tandem with unpredictable societal shifts occurring in 2012 and beyond. More on this in future blogs.
Full Moon at 24 Sagittarius on June 15 - Past: A very long total eclipse of the Moon occurs on this date, as the Moon travels deep into the heart of the Earth's dark crimson shadow (think of it as a journey into the 4th chakra). The event is visible over Asia, Australia, Europe, parts of South America and Africa. Unfortunately, North America (and Hawaii/Alaska) will not see this celestial event as it occurs during daylight hours.

The Moon's degree position occurs very close to the Galactic Center Point at 26 Sagittarius. This placement points to Pluto’s recent transit across or near Galactic Center between 2005 and 2008. That particular 3 years transit sowed the seeds for the global financial meltdown of late 2008 to present. What lessons have you learned from this period? This shadow event helps you look deep within to find the gold lining (optimistic Jupiter rules Sagittarius) from these on-going rapid, and monumental shifts in consciousness and structure.

New Moon at 9 Cancer - Present: The 2nd partial solar eclipse of the month occurs on June 30th in a very remote area of Antarctica (think of it as stimulating the root chakra). The celestial energy this day reactivates for the summer the Cardinal Climax set in motion last summer. Once again Saturn in Libra (1), Uranus in Aries (2) and Pluto in Capricorn (3) come in close association to create this very significant T-square. Further, the Sun/Moon (4) position temporarily transforms this dynamic into a Grand Cross configuration. The polarization dynamics of this geometry adds significant critical tension and heat (physical and energetic) to the conscious and 3D fields.This New Moon ushers in a potent 3 month period of recalibration and redirection in the foundational areas of Resources (Aries), Career (Capricorn), Home (Cancer) and Relationship (Libra). This is a strong portal evoking change for aligning with your life purpose and direction

Conclusion: Potent cycles are building. In a matter of minutes, powerful and on-going earth changes the past 6 months have altered and redirected many lives. June's eclipses and associated world events once again remind us in no uncertain terms it's time to pay attention and take action internally and externally. While I do not subscribe to a specific event marking a global shift in consciousness (e.g. Rapture, Ascension, 2012, etc. etc.), the astrological cycles at play through 2015 mark decided turning points in our evolutionary journey.

As I have previously posted, the human stage is rapidly shifting to a new perspective with a host of new life options. We are treading on new ground. If anything, our responsibility to experience life, be of conscious service in the world, and make quality of life choices (e.g. sustainability) is being heightened considerably. Our recent trip to Japan reminded us of the importance of society working together cohesively and compassionately in times of great shift. We are all in this together, regardless of our perspective, beliefs etc.

Riding the crest of the wave is both exciting and perilous. And therein lies the world's dilemma. Uranus or Saturn??? Radical change or a return to stability??? Move forward or retreat??? If history is any guide, great achievements have occurred at perilous times when the answer to this question was a step of courage into the unknown. In 1947, test pilot, Chuck Yeager, said it best as his jet airplane started to dangerously shake nearing the sound barrier. Earlier, two test pilots before him reached this decision point, hesitated, quickly lost control of their aircraft, and died. With that notion before him, Yeager knew he had but one choice. His infamous words said it all: "throttle up". The rest is history.

Coming: Recent travels abroad have made video blogging, let alone simple writing a timely challenge. As we return to a more familiar pace in Hawaii we plan to make more video content available over the coming months covering current astrological cycles, as well as on-line instructional guides for understanding the magical world of astrology.

As of now, our blog entries later this week and at month-end will cover in greater detail and depth the dynamics of the Sagittarius Full Moon, Summer Solstice and partially eclipsed Cancer New Moon. Also, we'll cover in a separate blog other June celestial events, including the significance of Jupiter entering into Taurus, and the related influences triggering many social issues both here and abroad.

Aloha from Big Island, Hawaii
Starman, Joseph Mina
June 12, 2011

©Gemini Awakening 2011 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems


  1. Mahalo Joseph. Very timely and insightful.

  2. mahalo plenny bro joseph...hang in there with yer adjustments at did you guys fair in the tidal waves? all cleaned up?...i'll be reading this a couple more times & have shared it with some other pals too. aloha ao aka'aka kala & mahalo nui tom in vancouver (komo lekela)


I welcome your comments and feedback. I also moderate the comments to ensure only comments germane to the article are included. Mahalo, Joseph